[zh] resyn ref-k8s-api-config: volume-attachment-v1.md

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@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
apiVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1"
import: "k8s.io/api/storage/v1"
kind: "VolumeAttachment"
content_type: "api_reference"
description: "VolumeAttachment 抓取将指定卷挂接到指定节点或从指定节点解除挂接指定卷的意图。"
title: "VolumeAttachment"
weight: 7
apiVersion: "storage.k8s.io/v1"
import: "k8s.io/api/storage/v1"
kind: "VolumeAttachment"
content_type: "api_reference"
description: "VolumeAttachment captures the intent to attach or detach the specified volume to/from the specified node."
title: "VolumeAttachment"
weight: 7
`apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1`
`import "k8s.io/api/storage/v1"`
## VolumeAttachment {#VolumeAttachment}
VolumeAttachment captures the intent to attach or detach the specified volume to/from the specified node.
VolumeAttachment objects are non-namespaced.
VolumeAttachment 抓取将指定卷挂接到指定节点或从指定节点解除挂接指定卷的意图。
VolumeAttachment 对象未划分命名空间。
- **apiVersion**: storage.k8s.io/v1
- **kind**: VolumeAttachment
- **metadata** (<a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/object-meta#ObjectMeta" >}}">ObjectMeta</a>)
Standard object metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
- **spec** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachmentSpec" >}}">VolumeAttachmentSpec</a>), required
Specification of the desired attach/detach volume behavior. Populated by the Kubernetes system.
- **metadata** (<a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/object-meta#ObjectMeta" >}}">ObjectMeta</a>)
- **spec** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachmentSpec" >}}">VolumeAttachmentSpec</a>),必需
期望的挂接/解除挂接卷行为的规约。由 Kubernetes 系统填充。
- **status** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachmentStatus" >}}">VolumeAttachmentStatus</a>)
Status of the VolumeAttachment request. Populated by the entity completing the attach or detach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.
- **status** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachmentStatus" >}}">VolumeAttachmentStatus</a>)
VolumeAttachment 请求的状态。由完成挂接或解除挂接操作的实体(即外部挂接器)进行填充。
## VolumeAttachmentSpec {#VolumeAttachmentSpec}
VolumeAttachmentSpec is the specification of a VolumeAttachment request.
VolumeAttachmentSpec 是 VolumeAttachment 请求的规约。
- **attacher** (string), required
Attacher indicates the name of the volume driver that MUST handle this request. This is the name returned by GetPluginName().
- **nodeName** (string), required
The node that the volume should be attached to.
- **attacher** (string),必需
attacher 表示必须处理此请求的卷驱动的名称。这是由 GetPluginName() 返回的名称。
- **nodeName** (string),必需
- **source** (VolumeAttachmentSource), required
Source represents the volume that should be attached.
<a name="VolumeAttachmentSource"></a>
*VolumeAttachmentSource represents a volume that should be attached. Right now only PersistenVolumes can be attached via external attacher, in future we may allow also inline volumes in pods. Exactly one member can be set.*
- **source.inlineVolumeSpec** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/persistent-volume-v1#PersistentVolumeSpec" >}}">PersistentVolumeSpec</a>)
inlineVolumeSpec contains all the information necessary to attach a persistent volume defined by a pod's inline VolumeSource. This field is populated only for the CSIMigration feature. It contains translated fields from a pod's inline VolumeSource to a PersistentVolumeSpec. This field is beta-level and is only honored by servers that enabled the CSIMigration feature.
- **source.persistentVolumeName** (string)
Name of the persistent volume to attach.
- **source** (VolumeAttachmentSource),必需
source 表示应挂接的卷。
<a name="VolumeAttachmentSource"></a>
**VolumeAttachmentSource 表示应挂接的卷。现在只能通过外部挂接器挂接 PersistenVolume
将来我们可能还允许 Pod 中的内联卷。只能设置一个成员。**
- **source.inlineVolumeSpec** (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/persistent-volume-v1#PersistentVolumeSpec" >}}">PersistentVolumeSpec</a>)
inlineVolumeSpec 包含挂接由 Pod 的内联 VolumeSource 定义的持久卷时所有必需的信息。
仅为 CSIMigation 功能填充此字段。
它包含从 Pod 的内联 VolumeSource 转换为 PersistentVolumeSpec 的字段。
此字段处于 beta 阶段,且只有启用 CSIMigration 功能的服务器才能使用此字段。
- **source.persistentVolumeName** (string)
## VolumeAttachmentStatus {#VolumeAttachmentStatus}
VolumeAttachmentStatus is the status of a VolumeAttachment request.
- **attached** (boolean), required
Indicates the volume is successfully attached. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.
VolumeAttachmentStatus 是 VolumeAttachment 请求的状态。
- **attached** (boolean),必需
- **attachError** (VolumeError)
The last error encountered during attach operation, if any. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.
