From ad651f01ee1157ec96e88ad9e6487707e1c1fe7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabrizio Pandini <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 00:07:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] kubeadm-design-doc (#6663)

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+    - docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/ 
   - title: Kubefed
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+- mikedanese
+- luxas
+- jbeda
+title: Implementation details
+{% capture overview %}
+`kubeadm init` and `kubeadm join` together provides a nice user experience for creating a best-practice but bare Kubernetes cluster from scratch.
+However, it might not be obvious _how_ kubeadm does that.
+This document provide additional details on what happen under the hood, with the aim of sharing knowledge on Kubernetes cluster best practices.
+{% endcapture %}
+{% capture body %}
+## Core design principles
+The cluster that `kubeadm init` and `kubeadm join` set up should be:
+ - Secure:
+   - It should adopt latest best-practices like:
+     - enforcing RBAC
+     - using the Node Authorizer
+     - using secure communication between the control plane components
+     - using secure communication between the API server and the kubelets
+     - lock-down the kubelet API
+     - locking down access to the API for system components like the kube-proxy and kube-dns
+     - locking down what a Bootstrap Token can access
+     - etc.
+ - Easy to use:
+   - The user should not have to run anything more than a couple of commands:
+     - `kubeadm init` 
+     - `export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf`
+     - `kubectl apply -f <network-of-choice.yaml>`
+     - `kubeadm join --token <token> <master-ip>:<master-port>`
+ - Extendable:
+   - It should for example _not_ favor any network provider, instead configuring a network is out-of-scope
+   - Should provide the possibility to use a config file for customizing various parameters
+## Constants and well-known values and paths
+In order to reduce complexity and to simplify development of an on-top-of-kubeadm-implemented deployment solution, kubeadm uses a 
+limited set of constants values for well know-known paths and file names.
+The Kubernetes directory `/etc/kubernetes` is a constant in the application, since it is clearly the given path 
+in a majority of cases, and the most intuitive location; other constants paths and file names are:
+- `/etc/kubernetes/manifests` as the path where kubelet should look for static Pod manifests. Names of static Pod manifests are:
+    - `etcd.yaml`
+    - `kube-apiserver.yaml`
+    - `kube-controller-manager.yaml`
+    - `kube-scheduler.yaml`
+- `/etc/kubernetes/` as the path where kubeconfig files with identities for control plane components are stored. Names of kubeconfig files are:
+    - `kubelet.conf` (`bootstrap-kubelet.conf` during TLS bootstrap)
+    - `controller-manager.conf`
+    - `scheduler.conf`
+    - `admin.conf` for the cluster admin and kubeadm itself
+- Names of certificates and key files :
+    - `ca.crt`, `ca.key` for the Kubernetes certificate authority
+    - `apiserver.crt`, `apiserver.key` for the API server certificate
+    - `apiserver-kubelet-client.crt`, `apiserver-kubelet-client.key` for the client certificate used by the API server to connect to the kubelets securely
+    - ``, `sa.key` for the key used by the controller manager when signing ServiceAccount
+    - `front-proxy-ca.crt`, `front-proxy-ca.key` for the the front proxy certificate authority
+    - `front-proxy-client.crt`, `front-proxy-client.key` for the front proxy client
+## kubeadm init workflow internal design
+The `kubeadm init` [internal workflow]( consists of a sequence of atomic work tasks to perform, 
+as described in `kubeadm init`.
+The [`kubeadm alpha phase`]( command allows users to invoke individually each task, and ultimately offers a reusable and composable
+API/toolbox that can be used by other Kubernetes bootstrap tools, by any IT automation tool or by advanced user 
+for creating custom clusters.
+### Preflight checks
+Kubeadm executes a set of preflight checks before starting the init, with the aim to verify preconditions and avoid common cluster startup problems. 
+In any case the user can skip specific preflight checks (or eventually all preflight checks) with the `--ignore-preflight-errors` option.
