* replace pearson case study with new one
*this is already on the index page from awhile ago so I didn't add it to the top before NYT as a result
* add images
* Add a note regarding escaping characters
Updated docs with a note regarding escaping characters, it's important because it won't work well otherwise.
* Update secret.md
* No escape required for --from-file
Feedback from @mengqiy
Added information to install cfssl and cfssljson on all etc nodes as they are required to generate clients certificates
Change <podname> to <name> in static pod yaml description for etcd deployment
Additionaly the first bash script in "Run kubeadm init on master0" section doesn't render correctly on kubernetes.io site (https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/high-availability/) but I don't see any pb with markdown.
* Issue #8493 - Missing instructions in "Creating HA clusters with kubeadm":
- change to kubeadm-init.yaml: configure `advertiseAddress` to the VIP
- added section with instructions for configuring `kubelet`, `kube-controller-manager` and `kube-scheduler` to use the VIP
* Issue #8493 - Missing instructions in "Creating HA clusters with kubeadm": Change use the 'controlPlaneEndpoint' setting in kubeadm-init.yaml, hence no configuration file patching afterwards is necessary anymore.
* Issue #8493 - added private IP to apiServerCertSANs as proposed by @detiber
These pages did not use any template and the displayed toc started
with two bullet points.
* Use the concept template everywhere and add capture markers.
* Rework content-organization.md to move the references to a "whatsnext"
* Fix in localization.md a misparsed list.
* fixing date format
* Update 2018-06-01-dynamic-ingress-kubernetes.md
* Rename 2018-06-01-dynamic-ingress-kubernetes.md to 2018-06-07-dynamic-ingress-kubernetes.md
* Add kbarnard10 as sole reviewer for auto assignment
* Add acontini as sole reviewer for case studies auto assignment
Un-comment out the reviewer declaration
Un-comment out the reviewer declaration
* Getting started gce deadlink
modify for kubernetes/website link
remove unnecessary .md link
* modify link from github.com to kubernetes.io
* revert blogs modification
* revert blog post for meta char
Fix some hugo transition issues:
* Use `file` as code syntax following our style guide and fixing
bug #8868
* Reformat Note so that it's not displayed as text.
Closes: #8868