+"Wikimedia Tool Labs is vital for making sure wikis all around the world work as well as they possibly can. Because it's grown organically for almost 10 years, it has become an extremely challenging environment and difficult to maintain. It's like a big ball of mud — you really can't see through it. With Kubernetes, we're simplifying the environment and making it easier for developers to build the tools that make wikis run better."
+{{< /case-studies/quote >}}
+{{< case-studies/quote author="Yuvi Panda, Wikimedia 基金会和 Wikimedia 工具实验室的运维工程师">}}
将来,随着更完整的迁移到 Kubernetes,Wikimedia 工具实验室希望更轻松地托管和维护有助于在世界各地运行 wiki 的机器人和工具。该工具实验室已经拥有来自 800 名志愿者的大约 1300 个工具和机器人,而且每天提交量会更多。占 Web 流量 60% 以上的工具实验室的 Web 工具中有 20% 现在运行在 Kubernetes 上。工具实验室有一个 25 节点的集群,可以跟上每个新的 Kubernetes 版本。许多现有的 Web 工具正在迁移到 Kubernetes。
Yuvi 说:“我们的目标是确保世界各地的人们能够尽可能轻松地分享知识,Kubernetes 帮助实现了这一点,它让世界各地的 wiki 更容易拥有蓬勃发展所需的工具。”
diff --git a/content/zh/case-studies/wikimedia/wikimedia_featured.svg b/content/zh/case-studies/wikimedia/wikimedia_featured.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fa786aaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/zh/case-studies/wikimedia/wikimedia_featured.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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