[zh] sync workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle.md

Fang, Wei 2023-06-07 15:09:20 +08:00 committed by KKtheGhost
parent 5dc51db28b
commit 948959fe4d
1 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -600,6 +600,18 @@ Each probe must define exactly one of these four mechanisms:
: 对容器的 IP 地址上的指定端口执行 TCP 检查。如果端口打开,则诊断被认为是成功的。
{{< caution >}} Unlike the other mechanisms, `exec` probe's implementation involves the creation/forking of multiple processes each time when executed.
As a result, in case of the clusters having higher pod densities, lower intervals of `initialDelaySeconds`, `periodSeconds`, configuring any probe with exec mechanism might introduce an overhead on the cpu usage of the node.
In such scenarios, consider using the alternative probe mechanisms to avoid the overhead.{{< /caution >}}
{{< caution >}}
和其他机制不同,`exec` 探针的实现涉及每次执行时创建/复制多个进程。
因此,在集群中具有较高 pod 密度、较低的 `initialDelaySeconds``periodSeconds` 时长的时候,
配置任何使用 exec 机制的探针可能会增加节点的 CPU 负载。
{{< /caution >}}
### Probe outcome
Each probe has one of three results: