Updated and added links in 'Networking on Windows' doc

Aaina26 2024-05-29 16:41:07 +05:30
parent e10b1aa1c1
commit d501dbe174
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ with recommendations on when to use each CNI:
| Network Driver | Description | Container Packet Modifications | Network Plugins | Network Plugin Characteristics | | Network Driver | Description | Container Packet Modifications | Network Plugins | Network Plugin Characteristics |
| -------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------ | | -------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------ |
| L2bridge | Containers are attached to an external vSwitch. Containers are attached to the underlay network, although the physical network doesn't need to learn the container MACs because they are rewritten on ingress/egress. | MAC is rewritten to host MAC, IP may be rewritten to host IP using HNS OutboundNAT policy. | [win-bridge](https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins/tree/master/plugins/main/windows/win-bridge), [Azure-CNI](https://github.com/Azure/azure-container-networking/blob/master/docs/cni.md), Flannel host-gateway uses win-bridge | win-bridge uses L2bridge network mode, connects containers to the underlay of hosts, offering best performance. Requires user-defined routes (UDR) for inter-node connectivity. | | L2bridge | Containers are attached to an external vSwitch. Containers are attached to the underlay network, although the physical network doesn't need to learn the container MACs because they are rewritten on ingress/egress. | MAC is rewritten to host MAC, IP may be rewritten to host IP using HNS OutboundNAT policy. | [win-bridge](https://www.cni.dev/plugins/current/main/win-bridge/), [Azure-CNI](https://github.com/Azure/azure-container-networking/blob/master/docs/cni.md), [Flannel host-gateway](https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel/blob/master/Documentation/backends.md#host-gw) uses win-bridge | win-bridge uses L2bridge network mode, connects containers to the underlay of hosts, offering best performance. Requires user-defined routes (UDR) for inter-node connectivity. |
| L2Tunnel | This is a special case of l2bridge, but only used on Azure. All packets are sent to the virtualization host where SDN policy is applied. | MAC rewritten, IP visible on the underlay network | [Azure-CNI](https://github.com/Azure/azure-container-networking/blob/master/docs/cni.md) | Azure-CNI allows integration of containers with Azure vNET, and allows them to leverage the set of capabilities that [Azure Virtual Network provides](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/virtual-network/). For example, securely connect to Azure services or use Azure NSGs. See [azure-cni for some examples](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/concepts-network#azure-cni-advanced-networking) | | L2Tunnel | This is a special case of l2bridge, but only used on Azure. All packets are sent to the virtualization host where SDN policy is applied. | MAC rewritten, IP visible on the underlay network | [Azure-CNI](https://github.com/Azure/azure-container-networking/blob/master/docs/cni.md) | Azure-CNI allows integration of containers with Azure vNET, and allows them to leverage the set of capabilities that [Azure Virtual Network provides](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/virtual-network/). For example, securely connect to Azure services or use Azure NSGs. See [azure-cni for some examples](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/concepts-network#azure-cni-advanced-networking) |
| Overlay | Containers are given a vNIC connected to an external vSwitch. Each overlay network gets its own IP subnet, defined by a custom IP prefix.The overlay network driver uses VXLAN encapsulation. | Encapsulated with an outer header. | [win-overlay](https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins/tree/master/plugins/main/windows/win-overlay), Flannel VXLAN (uses win-overlay) | win-overlay should be used when virtual container networks are desired to be isolated from underlay of hosts (e.g. for security reasons). Allows for IPs to be re-used for different overlay networks (which have different VNID tags) if you are restricted on IPs in your datacenter. This option requires [KB4489899](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4489899) on Windows Server 2019. | | Overlay | Containers are given a vNIC connected to an external vSwitch. Each overlay network gets its own IP subnet, defined by a custom IP prefix.The overlay network driver uses VXLAN encapsulation. | Encapsulated with an outer header. | [win-overlay](https://www.cni.dev/plugins/current/main/win-overlay/), [Flannel VXLAN](https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel/blob/master/Documentation/backends.md#vxlan) (uses win-overlay) | win-overlay should be used when virtual container networks are desired to be isolated from underlay of hosts (e.g. for security reasons). Allows for IPs to be re-used for different overlay networks (which have different VNID tags) if you are restricted on IPs in your datacenter. This option requires [KB4489899](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4489899) on Windows Server 2019. |
| Transparent (special use case for [ovn-kubernetes](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes)) | Requires an external vSwitch. Containers are attached to an external vSwitch which enables intra-pod communication via logical networks (logical switches and routers). | Packet is encapsulated either via [GENEVE](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gross-geneve/) or [STT](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-davie-stt/) tunneling to reach pods which are not on the same host. <br/> Packets are forwarded or dropped via the tunnel metadata information supplied by the ovn network controller. <br/> NAT is done for north-south communication. | [ovn-kubernetes](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes) | [Deploy via ansible](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes/tree/master/contrib). Distributed ACLs can be applied via Kubernetes policies. IPAM support. Load-balancing can be achieved without kube-proxy. NATing is done without using iptables/netsh. | | Transparent (special use case for [ovn-kubernetes](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes)) | Requires an external vSwitch. Containers are attached to an external vSwitch which enables intra-pod communication via logical networks (logical switches and routers). | Packet is encapsulated either via [GENEVE](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gross-geneve/) or [STT](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-davie-stt/) tunneling to reach pods which are not on the same host. <br/> Packets are forwarded or dropped via the tunnel metadata information supplied by the ovn network controller. <br/> NAT is done for north-south communication. | [ovn-kubernetes](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes) | [Deploy via ansible](https://github.com/openvswitch/ovn-kubernetes/tree/master/contrib). Distributed ACLs can be applied via Kubernetes policies. IPAM support. Load-balancing can be achieved without kube-proxy. NATing is done without using iptables/netsh. |
| NAT (*not used in Kubernetes*) | Containers are given a vNIC connected to an internal vSwitch. DNS/DHCP is provided using an internal component called [WinNAT](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/virtualization/windows-nat-winnat-capabilities-and-limitations/ba-p/382303) | MAC and IP is rewritten to host MAC/IP. | [nat](https://github.com/Microsoft/windows-container-networking/tree/master/plugins/nat) | Included here for completeness | | NAT (*not used in Kubernetes*) | Containers are given a vNIC connected to an internal vSwitch. DNS/DHCP is provided using an internal component called [WinNAT](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/virtualization/windows-nat-winnat-capabilities-and-limitations/ba-p/382303) | MAC and IP is rewritten to host MAC/IP. | [nat](https://github.com/Microsoft/windows-container-networking/tree/master/plugins/nat) | Included here for completeness |