[zh] sync /controllers/daemonset.md
@ -202,36 +202,42 @@ If you do not specify either, then the DaemonSet controller will create Pods on
## How Daemon Pods are scheduled
### Scheduled by default scheduler
## Daemon Pods 是如何被调度的 {#how-daemon-pods-are-scheduled}
### 通过默认调度器调度 {#scheduled-by-default-scheduler}
{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="1.17" state="stable" >}}
A DaemonSet ensures that all eligible nodes run a copy of a Pod. Normally, the
node that a Pod runs on is selected by the Kubernetes scheduler. However,
DaemonSet pods are created and scheduled by the DaemonSet controller instead.
That introduces the following issues:
* Inconsistent Pod behavior: Normal Pods waiting to be scheduled are created
and in `Pending` state, but DaemonSet pods are not created in `Pending`
state. This is confusing to the user.
* [Pod preemption](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-priority-preemption/)
is handled by default scheduler. When preemption is enabled, the DaemonSet controller
will make scheduling decisions without considering pod priority and preemption.
A DaemonSet ensures that all eligible nodes run a copy of a Pod. The DaemonSet
controller creates a Pod for each eligible node and adds the
`spec.affinity.nodeAffinity` field of the Pod to match the target host. After
the Pod is created, the default scheduler typically takes over and then binds
the Pod to the target host by setting the `.spec.nodeName` field. If the new
Pod cannot fit on the node, the default scheduler may preempt (evict) some of
the existing Pods based on the
of the new Pod.
DaemonSet 确保所有符合条件的节点都运行该 Pod 的一个副本。
通常,运行 Pod 的节点由 Kubernetes 调度器选择。
不过,DaemonSet Pods 由 DaemonSet 控制器创建和调度。这就带来了以下问题:
DaemonSet 控制器为每个符合条件的节点创建一个 Pod,并添加 Pod 的 `spec.affinity.nodeAffinity`
字段以匹配目标主机。Pod 被创建之后,默认的调度程序通常通过设置 `.spec.nodeName` 字段来接管 Pod 并将
Pod 绑定到目标主机。如果新的 Pod 无法放在节点上,则默认的调度程序可能会根据新 Pod
(驱逐)某些现存的 Pod。
* Pod 行为的不一致性:正常 Pod 在被创建后等待调度时处于 `Pending` 状态,
DaemonSet Pods 创建后不会处于 `Pending` 状态下。这使用户感到困惑。
* [Pod 抢占](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-priority-preemption/)由默认调度器处理。
启用抢占后,DaemonSet 控制器将在不考虑 Pod 优先级和抢占的情况下制定调度决策。
The user can specify a different scheduler for the Pods of the DamonSet, by
setting the `.spec.template.spec.schedulerName` field of the DaemonSet.
The original node affinity specified at the
`.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity` field (if specified) is taken into
consideration by the DaemonSet controller when evaluating the eligible nodes,
but is replaced on the created Pod with the node affinity that matches the name
of the eligible node.
用户通过设置 DaemonSet 的 `.spec.template.spec.schedulerName` 字段,可以为 DamonSet
的 Pod 指定不同的调度程序。
当评估符合条件的节点时,原本在 `.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity` 字段上指定的节点亲和性将由
DaemonSet 控制器进行考量,但在创建的 Pod 上会被替换为与符合条件的节点名称匹配的节点亲和性。
`ScheduleDaemonSetPods` allows you to schedule DaemonSets using the default
@ -263,39 +269,75 @@ nodeAffinity:
In addition, `node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable:NoSchedule` toleration is added
automatically to DaemonSet Pods. The default scheduler ignores
`unschedulable` Nodes when scheduling DaemonSet Pods.
此外,系统会自动添加 `node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable:NoSchedule` 容忍度到这些
DaemonSet Pod。在调度 DaemonSet Pod 时,默认调度器会忽略 `unschedulable` 节点。
### Taints and tolerations
### Taints and Tolerations
Although Daemon Pods respect
[taints and tolerations](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/),
the following tolerations are added to DaemonSet Pods automatically according to
the related features.