+- [warning] If the Kubernetes version to use (specified with the `--kubernetes-version` flag) is at least one minor version higher than the kubeadm CLI version
+- Kubernetes system requirements:
+  - if running on linux:
+    - [error] if not Kernel 3.10+ or 4+ with specific KernelSpec
+    - [error] if required cgroups subsystem aren't in set up
+  - if using docker:
+    - [warning/error] if Docker service does not  exists, if it is disabled, if it is not active.
+    - [error] if Docker endpoint does not exists or does not work
+    - [warning] if docker version >17.03
+  - If using other cri engine:
+    - [error] if crictl socket does not answer
+- [error] if user is not root
+- [error] if the machine hostname is not a valid DNS subdomain 
+- [warning] if the host name cannot be reached via network lookup
+- [error] if kubelet version is lower that the minimum kubelet version supported by kubeadm (current minor -1)
+- [error] if kubelet version is at least one minor higher than the required controlplane version (unsupported version skew)
+- [warning] if kubelet service does not exists or if it is disabled
+- [warning] if firewalld is active
+- [error] if API server bindPort or ports 10250/10251/10252 are used
+- [Error] if `/etc/kubernetes/manifest` folder already exists and it is not empty
+- [Error] if `/proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables` file does not exists/does not contains 1
+- [Error] if advertise address is ipv6 and `/proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables` does not exists/does not contains 1.
+- [Error] if swap is on
+- [Error] if `ip`, `iptables`,  `mount`, `nsenter` commands are not present in the command path
+- [warning] if `ebtables`, `ethtool`, `socat`, `tc`, `touch`, `crictl` commands are not present in the command path
+- [warning] if extra arg flags for API server, controller manager,  scheduler contains some invalid options
+- [warning] if connection to https://API.AdvertiseAddress:API.BindPort goes thought proxy
+- [warning] if connection to services subnet goes thought proxy (only first address checked)
+- [warning] if connection to Pods subnet goes thought proxy (only first address checked)  
+- If external etcd is provided: 
+  - [Error] if etcd version less than 3.0.14
+  - [Error] if etcd certificates or keys are specified, but not provided 
+- If external etcd is NOT provided (and thus local etcd will be installed): 
+  - [Error] if ports 2379 is used
+  - [Error] if Etcd.DataDir folder already exists and it is not empty
+- If authorization mode is ABAC:
+  - [Error] if abac_policy.json does not exists
+- If authorization mode is WebHook
+  - [Error] if webhook_authz.conf does not exists
+Please note that:
+1. Preflight checks can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase preflight`]( command
+### Generate the necessary certificates
+Kubeadm generates certificate and private key pairs for different purposes:
+ - A self signed certificate authority for the Kubernetes cluster saved into `ca.crt` file and `ca.key` private key file
+ - A serving certificate for the API server, generated using `ca.crt` as the CA, and saved into `apiserver.crt` file with 
+   its private key `apiserver.key`. This certificate should contains following alternative names:
+     - The Kubernetes service's internal clusterIP (the first address in the services CIDR, e.g. `` if service subnet is ``)
+     - Kubernetes DNS names, e.g.  `kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local` if `--service-dns-domain` flag value is `cluster.local`, plus default DNS names `kubernetes.default.svc`, `kubernetes.default`, `kubernetes`
+     - The node-name
+     - The `--apiserver-advertise-address`
+     - Additional alternative names specified by the user
+ - A client certificate for the API server to connect to the kubelets securely, generated using `ca.crt` as the CA and saved into
+   `apiserver-kubelet-client.crt` file with its private key `apiserver-kubelet-client.key`. 
+   This certificate should be in the `system:masters` organization
+ - A private key for signing ServiceAccount Tokens saved into `sa.key` file along with its public key ``
+ - A certificate authority for the front proxy saved into `front-proxy-ca.crt` file with its key `front-proxy-ca.key`
+ - A client cert for the front proxy client, generate using `front-proxy-ca.crt` as the CA and saved into `front-proxy-client.crt` file 
+   with its private key`front-proxy-client.key`
+Certificates are stored by default in `/etc/kubernetes/pki`, but this directory is configurable using the `--cert-dir` flag.
