Merge pull request from derekwaynecarr/quota_example

Improve and update ResourceQuota for 1.2
johndmulhausen 2016-06-28 15:11:13 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5c104666af
7 changed files with 440 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: best-effort
pods: "10"
- BestEffort

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: compute-resources
pods: "4"
requests.cpu: "1"
requests.memory: 1Gi
limits.cpu: "2"
limits.memory: 2Gi

View File

@ -4,29 +4,26 @@
When several users or teams share a cluster with a fixed number of nodes,
there is a concern that one team could use more than its fair share of resources.
Resource quotas are a tool for administrators to address this concern. Resource quotas
work like this:
Resource quotas are a tool for administrators to address this concern.
A resource quota, defined by a `ResourceQuota` object, provides constraints that limit
aggregate resource consumption per namespace. It can limit the quantity of objects that can
be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may
be consumed by resources in that project.
Resource quotas work like this:
- Different teams work in different namespaces. Currently this is voluntary, but
support for making this mandatory via ACLs is planned.
- The administrator creates a Resource Quota for each namespace.
- Users put compute resource requests on their pods. The sum of all resource requests across
all pods in the same namespace must not exceed any hard resource limit in any Resource Quota
document for the namespace. Note that we used to verify Resource Quota by taking the sum of
resource limits of the pods, but this was altered to use resource requests. Backwards compatibility
for those pods previously created is preserved because pods that only specify a resource limit have
their resource requests defaulted to match their defined limits. The user is only charged for the
resources they request in the Resource Quota versus their limits because the request is the minimum
amount of resource guaranteed by the cluster during scheduling. For more information on over commit,
see [compute-resources](/docs/user-guide/compute-resources).
- If creating a pod would cause the namespace to exceed any of the limits specified in the
the Resource Quota for that namespace, then the request will fail with HTTP status
code `403 FORBIDDEN`.
- If quota is enabled in a namespace and the user does not specify *requests* on the pod for each
of the resources for which quota is enabled, then the POST of the pod will fail with HTTP
status code `403 FORBIDDEN`. Hint: Use the LimitRange admission controller to force default
values of *limits* (then resource *requests* would be equal to *limits* by default, see
[admission controller](/docs/admin/admission-controllers)) before the quota is checked to avoid this problem.
- The administrator creates one or more Resource Quota objects for each namespace.
- Users create resources (pods, services, etc.) in the namespace, and the quota system
tracks usage to ensure it does not exceed hard resource limits defined in a Resource Quota.
- If creating or updating a resource violates a quota constraint, the request will fail with HTTP
status code `403 FORBIDDEN` with a message explaining the constraint that would have been violated.
- If quota is enabled in a namespace for compute resources like `cpu` and `memory`, users must specify
requests or limits for those values; otherwise, the quota system may reject pod creation. Hint: Use
the LimitRange admission controller to force defaults for pods that make no compute resource requirements.
See the [walkthrough](/docs/admin/resourcequota/walkthrough/) for an example to avoid this problem.
Examples of policies that could be created using namespaces and quotas are:
@ -38,7 +35,7 @@ Examples of policies that could be created using namespaces and quotas are:
In the case where the total capacity of the cluster is less than the sum of the quotas of the namespaces,
there may be contention for resources. This is handled on a first-come-first-served basis.
Neither contention nor changes to quota will affect already-running pods.
Neither contention nor changes to quota will affect already created resources.
## Enabling Resource Quota
@ -55,27 +52,29 @@ Resource Quota is enforced in a particular namespace when there is a
The total sum of [compute resources](/docs/user-guide/compute-resources) requested by pods
in a namespace can be limited. The following compute resource types are supported:
| ResourceName | Description |
| Resource Name | Description |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| cpu | Total cpu requests of containers |
| memory | Total memory requests of containers
For example, `cpu` quota sums up the `resources.requests.cpu` fields of every
container of every pod in the namespace, and enforces a maximum on that sum.
| `cpu` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU requests cannot exceed this value. |
| `limits.cpu` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU limits cannot exceed this value. |
| `limits.memory` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory limits cannot exceed this value. |
| `memory` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory requests cannot exceed this value. |
