[zh] sync horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough.md
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
title: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 演练
title: HorizontalPodAutoscaler 演练
content_type: task
content_type: task
weight: 100
weight: 100
min-kubernetes-server-version: 1.23
@ -18,84 +19,106 @@ weight: 100
<!-- overview -->
<!-- overview -->
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods
A [HorizontalPodAutoscaler](/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/)
in a replication controller, deployment or replica set or statefulset based on observed CPU utilization
(HPA for short)
(or, with beta support, on some other, application-provided metrics).
automatically updates a workload resource (such as
a {{< glossary_tooltip text="Deployment" term_id="deployment" >}} or
{{< glossary_tooltip text="StatefulSet" term_id="statefulset" >}}), with the
aim of automatically scaling the workload to match demand.
Horizontal scaling means that the response to increased load is to deploy more
{{< glossary_tooltip text="Pods" term_id="pod" >}}.
This is different from _vertical_ scaling, which for Kubernetes would mean
assigning more resources (for example: memory or CPU) to the Pods that are already
running for the workload.
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 可以根据 CPU 利用率自动扩缩 ReplicationController、
[HorizontalPodAutoscaler](/zh/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/) (简称 HPA )
Deployment、ReplicaSet 或 StatefulSet 中的 Pod 数量
自动更新工作负载资源(例如 {{< glossary_tooltip text="Deployment" term_id="deployment" >}} 或者
(也可以基于其他应用程序提供的度量指标,目前这一功能处于 beta 版本)。
{{< glossary_tooltip text="StatefulSet" term_id="statefulset" >}}),
水平扩缩意味着对增加的负载的响应是部署更多的 {{< glossary_tooltip text="Pods" term_id="pod" >}}。
这与 “垂直(Vertical)” 扩缩不同,对于 Kubernetes,
垂直扩缩意味着将更多资源(例如:内存或 CPU)分配给已经为工作负载运行的 Pod。
This document walks you through an example of enabling Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for the php-apache server.
If the load decreases, and the number of Pods is above the configured minimum,
For more information on how Horizontal Pod Autoscaler behaves, see the
the HorizontalPodAutoscaler instructs the workload resource (the Deployment, StatefulSet,
[Horizontal Pod Autoscaler user guide](/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/).
or other similar resource) to scale back down.
This document walks you through an example of enabling HorizontalPodAutoscaler to
automatically manage scale for an example web app. This example workload is Apache
httpd running some PHP code.
本文将引领你了解如何为 php-apache 服务器配置和使用 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler。
如果负载减少,并且 Pod 的数量高于配置的最小值,
与 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 相关的更多信息请参阅
HorizontalPodAutoscaler 会指示工作负载资源( Deployment、StatefulSet 或其他类似资源)缩减。
[Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 用户指南](/zh/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/)。
本文档将引导你完成启用 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 以自动管理示例 Web 应用程序的扩缩的示例。
此示例工作负载是运行一些 PHP 代码的 Apache httpd。
## {{% heading "prerequisites" %}}
## {{% heading "prerequisites" %}}
{{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}}
This example requires a running Kubernetes cluster and kubectl, version 1.2 or later.
[metrics-server](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-server/) monitoring needs to be deployed
in the cluster to provide metrics through the [Metrics API](https://github.com/kubernetes/metrics).
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler uses this API to collect metrics. To learn how to deploy the metrics-server,
see the [metrics-server documentation](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server#deployment).
本文示例需要一个运行中的 Kubernetes 集群以及 kubectl,版本为 1.2 或更高。
[Metrics 服务器](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-server/)
需要被部署到集群中,以便通过 [Metrics API](https://github.com/kubernetes/metrics)
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 根据此 API 来获取度量数据。
要了解如何部署 metrics-server,请参考
[metrics-server 文档](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-server/) 。
To specify multiple resource metrics for a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, you must have a
If you're running an older
Kubernetes cluster and kubectl at version 1.6 or later. To make use of custom metrics, your cluster
release of Kubernetes, refer to the version of the documentation for that release (see
must be able to communicate with the API server providing the custom metrics API.