+ Please note that:
+1. If a given certificate and private key pair both exist, and its content is evaluated compliant with the above specs, the existing files will 
+   be used and the generation phase for the given certificate skipped. This means the user can, for example, copy an existing CA to
+   `/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.{crt,key}`, and then kubeadm will use those files for signing the rest of the certs. 
+   See also [using custom certificates](
+2. Only for the CA, it is possible to provide the `ca.crt` file but not the `ca.key` file, if all other certificates and kubeconfig files 
+   already are in place kubeadm recognize this condition and activates the ExternalCA , which also implies the `csrsigner`controller in
+   controller-manager won't be started
+3. If kubeadm is running in [ExternalCA mode](; all the certificates must be provided by the user, 
+   because kubeadm cannot generate them by itself
+4. In case of kubeadm is executed in the `--dry-run` mode, certificates files are written in a temporary folder
+5. Certificate generation can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase certs all`]( command
+### Generate kubeconfig files for control plane components
+Kubeadm kubeconfig files with identities for control plane components:
+- A kubeconfig file for kubelet to use, `/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf`; inside this file is embedded a client certificate with kubelet identity.
+  This client cert should:
+    - Be in the `system:nodes` organization, as required by the [Node Authorization](/docs/admin/authorization/node/) module
+    - Have the CN `system:node:<hostname-lowercased>`
+- A kubeconfig file for controller-manager, `/etc/kubernetes/controller-manager.conf`; inside this file is embedded a client 
+  certificate with controller-manager identity. This client cert should have the CN `system:kube-controller-manager`, as defined
+by default [RBAC core components roles](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/#core-component-roles)
+- A kubeconfig file for scheduler, `/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf`; inside this file is embedded a client certificate with scheduler identity.
+  This client cert should have the CN `system:kube-scheduler`, as defined by default [RBAC core components roles](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/#core-component-roles)
+Additionally, a kubeconfig file for kubeadm to use itself and the admin is generated and save into the `/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` file.
+The "admin" here is defined the actual person(s) that is administering the cluster and want to have full control (**root**) over the cluster.
+The embedded client certificate for admin should:
+- Be in the `system:masters` organization, as defined by default [RBAC user facing role bindings](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/#user-facing-roles)
+- Include a CN, but that can be anything. Kubeadm uses the `kubernetes-admin` CN
+Please note that:
+1. `ca.crt` certificate is embedded in all the kubeconfig files.
+2. If a given kubeconfig file exists, and its content is evaluated compliant with the above specs, the existing file will be used and the generation phase for the given kubeconfig skipped
+3. If kubeadm is running in [ExternalCA mode](, all the required kubeconfig must be provided by the user as well, because kubeadm cannot generate any of them by itself
+4. In case of kubeadm is executed in the `--dry-run` mode, kubeconfig files are written in a temporary folder
+5. Kubeconfig files generation can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase kubeconfig all`]( command
+### Generate static Pod manifests for control plane components
+Kubeadm writes static Pod manifest files for control plane components to `/etc/kubernetes/manifests`; the kubelet watches this directory for Pods to create on startup.
