[zh-cn] Resync localization strings

Mengjiao Liu 2024-07-23 17:29:01 +08:00
parent 947950c9d3
commit a8be858290
1 changed files with 172 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -10,12 +10,24 @@ other = "(自动生成的页面)"
other = """<p>该页面是自动生成的。</p><p>如果你打算报告此页面的问题,请在问题描述中提及该页面是自动生成的。修复可能需要在 Kubernetes 项目的其他地方进行。</p>"""
other = "显示更多文章..."
other = "隐藏此通知"
other = "案例分析:"
other = "注意:"
other = "清理现场"
other = "ICP 许可:"
other = "事件日历"
@ -25,6 +37,9 @@ other = "论坛"
other = "GitHub"
other = "服务器故障"
other = "Slack"
@ -32,7 +47,10 @@ other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Twitter"
other = "X前身为 Twitter"
other = "X前身为 Twitter"
other = "YouTube"
@ -44,32 +62,26 @@ other = "YouTube"
other = "和"
other = "复制 {{ .filename }} 到剪贴板"
other = "CVE ID"
other = "CVE GitHub Issue URL"
other = "external_url"
other = "id"
other = "概要"
other = "url"
other = "问题描述"
other = "Kubernetes CVE 列表"
other = "CVE URL"
other = "02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
other = "(最后更新:%s"
other = "你正在查看的文档所针对的是 Kubernetes 版本:"
@ -78,7 +90,13 @@ other = "你正在查看的文档所针对的是 Kubernetes 版本:"
other = " 版本的文档已不再维护。你现在看到的版本来自于一份静态的快照。如需查阅最新文档,请点击"
other = "已过时"
other = "已弃用"
other = "此文档中的信息可能已过时"
other = "此文档的更新日期比原文晚,因此其中的信息可能已过时。如果能阅读英文,请查看英文版本以获取最新信息:"
other = """自 1.24 版起Dockershim 已从 Kubernetes 项目中移除。阅读 <a href="/zh-cn/dockershim">Dockershim 移除的常见问题</a>了解更多详情。"""
@ -95,6 +113,9 @@ other = "我是..."
other = "用户"
other = "此 %s 适用于Kubernetes %s。如果你想使用其他 Kubernetes 版本,请参考以下页面:"
other = "(本文档)"
@ -116,9 +137,48 @@ other = "你是否在搜索:"
other = "示例"
other = "Alpha"
other = "Beta"
other = "GA"
other = "已弃用"
other = "默认值"
other = "特性"
other = "从"
other = "自从"
other = "阶段"
other = "到"
other = "直到"
other = "特性状态:"
other = "Kubernetes"
other = "特性门控:"
other = "反馈"
@ -143,29 +203,37 @@ other = "电子邮件地址"
other = "必须[启用](https://www.enable-javascript.com/) JavaScript 才能查看此页内容"
other = """<h4></h4>
<p>Kubernetes </p>
<p> O'Reilly Media 2019 <a
href="https://www.oreilly.com/content/oreilly-acquires-katacoda-and-a-new-way-for-2-5m-customers-to-learn/"></a> Katacoda </p>
<p>Kubernetes O'Reilly Katacoda Kubernetes </p>
<p><b>2023 3 31 </b> "<a href="/zh-cn/blog/2023/02/14/kubernetes-katacoda-tutorials-stop-from-2023-03-31/">免费的 Katacoda Kubernetes 教程即将关闭</a>。"</p>"""
other = "最新发行版本:"
other = "最新版本。"
other = "<< 前一篇"
other = "后一篇 >>"
other = "<< 前一篇"
other = "分享你的故事"
other = "亦称作"
other = "此术语表旨在提供 Kubernetes 术语的完整、标准列表。其中包含特定于 Kubernetes 的技术术语以及能够构造有用的语境的一般性术语。"
other = "Kubernetes 的内部组件。"
other = "全不选"
other = "架构"
other = "下面的指示符号获取特定术语的更为完整的描述。"