[available documentation versions](/docs/home/supported-doc-versions/)).
Finally, to use metrics not related to any Kubernetes object you must have a
Kubernetes cluster at version 1.10 or later, and you must be able to communicate with
the API server that provides the external metrics API.
See the [Horizontal Pod Autoscaler user guide](/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/#support-for-custom-metrics) for more details.
如果需要为 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 指定多种资源度量指标,你的 Kubernetes
如果你运行的是旧版本的 Kubernetes,请参阅该版本的文档版本
集群以及 kubectl 至少需要达到 1.6 版本。
此外,如果要使用自定义度量指标,你的 Kubernetes 集群还必须能够与提供这些自定义指标
的 API 服务器通信。
最后,如果要使用与 Kubernetes 对象无关的度量指标,则 Kubernetes 集群版本至少需要
To follow this walkthrough, you also need to use a cluster that has a
达到 1.10 版本,同样,需要保证集群能够与提供这些外部指标的 API 服务器通信。
[Metrics Server](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server#readme) deployed and configured.
The Kubernetes Metrics Server collects resource metrics from
[Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 用户指南](/zh/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/#support-for-custom-metrics)。
the {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="kubelet" text="kubelets">}} in your cluster, and exposes those metrics
through the [Kubernetes API](/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api/),
using an [APIService](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/) to add
new kinds of resource that represent metric readings.
To learn how to deploy the Metrics Server, see the
[metrics-server documentation](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server#deployment).
[Metrics Server](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server#readme) 的集群。
Kubernetes Metrics Server 从集群中的 {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="kubelet" text="kubelets">}} 收集资源指标,
并通过 [Kubernetes API](/zh/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api/) 公开这些指标,
使用 [APIService](/zh/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/) 添加代表指标读数的新资源。
要了解如何部署 Metrics Server,请参阅
[metrics-server 文档](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server#deployment)。
<!-- steps -->
<!-- steps -->
## Run & expose php-apache server
## Run and expose php-apache server
## 运行 php-apache 服务器并暴露服务
## 运行 php-apache 服务器并暴露服务 {#run-and-expose-php-apache-server}
To demonstrate Horizontal Pod Autoscaler we will use a custom docker image based on the php-apache image.
To demonstrate a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, you will first make a custom container image that uses
The Dockerfile has the following content:
the `php-apache` image from Docker Hub as its starting point. The `Dockerfile` is ready-made for you,
and has the following content:
为了演示 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler,我们将使用一个基于 php-apache 镜像的
为了演示 HorizontalPodAutoscaler,你将首先制作一个自定义容器镜像,
定制 Docker 镜像。Dockerfile 内容如下:
该镜像使用来自 Docker Hub 的 `php-apache` 镜像作为其起点。
`Dockerfile` 已经为你准备好了,内容如下:
FROM php:5-apache
FROM php:5-apache
COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.php
COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.php
RUN chmod a+rx index.php
RUN chmod a+rx index.php
It defines an index.php page which performs some CPU intensive computations:
This code defines a simple `index.php` page that performs some CPU intensive computations,
in order to simulate load in your cluster.
该文件定义了一个 index.php 页面来执行一些 CPU 密集型计算:
代码定义了一个简单的 `index.php` 页面,该页面执行一些 CPU 密集型计算,
$x = 0.0001;
$x = 0.0001;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 1000000; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= 1000000; $i++) {
@ -106,17 +129,19 @@ It defines an index.php page which performs some CPU intensive computations:
First, we will start a deployment running the image and expose it as a service
Once you have made that container image, start a Deployment that runs a container using the
using the following configuration:
image you made, and expose it as a {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="service">}}
using the following manifest:
首先,我们使用下面的配置启动一个 Deployment 来运行这个镜像并暴露一个服务:
制作完该容器镜像后,使用你制作的镜像启动运行一个容器的 Deployment,
并使用以下清单将其公开为{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="service" text="服务" >}}:
{{< codenew file="application/php-apache.yaml" >}}
{{< codenew file="application/php-apache.yaml" >}}
Run the following command:
To do so, run the following command:
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/php-apache.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/php-apache.yaml
@ -128,28 +153,46 @@ service/php-apache created
## Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
## Create the HorizontalPodAutoscaler {#create-horizontal-pod-autoscaler}
Now that the server is running, create the autoscaler using `kubectl`. There is
[`kubectl autoscale`](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#autoscale) subcommand,
part of `kubectl`, that helps you do this.