The DaemonSet controller automatically adds a set of {{< glossary_tooltip
text="tolerations" term_id="toleration" >}} to DaemonSet Pods:
### 污点和容忍度 {#taint-and-toleration}
尽管 Daemon Pod 遵循[污点和容忍度](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/)规则,
根据相关特性,控制器会自动将以下容忍度添加到 DaemonSet Pod:
DaemonSet 控制器会自动将一组容忍度添加到 DaemonSet Pod:
| 容忍度键名 | 效果 | 版本 | 描述 |
| ---------------------------------------- | ---------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `node.kubernetes.io/not-ready` | NoExecute | 1.13+ | 当出现类似网络断开的情况导致节点问题时,DaemonSet Pod 不会被逐出。 |
| `node.kubernetes.io/unreachable` | NoExecute | 1.13+ | 当出现类似于网络断开的情况导致节点问题时,DaemonSet Pod 不会被逐出。 |
| `node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure` | NoSchedule | 1.8+ | DaemonSet Pod 被默认调度器调度时能够容忍磁盘压力属性。 |
| `node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure` | NoSchedule | 1.8+ | DaemonSet Pod 被默认调度器调度时能够容忍内存压力属性。 |
| `node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable` | NoSchedule | 1.12+ | DaemonSet Pod 能够容忍默认调度器所设置的 `unschedulable` 属性. |
| `node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable` | NoSchedule | 1.12+ | DaemonSet 在使用宿主网络时,能够容忍默认调度器所设置的 `network-unavailable` 属性。 |
Tolerations for DaemonSet pods
{{< table caption="DaemonSet Pod 适用的容忍度" >}}
| Toleration key | Effect | Details |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/not-ready`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-not-ready) | `NoExecute` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes that are not healthy or ready to accept Pods. Any DaemonSet Pods running on such nodes will not be evicted. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/unreachable`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-unreachable) | `NoExecute` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes that are unreachable from the node controller. Any DaemonSet Pods running on such nodes will not be evicted. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-disk-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes with disk pressure issues. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-memory-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes with memory pressure issues. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/pid-pressure`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-pid-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes with process pressure issues. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-unschedulable) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes that are unschedulable. |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable`](/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-network-unavailable) | `NoSchedule` | **Only added for DaemonSet Pods that request host networking**, i.e., Pods having `spec.hostNetwork: true`. Such DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes with unavailable network.|
| 容忍度键名 | 效果 | 描述 |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------- |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/not-ready`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-not-ready) | `NoExecute` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到不健康或还不准备接受 Pod 的节点上。在这些节点上运行的所有 DaemonSet Pod 将不会被驱逐。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/unreachable`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-unreachable) | `NoExecute` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到从节点控制器不可达的节点上。在这些节点上运行的所有 DaemonSet Pod 将不会被驱逐。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-disk-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到具有磁盘压力问题的节点上。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-memory-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到具有内存压力问题的节点上。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/pid-pressure`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-pid-pressure) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到具有进程压力问题的节点上。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-unschedulable) | `NoSchedule` | DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到不可调度的节点上。 |
| [`node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/labels-annotations-taints/#node-kubernetes-io-network-unavailable) | `NoSchedule` | **仅针对请求主机联网的 DaemonSet Pod 添加此容忍度**,即 Pod 具有 `spec.hostNetwork: true`。这些 DaemonSet Pod 可以被调度到网络不可用的节点上。|
{{< /table >}}
You can add your own tolerations to the Pods of a Daemonset as well, by
defining these in the Pod template of the DaemonSet.
Because the DaemonSet controller sets the
`node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable:NoSchedule` toleration automatically,
Kubernetes can run DaemonSet Pods on nodes that are marked as _unschedulable_.
你也可以在 DaemonSet 的 Pod 模板中定义自己的容忍度并将其添加到 DaemonSet Pod。
因为 DaemonSet 控制器自动设置 `node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable:NoSchedule` 容忍度,
所以 Kubernetes 可以在标记为**不可调度**的节点上运行 DaemonSet Pod。
If you use a DaemonSet to provide an important node-level function, such as
[cluster networking](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/networking/), it is
helpful that Kubernetes places DaemonSet Pods on nodes before they are ready.
For example, without that special toleration, you could end up in a deadlock
situation where the node is not marked as ready because the network plugin is
not running there, and at the same time the network plugin is not running on
that node because the node is not yet ready.
如果你使用 DaemonSet 提供重要的节点级别功能,
Kubernetes 在节点就绪之前将 DaemonSet Pod 放到节点上会很有帮助。
## Communicating with Daemon Pods
## 与 Daemon Pods 通信 {#communicating-with-daemon-pods}
## 与 Daemon Pod 通信 {#communicating-with-daemon-pods}
Some possible patterns for communicating with Pods in a DaemonSet are:
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