Remove deprecated Kubernetes on Mesos docs (#6668)
* Removed depreciated Kubernetes on Mesos docs * remove mesos referencesreviewable/pr7220/r1
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ toc:
- docs/getting-started-guides/rkt/
- docs/getting-started-guides/rkt/
- docs/getting-started-guides/mesos/
- docs/getting-started-guides/
- title: Bare Metal
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- jdef
- karlkfi
title: Kubernetes on Mesos on Docker
The mesos/docker provider uses docker-compose to launch Kubernetes as a Mesos framework, running in docker with its
dependencies (etcd & mesos).
## Cluster Goals
- kubernetes development
- pod/service development
- demoing
- fast deployment
- minimal hardware requirements
- minimal configuration
- entry point for exploration
- simplified networking
- fast end-to-end tests
- local deployment
- high availability
- fault tolerance
- remote deployment
- production usage
- monitoring
- long running
- state persistence across restarts
## Cluster Topology
The cluster consists of several docker containers linked together by docker-managed hostnames:
| Component | Hostname | Description |
| docker-grand-ambassador | | Proxy to allow circular hostname linking in docker |
| etcd | etcd | Key/Value store used by Mesos |
| Mesos Master | mesosmaster1 | REST endpoint for interacting with Mesos |
| Mesos Slave (x2) | mesosslave1, mesosslave2 | Mesos agents that offer resources and run framework executors (e.g. Kubernetes Kublets) |
| Kubernetes API Server | apiserver | REST endpoint for interacting with Kubernetes |
| Kubernetes Controller Manager | controller | |
| Kubernetes Scheduler | scheduler | Schedules container deployment by accepting Mesos offers |
## Prerequisites
- [Git]( - version control system
- [Docker CLI]( - container management command line client
- [Docker Engine]( - container management daemon
- On Mac, use [Docker Machine](
- [Docker Compose]( - multi-container application orchestration
- [Virtual Box](
- Free x86 virtualization engine with a Docker Machine driver
- [Golang]( - Go programming language
- Required to build Kubernetes locally
- [Make]( - Utility for building executables from source
- Required to build Kubernetes locally with make
### Install on Mac (Homebrew)
It's possible to install all of the above via [Homebrew]( on a Mac.
Some steps print instructions for configuring or launching. Make sure each is properly set up before continuing to the next step.
brew install git
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install virtualbox
brew install docker
brew install docker-machine
brew install docker-compose
### Install on Linux
Most of the above are available via apt and yum, but depending on your distribution, you may have to install via other
means to get the latest versions.
It is recommended to use Ubuntu, simply because it best supports AUFS, used by docker to mount volumes. Alternate file
systems may not fully support docker-in-docker.
In order to build Kubernetes, the current user must be in a docker group with sudo privileges.
See the docker docs for [instructions](
#### Docker Machine Config (Mac)
If on a Mac using docker-machine, the following steps will make the docker IPs (in the virtualbox VM) reachable from the
host machine (Mac).
1. Create VM
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox kube-dev
eval "$(docker-machine env kube-dev)"
2. Set the VM's host-only network to "promiscuous mode":
docker-machine stop kube-dev
VBoxManage modifyvm kube-dev --nicpromisc2 allow-all
docker-machine start kube-dev
This allows the VM to accept packets that were sent to a different IP.
Since the host-only network routes traffic between VMs and the host, other VMs will also be able to access the docker
IPs, if they have the following route.
1. Route traffic to docker through the docker-machine IP:
sudo route -n add -net $(docker-machine ip kube-dev)
Since the docker-machine IP can change when the VM is restarted, this route may need to be updated over time.
To delete the route later: `sudo route delete`
## Walkthrough
1. Checkout source
git clone
cd kubernetes
By default, that will get you the bleeding edge of master branch.
You may want a [release branch]( instead,
if you have trouble with master.
1. Build binaries
You'll need to build kubectl (CLI) for your local architecture and operating system and the rest of the server binaries for linux/amd64.
Building a new release covers both cases:
For developers, it may be faster to [build locally](#build-locally).
1. [Optional] Build docker images
The following docker images are built as part of `./cluster/`, but it may make sense to build them manually the first time because it may take a while.
1. Test image includes all the dependencies required for running e2e tests.
In the future, this image may be available to download. It doesn't contain anything specific to the current release, except its build dependencies.
1. Kubernetes-Mesos image includes the compiled linux binaries.
This image needs to be built every time you recompile the server binaries.
