systemctl stop kubelet;
+ docker rm -f $(docker ps -q); mount | grep "/var/lib/kubelet/*" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs umount 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null;
+ rm -rf /var/lib/kubelet /etc/kubernetes /var/lib/etcd /etc/cni;
+ ip link set cbr0 down; ip link del cbr0;
+ ip link set cni0 down; ip link del cni0;
+ systemctl start kubelet
+ In this quickstart, we’ll be creating a Kubernetes instance that stands up a simple “Hello World” app using Node.js. In just a few minutes you'll go from zero to deployed Kubernetes app on Google Container Engine.
- Get Started +In this quickstart, we’ll be creating a Kubernetes instance that stands up a simple “Hello World” app using Node.js. In just a few minutes you'll go from zero to deployed Kubernetes app on Google Container Engine (GKE), a hosted service from Google.
+ Get Started on GKE +This quickstart will show you how to install a secure Kubernetes cluster on any computers running Linux, using a tool called kubeadm
which is part of Kubernetes. It'll work with local VMs, physical servers and/or cloud servers, either manually or as part of your own automation. It is currently in alpha but please try it out and give us feedback!
If you’ve completed the quickstart, a great next step is Kubernetes 101. You will follow a path through the various features of Kubernetes, with code examples along the way, learning all of the core concepts. There's also a Kubernetes 201!
+If you’ve completed one of the quickstarts, a great next step is Kubernetes 101. You will follow a path through the various features of Kubernetes, with code examples along the way, learning all of the core concepts. There's also a Kubernetes 201!
Kubernetes 101