Adjust string translation for Chinese localization (#14173)

* Adjust string translation for Chinese localization

This PR also reorders the entries in the strings table.

* Update zh.toml
Qiming 2019-10-11 11:51:39 +08:00 committed by Kubernetes Prow Robot
parent 5741adde1a
commit a5b7d7a485
2 changed files with 260 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
# i18n strings for the English (main) site.
# NOTE: Please keep the entries in alphabetical order when editing
other = "Caution:"
other = "Cleaning up"
other = "Events Calendar"
other = "Forum"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Twitter"
other = " documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the "
@ -6,56 +31,104 @@ other = " documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are cu
other = "Deprecated"
other = "Objectives"
other = "Browse Docs"
other = "Cleaning up"
other = "Contributors"
other = "Before you begin"
other = "I AM..."
other = "What's next"
other = "Users"
other = "Feedback"
other = "No"
other = "Was this page helpful?"
other = "Yes"
other = "No"
other = "latest version."
other = "Your Kubernetes server must be version "
other = "<< Prev"
other = "Your Kubernetes server must be at or later than version "
other = "Next >>"
other = "To check the version, enter "
other = "Tell your story"
other = "Caution:"
other = "Also known as"
other = "Note:"
other = "This glossary is intended to be a comprehensive, standardized list of Kubernetes terminology. It includes technical terms that are specific to Kubernetes, as well as more general terms that provide useful context."
other = "Warning:"
other = "Deselect all"
other = "Read about"
other = "indicators below to get a longer explanation for any particular term."
other = "Read more"
other = "Click on the"
other = "Filter terms according to their tags"
other = "Select all"
other = "suggest an improvement"
other = "Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want to "
other = "or"
other = "report a problem"
other = "Thanks for the feedback. If you have a specific, answerable question about how to use Kubernetes, ask it on"
other = "Fetching results..."
other = "by"
other = """We are a <a href="">CNCF</a> graduated project</p>"""
other = "Explore the community"
other = "Contribute"
other = """The Linux Foundation &reg;. All rights reserved. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our <a href="" class="light-text">Trademark Usage page</a>"""
other = """The Kubernetes Authors | Documentation Distributed under <a href="" class="light-text">CC BY 4.0</a>"""
other = "Edit This Page"
other = "Create an Issue"
other = "Interested in hacking on the core Kubernetes code base?"
@ -63,18 +136,9 @@ other = "Interested in hacking on the core Kubernetes code base?"
other = "View On GitHub"
other = "Create an Issue"
other = "Explore the community"
other = "Kubernetes Features"
other = """We are a <a href="">CNCF</a> graduated project</p>"""
other = "Interested in receiving the latest Kubernetes news? Sign up for KubeWeekly."
@ -84,112 +148,41 @@ other = "View past newsletters"
other = "Subscribe"
other = "Contribute"
other = "Edit This Page"
other ="Page History"
other = "Page last modified on"
other = "by"
other = "Read about"
other = """The Kubernetes Authors | Documentation Distributed under <a href="" class="light-text">CC BY 4.0</a>"""
other = "Read more"
other = """The Linux Foundation &reg;. All rights reserved. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our <a href="" class="light-text">Trademark Usage page</a>"""
other = "Note:"
# Labels for the docs portal home page.
other = "Browse Docs"
other = "Objectives"
other = "Contributors"
other = "Before you begin"
other = "Users"
other = "I AM..."
# layouts > blog > pager
other = "<< Prev"
other = "Next >>"
# layouts > blog > list
other = "Tell your story"
# layouts > docs > glossary
other = "This glossary is intended to be a comprehensive, standardized list of Kubernetes terminology. It includes technical terms that are specific to K8s, as well as more general terms that provide useful context."
other = "Filter terms according to their tags"
other = "Select all"
other = "Deselect all"
other = "Also known as"
other = "Click on the"
other = "indicators below to get a longer explanation for any particular term."
# layouts > docs > search
other = "Fetching results.."
# layouts > partial > feedback
other = "Thanks for the feedback. If you have a specific, answerable question about how to use Kubernetes, ask it on"
other = "Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want to "
other = "report a problem"
other = "or"
other = "suggest an improvement"
# Community links
other = "Twitter"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Forum"
other = "Events Calendar"
# UI elements
other = "Search"
other = "Your Kubernetes server must be version "
other = "Your Kubernetes server must be at or later than version "
other = "To check the version, enter "
other = "Warning:"
other = "What's next"