You will shortly run a command that creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler that maintains
between 1 and 10 replicas of the Pods controlled by the php-apache Deployment that
you created in the first step of these instructions.
Roughly speaking, the HPA {{<glossary_tooltip text="controller" term_id="controller">}} will increase and decrease
the number of replicas (by updating the Deployment) to maintain an average CPU utilization across all Pods of 50%.
The Deployment then updates the ReplicaSet - this is part of how all Deployments work in Kubernetes -
and then the ReplicaSet either adds or removes Pods based on the change to its `.spec`.
Now that the server is running, we will create the autoscaler using
[kubectl autoscale](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#autoscale).
The following command will create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler that maintains between 1 and 10 replicas of the Pods
controlled by the php-apache deployment we created in the first step of these instructions.
Roughly speaking, HPA will increase and decrease the number of replicas
(via the deployment) to maintain an average CPU utilization across all Pods of 50%.
Since each pod requests 200 milli-cores by `kubectl run`, this means an average CPU usage of 100 milli-cores.
Since each pod requests 200 milli-cores by `kubectl run`, this means an average CPU usage of 100 milli-cores.
See [here](/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/#algorithm-details) for more details on the algorithm.
See [Algorithm details](/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/#algorithm-details) for more details
on the algorithm.
## 创建 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler {#create-horizontal-pod-autoscaler}
## 创建 HorizontalPodAutoscaler {#create-horizontal-pod-autoscaler}
现在,php-apache 服务器已经运行,我们将通过
现在服务器正在运行,使用 `kubectl` 创建自动扩缩器。
[kubectl autoscale](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#autoscale)
[`kubectl autoscale`](/zh/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#autoscale) 子命令是 `kubectl` 的一部分,
命令创建 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler。
以下命令将创建一个 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 用于控制我们上一步骤中创建的
Deployment,使 Pod 的副本数量维持在 1 到 10 之间。
你将很快运行一个创建 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 的命令,
大致来说,HPA 将(通过 Deployment)增加或者减少 Pod 副本的数量以保持所有 Pod
该 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 维护由你在这些说明的第一步中创建的 php-apache Deployment 控制的 Pod 存在 1 到 10 个副本。
的平均 CPU 利用率在 50% 左右。由于每个 Pod 请求 200 毫核的 CPU,这意味着平均
CPU 用量为 100 毫核。
粗略地说,HPA {{<glossary_tooltip text="控制器" term_id="controller">}}将增加和减少副本的数量
(通过更新 Deployment)以保持所有 Pod 的平均 CPU 利用率为 50%。
Deployment 然后更新 ReplicaSet —— 这是所有 Deployment 在 Kubernetes 中工作方式的一部分 ——
然后 ReplicaSet 根据其 `.spec` 的更改添加或删除 Pod。
由于每个 Pod 通过 `kubectl run` 请求 200 milli-cores,这意味着平均 CPU 使用率为 100 milli-cores。
<!-- Create the HorizontalPodAutoscaler: -->
创建 HorizontalPodAutoscaler:
kubectl autoscale deployment php-apache --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
kubectl autoscale deployment php-apache --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
@ -160,14 +203,19 @@ horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/php-apache autoscaled
We may check the current status of autoscaler by running:
You can check the current status of the newly-made HorizontalPodAutoscaler, by running:
我们可以通过以下命令查看 Autoscaler 的状态:
你可以通过运行以下命令检查新制作的 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 的当前状态:
<!--# You can use "hpa" or "horizontalpodautoscaler"; either name works OK. -->
# 你可以使用 “hap” 或 “horizontalpodautoscaler”;任何一个名字都可以。
kubectl get hpa
kubectl get hpa
<!-- The output is similar to: -->
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 0% / 50% 1 10 1 18s
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 0% / 50% 1 10 1 18s
@ -175,42 +223,71 @@ php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 0% / 50% 1 10 1
Please note that the current CPU consumption is 0% as we are not sending any requests to the server
(if you see other HorizontalPodAutoscalers with different names, that means they already existed,
(the ``CURRENT`` column shows the average across all the pods controlled by the corresponding deployment).
and isn't usually a problem).