+Static Pod manifest share a set of common properties:
+- All static Pods are deployed on `kube-system` namespace
+- All static Pods gets `tier:control-plane` and `component:{component-name}` labels
+- All static Pods gets `` annotation (this will be moved over to the proper solution 
+  of using Pod Priority and Preemption when ready)
+- `hostNetwork: true` is set on all static Pods to allow control plane startup before a network is configured; as a consequence: 
+  * The `address` that the controller-manager and the scheduler use to refer the API server is ``
+  * If using a local etcd server, `etcd-servers` address  will be set to ``
+- Leader election is enabled for both the controller-manager and the scheduler
+- Controller-manager and the scheduler will reference kubeconfig files with their respective, unique identities
+- All static Pods gets any extra flags specified by the user as described in [passing custom arguments to control plane components](
+- All static Pods gets any extra extra Volumes specified by the user (Host path)
+Please note that:
+1. All the images, for the  `--kubernetes-version`/current architecture, will be pulled from ``; 
+   In case an alternative image repository or CI image repository is specified this one will be used; In case a specific container image 
+   should be used for all control plane components, this one will be used. see [using custom images]( 
+   for more details
+2. In case of kubeadm is executed in the `--dry-run` mode, static Pods files are written in a temporary folder
+3. Static Pod manifest generation for master components can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase controlplane all`]( command
+#### API server
+The static Pod manifest for the API server is affected by following parameters provided by the users:
+ - The `apiserver-advertise-address` and `apiserver-bind-port` to bind to; if not provided, those value defaults to the IP address of 
+   the default network interface on the machine and port 6443
+ - The `service-cluster-ip-range` to use for services
+ - If an external etcd server is specified, the `etcd-servers` address and related TLS settings (`etcd-cafile`, `etcd-certfile`, `etcd-keyfile`);
+   if an external etcd server is not be provided, a local etcd will be used (via host network)
+ - If a cloud provider is specified, the corresponding `--cloud-provider` is configured, together with  the  `--cloud-config` path
+   if such file exists (this is experimental, alpha and will be removed in a future version)
+ - If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=HighAvailability`, the flag `--endpoint-reconciler-type=lease` is set, thus enabling
+   automatic reconciliation of endpoints for the internal API server VIP
+ - If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=DynamicKubeletConfig`,  the corresponding feature on API server is activated
+   with the `--feature-gates=DynamicKubeletConfig=true` flag
+Other API server flags that are set unconditionally are:
+ - `--insecure-port=0` to avoid insecure connections to the api server
+ - `--enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true` to enable the `BootstrapTokenAuthenticator` authentication module. see [TLS Bootstrapping](/docs/admin/ for more details
+ - `--allow-privileged` to `true` (required e.g. by kube proxy)
+ - `--requestheader-client-ca-file` to `front-proxy-ca.crt`
+ - `--admission-control` to:
+    - [`Initializers`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#initializers-alpha) to enable [Dynamic Admission Control](/docs/admin/extensible-admission-controllers/).
+    - [`NamespaceLifecycle`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#namespacelifecycle) e.g. to avoid deletion of 
+      system reserved namespaces
+    - [`LimitRanger`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#limitranger) and [`ResourceQuota`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#resourcequota) to enforce limits on namespaces
+    - [`ServiceAccount`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#serviceaccount) to enforce service account automation
+    - [`PersistentVolumeLabel`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#persistentvolumelabel) attaches region or zone labels to
+      PersistentVolumes as defined by the cloud provider (This admission controller is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. 
+      It is not deployed by kubeadm by default with v1.9 onwards when not explicitely opting into using `gce` or `aws` as cloud providers)
+    - [`DefaultStorageClass`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#defaultstorageclass) to enforce default storage class on `PersistentVolumeClaim` objects
+    - [`DefaultTolerationSeconds`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#defaulttolerationseconds) 
+    - [`NodeRestriction`](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#noderestriction) to limit what a kubelet can modify 
+      (e.g. only pods on this node)
+ - `--kubelet-preferred-address-types` to `InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname;` this makes `kubectl logs` and other API server-kubelet 
+   communication work in environments where the hostnames of the nodes aren't resolvable
+ - Flags for using certificates generated in previous steps:
+    - `--client-ca-file` to `ca.crt`
+    - `--tls-cert-file` to `apiserver.crt`
+    - `--tls-private-key-file` to `apiserver.key`
+    - `--kubelet-client-certificate` to `apiserver-kubelet-client.crt`
+    - `--kubelet-client-key` to `apiserver-kubelet-client.key`
+    - `--service-account-key-file` to ``
+    - `--requestheader-client-ca-file` to`front-proxy-ca.crt`
+    - `--proxy-client-cert-file` to `front-proxy-client.crt`
+    - `--proxy-client-key-file` to `front-proxy-client.key` 
+ - Other flags for securing the front proxy ([API Aggregation]( communications:
+    - `--requestheader-username-headers=X-Remote-User`
+    - `--requestheader-group-headers=X-Remote-Group`
+    - `--requestheader-extra-headers-prefix=X-Remote-Extra-`
+    - `--requestheader-allowed-names=front-proxy-client`
+#### Controller manager
+The static Pod manifest for the API server is affected by following parameters provided by the users:
+- If kubeadm is invoked specifying a `--pod-network-cidr`, the subnet manager feature required for some CNI network plugins is enabled by 
+   setting:
+   - `--allocate-node-cidrs=true`
+   - `--cluster-cidr` and `--node-cidr-mask-size` flags according to the given CIDR
+ - If a cloud provider is specified, the corresponding `--cloud-provider` is specified, together with  the  `--cloud-config` path 
+   if such configuration file exists (this is experimental, alpha and will be removed in a future version)
+Other flags that are set unconditionally are:
+ - `--controllers` enabling all the default controllers plus `BootstrapSigner` and `TokenCleaner` controllers for TLS bootstrap. 