<a name="VolumeError"></a>
*VolumeError captures an error encountered during a volume operation.*
- **attachError.message** (string)
String detailing the error encountered during Attach or Detach operation. This string may be logged, so it should not contain sensitive information.
- **attachError.time** (Time)
Time the error was encountered.
<a name="Time"></a>
*Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.*
- **attachError** (VolumeError)
<a name="VolumeError"></a>
**VolumeError 抓取卷操作期间遇到的一个错误。**
- **attachError.message** (string)
- **attachError.time** (Time)
<a name="Time"></a>
**time 是 time.Time 的包装类,支持正确地序列化为 YAML 和 JSON。
为 time 包提供的许多工厂方法提供了包装类。**
- **attachmentMetadata** (map[string]string)
Upon successful attach, this field is populated with any information returned by the attach operation that must be passed into subsequent WaitForAttach or Mount calls. This field must only be set by the entity completing the attach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.
- **attachmentMetadata** (map[string]string)
这些信息必须传递到后续的 WaitForAttach 或 Mount 调用中。
- **detachError** (VolumeError)
The last error encountered during detach operation, if any. This field must only be set by the entity completing the detach operation, i.e. the external-attacher.
<a name="VolumeError"></a>
*VolumeError captures an error encountered during a volume operation.*
- **detachError.message** (string)
String detailing the error encountered during Attach or Detach operation. This string may be logged, so it should not contain sensitive information.
- **detachError.time** (Time)
Time the error was encountered.
<a name="Time"></a>
*Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.*
- **detachError** (VolumeError)
<a name="VolumeError"></a>
**VolumeError 抓取卷操作期间遇到的一个错误。**
- **detachError.message** (string)
- **detachError.time** (Time)
<a name="Time"></a>
**time 是 time.Time 的包装类,支持正确地序列化为 YAML 和 JSON。
为 time 包提供的许多工厂方法提供了包装类。**
## VolumeAttachmentList {#VolumeAttachmentList}
VolumeAttachmentList is a collection of VolumeAttachment objects.
VolumeAttachmentList 是 VolumeAttachment 对象的集合。
- **apiVersion**: storage.k8s.io/v1
- **kind**: VolumeAttachmentList
- **metadata** (<a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/list-meta#ListMeta" >}}">ListMeta</a>)
Standard list metadata More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
- **items** ([]<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>), required
Items is the list of VolumeAttachments
- **metadata** (<a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/list-meta#ListMeta" >}}">ListMeta</a>)
- **items** ([]<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>),必需
items 是 VolumeAttachment 的列表。
## Operations {#Operations}
### `get` read the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
## 操作 {#Operations}
### `get` 读取指定的 VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP 请求
GET /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
401: Unauthorized
### `get` read status of the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `get` 读取指定的 VolumeAttachment 的状态
#### HTTP 请求
GET /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}/status
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
401: Unauthorized
### `list` list or watch objects of kind VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `list` 列出或观测类别为 VolumeAttachment 的对象
#### HTTP 请求
GET /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments
#### Parameters
- **allowWatchBookmarks** (*in query*): boolean
- **continue** (*in query*): string
- **fieldSelector** (*in query*): string
- **labelSelector** (*in query*): string
- **limit** (*in query*): integer
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
- **resourceVersion** (*in query*): string
- **resourceVersionMatch** (*in query*): string
- **timeoutSeconds** (*in query*): integer
- **watch** (*in query*): boolean
#### 参数
- **allowWatchBookmarks** (**查询参数**): boolean
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#allowWatchBookmarks" >}}">allowWatchBookmarks</a>
- **continue** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#continue" >}}">continue</a>
- **fieldSelector** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldSelector" >}}">fieldSelector</a>
- **labelSelector** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#labelSelector" >}}">labelSelector</a>
- **limit** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#limit" >}}">limit</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
- **resourceVersion** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#resourceVersion" >}}">resourceVersion</a>
- **resourceVersionMatch** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#resourceVersionMatch" >}}">resourceVersionMatch</a>
- **timeoutSeconds** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#timeoutSeconds" >}}">timeoutSeconds</a>
- **watch** (**查询参数**): boolean
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#watch" >}}">watch</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachmentList" >}}">VolumeAttachmentList</a>): OK
401: Unauthorized
### `create` create a VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `create` 创建 VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP 请求
POST /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments
#### Parameters
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>, required
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldManager** (*in query*): string
- **fieldValidation** (*in query*): string
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>,必需
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldManager** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldManager" >}}">fieldManager</a>
- **fieldValidation** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldValidation" >}}">fieldValidation</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
201 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Created
202 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Accepted
401: Unauthorized
### `update` replace the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `update` 替换指定的 VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP 请求
PUT /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>, required
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldManager** (*in query*): string
- **fieldValidation** (*in query*): string
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>,必需
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldManager** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldManager" >}}">fieldManager</a>
- **fieldValidation** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldValidation" >}}">fieldValidation</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
