Cleanup non-resource paths

Some non-resource paths are now deprecated/hidden from the API server.
This PR updates the list.
Qiming Teng 2020-06-14 11:21:50 +08:00
parent 06e57d3d4b
commit 8a14cb1522
1 changed files with 2 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ Access to non-resource paths are sent as:
Non-resource paths include: `/api`, `/apis`, `/metrics`, `/resetMetrics`,
`/logs`, `/debug`, `/healthz`, `/swagger-ui/`, `/swaggerapi/`, `/ui`, and
Non-resource paths include: `/api`, `/apis`, `/metrics`,
`/logs`, `/debug`, `/healthz`, `/livez`, `/openapi/v2`, `/readyz`, and
`/version.` Clients require access to `/api`, `/api/*`, `/apis`, `/apis/*`,
and `/version` to discover what resources and versions are present on the server.
Access to other non-resource paths can be disallowed without restricting access
@ -174,6 +174,3 @@ to the REST api.
For further documentation refer to the authorization.v1beta1 API objects and
[webhook.go]({{< param "githubbranch" >}}/staging/src/