1. [Optional] Configure Mesos resources
By default, the mesos-slaves are configured to offer a fixed amount of resources (cpus, memory, disk, ports).
If you want to customize these values, update the `MESOS_RESOURCES` environment variables in `./cluster/mesos/docker/docker-compose.yml`.
If you delete the `MESOS_RESOURCES` environment variables, the resource amounts will be auto-detected based on the host resources, which will over-provision by > 2x.
If the configured resources are not available on the host, you may want to increase the resources available to Docker Engine.
You may have to increase you VM disk, memory, or cpu allocation. See the Docker Machine docs for details
1. Configure provider
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=mesos/docker
This tells cluster scripts to use the code within `cluster/mesos/docker`.
1. Create cluster
If you manually built all the above docker images, you can skip that step during kube-up:
After deploying the cluster, `~/.kube/config` will be created or updated to configure kubectl to target the new cluster.
1. Explore tutorials
To learn more about Pods, Volumes, Labels, Services, and Replication Controllers, start with the
[Kubernetes Tutorials](/docs/tutorials/).
To skip to a more advanced example, see the [Guestbook Example]({{page.githubbranch}}/guestbook/)
1. Destroy cluster
## Addons
The `kube-up` for the mesos/docker provider will automatically deploy KubeDNS and KubeUI addons as pods/services.
Check their status with:
./cluster/ get pods --namespace=kube-system
### KubeUI
The web-based Kubernetes UI is accessible in a browser through the API Server proxy: `https://<apiserver>:6443/ui/`.
By default, basic-auth is configured with user `admin` and password `admin`.
The IP of the API Server can be found using `./cluster/ cluster-info`.
## End To End Testing
Warning: e2e tests can take a long time to run. You may not want to run them immediately if you're just getting started.
While your cluster is up, you can run the end-to-end tests:
Notable parameters:
- Increase the logging verbosity: `-v=2`
- Run only a subset of the tests (regex matching): `-ginkgo.focus=<pattern>`
To build, deploy, test, and destroy, all in one command (plus unit & integration tests):
make test_e2e
## Kubernetes CLI
When compiling from source, it's simpler to use the `./cluster/` script, which detects your platform &
architecture and proxies commands to the appropriate `kubectl` binary.
ex: `./cluster/ get pods`
## Helpful scripts
- Kill all docker containers
docker ps -q -a | xargs docker rm -f
- Clean up unused docker volumes
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker --rm martin/docker-cleanup-volumes
## Build Locally
The steps above tell you how to build in a container, for minimal local dependencies. But if you have Go and Make installed you can build locally much faster:
However, if you're not on linux, you'll still need to compile the linux/amd64 server binaries:
KUBERNETES_CONTRIB=mesos build/ hack/
The above two steps should be significantly faster than cross-compiling a whole new release for every supported platform (which is what `./build/` does).
- `KUBERNETES_CONTRIB=mesos` - enables building of the contrib/mesos binaries
- `hack/` - builds the Go binaries for the current architecture (linux/amd64 when in a docker container)
- `make` - delegates to `hack/`
- `build/` - executes a command in the build container
- `build/` - cross compiles Kubernetes for all supported architectures and operating systems (slow)
## Support Level
IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level
-------------------- | ------------ | ------ | ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------| ----------------------------
Mesos/Docker | custom | Ubuntu | Docker | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/mesos-docker) | | Community ([Kubernetes-Mesos Authors](
For support level information on all solutions, see the [Table of solutions](/docs/getting-started-guides/#table-of-solutions) chart.
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title: Kubernetes on Mesos
## About Kubernetes on Mesos
<!-- TODO: Update, clean up. -->
Mesos allows dynamic sharing of cluster resources between Kubernetes and other first-class Mesos frameworks such as [HDFS][1], [Spark][2], and [Chronos][3].
Mesos also ensures applications from different frameworks running on your cluster are isolated and that resources are allocated fairly among them.
Mesos clusters can be deployed on nearly every IaaS cloud provider infrastructure or in your own physical datacenter. Kubernetes on Mesos runs on-top of that and therefore allows you to easily move Kubernetes workloads from one of these environments to the other.
This tutorial will walk you through setting up Kubernetes on a Mesos cluster.
It provides a step by step walk through of adding Kubernetes to a Mesos cluster and starting your first pod with an nginx webserver.
