@ -1104,35 +1104,6 @@ For more information about persistent volume claims, see [PersistentVolumeClaims
### PersistentVolumeLabel {#persistentvolumelabel}
{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="v1.13" state="deprecated" >}}
**Type**: Mutating.
This admission controller automatically attaches region or zone labels to PersistentVolumes
as defined by the cloud provider (for example, Azure or GCP).
It helps ensure the Pods and the PersistentVolumes mounted are in the same
region and/or zone.
If the admission controller doesn't support automatic labelling your PersistentVolumes, you
may need to add the labels manually to prevent pods from mounting volumes from
a different zone. PersistentVolumeLabel is **deprecated** as labeling for persistent volumes has been taken over by
the {{< glossary_tooltip text="cloud-controller-manager" term_id="cloud-controller-manager" >}}.
This admission controller is disabled by default.
此准入控制器会自动将由云提供商(如 Azure 或 GCP)定义的区(region)或区域(zone)
标签附加到 PersistentVolume 上。这有助于确保 Pod 和 PersistentVolume 位于相同的区或区域。
如果准入控制器不支持为 PersistentVolumes 自动添加标签,那你可能需要手动添加标签,
以防止 Pod 挂载其他区域的卷。PersistentVolumeLabel **已被弃用**,
为持久卷添加标签的操作已由{{< glossary_tooltip text="云管理控制器" term_id="cloud-controller-manager" >}}接管。
### PodNodeSelector {#podnodeselector}
{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="v1.5" state="alpha" >}}
Reference in New Issue