+    see [TLS Bootstrapping](/docs/admin/ for more details
+ - `--use-service-account-credentials` to `true`
+ - Flags for using certificates generated in previous steps:
+    - `--root-ca-file` to `ca.crt`
+    - `--cluster-signing-cert-file` to `ca.crt`, if External CA mode is disabled, otherwise to `""`
+    - `--cluster-signing-key-file` to `ca.key`, if External CA mode is disabled, otherwise to `""`
+    - `--service-account-private-key-file` to `sa.key`
+#### Scheduler
+The static Pod manifest for the scheduler is not affected by parameters provided by the users.
+### Generate static Pod manifest for local etcd
+If the user specified an external etcd this step will be skipped, otherwise kubeadm generates a static Pod manifest file for creating 
+a local etcd instance running in a Pod with following attributes:
+- listen on `localhost:2379` and use `HostNetwork=true`
+- make a `hostPath` mount out from the `dataDir` to the host's filesystem
+- Any extra flags specified by the user
+Please note that:
+1. The etcd image will be pulled from ``. In case an alternative image repository is specified this one will be used; 
+   In case an alternative image name is specified, this one will be used. see [using custom images]( for more details
+2. in case of kubeadm is executed in the `--dry-run` mode, the etcd static Pod manifest is written in a temporary folder
+3. Static Pod manifest generation for local etcd can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase etcd local`]( command
+### (optional and alpha in v1.9) Write init kubelet configuration
+If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=DynamicKubeletConfig`, it writes the kubelet init configuration 
+into `/var/lib/kubelet/config/init/kubelet` file.
+The init configuration is used for starting the kubelet on this specific node, providing an alternative for the kubelet drop-in file; 
+such configuration will be replaced by the kubelet base configuration as described in following steps. 
+See [set Kubelet parameters via a config file](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/ for additional info.
+Please note that:
+1. To make dynamic kubelet configuration work, flag `--dynamic-config-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/config/dynamic` should be specified 
+   in `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf`
+1. Kubelet init configuration can be changed by using kubeadm MasterConfiguration file by setting `.kubeletConfiguration.baseConfig`.
+   See [using kubeadm init with a configuration file]( for more detail
+### Wait for the control plane to come up
+This is a critical moment in time for kubeadm clusters.
+kubeadm waits until `localhost:6443/healthz` returns `ok`, however in order to detect deadlock conditions, kubeadm fails fast 
+if `localhost:10255/healthz` (kubelet liveness) or `localhost:10255/healthz/syncloop` (kubelet readiness) don't return `ok`, 
+respectively after 40 and 60 second.
+kubeadm relies on the kubelet to pull the control plane images and run them properly as static Pods.
+After the control plane is up, kubeadm completes a the tasks described in following paragraphs.
