diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 524f8c665a..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This document does not use semicolons in scriptlets.
-The value of c is: c
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4beb5fa9e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-A very long piece of text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece oftext very long
-adsffadsfadsfadfpiece of text.
-Text again.
-Another text. c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6427503d5..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 874087615c..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Changelog
-## 2.1.2
-### Fix
-- Plugin won't break if an empty jQuery object is passed, it's now consistent with selector target #121
-### Docs
-- Converted the CHANGELOG to Markdown
-## 2.1.1
-### Fix
-- Slight change so define function is not minified (#91)
-## 2.1.0
-### Enhancement
-- Avoid animating a needless axis
-### Feature
-- Implemented interrupt setting, if true will stop animating on user (manual) scroll (#67)
-## 2.0.1
-### Fix
-- Fixed "queue" setting conflicts with $().animate(), forced to always get there as true
-## 2.0.0
-### Feature
-- All settings are passed to jQuery.animate() meaning it now supports even more settings
-### Enhancement
-- $(window)._scrollable() is no longer needed, the element is always the window
-- Delegating to jQuery the get/set of element/window scroll positions.
-### Compat
-- Dropped support for $.scrollTo.window() and $(window)._scrollable()
-### Fix
-- Now works consistenly on Chrome 40
-- Now works correctly on Windows Phone
-- Now works correctly on Android Browsers
-- Now works correctly on iOS Browsers
-## 1.4.14
-- Internal both() function will handle nulls correctly
-## 1.4.13
-- Support for CommonJS / NPM added by durango
-## 1.4.12
-### Fix
-- Fixed selector matching body fails on window scrolling
-## 1.4.11
-- Reverted changes from 1.4.10
-## 1.4.10
-### Enhancement
-- Giving the plugin an AMD module id so it can be required (f.e by localScroll)
-## 1.4.9
-### Enhancement
-- "offset" setting can now be a function as well (#60)
-## 1.4.8
-### Enhancement
-- Added support for AMD
-## 1.4.7
-- Changed spacing
-- Changed licensing to MIT
-- Repo is compliant with official jquery plugins repository
-## 1.4.6
-### Fix
-- Fixed first argument of onAfter and onAfterFirst was original target and should be "parsed" target
-## 1.4.5
-### Fix
-- Fixed passing a negative scroll value crashes
-## 1.4.4
-- Re-released as 1.4.4 to avoid issues with bower
-### Fix
-- Fixed $.scrollTo(0) broken on 1.4.3
-## 1.4.3
-### Enhancement
-- Limit calculations can be disabled by setting the option 'limit' to false.
-- Null target or unmatching selector don't break and fail silently
-- Removed support for the deprecated setting 'speed'
-### Fix
-- Removed $.browser.webkit so the plugin works with jQuery +1.8
-## 1.4.2
-### Feature
-- The plugin support percentages as target ('50%' or {top:'50%', left:'45%'})
-- Exposed the max() calculation as $.scrollTo.max
-### Enhancement
-- Renamed $.fn.scrollable to $.fn._scrollable to avoid conflicts with other plugins
-### Fix
-- Fixing max calculations for regular DOM elements
-## 1.4.1
-### Feature
-- The target can be 'max' to scroll to the end while keeping it elegant.
-### Enhancement
-- Default duration is 0 for jquery +1.3. Means sync animation
-- The plugin works on all major browsers, on compat & quirks modes, including iframes.
-- In addition to window/document, if html or body are received, the plugin will choose the right one.
-### Fix
-- The plugin accepts floating numbers, Thanks Ramin
-- Using jQuery.nodeName where neccessary so that this works on xml+xhtml
-- The max() internal function wasn't completely accurrate, now it is 98% (except for IE on quirks mode and it's not too noticeable).
-## 1.4
-### Fix
-- Fixed the problem when scrolling the window to absolute positioned elements on Safari.
-- Fixed the problem on Opera 9.5 when scrolling the window. That it always scrolls to 0.
-### Feature
-- Added the settings object as 2nd argument to the onAfter callback.
-- The 3rd argument of scrollTo can be just a function and it's used as the onAfter.
-- Added full support for iframes (even max scroll calculation).
-- Instead of $.scrollTo, $(window).scrollTo() and $(document).scrollTo() can be used.
