After removing the sections of the page that are not in line with the
content guide, there is little left.
Edit pages that link to removed task to no longer link there.
Redirect using 302 status so that there is a future opportunity to reinstate
the page or something like it.
- Avoid links to removed cluster management task
- Broaden applicability of “Safely Drain A Node”
- Add (stub) cluster upgrade task page
- Add a basic page about upgrading your cluster.
- Add a task page about enabling or disabling HTTP APIs
Readers from several different backgrounds will find it useful to know
about how Kubernetes controls access to its API. Promote this overview
to the Security subsection of Concepts.
Where an existing Concept section has an index and the first page is
“Overview of X”, move the content of that overview into the index page
Also, configure redirects accordingly.