**NOTE:** There are [known issues with the current implementation][7] and support for centralized logging and monitoring is not yet available.
Please [file an issue against the kubernetes-mesos project][8] if you have problems completing the steps below.
Further information is available in the Kubernetes on Mesos [contrib directory][13].
### Prerequisites
- Understanding of [Apache Mesos][6]
- A running [Mesos cluster on Google Compute Engine][5]
- A [VPN connection][10] to the cluster
- A machine in the cluster which should become the Kubernetes *master node* with:
- Go (see [here]( for required versions)
- make (i.e. build-essential)
- Docker
**Note**: You *can*, but you *don't have to* deploy Kubernetes-Mesos on the same machine the Mesos master is running on.
### Deploy Kubernetes-Mesos
Log into the future Kubernetes *master node* over SSH, replacing the placeholder below with the correct IP address.
ssh jclouds@${ip_address_of_master_node}
Build Kubernetes-Mesos.
git clone
cd kube-mesos-framework
Set some environment variables.
The internal IP address of the master may be obtained via `hostname -i`.
export KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP=$(hostname -i)
Note that KUBERNETES_MASTER is used as the api endpoint. If you have existing `~/.kube/config` and point to another endpoint, you need to add option `--server=${KUBERNETES_MASTER}` to kubectl in later steps.
### Deploy etcd
Start etcd and verify that it is running:
sudo docker run -d --hostname $(uname -n) --name etcd \
-p 4001:4001 -p 7001:7001 \
--listen-client-urls \
--advertise-client-urls http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001
$ sudo docker ps
fd7bac9e2301 "/etcd" 5s ago Up 3s 2379/tcp, 2380/... etcd
It's also a good idea to ensure your etcd instance is reachable by testing it
curl -L http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001/v2/keys/
If connectivity is OK, you will see an output of the available keys in etcd (if any).
### Start Kubernetes-Mesos Services
Update your PATH to more easily run the Kubernetes-Mesos binaries:
export PATH="$(pwd)/_output/local/go/bin:$PATH"
Identify your Mesos master: depending on your Mesos installation this is either a `host:port` like `mesos-master:5050` or a ZooKeeper URL like `zk://zookeeper:2181/mesos`.
In order to let Kubernetes survive Mesos master changes, the ZooKeeper URL is recommended for production environments.
export MESOS_MASTER=<host:port or zk:// url>
Create a cloud config file `mesos-cloud.conf` in the current directory with the following contents:
$ cat <<EOF >mesos-cloud.conf
mesos-master = ${MESOS_MASTER}
Now start the kubernetes-mesos API server, controller manager, and scheduler on the master node:
$ km apiserver \
--etcd-servers=http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001 \
--service-cluster-ip-range= \
--port=8888 \
--cloud-provider=mesos \
--cloud-config=mesos-cloud.conf \
--secure-port=0 \
--v=1 >apiserver.log 2>&1 &
$ km controller-manager \
--master=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:8888 \
--cloud-provider=mesos \
--cloud-config=./mesos-cloud.conf \
--v=1 >controller.log 2>&1 &
$ km scheduler \
--mesos-master=${MESOS_MASTER} \
--etcd-servers=http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001 \
--mesos-user=root \
--api-servers=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:8888 \
--cluster-dns= \
--cluster-domain=cluster.local \
--v=2 >scheduler.log 2>&1 &
Disown your background jobs so that they'll stay running if you log out.
disown -a
#### Validate KM Services
Interact with the kubernetes-mesos framework via `kubectl`:
$ kubectl get pods
# NOTE: your service IPs will likely differ
$ kubectl get services
k8sm-scheduler <none> 10251/TCP 1d
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 1d
Lastly, look for Kubernetes in the Mesos web GUI by pointing your browser to
`http://<mesos-master-ip:port>`. Make sure you have an active VPN connection.
Go to the Frameworks tab, and look for an active framework named "Kubernetes".
## Spin up a pod
Write a JSON pod description to a local file:
$ cat <<EOPOD >nginx.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
Send the pod description to Kubernetes using the `kubectl` CLI:
$ kubectl create -f ./nginx.yaml
pod "nginx" created
Wait a minute or two while `dockerd` downloads the image layers from the internet.
We can use the `kubectl` interface to monitor the status of our pod:
$ kubectl get pods
nginx 1/1 Running 0 14s
Verify that the pod task is running in the Mesos web GUI. Click on the
Kubernetes framework. The next screen should show the running Mesos task that
started the Kubernetes pod.