-- Added $().scrollable() that returns the real element to scroll, f.e: $(window).scrollable() == ###body|html], works for iframes
-### Enhancement
-- Cleaned the code a bit, specially the comments
-## 1.3.3
-- Changed the licensing from GPL to GPL+MIT.
-## 1.3.2
-### Enhancement
-- Small improvements to make the code shorter.
-- Removed the last argument received by onAfter as it was the same as the 'this' but jqueryfied.
-## 1.3.1
-### Feature
-- Exposed $.scrollTo.window() to get the element that needs to be animated, to scroll the window.
-- Added option 'over'.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the code as short as possible.
-- Changed the arguments received by onAfter
-## 1.3
-### Enhancement
-- Added semicolon to the start, for safe file concatenation
-- Added a limit check, values below 0 or over the maximum are fixed.
-- Now it should work faster, only one of html or body go through all the processing, instead of both for all browsers.
-### Fix
-- Fixed the behavior for Opera, which seemed to react to both changes on and .
-- The border is also reduced, when 'margin' is set to true.
-- The option speed has been renamed to duration.
-### Feature
-- The duration can be specified with a number as 2nd argument, and the rest of the settings as the third ( like $().animate )
-- Remade the demo
-#### 1.2.4
-### Enhancement
-- The target can be in the form of { top:x, left:y } allowing different position for each axis.
-### Feature
-- The option 'offset' has been added, to scroll behind or past the target. Can be a number(both axes) or { top:x, left:y }.
-#### 1.2.3
-### Feature
-- Exposed the defaults.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the callback functions receive more parameters.
-#### 1.2.2
-### Fix
-- Fixed a bug, I didn't have to add the scrolled amount if it was body or html.
-## 1.2
-- The option 'onafter' is now called 'onAfter'.
-### Feature
-- Two axes can be scrolled together, this is set with the option 'axis'.
-- In case 2 axes are chosen, the scrolling can be queued: one scrolls, and then the other.
-- There's an intermediary event, 'onAfterFirst' called in case the axes are queued, after the first ends.
-- If the option 'margin' is set to true, the plugin will take in account, the margin of the target(no use if target is a value).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index be76cd4fc3..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- jQuery.scrollTo
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md b/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfa49e8a9..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown is broken
-I have a lot of scraps of markdown engine oddities that I've collected over the
-years. What you see below is slightly messy, but it's what I've managed to
-cobble together to illustrate the differences between markdown engines, and
-why, if there ever is a markdown specification, it has to be absolutely
-thorough. There are a lot more of these little differences I have documented
-elsewhere. I know I will find them lingering on my disk one day, but until
-then, I'll continue to add whatever strange nonsensical things I find.
-Some of these examples may only mention a particular engine compared to marked.
-However, the examples with markdown.pl could easily be swapped out for
-discount, upskirt, or markdown.js, and you would very easily see even more
-A lot of this was written when I was very unsatisfied with the inconsistencies
-between markdown engines. Please excuse the frustration noticeable in my
-## Examples of markdown's "stupid" list parsing
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
-Again, which looks correct to you?
-- - -
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-The code isn't a code block even though it's after the bullet margin. I know,
-lets give it two more spaces, effectively making it 8 spaces past the bullet.
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-And, it's still not a code block. Did you also notice that the 3rd item isn't
-even its own list? Markdown screws that up too because of its indentation
-unaware parsing.
-- - -
-Let's look at some more examples of markdown's list parsing:
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 524f8c665a..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This document does not use semicolons in scriptlets.
-The value of c is: c
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4beb5fa9e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-A very long piece of text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece oftext very long
-adsffadsfadsfadfpiece of text.
-Text again.
-Another text. c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6427503d5..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 874087615c..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Changelog
-## 2.1.2
-### Fix
-- Plugin won't break if an empty jQuery object is passed, it's now consistent with selector target #121
-### Docs
-- Converted the CHANGELOG to Markdown
-## 2.1.1
-### Fix
-- Slight change so define function is not minified (#91)
-## 2.1.0
-### Enhancement
-- Avoid animating a needless axis
-### Feature
-- Implemented interrupt setting, if true will stop animating on user (manual) scroll (#67)
-## 2.0.1
-### Fix
-- Fixed "queue" setting conflicts with $().animate(), forced to always get there as true
-## 2.0.0
-### Feature
-- All settings are passed to jQuery.animate() meaning it now supports even more settings
-### Enhancement
-- $(window)._scrollable() is no longer needed, the element is always the window
-- Delegating to jQuery the get/set of element/window scroll positions.