请注意当前的 CPU 利用率是 0%,这是由于我们尚未发送任何请求到服务器
(如果你看到其他具有不同名称的 HorizontalPodAutoscalers,这意味着它们已经存在,这通常不是问题)。
(``CURRENT`` 列显示了相应 Deployment 所控制的所有 Pod 的平均 CPU 利用率)。
## Increase load
Please note that the current CPU consumption is 0% as there are no clients sending requests to the server
(the ``TARGET`` column shows the average across all the Pods controlled by the corresponding deployment).
请注意当前的 CPU 利用率是 0%,这是由于我们尚未发送任何请求到服务器
(``TARGET`` 列显示了相应 Deployment 所控制的所有 Pod 的平均 CPU 利用率)。
Now, we will see how the autoscaler reacts to increased load.
We will start a container, and send an infinite loop of queries to the php-apache service (please run it in a different terminal):
## Increase the load {#increase-load}
Next, see how the autoscaler reacts to increased load.
To do this, you'll start a different Pod to act as a client. The container within the client Pod
runs in an infinite loop, sending queries to the php-apache service.
## 增加负载 {#increase-load}
## 增加负载 {#increase-load}
现在,我们将看到 Autoscaler 如何对增加负载作出反应。
我们将启动一个容器,并通过一个循环向 php-apache 服务器发送无限的查询请求
为此,你将启动一个不同的 Pod 作为客户端。
客户端 Pod 中的容器在无限循环中运行,向 php-apache 服务发送查询。
# Run this in a separate terminal
# so that the load generation continues and you can carry on with the rest of the steps
kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01; do wget -q -O- http://php-apache; done"
# 在单独的终端中运行它
# 以便负载生成继续,你可以继续执行其余步骤
kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox:1.28 --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01; do wget -q -O- http://php-apache; done"
Within a minute or so, we should see the higher CPU load by executing:
Now run:
一分钟时间左右之后,通过以下命令,我们可以看到 CPU 负载升高了:
Within a minute or so, you should see the higher CPU load; for example:
<!-- # type Ctrl+C to end the watch when you're ready -->
kubectl get hpa
# 准备好后按 Ctrl+C 结束观察
kubectl get hpa php-apache --watch
一分钟时间左右之后,通过以下命令,我们可以看到 CPU 负载升高了;例如:
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 305% / 50% 1 10 1 3m
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 305% / 50% 1 10 1 3m
and then, more replicas. For example:
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 305% / 50% 1 10 7 3m
Here, CPU consumption has increased to 305% of the request.
Here, CPU consumption has increased to 305% of the request.
As a result, the deployment was resized to 7 replicas:
As a result, the deployment was resized to 7 replicas:
@ -222,6 +299,11 @@ As a result, the deployment was resized to 7 replicas:
kubectl get deployment php-apache
kubectl get deployment php-apache
You should see the replica count matching the figure from the HorizontalPodAutoscaler
你应该会看到与 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 中的数字与副本数匹配
php-apache 7/7 7 7 19m
php-apache 7/7 7 7 19m
@ -238,32 +320,40 @@ will differ from this example.
{{< /note >}}
{{< /note >}}
## Stop load
## Stop generating load {#stop-load}
We will finish our example by stopping the user load.
To finish the example, stop sending the load.
In the terminal where we created the container with `busybox` image, terminate
In the terminal where you created the Pod that runs a `busybox` image, terminate
the load generation by typing `<Ctrl> + C`.
the load generation by typing `<Ctrl> + C`.