## Launching kube-dns
Kube-dns is an addon for Kubernetes which adds DNS-based service discovery to the cluster. For a detailed explanation see [DNS in Kubernetes][4].
The kube-dns addon runs as a pod inside the cluster. The pod consists of three co-located containers:
- a local etcd instance
- the [kube-dns][11] DNS server
We assume that kube-dns will use
- the service IP ``
- and the `cluster.local` domain.
Note that we have passed these two values already as parameter to the apiserver above.
A template for a replication controller spinning up the pod with the 3 containers can be found at [cluster/addons/dns/][12] in the repository. The following steps are necessary in order to get a valid replication controller yaml file:
{% assign dns_replicas = "{{ pillar['dns_replicas'] }}" %}
{% assign dns_domain = "{{ pillar['dns_domain'] }}" %}
- replace `{{ dns_replicas }}` with `1`
- replace `{{ dns_domain }}` with `cluster.local.`
- add `--kube_master_url=${KUBERNETES_MASTER}` parameter to the kube2sky container command.
In addition the service template at [cluster/addons/dns/][12] needs the following replacement:
{% assign dns_server = "{{ pillar['dns_server'] }}" %}
- `{{ dns_server }}` with ``.
To do this automatically:
```shell{% raw %}
sed -e "s/{{ pillar\['dns_replicas'\] }}/1/g;"\
"s,\(command = \"/kube2sky\"\),\\1\\"$'\n'" - --kube_master_url=${KUBERNETES_MASTER},;"\
"s/{{ pillar\['dns_domain'\] }}/cluster.local/g" \
cluster/addons/dns/ > kubedns-controller.yaml
sed -e "s/{{ pillar\['dns_server'\] }}/" \
cluster/addons/dns/ > kubedns-svc.yaml{% endraw %}
Now the kube-dns pod and service are ready to be launched:
kubectl create -f ./kubedns-controller.yaml
kubectl create -f ./kubedns-svc.yaml
Check with `kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system` that 3/3 containers of the pods are eventually up and running. Note that the kube-dns pods run in the `kube-system` namespace, not in `default`.
To check that the new DNS service in the cluster works, we start a busybox pod and use that to do a DNS lookup. First create the `busybox.yaml` pod spec:
cat <<EOF >busybox.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
namespace: default
- image: busybox
- sleep
- "3600"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: busybox
restartPolicy: Always
Then start the pod:
kubectl create -f ./busybox.yaml
When the pod is up and running, start a lookup for the Kubernetes master service, made available on by default:
kubectl exec busybox -- nslookup kubernetes
If everything works fine, you will get this output:
Address 1:
Name: kubernetes
Address 1:
## Support Level
IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level
-------------------- | ------------ | ------ | ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------| ----------------------------
Mesos/GCE | | | | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/mesos/) | | Community ([Kubernetes-Mesos Authors](
For support level information on all solutions, see the [Table of solutions](/docs/getting-started-guides/#table-of-solutions/) chart.
## What next?
Try out some of the standard [Kubernetes examples][9].
Read about Kubernetes on Mesos' architecture in the [contrib directory][13].
**NOTE:** Some examples require Kubernetes DNS to be installed on the cluster.
Future work will add instructions to this guide to enable support for Kubernetes DNS.
**NOTE:** Please be aware that there are [known issues with the current Kubernetes-Mesos implementation][7].
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ a Kubernetes cluster from scratch.
* [Ubuntu on LXD](/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/local/) supports a nine-instance deployment on localhost.
* [IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition)]( can use VirtualBox on your machine to deploy Kubernetes to one or more VMs for development and test scenarios. Scales to full multi-node cluster.
* [IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition)]( can use VirtualBox on your machine to deploy Kubernetes to one or more VMs for development and test scenarios. Scales to full multi-node cluster.
# Hosted Solutions
@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ These solutions are combinations of cloud providers and operating systems not co
These solutions provide integration with third-party schedulers, resource managers, and/or lower level platforms.
* [Kubernetes on Mesos](/docs/getting-started-guides/mesos/)
* Instructions specify GCE, but are generic enough to be adapted to most existing Mesos clusters
* [DCOS](/docs/getting-started-guides/dcos/)
* Community Edition DCOS uses AWS
* Enterprise Edition DCOS supports cloud hosting, on-premises VMs, and bare metal
Reference in New Issue