-### Compat
-- Dropped support for $.scrollTo.window() and $(window)._scrollable()
-### Fix
-- Now works consistenly on Chrome 40
-- Now works correctly on Windows Phone
-- Now works correctly on Android Browsers
-- Now works correctly on iOS Browsers
-## 1.4.14
-- Internal both() function will handle nulls correctly
-## 1.4.13
-- Support for CommonJS / NPM added by durango
-## 1.4.12
-### Fix
-- Fixed selector matching body fails on window scrolling
-## 1.4.11
-- Reverted changes from 1.4.10
-## 1.4.10
-### Enhancement
-- Giving the plugin an AMD module id so it can be required (f.e by localScroll)
-## 1.4.9
-### Enhancement
-- "offset" setting can now be a function as well (#60)
-## 1.4.8
-### Enhancement
-- Added support for AMD
-## 1.4.7
-- Changed spacing
-- Changed licensing to MIT
-- Repo is compliant with official jquery plugins repository
-## 1.4.6
-### Fix
-- Fixed first argument of onAfter and onAfterFirst was original target and should be "parsed" target
-## 1.4.5
-### Fix
-- Fixed passing a negative scroll value crashes
-## 1.4.4
-- Re-released as 1.4.4 to avoid issues with bower
-### Fix
-- Fixed $.scrollTo(0) broken on 1.4.3
-## 1.4.3
-### Enhancement
-- Limit calculations can be disabled by setting the option 'limit' to false.
-- Null target or unmatching selector don't break and fail silently
-- Removed support for the deprecated setting 'speed'
-### Fix
-- Removed $.browser.webkit so the plugin works with jQuery +1.8
-## 1.4.2
-### Feature
-- The plugin support percentages as target ('50%' or {top:'50%', left:'45%'})
-- Exposed the max() calculation as $.scrollTo.max
-### Enhancement
-- Renamed $.fn.scrollable to $.fn._scrollable to avoid conflicts with other plugins
-### Fix
-- Fixing max calculations for regular DOM elements
-## 1.4.1
-### Feature
-- The target can be 'max' to scroll to the end while keeping it elegant.
-### Enhancement
-- Default duration is 0 for jquery +1.3. Means sync animation
-- The plugin works on all major browsers, on compat & quirks modes, including iframes.
-- In addition to window/document, if html or body are received, the plugin will choose the right one.
-### Fix
-- The plugin accepts floating numbers, Thanks Ramin
-- Using jQuery.nodeName where neccessary so that this works on xml+xhtml
-- The max() internal function wasn't completely accurrate, now it is 98% (except for IE on quirks mode and it's not too noticeable).
-## 1.4
-### Fix
-- Fixed the problem when scrolling the window to absolute positioned elements on Safari.
-- Fixed the problem on Opera 9.5 when scrolling the window. That it always scrolls to 0.
-### Feature
-- Added the settings object as 2nd argument to the onAfter callback.
-- The 3rd argument of scrollTo can be just a function and it's used as the onAfter.
-- Added full support for iframes (even max scroll calculation).
-- Instead of $.scrollTo, $(window).scrollTo() and $(document).scrollTo() can be used.
-- Added $().scrollable() that returns the real element to scroll, f.e: $(window).scrollable() == ###body|html], works for iframes
-### Enhancement
-- Cleaned the code a bit, specially the comments
-## 1.3.3
-- Changed the licensing from GPL to GPL+MIT.
-## 1.3.2
-### Enhancement
-- Small improvements to make the code shorter.
-- Removed the last argument received by onAfter as it was the same as the 'this' but jqueryfied.
-## 1.3.1
-### Feature
-- Exposed $.scrollTo.window() to get the element that needs to be animated, to scroll the window.
-- Added option 'over'.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the code as short as possible.