| `requests.cpu` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU requests cannot exceed this value. |
| `requests.memory` | Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory requests cannot exceed this value. |
## Object Count Quota
The number of objects of a given type can be restricted. The following types
are supported:
| ResourceName | Description |
| Resource Name | Description |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| pods | Total number of pods |
| services | Total number of services |
| replicationcontrollers | Total number of replication controllers |
| resourcequotas | Total number of [resource quotas](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#resourcequota) |
| secrets | Total number of secrets |
| persistentvolumeclaims | Total number of [persistent volume claims](/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) |
| `configmaps` | The total number of config maps that can exist in the namespace. |
| `persistentvolumeclaims` | The total number of [persistent volume claims](/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) that can exist in the namespace. |
| `pods` | The total number of pods in a non-terminal state that can exist in the namespace. A pod is in a terminal state if `status.phase in (Failed, Succeeded)` is true. |
| `replicationcontrollers` | The total number of replication controllers that can exist in the namespace. |
| `resourcequotas` | The total number of [resource quotas](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#resourcequota) that can exist in the namespace. |
| `services` | The total number of services that can exist in the namespace. |
| `secrets` | The total number of secrets that can exist in the namespace. |
For example, `pods` quota counts and enforces a maximum on the number of `pods`
created in a single namespace.
@ -84,45 +83,105 @@ You might want to set a pods quota on a namespace
to avoid the case where a user creates many small pods and exhausts the cluster's
supply of Pod IPs.
## Quota Scopes
Each quota can have an associated set of scopes. A quota will only measure usage for a resource if it matches
the intersection of enumerated scopes.
When a scope is added to the quota, it limits the number of resources it supports to those that pertain to the scope.
Resources specified on the quota outside of the allowed set results in a validation error.
| Scope | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| `Terminating` | Match pods where `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds >= 0` |
| `NotTerminating` | Match pods where `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds is nil` |
| `BestEffort` | Match pods that have best effort quality of service. |
| `NotBestEffort` | Match pods that do not have best effort quality of service. |
The `BestEffort` scope restricts a quota to tracking the following resource: `pods`
The `Terminating`, `NotTerminating`, and `NotBestEffort` scopes restrict a quota to tracking the following resources:
* `cpu`
* `limits.cpu`
* `limits.memory`
* `memory`
* `pods`
* `requests.cpu`
* `requests.memory`
## Requests vs Limits
When allocating compute resources, each container may specify a request and a limit value for either CPU or memory.
The quota can be configured to quota either value.
If the quota has a value specified for `requests.cpu` or `requests.memory`, then it requires that every incoming
container makes an explicit request for those resources. If the quota has a value specified for `limits.cpu` or `limits.memory`,
then it requires that every incoming container specifies an explict limit for those resources.
## Viewing and Setting Quotas
Kubectl supports creating, updating, and viewing quotas:
$ kubectl namespace myspace
$ cat <<EOF > quota.json
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "ResourceQuota",
"metadata": {
"name": "quota"
"spec": {
"hard": {
"memory": "1Gi",
"cpu": "20",
"pods": "10",
"services": "5",
$ kubectl create namespace myspace
$ cat <<EOF > compute-resources.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: compute-resources
pods: "4"
requests.cpu: "1"
requests.memory: 1Gi
limits.cpu: "2"
limits.memory: 2Gi
$ kubectl create -f ./quota.json
$ kubectl get quota
$ kubectl describe quota quota
Name: quota
$ kubectl create -f ./compute-resources.yaml --namespace=myspace
$ cat <<EOF > object-counts.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: object-counts
configmaps: "10"
persistentvolumeclaims: "4"
replicationcontrollers: "20"
secrets: "10"
services: "10"
$ kubectl create -f ./object-counts.yaml --namespace=myspace
$ kubectl get quota --namespace=myspace
compute-resources 30s
object-counts 32s
$ kubectl describe quota compute-resources --namespace=myspace
Name: compute-resources
Namespace: myspace
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 0 2
limits.memory 0 2Gi
pods 0 4
requests.cpu 0 1
requests.memory 0 1Gi
$ kubectl describe quota object-counts --namespace=myspace
Name: object-counts
Namespace: myspace
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
cpu 0m 20
memory 0 1Gi
pods 5 10
replicationcontrollers 5 20
resourcequotas 1 1
services 3 5
configmaps 0 10
persistentvolumeclaims 0 4
replicationcontrollers 0 20
secrets 1 10
services 0 10
## Quota and Cluster Capacity

