`base64` generates 76-character chunks of text, delimited by a space character. the `=+/` characters are removed, so on the (uniformly random) offchance that 44 characters are removed, the last `dd` will read a whitespace, and the token will include a whitespace, which "usually" isn't defined as an "alphanumeric character." Removing the space character as well, would mean that 142 of the characters would have to be a `=+/[:space:]`, before the token becomes shorter.
* [docs] Fix syntax formatting in HA-setup doc.
Attempts to fix an unformatted code block; whatever markdown parser is being used seems to have gotten tripped up, and as a result the inline `yaml` in the script is interpreted as bullet points... it looks [pretty yucky](http://jstu.art/sAjc). I'm wondering if this is something specific to the Hugo toolchain? Because GH itself recognizes the block as valid, even with the `none` syntax type.
If this doesn't trigger a CI build preview, I can test locally to verify.
* [css] Don't display ul/li bullets on UI 'tabs-nav' components.
* [docs] Revert HA docs changes.
This reverts commit f5cf5c7e4f.
Cannot copy any apiserver* keys and certs, as they are generated on startup. If not, it results in an error from kubeadm
certificate apiserver is not signed by corresponding CA
Also, if the kubernetes.list does not exist you will not be able to edit it, so adding touch and then add the line will prevent errors with installing via apt-get.
It is confusing to capitalize "container" because it isn't really a primitive or API object. Furthermore, this guideline doesn't appear to be closely followed.
* Overall cleanup for kubeadm setup guide.
* Add sonobuoy verification next step
* Partial copyedits
Hit a place where we also have formatting issues, plus a TODO (removed bc these changes go live as soon as merged). More work to do, but this should help the bottleneck for now.
* Address comments from reviewers
* Copy edits, fiddly bits, and clearer warnings
Incorporated feedback from @mistyhacks, fixed many nits, reorganized some **Note:** content more sensibly.
* Revised title per feedback
* replace pearson case study with new one
*this is already on the index page from awhile ago so I didn't add it to the top before NYT as a result
* add images
* Add a note regarding escaping characters
Updated docs with a note regarding escaping characters, it's important because it won't work well otherwise.
* Update secret.md
* No escape required for --from-file
Feedback from @mengqiy
Added information to install cfssl and cfssljson on all etc nodes as they are required to generate clients certificates
Change <podname> to <name> in static pod yaml description for etcd deployment
Additionaly the first bash script in "Run kubeadm init on master0" section doesn't render correctly on kubernetes.io site (https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/high-availability/) but I don't see any pb with markdown.
* Issue #8493 - Missing instructions in "Creating HA clusters with kubeadm":
- change to kubeadm-init.yaml: configure `advertiseAddress` to the VIP
- added section with instructions for configuring `kubelet`, `kube-controller-manager` and `kube-scheduler` to use the VIP
* Issue #8493 - Missing instructions in "Creating HA clusters with kubeadm": Change use the 'controlPlaneEndpoint' setting in kubeadm-init.yaml, hence no configuration file patching afterwards is necessary anymore.
* Issue #8493 - added private IP to apiServerCertSANs as proposed by @detiber