Then we will verify the result state (after a minute or so):
Then verify the result state (after a minute or so):
## 停止负载
## 停止产生负载 {#stop-load}
在我们创建 busybox 容器的终端中,输入`<Ctrl> + C` 来终止负载的产生。
在我们创建 `busybox` 容器的终端中,输入 `<Ctrl> + C` 来终止负载的产生。
<!-- # type Ctrl+C to end the watch when you're ready -->
kubectl get hpa
# 准备好后按 Ctrl+C 结束观察
kubectl get hpa php-apache --watch
<!-- The output is similar to: -->
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 0% / 50% 1 10 1 11m
php-apache Deployment/php-apache/scale 0% / 50% 1 10 1 11m
<!-- and the Deployment also shows that it has scaled down: -->
Deployment 也显示它已经缩小了:
kubectl get deployment php-apache
kubectl get deployment php-apache
@ -274,16 +364,14 @@ php-apache 1/1 1 1 27m
Here CPU utilization dropped to 0, and so HPA autoscaled the number of replicas back down to 1.
Once CPU utilization dropped to 0, the HPA automatically scaled the number of replicas back down to 1.
这时,CPU 利用率已经降到 0,所以 HPA 将自动缩减副本数量至 1。
一旦 CPU 利用率降至 0,HPA 会自动将副本数缩减为 1。
Autoscaling the replicas may take a few minutes.
Autoscaling the replicas may take a few minutes.
{{< note >}}
{{< /note >}}
<!-- discussion -->
<!-- discussion -->
@ -291,17 +379,17 @@ Autoscaling the replicas may take a few minutes.
## Autoscaling on multiple metrics and custom metrics
## Autoscaling on multiple metrics and custom metrics
You can introduce additional metrics to use when autoscaling the `php-apache` Deployment
You can introduce additional metrics to use when autoscaling the `php-apache` Deployment
by making use of the `autoscaling/v2beta2` API version.
by making use of the `autoscaling/v2` API version.
## 基于多项度量指标和自定义度量指标自动扩缩 {#autoscaling-on-multiple-metrics-and-custom-metrics}
## 基于多项度量指标和自定义度量指标自动扩缩 {#autoscaling-on-multiple-metrics-and-custom-metrics}
利用 `autoscaling/v2beta2` API 版本,你可以在自动扩缩 php-apache 这个
利用 `autoscaling/v2` API 版本,你可以在自动扩缩 php-apache 这个
Deployment 时使用其他度量指标。
Deployment 时使用其他度量指标。
First, get the YAML of your HorizontalPodAutoscaler in the `autoscaling/v2beta2` form:
First, get the YAML of your HorizontalPodAutoscaler in the `autoscaling/v2` form:
首先,将 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 的 YAML 文件改为 `autoscaling/v2beta2` 格式:
首先,将 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 的 YAML 文件改为 `autoscaling/v2` 格式:
kubectl get hpa php-apache -o yaml > /tmp/hpa-v2.yaml
kubectl get hpa php-apache -o yaml > /tmp/hpa-v2.yaml
@ -313,7 +401,7 @@ Open the `/tmp/hpa-v2.yaml` file in an editor, and you should see YAML which loo
在编辑器中打开 `/tmp/hpa-v2.yaml`:
在编辑器中打开 `/tmp/hpa-v2.yaml`:
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: php-apache
name: php-apache
@ -376,13 +464,13 @@ advanced cluster monitoring setup.
The first of these alternative metric types is *pod metrics*. These metrics describe pods, and
The first of these alternative metric types is *pod metrics*. These metrics describe Pods, and
are averaged together across pods and compared with a target value to determine the replica count.
are averaged together across Pods and compared with a target value to determine the replica count.
They work much like resource metrics, except that they *only* support a `target` type of `AverageValue`.
They work much like resource metrics, except that they *only* support a `target` type of `AverageValue`.