-- Changed the arguments received by onAfter
-## 1.3
-### Enhancement
-- Added semicolon to the start, for safe file concatenation
-- Added a limit check, values below 0 or over the maximum are fixed.
-- Now it should work faster, only one of html or body go through all the processing, instead of both for all browsers.
-### Fix
-- Fixed the behavior for Opera, which seemed to react to both changes on and .
-- The border is also reduced, when 'margin' is set to true.
-- The option speed has been renamed to duration.
-### Feature
-- The duration can be specified with a number as 2nd argument, and the rest of the settings as the third ( like $().animate )
-- Remade the demo
-#### 1.2.4
-### Enhancement
-- The target can be in the form of { top:x, left:y } allowing different position for each axis.
-### Feature
-- The option 'offset' has been added, to scroll behind or past the target. Can be a number(both axes) or { top:x, left:y }.
-#### 1.2.3
-### Feature
-- Exposed the defaults.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the callback functions receive more parameters.
-#### 1.2.2
-### Fix
-- Fixed a bug, I didn't have to add the scrolled amount if it was body or html.
-## 1.2
-- The option 'onafter' is now called 'onAfter'.
-### Feature
-- Two axes can be scrolled together, this is set with the option 'axis'.
-- In case 2 axes are chosen, the scrolling can be queued: one scrolls, and then the other.
-- There's an intermediary event, 'onAfterFirst' called in case the axes are queued, after the first ends.
-- If the option 'margin' is set to true, the plugin will take in account, the margin of the target(no use if target is a value).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9fd633e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- jQuery.scrollTo
diff --git a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md b/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfa49e8a9..0000000000
--- a/docs/api-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown is broken
-I have a lot of scraps of markdown engine oddities that I've collected over the
-years. What you see below is slightly messy, but it's what I've managed to
-cobble together to illustrate the differences between markdown engines, and
-why, if there ever is a markdown specification, it has to be absolutely
-thorough. There are a lot more of these little differences I have documented
-elsewhere. I know I will find them lingering on my disk one day, but until
-then, I'll continue to add whatever strange nonsensical things I find.
-Some of these examples may only mention a particular engine compared to marked.
-However, the examples with markdown.pl could easily be swapped out for
-discount, upskirt, or markdown.js, and you would very easily see even more
-A lot of this was written when I was very unsatisfied with the inconsistencies
-between markdown engines. Please excuse the frustration noticeable in my
-## Examples of markdown's "stupid" list parsing
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
-Again, which looks correct to you?
-- - -
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-The code isn't a code block even though it's after the bullet margin. I know,
-lets give it two more spaces, effectively making it 8 spaces past the bullet.
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-And, it's still not a code block. Did you also notice that the 3rd item isn't
-even its own list? Markdown screws that up too because of its indentation
-unaware parsing.
-- - -
-Let's look at some more examples of markdown's list parsing:
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 524f8c665a..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This document does not use semicolons in scriptlets.
-The value of c is: c
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4beb5fa9e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-A very long piece of text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece oftext very long
-adsffadsfadsfadfpiece of text.
-Text again.
-Another text. c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6427503d5..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 874087615c..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Changelog
-## 2.1.2
-### Fix
-- Plugin won't break if an empty jQuery object is passed, it's now consistent with selector target #121
-### Docs
-- Converted the CHANGELOG to Markdown
-## 2.1.1
-### Fix
-- Slight change so define function is not minified (#91)
-## 2.1.0
-### Enhancement
-- Avoid animating a needless axis
-### Feature
-- Implemented interrupt setting, if true will stop animating on user (manual) scroll (#67)
-## 2.0.1
-### Fix
-- Fixed "queue" setting conflicts with $().animate(), forced to always get there as true
-## 2.0.0
-### Feature
-- All settings are passed to jQuery.animate() meaning it now supports even more settings
-### Enhancement
-- $(window)._scrollable() is no longer needed, the element is always the window
-- Delegating to jQuery the get/set of element/window scroll positions.