201 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Created
401: Unauthorized
### `update` replace status of the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `update` 替换指定的 VolumeAttachment 的状态
#### HTTP 请求
PUT /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}/status
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>, required
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldManager** (*in query*): string
- **fieldValidation** (*in query*): string
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>,必需
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldManager** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldManager" >}}">fieldManager</a>
- **fieldValidation** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldValidation" >}}">fieldValidation</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
201 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Created
401: Unauthorized
### `patch` partially update the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `patch` 部分更新指定的 VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP 请求
PATCH /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/patch#Patch" >}}">Patch</a>, required
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldManager** (*in query*): string
- **fieldValidation** (*in query*): string
- **force** (*in query*): boolean
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/patch#Patch" >}}">Patch</a>,必需
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldManager** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldManager" >}}">fieldManager</a>
- **fieldValidation** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldValidation" >}}">fieldValidation</a>
- **force** (**查询参数**): boolean
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#force" >}}">force</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
201 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Created
401: Unauthorized
### `patch` partially update status of the specified VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `patch` 部分更新指定的 VolumeAttachment 的状态
#### HTTP 请求
PATCH /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}/status
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/patch#Patch" >}}">Patch</a>, required
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldManager** (*in query*): string
- **fieldValidation** (*in query*): string
- **force** (*in query*): boolean
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/patch#Patch" >}}">Patch</a>,必需
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldManager** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldManager" >}}">fieldManager</a>
- **fieldValidation** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldValidation" >}}">fieldValidation</a>
- **force** (**查询参数**): boolean
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#force" >}}">force</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
201 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Created
401: Unauthorized
### `delete` delete a VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `delete` 删除 VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP 请求
DELETE /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments/{name}
#### Parameters
- **name** (*in path*): string, required
name of the VolumeAttachment
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/delete-options#DeleteOptions" >}}">DeleteOptions</a>
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **gracePeriodSeconds** (*in query*): integer
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
- **propagationPolicy** (*in query*): string
#### 参数
- **name** (**路径参数**): string必需
VolumeAttachment 的名称
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/delete-options#DeleteOptions" >}}">DeleteOptions</a>
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **gracePeriodSeconds** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#gracePeriodSeconds" >}}">gracePeriodSeconds</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
- **propagationPolicy** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#propagationPolicy" >}}">propagationPolicy</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): OK
202 (<a href="{{< ref "../config-and-storage-resources/volume-attachment-v1#VolumeAttachment" >}}">VolumeAttachment</a>): Accepted
401: Unauthorized
### `deletecollection` delete collection of VolumeAttachment
#### HTTP Request
### `deletecollection` 删除 VolumeAttachment 的集合
#### HTTP 请求
DELETE /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/volumeattachments
#### Parameters
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/delete-options#DeleteOptions" >}}">DeleteOptions</a>
- **continue** (*in query*): string
- **dryRun** (*in query*): string
- **fieldSelector** (*in query*): string
- **gracePeriodSeconds** (*in query*): integer
- **labelSelector** (*in query*): string
- **limit** (*in query*): integer
- **pretty** (*in query*): string
- **propagationPolicy** (*in query*): string
- **resourceVersion** (*in query*): string
- **resourceVersionMatch** (*in query*): string
- **timeoutSeconds** (*in query*): integer
#### 参数
- **body**: <a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/delete-options#DeleteOptions" >}}">DeleteOptions</a>
- **continue** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#continue" >}}">continue</a>
- **dryRun** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#dryRun" >}}">dryRun</a>
- **fieldSelector** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#fieldSelector" >}}">fieldSelector</a>
- **gracePeriodSeconds** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#gracePeriodSeconds" >}}">gracePeriodSeconds</a>
- **labelSelector** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#labelSelector" >}}">labelSelector</a>
- **limit** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#limit" >}}">limit</a>
- **pretty** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#pretty" >}}">pretty</a>
- **propagationPolicy** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#propagationPolicy" >}}">propagationPolicy</a>
- **resourceVersion** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#resourceVersion" >}}">resourceVersion</a>
- **resourceVersionMatch** (**查询参数**): string
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#resourceVersionMatch" >}}">resourceVersionMatch</a>
- **timeoutSeconds** (**查询参数**): integer
<a href="{{< ref "../common-parameters/common-parameters#timeoutSeconds" >}}">timeoutSeconds</a>
#### Response
#### 响应
200 (<a href="{{< ref "../common-definitions/status#Status" >}}">Status</a>): OK
401: Unauthorized