* Moved "Assigning Pods to Nodes" article to Concepts -> Scheduling and Eviction
* Moved "Taints and Tolerations" article to Concepts -> Scheduling and Eviction
* Updated weight of the "Kubernetes Scheduler" article so it appears first
* Updated redirects
* Replaced links to "Assigning Pods to Nodes" and "Taints and Tolerations" articles
to avoid redirects.
Signed-off-by: Adam Kaplan <adam.kaplan@redhat.com>
Proposing fixes for some issues in the page:
1. Handle display issue for the 'kubectl run' command, where pipe character ('|') is not properly escaped, so the text gets trimmed.
Currently the text is rendered like this: "run `kubectl run NAME --image=image [--env=“key=value”] [--port=port] [--replicas=replicas] [--dry-run=server".
The correct text will be displayed like:
"kubectl run NAME --image=image [--env="key=value"] [--port=port] [--replicas=replicas] [--dry-run=server|client|none] [--overrides=inline-json] [flags]".
Also, the description column would be displayed properly.
2. Fixing output of 'get pods' command, when flag --server-print is set to false.
The only displayed columns would be NAME and AGE.
3. Fixing description and sample command for delete pods (kubectl delete pods,service ..), where 'label-name' text is ambiguously used as the label's value. Labels are key-value pairs.
Suggested way of writting it:
"# Delete all the pods and services that have the label '<label-key>=<label-value>'.
kubectl delete pods,services -l <label-key>=<label-value>"
Another way to write it could be:
"# Delete all the pods and services that have the label 'name=<label-value>'.
kubectl delete pods,services -l name=<label-value>"
4. Updating the syntax for three 'kubectl exec' commands, to include the '--' before the user's command, to be inline with current way of working and to avoid deprecation message.
5. Enhance sample for 'kubectl config' command, where the newline was not handled properly.
[user@wstation ~]$ kubectl config view --template='{{ range .contexts }}{{ if eq .name "'$(kubectl config current-context)'" }}Current user: {{ .context.user }}{{ end }}{{ end }}'
Current user: kubernetes-admin[user@wstation ~]$
[user@wstation ~]$ kubectl config view --template='{{ range .contexts }}{{ if eq .name "'$(kubectl config current-context)'" }}Current user: {{ printf "%s\n" .context.user }}{{ end }}{{ end }}'
Current user: kubernetes-admin
[user@wstation ~]$
- Use glossary shortcodes in Node concept
Add glossary tooltips to help new readers take in unfamiliar concepts.
- Move minion hint to glossary
The page about Node need not mention the former name (minion): it has
been many releases since the name change.
Instead, add a hint to the full glossary definition.
- Use note shortcodes where appropriate
- Order node management section first in concept page
- Drop list of components that act on Nodes
With Operators and CustomResourceDefinitions now common, plus the
cluster API, it's less easy to give a definitive list of components that
interacr with Node objects.
- Tidy old mentions of GA features for Node
- Give node tainting by condition its own section
- Introduce toleration concept before using it
- Mention version in TopologyManager feature state
- Other rewording
- Tidy Node condition table
- Explain SchedulingDisabled synthesized condition
- Drop details of supported versions for NodeRestriction
Assume that cluster version is v1.13 or later
* Rename `docs/concepts/scheduling` to `docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction`
* Retitle concept header to "Scheduling and Eviction"
* Update redirects
* Update internal links (en only)
Part of proposal #19081
Signed-off-by: Adam Kaplan <adam.kaplan@redhat.com>