Updated Debugging Hook handlers example to remove docker reference.

Christopher Negus 2022-01-27 21:30:03 +00:00
parent 2309413a89
commit ccd2fd216e
1 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -105,22 +105,22 @@ The logs for a Hook handler are not exposed in Pod events.
If a handler fails for some reason, it broadcasts an event.
For `PostStart`, this is the `FailedPostStartHook` event,
and for `PreStop`, this is the `FailedPreStopHook` event.
You can see these events by running `kubectl describe pod <pod_name>`.
Here is some example output of events from running this command:
To generate a failed `FailedPreStopHook` event yourself, modify the [lifecycle-events.yaml](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/website/main/content/en/examples/pods/lifecycle-events.yaml) file to change the postStart command to "badcommand" and apply it.
Here is some example output of the resulting events you see from running `kubectl describe pod lifecycle-demo`:
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubObjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
1m 1m 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned test-1730497541-cq1d2 to gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd
1m 1m 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Pulling pulling image "test:1.0"
1m 1m 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Created Created container with docker id 5c6a256a2567; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
1m 1m 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "test:1.0"
1m 1m 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Started Started container with docker id 5c6a256a2567
38s 38s 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Killing Killing container with docker id 5c6a256a2567: PostStart handler: Error executing in Docker Container: 1
37s 37s 1 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Normal Killing Killing container with docker id 8df9fdfd7054: PostStart handler: Error executing in Docker Container: 1
38s 37s 2 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} Warning FailedSync Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "main" with RunContainerError: "PostStart handler: Error executing in Docker Container: 1"
1m 22s 2 {kubelet gke-test-cluster-default-pool-a07e5d30-siqd} spec.containers{main} Warning FailedPostStartHook
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 7s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/lifecycle-demo to ip-XXX-XXX-XX-XX.us-east-2...
Normal Pulled 6s kubelet Successfully pulled image "nginx" in 229.604315ms
Normal Pulling 4s (x2 over 6s) kubelet Pulling image "nginx"
Normal Created 4s (x2 over 5s) kubelet Created container lifecycle-demo-container
Normal Started 4s (x2 over 5s) kubelet Started container lifecycle-demo-container
Warning FailedPostStartHook 4s (x2 over 5s) kubelet Exec lifecycle hook ([badcommand]) for Container "lifecycle-demo-container" in Pod "lifecycle-demo_default(30229739-9651-4e5a-9a32-a8f1688862db)" failed - error: command 'badcommand' exited with 126: , message: "OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: \"badcommand\": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown\r\n"
Normal Killing 4s (x2 over 5s) kubelet FailedPostStartHook
Normal Pulled 4s kubelet Successfully pulled image "nginx" in 215.66395ms
Warning BackOff 2s (x2 over 3s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container