+### (optional and alpha in v1.9) Write base kubelet configuration
+If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=DynamicKubeletConfig`: 
+1. Write the kubelet base configuration into the `kubelet-base-config-v1.9` ConfigMap in the `kube-system` namespace
+2. Creates RBAC rules for granting read access to that ConfigMap to all bootstrap tokens and all kubelet instances 
+   (that is `system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token` and `system:nodes` groups)
+3. Enable the dynamic kubelet configuration feature for the initial master node by pointing `Node.spec.configSource` to the newly-created ConfigMap
+### Save kubeadm MasterConfiguration in a ConfigMap for later reference
+kubeadm saves the configuration passed to `kubeadm init`, either via flags or the config file, in a ConfigMap 
+named `kubeadm-config` under `kube-system` namespace.
+This will ensure that kubeadm actions executed in future (e.g `kubeadm upgrade`) will be able to determine the actual/current cluster
+state and make new decisions based on that data.
+Please note that:
+1. Before uploading, sensitive information like e.g. the token are stripped from the configuration 
+2. Upload of master configuration can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase upload-config`]( command
+3. If you initialized your cluster using kubeadm v1.7.x or lower, you must create manually the master configuration ConfigMap 
+   before `kubeadm upgrade` to v1.8 . In order to facilitate this task, the [`kubeadm config upload (from-flags|from-file)`]( 
+   was implemented
+### Mark master
+As soon as the control plane is available, kubeadm executes following actions: 
+- Label the master with `""` 
+- Taints the master with ``
+Please note that:
+1. Mark master phase can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase mark-master`]( command
+### Configure TLS-Bootstrapping for node joining
+Kubeadm uses [Authenticating with Bootstrap Tokens](/docs/admin/bootstrap-tokens/) for joining new nodes to an
+existing cluster; for more details see also [design proposal](
+`kubeadm init` ensures that everything is properly configured for this process, and this includes following steps as well as 
+setting API server and controller flags as already described in previous paragraphs.
+Please note that:
+1. TLS bootstrapping for nodes can be configured with the [`kubeadm alpha phase bootstrap-token all`](  
+   command, executing all the configuration steps described in following paragraphs; alternatively, each step can be invoked individually
+#### Create a bootstrap token
+`kubeadm init` create a first bootstrap token, either generated automatically or provided by the user with the `--token` flag; as documented 
+in bootstrap token specification, token should be saved as secrets with name `bootstrap-token-<token-id>` under `kube-system` namespace.
+Please note that:
+1. The default token created by `kubeadm init` will be used to validate temporary user during TLS bootstrap process; those users will 
+   be member of  `system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token` group
+2. The token has a limited validity, default 24 hours (the interval may be changed with the `—token-ttl` flag)
+3. Additional tokens can be created with the [`kubeadm token`]( command, that provide as well other useful functions 
+   for token management
+#### Allow joining nodes to call CSR API
+Kubeadm ensure that users in  `system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token` group are able to access the certificate signing API.
+This is implemented by creating a ClusterRoleBinding named `kubeadm:kubelet-bootstrap` between the group above and the default 
+RBAC role `system:node-bootstrapper`.
+#### Setup auto approval for new bootstrap tokens
+Kubeadm ensures that the Boostrap Token will get its CSR request automatically approved by the the csrapprover controller.
+This is implemented by creating ClusterRoleBinding named `kubeadm:node-autoapprove-bootstrap` between 
+the  `system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token` group and the default role ``.
+The role `` should be created as well, granting 
+POST permission to `/apis/`.
+#### Setup nodes certificate rotation with auto approval
+Kubeadm ensures that certificate rotation is enabled for nodes, and that new certificate request for nodes will get its CSR request 
+automatically approved by the the csrapprover controller.
+This is implemented by creating ClusterRoleBinding named `kubeadm:node-autoapprove-certificate-rotation` between the  `system:nodes` group 
+and the default role ``.
+#### Create the public cluster-info ConfigMap
+This phase creates the `cluster-info` ConfigMap in the `kube-public` namespace.
