- Translate reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates.md int… (#22240)
- Fix issue of broken links to translated docs (#22105)
- Fix issue of document link in some ko documents (#22379)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/access-cluster-services.md into Ko… (#21776)
- Fix issue with 'Linux' and 'Windows' notation in Korean docs (#22362)
- Fix issue of broken links to translated docs #2 (#22270)
- Fix issue with k8s.io/ko/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api.md (#22261)
- Fix issue with k8s.io/ko/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/ (#22263)
- Fix incorrect notation of 'directory' into Korean (#22155)
- Fix issue with k8s.io/ko/docs/concepts/overview/components.md (#22232)
- Update outdated files in dev-1.18-ko.7 (#22128)
- Modify spacing term ReplicaSet in Korean (#22148)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/extended-resource-node.md into Korean (#21849)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/access-cluster-api.md into Korean (#21730)
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: woopyoung <ywp041@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: coolguyhong <podolsmith@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: PyungHo Yoon <learder@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: jmyung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Ian Y. Choi <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>
- Update outdated files in dev-1.18-ko.6 partly (#21714)
- Translate StorageClass to Korean word (#21805)
- Translate StatefulSet to Korean word in pods.md (#21794)
- Translate tasks/run-application/delete-stateful-set/ in Korean (#21686)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/change-default-storage-class in Korean (#21801)
- update outdated docs (#21940)
- Modify spacing term StatefulSet in Korean (#21871)
- Translate /tasks/administer-cluster/coredns in Korean (#21876)
- Fix typo in k8s.io/ko/docs/contribute/new-content/new-content/ (#21975)
- Translation error correction in /concepts/containers/runtime-class.md (#21868)
- Translate tasks/tls/certificate-rotation/ in Korean (#21838)
- Translate /tasks/configure-pod-container/static-pod in Korean (#21798)
- Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.6 branch - (1/4) (#21911)
- Fix English bugs in Korean documentation (#21994)
- Update outdated dev-1.18-ko.6 partly (#22067)
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: PyungHo Yoon <learder@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jordy Ruiter <jordy.ruiter@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bluefriday <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dajin Gwon <d.gweon@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: Hyungseok Lee <hs0426.lee@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: Jihoon Seo <jihoon.seo@etri.re.kr>
Co-authored-by: coolguyhong <podolsmith@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: jmyung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
- Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.5 branch. (#21450)
- Translate tasks/run-application/run-single-instance-stateful-application in Korean (#21174)
- Translate tasks/debug-application-cluster/determine-reason-pod-failure in Korean (#21515)
- Translate tasks/manage-hugepages/scheduling-hugepages.md into Korean (#21337)
- Translate tasks/extend-kubectl/kubectl-plugins.md into Korean (#21454)
- Translate tasks/manage-daemon/rollback-daemon-set.md into Korean (#21376)
- Translate contribute/generate-ref-docs/overview in Korean (#21466)
- Translate reference/kubectl/overview.md into Korean (#21552)
- Translate configure-pod-initialization in Korean (#21600)
- Translate tasks/manage-daemon/update-daemon-set.md into Korean (#21378)
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yoon <learder@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: guslcho <jamie14@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: DongMoon Kim <dmoons.kim@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bluefriday <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
- Translate docs/reference/issues-security/_index.md into Korean (#21145)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/adding-windows-nodes.md into Korean (#21003)
- Translate manage-resources/memory-default-namespace.md into Korean (#21089)
- Translate tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry in Korean (#21036)
- Translate contribute/advanced.md into Korean (#21002)
- Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.4 branch. (#21102)
- Translate manage-resources/cpu-constraint-namespace.md into Korean (#21048)
- Translate manage-resources/memory-constraint-namespace.md into Korean (#21091)
- Translate setup/release/notes.md in Korean (#21158)
- Translate manage-resources/quota-pod-namespace.md into Korean (#21087)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/upgrading-windows-nodes.md into Korean (#20999)
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-certs.md into Korean (#21000)
- Translate manage-resources/quota-memory-cpu-namespace.md into Korean (#21088)
- Translate manage-resources/cpu-default-namespace.md into Korean (#21090)
- Translate contribute/suggesting-improvements.md into Korean (#21001)
- Translate quality-service-pod in Korean (#21081)
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesang Myung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: DongMoon Kim <dmoons.kim@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesang Myung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bluefriday <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
- Translate cluster-administration/networking.md in Korean
- Fix issue with concepts/storage/volumes.md
- Translate /concepts/configuration/pod-overhead in Korean
- Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.3 branch.