-### Compat
-- Dropped support for $.scrollTo.window() and $(window)._scrollable()
-### Fix
-- Now works consistenly on Chrome 40
-- Now works correctly on Windows Phone
-- Now works correctly on Android Browsers
-- Now works correctly on iOS Browsers
-## 1.4.14
-- Internal both() function will handle nulls correctly
-## 1.4.13
-- Support for CommonJS / NPM added by durango
-## 1.4.12
-### Fix
-- Fixed selector matching body fails on window scrolling
-## 1.4.11
-- Reverted changes from 1.4.10
-## 1.4.10
-### Enhancement
-- Giving the plugin an AMD module id so it can be required (f.e by localScroll)
-## 1.4.9
-### Enhancement
-- "offset" setting can now be a function as well (#60)
-## 1.4.8
-### Enhancement
-- Added support for AMD
-## 1.4.7
-- Changed spacing
-- Changed licensing to MIT
-- Repo is compliant with official jquery plugins repository
-## 1.4.6
-### Fix
-- Fixed first argument of onAfter and onAfterFirst was original target and should be "parsed" target
-## 1.4.5
-### Fix
-- Fixed passing a negative scroll value crashes
-## 1.4.4
-- Re-released as 1.4.4 to avoid issues with bower
-### Fix
-- Fixed $.scrollTo(0) broken on 1.4.3
-## 1.4.3
-### Enhancement
-- Limit calculations can be disabled by setting the option 'limit' to false.
-- Null target or unmatching selector don't break and fail silently
-- Removed support for the deprecated setting 'speed'
-### Fix
-- Removed $.browser.webkit so the plugin works with jQuery +1.8
-## 1.4.2
-### Feature
-- The plugin support percentages as target ('50%' or {top:'50%', left:'45%'})
-- Exposed the max() calculation as $.scrollTo.max
-### Enhancement
-- Renamed $.fn.scrollable to $.fn._scrollable to avoid conflicts with other plugins
-### Fix
-- Fixing max calculations for regular DOM elements
-## 1.4.1
-### Feature
-- The target can be 'max' to scroll to the end while keeping it elegant.
-### Enhancement
-- Default duration is 0 for jquery +1.3. Means sync animation
-- The plugin works on all major browsers, on compat & quirks modes, including iframes.
-- In addition to window/document, if html or body are received, the plugin will choose the right one.
-### Fix
-- The plugin accepts floating numbers, Thanks Ramin
-- Using jQuery.nodeName where neccessary so that this works on xml+xhtml
-- The max() internal function wasn't completely accurrate, now it is 98% (except for IE on quirks mode and it's not too noticeable).
-## 1.4
-### Fix
-- Fixed the problem when scrolling the window to absolute positioned elements on Safari.
-- Fixed the problem on Opera 9.5 when scrolling the window. That it always scrolls to 0.
-### Feature
-- Added the settings object as 2nd argument to the onAfter callback.
-- The 3rd argument of scrollTo can be just a function and it's used as the onAfter.
-- Added full support for iframes (even max scroll calculation).
-- Instead of $.scrollTo, $(window).scrollTo() and $(document).scrollTo() can be used.
-- Added $().scrollable() that returns the real element to scroll, f.e: $(window).scrollable() == ###body|html], works for iframes
-### Enhancement
-- Cleaned the code a bit, specially the comments
-## 1.3.3
-- Changed the licensing from GPL to GPL+MIT.
-## 1.3.2
-### Enhancement
-- Small improvements to make the code shorter.
-- Removed the last argument received by onAfter as it was the same as the 'this' but jqueryfied.
-## 1.3.1
-### Feature
-- Exposed $.scrollTo.window() to get the element that needs to be animated, to scroll the window.
-- Added option 'over'.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the code as short as possible.
-- Changed the arguments received by onAfter
-## 1.3
-### Enhancement
-- Added semicolon to the start, for safe file concatenation
-- Added a limit check, values below 0 or over the maximum are fixed.
-- Now it should work faster, only one of html or body go through all the processing, instead of both for all browsers.
-### Fix
-- Fixed the behavior for Opera, which seemed to react to both changes on and .
-- The border is also reduced, when 'margin' is set to true.
-- The option speed has been renamed to duration.
-### Feature
-- The duration can be specified with a number as 2nd argument, and the rest of the settings as the third ( like $().animate )
-- Remade the demo
-#### 1.2.4
-### Enhancement
-- The target can be in the form of { top:x, left:y } allowing different position for each axis.