@ -173,17 +241,89 @@ other = "下面的指示符号获取特定术语的更为完整的描述。"
other = "点击"
other = "与 Kubernetes 开源开发相关。"
other = "社区"
other = "Kubernetes 默认支持的资源类型。"
other = "核心对象"
other = "此术语表旨在提供 Kubernetes 术语的完整、标准列表。其中包含特定于 Kubernetes 的技术术语以及能够构造有用的语境的一般性术语。"
other = "全不选"
other = "支持自定义 Kubernetes。"
other = "扩展"
other = "根据标签过滤术语"
other = "与首次使用 Kubernetes 的用户相关。"
other = "基础"
other = "Kubernetes 组件(以及集群外的程序)如何相互通信。"
other = "网络"
other = "启动和维护 Kubernetes。"
other = "操作"
other = "确保 Kubernetes 应用程序安全可靠。"
other = "安全"
other = "全选"
other = "Kubernetes 应用程序如何处理持久数据。"
other = "存储"
other = "使 Kubernetes 更容易或更好用的软件。"
other = "工具"
other = "常见的 Kubernetes 用户类型。"
other = "用户类型"
other = "在 Kubernetes 上运行的应用程序。"
other = "工作负载"
other = "提出改进建议"
other = "在 GitHub 仓库上登记新的问题"
other = """如果需要,请[GitHub 仓库](https://www.github.com/kubernetes/website/) 上登记新的问题"""
other = "或者"
@ -197,6 +337,11 @@ other = "感谢反馈。如果你有一个关于如何使用 Kubernetes 的具
other = "检索结果中.."
other = """ 2023 9 13 Kubernetes [ (`apt.kubernetes.io` `yum.kubernetes.io`)](/zh-cn/blog/2023/08/31/legacy-package-repository-deprecation/)
**使[ `pkgs.k8s.io` ](/zh-cn/blog/2023/08/15/pkgs-k8s-io-introduction/) 2023 9 13 Kubernetes **
Kubernetes v1.24.0 """
other = "由:"
@ -414,13 +559,15 @@ other = """本部分链接到提供 Kubernetes 所需功能的第三方项目。
other = """&#128711; 本条目指向第三方项目或产品,而该项目(产品)不是 Kubernetes 的一部分。<a class="alert-more-info" href="#third-party-content-disclaimer">更多信息</a>"""
other = """<p>本页面中的条目引用了第三方产品或项目,这些产品(项目)提供了 Kubernetes 所需的功能。Kubernetes 项目的开发人员不对这些第三方产品(项目)负责。请参阅<a href="https://github.com/cncf/foundation/blob/master/website-guidelines.md" target="_blank">CNCF 网站指南</a>了解更多细节。</p><p>在提交更改建议,向本页添加新的第三方链接之前,你应该先阅读<a href="/zh-cn/docs/contribute/style/content-guide/#third-party-content">内容指南。</p>"""
other = """本页面中的条目引用了 Kubernetes 外部的供应商。Kubernetes 项目的开发人员不对这些第三方产品(项目)负责。要将供应商、产品或项目添加到此列表中,请在提交更改之前阅读<a href="/zh-cn/docs/contribute/style/content-guide/#third-party-content">内容指南</a>。<a href="#third-party-content-disclaimer">更多信息。</a>"""
other = "搜索"
@ -441,75 +588,3 @@ other = "警告:"
other = "接下来"
other = "架构"
other = "Kubernetes 的内部组件。"
other = "社区"
other = "与 Kubernetes 开源开发相关。"
other = "核心对象"
other = "Kubernetes 默认支持的资源类型。"
other = "扩展"
other = "支持自定义 Kubernetes。"
other = "基础"
other = "与首次使用 Kubernetes 的用户相关。"
other = "网络"
other = "Kubernetes 组件(以及集群外的程序)如何相互通信。"
other = "操作"
other = "启动和维护 Kubernetes。"
other = "安全"
other = "确保 Kubernetes 应用程序安全可靠。"
other = "存储"
other = "Kubernetes 应用程序如何处理持久数据。"
other = "工具"
other = "使 Kubernetes 更容易或更好用的软件。"
other = "用户类型"
other = "常见的 Kubernetes 用户类型。"
other = "工作负载"
other = "在 Kubernetes 上运行的应用程序。"