- Translate concepts/configuration/configmap.md in Korean
- Translate contribute/review/reviewing-prs/ in Korean
- Translate concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption.md in Korean
- Translate tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-volume-storage in Korean
- Translate contribute/new-content/new-content/ in Korean
- Translate concepts/architecture/control-plane-node-communication.md in Korean
- Restore the deleted master-node-communication.md file
- Translate concepts/cluster-administration/addons.md in Korean
- Translate contribute/new-content/overview/ in Korean
- Translate tasks/tools/install-kubectl.md in Korean
- Translate concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers.md in Korean
- Translate tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade/ in Korean
- add new words to Korean glossary and fix minor
- Translate contribute/style/_index.md in Korean
- Translate concepts/cloud-administration/cloud-providers.md in Korean
- Translate contribute/review/for-approvers.md in Korean
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: jmyung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: coolguyhong <podolsmith@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bluefriday <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: SangshikLee <neolss@gmail.com>
* Translate /concepts/cluster-administration/kubelet-garbage-collection in Korean (#20274)
* Translate cluster-administration/logging.md in Korean (#20409)
* Translate tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-memory-resource.md in … (#20167)
* Translate community/_index.html in Korean. (#20317)
* Translate storage/storage-classes.md in Korean. (#20310)
* Translate configuration/resource-bin-packing.md in Korean. (#20276)
* Translate extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins.md (#20406)
* Translate compute-storage-net/network-plugins.md in Korean (#20407)
* Translate concepts/cluster-administration/certificates.md (#20330)
* Translate assign-pods-nodes-using-node-affinity to Korean (#20307)
* Translate cluster-administration/manage-deployment.md in Korean (#20366)
* Translate configuration/taint-and-toleration.md in Korean (#20404)
* Translate logging-elasticsearch-kibana.md in Korean (#20300)
* add anchors of subtitle in ko/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy (#20399)
* Translate task/scheduling-gpus in Korean (#20212)
* Translate conceps/storage/volume-snapshots in Korean (#19955)
* Translate network/validate-dual-stack.md in Korean (#20271)
* Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.2 branch. (#20244)
* Update to a link to the newly translated document. (#20247)
Co-Authored-By: bluefriday <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: cometrojan <d.gweon@samsung.com>
Co-Authored-By: coolguyhong <podolsmith@naver.com>
Co-Authored-By: DongMoon Kim <dmoons.kim@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: jmyung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
Co-Authored-By: seokho-son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: sunminjeon <sunmin.jeon@samsung.com>
Co-Authored-By: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
* Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.18-ko.1 branch (#19886)
* Translate reference/glossary/service-catalog.md in Korean (#20055)
* Translate storage/dynamic-provisioning.md in Korean (#19952)
* Translate extend-kubernetes/extend-cluster.md in Korean (#20031)
* Translate storage/persistent-volumes.md in Korean (#19906)
* Translate partners/_index.html in Korean (#19967)
* Translate extend-kubernetes/operator.md in Korean (#20037)
* Translate assign-pods-nodes to Korean (#20035)
* Translate scheduling/kube-scheduler.md in Korean (#19879)
* Translate concepts/containers/overview in Korean (#19885)
* Translate policy/pod-security-policy.md in Korean (#19922)
* Translate policy/limit-range.md in Korean (#19912)
* Translate policy/resource-quotas.md in Korean (#19931)
* Translate extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources.md in Korean (#20093)
* Translate reference/glossary/managed-service.md in Korean (#20150)
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: heechang lee <bluefriday86@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: coolguyhong <podolsmith@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: santachopa <santachopa@naver.com>
Co-authored-by: Jesang Myung <jesang.myung@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
- Translation error correction with k8s.io/ko/docs/concepts/overview/components.md (#19720)
- Error correction with overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects.md (#19735)
- Fix issues with working-with-objects/namespaces.md (#19753)
- Issue with working-with-objects/object-management.md (#19740)
- Fix issue with working-with-objects/labels.md (#19763)
- Translate training/_index.html in Korean. (#19718)
- Update links to docs that reference new docs added in the dev-1.17-ko.6 branch. (#19724)
- Fix Issues with working-with-objects/names.md (#19749)
- Update to Outdated files in the dev-1.17-ko.7 branch (#19712)
- Error correction with /concepts/overview/kubernetes-api.md (#19733)
- Translation error correction in /concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes.md (#19710)
- Typo in /contribute/participating.md (#19683)
- Correct the Korean word typo 맴버 to 멤버 (#19674)
Co-Authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: Jerry Park <jaehwa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
* Update to Outdated files in dev-1.17-ko.6 branch.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
- Update to Outdated files in dev-1.17-ko.2 branch. (#18236)
- Update path of referenced links in translated documents - 1.17 (#18282)
- Use original text for a code (#18358)
- Updates to documents that do not reflect the original text - 1.17 (#18270)
- Translate services-networking/dual-stack.md in Korean. (#18251)
- Update cluster-large.md (#18232)
- Translate services-networking/network-policies.md in Korean. (#18269)
- Modify reference links for translated documents added from previous branches. (#18432)
- Translate docs/concepts/services-networking/add-entries-to-pod-etc-hosts-with-host-aliases.md in Korean (#18484)
Co-Authored-By: Lawrence Kay <lkay9495@hotmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: Jmnote <opcore@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: Claudia J.Kang <claudiajkang@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-Authored-By: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: Yuk, Yongsu <ysyukr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Lawrence Kay <me@lkaybob.pe.kr>
Co-authored-by: Jmnote <opcore@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho Son <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
* ko-trans: Update outdated contents in ko7 branch (#12762)
* ko: Update outdated files in dev-1.13-ko.7 (#12805)
* ko: Translate docs/home/_index.md in Korean (#12829)
* Translate scheduler-perf-tuning.md in Korean (#12782)
* Translate concepts/overview/object-management-kubectl/overview in Korean (#12834)
* Fix new line in Korean translation scheduler-perf-tuning.md (#12835)
* ko: Translate tutorials/online-training/overview.md in Korean (#12854)
* ko: Translate contribute/_index.md in Korean (#12850)
* ko: Update localization guide about instruction-type content (#12877)
Co-authored-by: June Yi <june.yi@samsung.com>
Co-authored-by: Claudia J.Kang <claudiajkang@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seokho <shsongist@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kim Young Dae <38598117+zer0big@users.noreply.github.com>