-### Feature
-- The option 'offset' has been added, to scroll behind or past the target. Can be a number(both axes) or { top:x, left:y }.
-#### 1.2.3
-### Feature
-- Exposed the defaults.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the callback functions receive more parameters.
-#### 1.2.2
-### Fix
-- Fixed a bug, I didn't have to add the scrolled amount if it was body or html.
-## 1.2
-- The option 'onafter' is now called 'onAfter'.
-### Feature
-- Two axes can be scrolled together, this is set with the option 'axis'.
-- In case 2 axes are chosen, the scrolling can be queued: one scrolls, and then the other.
-- There's an intermediary event, 'onAfterFirst' called in case the axes are queued, after the first ends.
-- If the option 'margin' is set to true, the plugin will take in account, the margin of the target(no use if target is a value).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index be76cd4fc3..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- jQuery.scrollTo
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md b/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfa49e8a9..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.5/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown is broken
-I have a lot of scraps of markdown engine oddities that I've collected over the
-years. What you see below is slightly messy, but it's what I've managed to
-cobble together to illustrate the differences between markdown engines, and
-why, if there ever is a markdown specification, it has to be absolutely
-thorough. There are a lot more of these little differences I have documented
-elsewhere. I know I will find them lingering on my disk one day, but until
-then, I'll continue to add whatever strange nonsensical things I find.
-Some of these examples may only mention a particular engine compared to marked.
-However, the examples with markdown.pl could easily be swapped out for
-discount, upskirt, or markdown.js, and you would very easily see even more
-A lot of this was written when I was very unsatisfied with the inconsistencies
-between markdown engines. Please excuse the frustration noticeable in my
-## Examples of markdown's "stupid" list parsing
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
-Again, which looks correct to you?
-- - -
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-The code isn't a code block even though it's after the bullet margin. I know,
-lets give it two more spaces, effectively making it 8 spaces past the bullet.
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-And, it's still not a code block. Did you also notice that the 3rd item isn't
-even its own list? Markdown screws that up too because of its indentation
-unaware parsing.
-- - -
-Let's look at some more examples of markdown's list parsing:
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 524f8c665a..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/no.semicolons.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This document does not use semicolons in scriptlets.
-The value of c is: c
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4beb5fa9e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/rmWhitespace.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-A very long piece of text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece of text very long piece of
-text very long piece oftext very long
-adsffadsfadsfadfpiece of text.
-Text again.
-Another text. c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6427503d5..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/ejs/test/fixtures/single-quote.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 874087615c..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Changelog
-## 2.1.2
-### Fix
-- Plugin won't break if an empty jQuery object is passed, it's now consistent with selector target #121
-### Docs
-- Converted the CHANGELOG to Markdown
-## 2.1.1
-### Fix
-- Slight change so define function is not minified (#91)
-## 2.1.0
-### Enhancement
-- Avoid animating a needless axis
-### Feature
-- Implemented interrupt setting, if true will stop animating on user (manual) scroll (#67)
-## 2.0.1
-### Fix
-- Fixed "queue" setting conflicts with $().animate(), forced to always get there as true
-## 2.0.0
-### Feature
-- All settings are passed to jQuery.animate() meaning it now supports even more settings
-### Enhancement
-- $(window)._scrollable() is no longer needed, the element is always the window
-- Delegating to jQuery the get/set of element/window scroll positions.
-### Compat
-- Dropped support for $.scrollTo.window() and $(window)._scrollable()
-### Fix
-- Now works consistenly on Chrome 40
-- Now works correctly on Windows Phone
-- Now works correctly on Android Browsers
-- Now works correctly on iOS Browsers
-## 1.4.14
-- Internal both() function will handle nulls correctly
-## 1.4.13
-- Support for CommonJS / NPM added by durango
-## 1.4.12
-### Fix
-- Fixed selector matching body fails on window scrolling
-## 1.4.11
-- Reverted changes from 1.4.10
-## 1.4.10
-### Enhancement
-- Giving the plugin an AMD module id so it can be required (f.e by localScroll)
-## 1.4.9
-### Enhancement
-- "offset" setting can now be a function as well (#60)
-## 1.4.8
-### Enhancement
-- Added support for AMD
-## 1.4.7
-- Changed spacing
-- Changed licensing to MIT
-- Repo is compliant with official jquery plugins repository
-## 1.4.6
-### Fix
-- Fixed first argument of onAfter and onAfterFirst was original target and should be "parsed" target
-## 1.4.5
-### Fix
-- Fixed passing a negative scroll value crashes
-## 1.4.4
-- Re-released as 1.4.4 to avoid issues with bower
-### Fix
-- Fixed $.scrollTo(0) broken on 1.4.3
-## 1.4.3
-### Enhancement
-- Limit calculations can be disabled by setting the option 'limit' to false.