第一种可选的度量指标类型是 Pod 度量指标。这些指标从某一方面描述了 Pod,
第一种可选的度量指标类型是 **Pod 度量指标**。这些指标从某一方面描述了 Pod,
在不同 Pod 之间进行平均,并通过与一个目标值比对来确定副本的数量。
在不同 Pod 之间进行平均,并通过与一个目标值比对来确定副本的数量。
它们的工作方式与资源度量指标非常相像,只是它们仅支持 `target` 类型为 `AverageValue`。
它们的工作方式与资源度量指标非常相像,只是它们 **仅** 支持 `target` 类型为 `AverageValue`。
Pod metrics are specified using a metric block like this:
Pod metrics are specified using a metric block like this:
@ -401,14 +489,14 @@ pods:
The second alternative metric type is *object metrics*. These metrics describe a different
The second alternative metric type is *object metrics*. These metrics describe a different
object in the same namespace, instead of describing pods. The metrics are not necessarily
object in the same namespace, instead of describing Pods. The metrics are not necessarily
fetched from the object; they only describe it. Object metrics support `target` types of
fetched from the object; they only describe it. Object metrics support `target` types of
both `Value` and `AverageValue`. With `Value`, the target is compared directly to the returned
both `Value` and `AverageValue`. With `Value`, the target is compared directly to the returned
metric from the API. With `AverageValue`, the value returned from the custom metrics API is divided
metric from the API. With `AverageValue`, the value returned from the custom metrics API is divided
by the number of pods before being compared to the target. The following example is the YAML
by the number of Pods before being compared to the target. The following example is the YAML
representation of the `requests-per-second` metric.
representation of the `requests-per-second` metric.
第二种可选的度量指标类型是对象 **(Object)度量指标**。这些度量指标用于描述
在相同名字空间中的别的对象,而非 Pods。
在相同名字空间中的别的对象,而非 Pods。
对象度量指标支持的 `target` 类型包括 `Value` 和 `AverageValue`。
对象度量指标支持的 `target` 类型包括 `Value` 和 `AverageValue`。
@ -447,7 +535,7 @@ you could update the definition above using `kubectl edit` to look like this:
将上述 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 的定义更改为:
将上述 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 的定义更改为:
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: php-apache
name: php-apache
@ -463,7 +551,7 @@ spec:
name: cpu
name: cpu
type: AverageUtilization
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 50
averageUtilization: 50
- type: Pods
- type: Pods
@ -477,11 +565,11 @@ spec:
name: requests-per-second
name: requests-per-second
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
kind: Ingress
name: main-route
name: main-route
kind: Value
type: Value
value: 10k
value: 10k
observedGeneration: 1
observedGeneration: 1
@ -500,7 +588,7 @@ status:
name: requests-per-second
name: requests-per-second
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
kind: Ingress
name: main-route
name: main-route
@ -537,8 +625,8 @@ GET 请求执行:
type: Object
type: Object
name: `http_requests`
name: http_requests
selector: `verb=GET`
selector: {matchLabels: {verb: GET}}
@ -617,14 +705,14 @@ access to any metric, so cluster administrators should take care when exposing i
## Appendix: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Status Conditions
## Appendix: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Status Conditions
When using the `autoscaling/v2beta2` form of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler, you will be able to see
When using the `autoscaling/v2` form of the HorizontalPodAutoscaler, you will be able to see
*status conditions* set by Kubernetes on the HorizontalPodAutoscaler. These status conditions indicate
*status conditions* set by Kubernetes on the HorizontalPodAutoscaler. These status conditions indicate
whether or not the HorizontalPodAutoscaler is able to scale, and whether or not it is currently restricted
whether or not the HorizontalPodAutoscaler is able to scale, and whether or not it is currently restricted
in any way.
in any way.