+Additionally it is created a role and a RoleBinding granting access to the ConfigMap for unauthenticated users 
+(i.e. users in RBAC group `system:unauthenticated`)
+Please note that:
+1. The access to the `cluster-info` ConfigMap _is not_ rate-limited. This may or may not be a problem if you expose your master 
+to the internet; worst-case scenario here is a DoS attack where an attacker uses all the in-flight requests the kube-apiserver 
+can handle to serving the `cluster-info` ConfigMap.
+### Install addons
+Kubeadm installs the internal DNS server and the kube-proxy addon components via the API server.
+Please note that: 
+1. This phase can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase addon all`]( command.
+#### proxy
+A ServiceAccount for `kube-proxy` is created in the `kube-system` namespace; then kube-proxy is deployed as a DaemonSet:
+- The credentials (`ca.crt` and `token`) to the master come from the ServiceAccount
+- The location of the master comes from a ConfigMap
+- The `kube-proxy` ServiceAccount is bound to the privileges in the `system:node-proxier` ClusterRole
+#### DNS
+A ServiceAccount for `kube-dns` is created in the `kube-system` namespace.
+Deploy the kube-dns Deployment and Service:
+- It's the upstream kube-dns deployment relatively unmodified
+- The `kube-dns` ServiceAccount is bound to the privileges in the `system:kube-dns` ClusterRole
+Please note that:
+1. If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=CoreDNS`,  CoreDNS is installed instead of `kube-dns`
+### (Optional and alpha in v1.9) self-hosting
+This phase is performed only if `kubeadm init` is invoked with `—features-gates=selfHosting`
+The self hosting phase basically replaces static Pods for control plane components with DaemonSets; this is achieved by executing 
+following procedure for API server, scheduler and controller manager static Pods:
+- Load the static Pod specification from disk 
+- Extract the PodSpec from static Pod manifest file
+- Mutate the PodSpec to be compatible with self-hosting, and more in detail:
+  - Add node selector attribute targeting nodes with `""` label, 
+  - Add a toleration for `` taint,
+  - Set `spec.DNSPolicy` to `ClusterFirstWithHostNet`
+- Build a new DaemonSet object for the self-hosted component in question. Use the above mentioned PodSpec
+- Create the DaemonSet resource in `kube-system` namespace. Wait until the Pods are running.
+- Remove the static Pod manifest file. The kubelet will stop the original static Pod-hosted component that was running
+Please note that:
+1. Self hosting is not yet resilient to node restarts; this can be fixed with external checkpointing or with kubelet checkpointing 
+   for the control plane Pods. See [self-hosting]( for more details.
+2. If invoked with `—features-gates=StoreCertsInSecrets`  following additional steps will be executed
+   - Creation of `ca`,  `apiserver`,  `apiserver-kubelet-client`, `sa`, `front-proxy-ca`, `front-proxy-client` TLS secrets 
+     in `kube-system` namespace with respective certificates and keys.
+     Important! storing the CA key in a Secret might have security implications
+   - Creation of `schedler.conf` and `controller-manager.conf` secrets in`kube-system` namespace with respective kubeconfig files
+   - Mutation of all the Pod specs by replacing host path volumes with projected volumes from the secrets above
+3. This phase can be invoked individually with the [`kubeadm alpha phase selfhosting convert-from-staticpods`]( command.
+## kubeadm join phases internal design
+Similarly to `kubeadm init`, also `kubeadm join` internal workflow consists of a sequence of atomic work tasks to perform.
+This is split into discovery (having the Node trust the Kubernetes Master) and TLS bootstrap (having the Kubernetes Master trust the Node).
+see [Authenticating with Bootstrap Tokens](/docs/admin/bootstrap-tokens/) or the corresponding [design proposal](
+### Preflight checks
+`kubeadm` executes a set of preflight checks before starting the join, with the aim to verify preconditions and avoid common 
+cluster startup problems. 
+Please note that:
+1. `kubeadm join` preflight checks are basically a subset `kubeadm init` preflight checks
+1. Starting from 1.9, kubeadm provides better support for CRI-generic functionality; in that case, docker specific controls 
+   are skipped or replaced by similar controls for crictl.