-- Null target or unmatching selector don't break and fail silently
-- Removed support for the deprecated setting 'speed'
-### Fix
-- Removed $.browser.webkit so the plugin works with jQuery +1.8
-## 1.4.2
-### Feature
-- The plugin support percentages as target ('50%' or {top:'50%', left:'45%'})
-- Exposed the max() calculation as $.scrollTo.max
-### Enhancement
-- Renamed $.fn.scrollable to $.fn._scrollable to avoid conflicts with other plugins
-### Fix
-- Fixing max calculations for regular DOM elements
-## 1.4.1
-### Feature
-- The target can be 'max' to scroll to the end while keeping it elegant.
-### Enhancement
-- Default duration is 0 for jquery +1.3. Means sync animation
-- The plugin works on all major browsers, on compat & quirks modes, including iframes.
-- In addition to window/document, if html or body are received, the plugin will choose the right one.
-### Fix
-- The plugin accepts floating numbers, Thanks Ramin
-- Using jQuery.nodeName where neccessary so that this works on xml+xhtml
-- The max() internal function wasn't completely accurrate, now it is 98% (except for IE on quirks mode and it's not too noticeable).
-## 1.4
-### Fix
-- Fixed the problem when scrolling the window to absolute positioned elements on Safari.
-- Fixed the problem on Opera 9.5 when scrolling the window. That it always scrolls to 0.
-### Feature
-- Added the settings object as 2nd argument to the onAfter callback.
-- The 3rd argument of scrollTo can be just a function and it's used as the onAfter.
-- Added full support for iframes (even max scroll calculation).
-- Instead of $.scrollTo, $(window).scrollTo() and $(document).scrollTo() can be used.
-- Added $().scrollable() that returns the real element to scroll, f.e: $(window).scrollable() == ###body|html], works for iframes
-### Enhancement
-- Cleaned the code a bit, specially the comments
-## 1.3.3
-- Changed the licensing from GPL to GPL+MIT.
-## 1.3.2
-### Enhancement
-- Small improvements to make the code shorter.
-- Removed the last argument received by onAfter as it was the same as the 'this' but jqueryfied.
-## 1.3.1
-### Feature
-- Exposed $.scrollTo.window() to get the element that needs to be animated, to scroll the window.
-- Added option 'over'.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the code as short as possible.
-- Changed the arguments received by onAfter
-## 1.3
-### Enhancement
-- Added semicolon to the start, for safe file concatenation
-- Added a limit check, values below 0 or over the maximum are fixed.
-- Now it should work faster, only one of html or body go through all the processing, instead of both for all browsers.
-### Fix
-- Fixed the behavior for Opera, which seemed to react to both changes on and .
-- The border is also reduced, when 'margin' is set to true.
-- The option speed has been renamed to duration.
-### Feature
-- The duration can be specified with a number as 2nd argument, and the rest of the settings as the third ( like $().animate )
-- Remade the demo
-#### 1.2.4
-### Enhancement
-- The target can be in the form of { top:x, left:y } allowing different position for each axis.
-### Feature
-- The option 'offset' has been added, to scroll behind or past the target. Can be a number(both axes) or { top:x, left:y }.
-#### 1.2.3
-### Feature
-- Exposed the defaults.
-### Enhancement
-- Made the callback functions receive more parameters.
-#### 1.2.2
-### Fix
-- Fixed a bug, I didn't have to add the scrolled amount if it was body or html.
-## 1.2
-- The option 'onafter' is now called 'onAfter'.
-### Feature
-- Two axes can be scrolled together, this is set with the option 'axis'.
-- In case 2 axes are chosen, the scrolling can be queued: one scrolls, and then the other.
