* Added feature-gates deprecation guidelines and policy as per discussion: SIG-architecture meeting
* Update deprecation-policy.md
Fixes and initial feedback incorporated.
* Removed unneeded sentence
Removed complicated sentence that is better phrased one sentence later.
* Incorporated feedback - Sept 22nd.
Re-structured following key ideas from the feedback.
* Fixed nits 7th October
Fixed nits 7th October
* Incorporated feedback Oct 25th
Incorporated 'invocation triggers warning' and what to do when disabling a no-op.
* fixed "tide"
Announced for completed
* Incorporated feedback from sig docs
* Clarify that beta annotations can not be removed
Removing annotations caused a major outage with nodes that lagged the
master. We used annotations as would-be fields, though we don't any
more. Now we just add fields. That makes them part of the API version.
These annotations are effectively part of the API version, too.
It stinks because I love to delete code, but I think it's just part of
the debt-accrual process and yet another reason we need to be judicious
in adding fields.
* Change 6 month deprecations to 9 months
This covers maximum version skew. For example a master might be at
1.10, while nodes are at 1.8. We must not break compat within that