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: not-best-effort
pods: "4"
requests.cpu: "1"
requests.memory: 1Gi
limits.cpu: "2"
limits.memory: 2Gi
- NotBestEffort

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: object-counts
persistentvolumeclaims: "2"

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: quota
cpu: "20"
memory: 1Gi
persistentvolumeclaims: "10"
pods: "10"
replicationcontrollers: "20"
resourcequotas: "1"
secrets: "10"
services: "5"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
This example demonstrates how [resource quota](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#resourcequota) and
[limitsranger](/docs/admin/admission-controllers/#limitranger) can be applied to a Kubernetes namespace.
See [ResourceQuota design doc]({{page.githubbranch}}/docs/design/ for more information.
This example demonstrates a typical setup to control for resource usage in a namespace.
It demonstrates using the following resources:
* [Namespace](/docs/admin/namespaces/)
* [Resource Quota](/docs/admin/resourcequota/)
* [Limit Range](/docs/admin/limitrange/)
This example assumes you have a functional Kubernetes setup.
## Scenario
The cluster-admin is operating a cluster on behalf of a user population and the cluster-admin
wants to control the amount of resources that can be consumed in a particular namespace to promote
fair sharing of the cluster and control cost.
The cluster-admin has the following goals:
* Limit the amount of compute resources for running pods
* Limit the number of persistent volume claims to control access to storage
* Provide default compute resource requests to enable better scheduling decisions
## Step 1: Create a namespace
This example will work in a custom namespace to demonstrate the concepts involved.
@ -14,151 +30,322 @@ This example will work in a custom namespace to demonstrate the concepts involve
Let's create a new namespace called quota-example:
$ kubectl create namespace quota-example
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/namespace.yaml
namespace "quota-example" created
Note that `kubectl` commands will print the type and name of the resource created or mutated, which can then be used in subsequent commands:
$ kubectl get namespaces
default Active 50m
quota-example Active 2s
default Active 2m
kube-system Active 2m
quota-example Active 39s
## Step 2: Apply a quota to the namespace
## Step 2: Apply an object-count quota to the namespace
By default, a pod will run with unbounded CPU and memory requests/limits. This means that any pod in the
system will be able to consume as much CPU and memory on the node that executes the pod.
The cluster-admin wants to control the amount of persistent volume claims.
Users may want to restrict how much of the cluster resources a given namespace may consume
across all of its pods in order to manage cluster usage. To do this, a user applies a quota to
a namespace. A quota lets the user set hard limits on the total amount of node resources (cpu, memory)
and API resources (pods, services, etc.) that a namespace may consume. In term of resources, Kubernetes
checks the total resource *requests*, not resource *limits* of all containers/pods in the namespace.
Let's create a simple quota in our namespace:
Let's create a simple quota that controls object counts for those resource types in this namespace.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/quota.yaml --namespace=quota-example
resourcequota "quota" created
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/object-counts.yaml --namespace=quota-example
resourcequota "object-counts" created
Once your quota is applied to a namespace, the system will restrict any creation of content
in the namespace until the quota usage has been calculated. This should happen quickly.
The quota system will observe that a quota has been created, and will calculate consumption
in the namespace in response. This should happen quickly.
You can describe your current quota usage to see what resources are being consumed in your
Let's describe the quota to see what is currently being consumed in this namespace:
$ kubectl describe quota quota --namespace=quota-example
Name: quota