-- There's an intermediary event, 'onAfterFirst' called in case the axes are queued, after the first ends.
-- If the option 'margin' is set to true, the plugin will take in account, the margin of the target(no use if target is a value).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9fd633e1..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/jquery.scrollto/demo/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- jQuery.scrollTo
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfa49e8a9..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/broken.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown is broken
-I have a lot of scraps of markdown engine oddities that I've collected over the
-years. What you see below is slightly messy, but it's what I've managed to
-cobble together to illustrate the differences between markdown engines, and
-why, if there ever is a markdown specification, it has to be absolutely
-thorough. There are a lot more of these little differences I have documented
-elsewhere. I know I will find them lingering on my disk one day, but until
-then, I'll continue to add whatever strange nonsensical things I find.
-Some of these examples may only mention a particular engine compared to marked.
-However, the examples with markdown.pl could easily be swapped out for
-discount, upskirt, or markdown.js, and you would very easily see even more
-A lot of this was written when I was very unsatisfied with the inconsistencies
-between markdown engines. Please excuse the frustration noticeable in my
-## Examples of markdown's "stupid" list parsing
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
-Again, which looks correct to you?
-- - -
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-The code isn't a code block even though it's after the bullet margin. I know,
-lets give it two more spaces, effectively making it 8 spaces past the bullet.
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- * hi
- code
- code
-And, it's still not a code block. Did you also notice that the 3rd item isn't
-even its own list? Markdown screws that up too because of its indentation
-unaware parsing.
-- - -
-Let's look at some more examples of markdown's list parsing:
-$ markdown.pl
- * item1
- * item2
- text
-- - -
-See: https://github.com/evilstreak/markdown-js/issues/24
-``` bash
-$ markdown.js
-> a
-> b
-> c
bundefined> c
-``` bash
-$ marked
-> a
-> b
-> c
-- - -
-``` bash
-$ markdown.pl
-* hello
- * world
- how
- are
- you
- * today
-* hi
-``` bash
-$ marked
-* hello
- * world
- how
- are
- you
- * today
-* hi
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/todo.md b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/todo.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e60b162ae..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/marked/doc/todo.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Todo
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/index.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eee1c7a7b3..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- Awesome page
- hello world!
diff --git a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/there/index.html b/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/there/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6798b09899..0000000000
--- a/docs/resources-reference/v1.6/node_modules/node-static/test/fixtures/there/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- Other page
- hello there!
From a9863612bc70d3c030e83c9c0dcce35ead87cbf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Charlie R.C"
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 04:34:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] fix example in configure-pod-configmap.md
.../configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap.md | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap.md b/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap.md
index 128aee51f4..e9a5e7f6d0 100644
--- a/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap.md
+++ b/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap.md
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ spec:
- name: test-container
image: gcr.io/google_containers/busybox
- command: [ "/bin/sh","-c","cat /etc/config/keys/special.level" ]
+ command: [ "/bin/sh","-c","cat /etc/config/keys" ]
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/config
@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ spec:
name: special-config
- key: special.level
- path: /keys
+ path: keys
restartPolicy: Never
-When the pod runs, the command (`"cat /etc/config/keys/special.level"`) produces the output below:
+When the pod runs, the command (`"cat /etc/config/keys"`) produces the output below:
From eb3f374d374b91d2c2e1f33271f5f49b6be3c620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jorge Bianquetti
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:33:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] info about cron jobs updated (#4110)
docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs.md | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs.md b/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs.md
index 51341cdcaa..e823dfb09a 100644
--- a/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs.md
+++ b/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs.md
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ A typical use case is:
You need a working Kubernetes cluster at version >= 1.4 (for ScheduledJob), >= 1.5 (for CronJob),
with batch/v2alpha1 API turned on by passing `--runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true` while bringing up
the API server (see [Turn on or off an API version for your cluster](/docs/admin/cluster-management/#turn-on-or-off-an-api-version-for-your-cluster)
-for more). You cannot use Cron Jobs on a hosted Kubernetes provider that has disabled alpha resources.
+for more).
+Beginning with 1.6 series Cron Jobs are enabled by default, but note that you can not use Cron Jobs on a hosted Kubernetes provider that has disabled alpha resources.
## Creating a Cron Job