## 附录:Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 状态条件
## 附录:Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 状态条件
使用 `autoscaling/v2beta2` 格式的 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 时,你将可以看到
使用 `autoscaling/v2` 格式的 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 时,你将可以看到
Kubernetes 为 HorizongtalPodAutoscaler 设置的状态条件(Status Conditions)。
Kubernetes 为 HorizongtalPodAutoscaler 设置的状态条件(Status Conditions)。
这些状态条件可以显示当前 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 是否能够执行扩缩以及是否受到一定的限制。
这些状态条件可以显示当前 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 是否能够执行扩缩以及是否受到一定的限制。
@ -662,7 +750,7 @@ Events:
For this HorizontalPodAutoscaler, we can see several conditions in a healthy state. The first,
For this HorizontalPodAutoscaler, you can see several conditions in a healthy state. The first,
`AbleToScale`, indicates whether or not the HPA is able to fetch and update scales, as well as
`AbleToScale`, indicates whether or not the HPA is able to fetch and update scales, as well as
whether or not any backoff-related conditions would prevent scaling. The second, `ScalingActive`,
whether or not any backoff-related conditions would prevent scaling. The second, `ScalingActive`,
indicates whether or not the HPA is enabled (i.e. the replica count of the target is not zero) and
indicates whether or not the HPA is enabled (i.e. the replica count of the target is not zero) and
@ -681,7 +769,7 @@ HorizontalPodAutoscaler.
这通常表明你可能需要调整 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 所定义的最大或者最小副本数量的限制了。
这通常表明你可能需要调整 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 所定义的最大或者最小副本数量的限制了。
## Appendix: Quantities
## Quantities
All metrics in the HorizontalPodAutoscaler and metrics APIs are specified using
All metrics in the HorizontalPodAutoscaler and metrics APIs are specified using
a special whole-number notation known in Kubernetes as a
a special whole-number notation known in Kubernetes as a
@ -691,7 +779,7 @@ will return whole numbers without a suffix when possible, and will generally ret
quantities in milli-units otherwise. This means you might see your metric value fluctuate
quantities in milli-units otherwise. This means you might see your metric value fluctuate
between `1` and `1500m`, or `1` and `1.5` when written in decimal notation.
between `1` and `1500m`, or `1` and `1.5` when written in decimal notation.
## 附录:量纲 {#appendix-quantities}
## 量纲 {#quantities}
HorizontalPodAutoscaler 和 度量指标 API 中的所有的度量指标使用 Kubernetes 中称为
HorizontalPodAutoscaler 和 度量指标 API 中的所有的度量指标使用 Kubernetes 中称为
{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="quantity" text="量纲(Quantity)">}}
{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="quantity" text="量纲(Quantity)">}}
@ -701,24 +789,24 @@ HorizontalPodAutoscaler 和 度量指标 API 中的所有的度量指标使用 K
这意味着你可能会看到你的度量指标在 `1` 和 `1500m` (也就是在十进制记数法中的 `1` 和 `1.5`)之间波动。
这意味着你可能会看到你的度量指标在 `1` 和 `1500m` (也就是在十进制记数法中的 `1` 和 `1.5`)之间波动。
## Appendix: Other possible scenarios
## Other possible scenarios
### Creating the autoscaler declaratively
### Creating the autoscaler declaratively
## 附录:其他可能的情况 {#appendix-other-possible-scenarios}
## 其他可能的情况 {#other-possible-scenarios}
### 以声明式方式创建 Autoscaler {#creating-the-autoscaler-declaratively}
### 以声明式方式创建 Autoscaler {#creating-the-autoscaler-declaratively}
Instead of using `kubectl autoscale` command to create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler imperatively we
Instead of using `kubectl autoscale` command to create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler imperatively we
can use the following file to create it declaratively:
can use the following manifest to create it declaratively:
除了使用 `kubectl autoscale` 命令,也可以文件创建 HorizontalPodAutoscaler:
除了使用 `kubectl autoscale` 命令,也可以使用以下清单以声明方式创建 HorizontalPodAutoscaler:
{{< codenew file="application/hpa/php-apache.yaml" >}}
{{< codenew file="application/hpa/php-apache.yaml" >}}
We will create the autoscaler by executing the following command:
Then, create the autoscaler by executing the following command:
使用如下命令创建 autoscaler:
使用如下命令创建 autoscaler:
Reference in New Issue