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@ -1,59 +1,144 @@
# i18n strings for the Chinese version of the site (
# 注意:修改此文件时请维持字符串名称的字母顺序并与英文版保持一致
other = " 版本的文档已不再维护。您现在看到的版本来自于一份静态的快照。如需查阅最新文档,请点击"
other = "教程目标"
other = "警告:"
other = "清理现场"
other = "准备开始"
other = "事件日历"
other = "接下来"
other = "论坛"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Twitter"
other = " 版本的文档已不再维护。您现在看到的版本来自于一份静态的快照。如需查阅最新文档,请点击"
other = "已过时"
other = "浏览文档"
other = "贡献者"
other = "我是..."
other = "用户"
other = "反馈"
other = "否"
other = "此页是否对您有帮助?"
other = "是"
other = "否"
other = "最新版本。"
other = "Read about"
other = "<< 前一篇"
other = "了解更多"
other = "后一篇 >>"
other = "想要修改 Kubernetes 的核心源代码"
other = "分享您的故事"
other = "在 GitHub 上查看"
other = "亦称作"
other = "创建 GitHub issue"
other = "此术语表旨在提供 Kubernetes 术语的完整、标准列表。其中包含特定于 Kubernetes 的技术术语以及能够构造有用的语境的一般性术语。"
other = "全不选"
other = "下面的指示符号获取特定术语的更为完整的描述。"
other = "点击"
other = "根据标签过滤术语"
other = "全选"
other = "提出改进建议"
other = "在 GitHub 仓库上登记新的问题"
other = "或者"
other = "报告问题"
other = "感谢反馈。如果您有一个关于如何使用 Kubernetes 的特定的、需要答案的问题,可以访问"
other = "检索结果中.."
other = "由:"
other = """我们是 <a href="">CNCF</a> 毕业项目</p>"""
other = "了解社区"
other = "贡献"
other = """Linux 基金会&reg;。保留所有权利。Linux 基金会已注册并使用商标。如需了解 Linux 基金会的商标列表,请访问<a href="" class="light-text">商标使用页面</a>"""
other = """The Kubernetes 作者 | 文档发布基于 <a href="" class="light-text">CC BY 4.0</a> 授权许可"""
other = "修改本页面"
other = "报告 GitHub 问题"
other = "想要修改 Kubernetes 的核心源代码?"
other = "在 GitHub 上查看"
other = "Kubernetes 特性"
other = """我们是 <a href="">CNCF</a> 毕业项目</p>"""
other = "想要获取最新的 Kubernetes 新闻么?请订阅 KubeWeekly。"
@ -63,56 +148,41 @@ other = "浏览往期的周报"
other = "订阅"
other = "贡献"
other = "修改本页面"
other ="页面历史"
other = "页面最后一次修改于"
other = "by"
other = "Read about"
other = """The Kubernetes Authors | Documentation Distributed under <a href="" class="light-text">CC BY 4.0</a>"""
other = "了解更多"
other = """The Linux Foundation &reg;. All rights reserved. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our <a href="" class="light-text">Trademark Usage page</a>"""
other = "注意:"
# Labels for the docs portal home page.
other = "查阅文档"
other = "教程目标"
other = "贡献者"
other = "准备开始"
other = "用户"
other = "我是..."
# Community links
other = "Twitter"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Forum"
other = "Events Calendar"
# UI elements
other = "搜索"
other = "您的 Kubernetes 服务器版本必须是 "
other = "您的 Kubernetes 服务器版本必须不低于版本 "
other = "要获知版本信息,请输入 "
other = "警告:"
other = "接下来"