+1. Starting from 1.9, kubeadm provides support for joining nodes running on Windows; in that case, linux specific controls are skipped.
+1. In any case the user can skip specific preflight checks (or eventually all preflight checks) with the `--ignore-preflight-errors` option.
+### Discovery cluster-info
+There are 2 main schemes for discovery. The first is to use a shared token along with the IP address of the API server. 
+The second is to provide a file (that is a subset of the standard kubeconfig file). 
+#### Shared token discovery
+If `kubeadm join` is invoked with `--discovery-token`, token discovery is used; in this case the node basically retrieves 
+the cluster CA certificates from the  `cluster-info` ConfigMap in the `kube-public` namespace.
+In order to prevent "man in the middle" attacks, several steps are taken:
+- First, the CA certificate is retrieved via insecure connection (this is possible because `kubeadm init` granted access to  `cluster-info` users for `system:unauthenticated` )
+- Then the CA certificate goes trough following validation steps: 
+  - Basic validation: using the token ID against a JWT signature
+  - Pub key validation: using provided `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash`. This value is available in the output of `kubeadm init` or can
+    be calculated using standard tools (the hash is calculated over the bytes of the Subject Public Key Info (SPKI) object as in RFC7469). 
+    The `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash flag` may be repeated multiple times to allow more than one public key.
+  - As a additional validation, the CA certificate is retrieved via secure connection and then compared with the CA retrieved initially
+Please note that:
+1.  Pub key validation can be skipped passing `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flag; This weakens the kubeadm security 
+    model since others can potentially impersonate the Kubernetes Master.
+#### File/https discovery
+If `kubeadm join` is invoked with `--discovery-file`, file discovery is used; this file can be a local file or downloaded via an HTTPS URL; in case of HTTPS, the host installed CA bundle is used to verify the connection.
+With file discovery, the cluster CA certificates is provided into the file itself; in fact, the discovery file is a kubeconfig 
+file with only `server` and `certificate-authority-data` attributes set, as described in [`kubeadm join`](/ reference doc; 
+when the connection with the cluster is established, kubeadm try to access the `cluster-info` ConfigMap, and if available, uses it.
+## TLS Bootstrap
+Once the cluster info are known, the file `bootstrap-kubelet.conf` is written, thus allowing kubelet to do TLS Bootstrapping 
+(conversely until v.1.7 TLS bootstrapping were managed by kubeadm).
+The TLS bootstrap mechanism uses the shared token to temporarily authenticate with the Kubernetes Master to submit a certificate 
+signing request (CSR) for a locally created key pair. 
+The request is then automatically approved and the operation completes saving `ca.crt` file and `kubelet.conf` file to be used 
+by kubelet for joining the cluster, while`bootstrap-kubelet.conf` is deleted.
+Please note that:
+- The temporary authentication is validated against the token saved during the `kubeadm init` process (or with additional tokens 
+  created with `kubeadm token`) 
+- The temporary authentication resolve to a user member of  `system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token` group which was granted 
+  access to CSR api during the `kubeadm init` process
+- The automatic CSR approval is managed by the csrapprover controller, according with configuration done the `kubeadm init` process
+### (optional and alpha in v1.9) Write init kubelet configuration
+If kubeadm is invoked with `--feature-gates=DynamicKubeletConfig`: 
+1. Read the kubelet base configuration from the `kubelet-base-config-v1.9` ConfigMap in the `kube-system` namespace  using the
+   Bootstrap Token credentials, and write it to disk as kubelet init configuration file  `/var/lib/kubelet/config/init/kubelet`
+2. As soon as kubelet starts with the Node's own credential (`/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf`), update current node configuration 
+   specifying that the the source for the node/kubelet configuration is the above ConfigMap.
+Please note that:
+1. To make dynamic kubelet configuration work, flag `--dynamic-config-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/config/dynamic` should be specified in `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf`
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