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
cpu 0 20
memory 0 1Gi
persistentvolumeclaims 0 10
pods 0 10
replicationcontrollers 0 20
resourcequotas 1 1
secrets 1 10
services 0 5
$ kubectl describe quota object-counts --namespace=quota-example
Name: object-counts
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
persistentvolumeclaims 0 2
## Step 3: Applying default resource requests and limits
The quota system will now prevent users from creating more than the specified amount for each resource.
## Step 3: Apply a compute-resource quota to the namespace
To limit the amount of compute resource that can be consumed in this namespace,
let's create a quota that tracks compute resources.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/compute-resources.yaml --namespace=quota-example
resourcequota "compute-resources" created
Let's describe the quota to see what is currently being consumed in this namespace:
$ kubectl describe quota compute-resources --namespace=quota-example
Name: compute-resources
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 0 2
limits.memory 0 2Gi
pods 0 4
requests.cpu 0 1
requests.memory 0 1Gi
The quota system will now prevent the namespace from having more than 4 non-terminal pods. In
addition, it will enforce that each container in a pod makes a `request` and defines a `limit` for
`cpu` and `memory`.
## Step 4: Applying default resource requests and limits
Pod authors rarely specify resource requests and limits for their pods.
Since we applied a quota to our project, let's see what happens when an end-user creates a pod that has unbounded
cpu and memory by creating an nginx container.
To demonstrate, lets create a Deployment that runs nginx:
To demonstrate, lets create a deployment that runs nginx:
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 --namespace=quota-example
deployment "nginx" created
This creates a Deployment "nginx" with its underlying resource, a ReplicaSet, which handles the creation and deletion of Pod replicas. Now let's look at the pods that were created.
Now let's look at the pods that were created.
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=quota-example
What happened? I have no pods! Let's describe the ReplicaSet managed by the nginx Deployment to get a view of what is happening.
Note that `kubectl describe rs` works only on kubernetes cluster >= v1.2. If you are running older versions, use `kubectl describe rc` instead.
If you want to obtain the old behavior, use `--generator=run/v1` to create replication controllers. See [`kubectl run`](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/kubectl_run/) for more details.
What happened? I have no pods! Let's describe the deployment to get a view of what is happening.
$ kubectl describe rs -l run=nginx --namespace=quota-example
Name: nginx-2040093540
Namespace: quota-example
Image(s): nginx
Selector: pod-template-hash=2040093540,run=nginx
Labels: pod-template-hash=2040093540,run=nginx
Replicas: 0 current / 1 desired
Pods Status: 0 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
No volumes.
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
48s 26s 4 {replicaset-controller } Warning FailedCreate Error creating: pods "nginx-2040093540-" is forbidden: Failed quota: quota: must specify cpu,memory
$ kubectl describe deployment nginx --namespace=quota-example
Name: nginx
Namespace: quota-example
CreationTimestamp: Mon, 06 Jun 2016 16:11:37 -0400
Labels: run=nginx
Selector: run=nginx
Replicas: 0 updated | 1 total | 0 available | 1 unavailable
StrategyType: RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds: 0
RollingUpdateStrategy: 1 max unavailable, 1 max surge
OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: nginx-3137573019 (0/1 replicas created)
The Kubernetes API server is rejecting the ReplicaSet requests to create a pod because our pods
do not specify any memory usage *request*.
A deployment created a corresponding replica set and attempted to size it to create a single pod.
So let's set some default values for the amount of cpu and memory a pod can consume:
Let's look at the replica set to get more detail.
$ kubectl describe rs nginx-3137573019 --namespace=quota-example
Name: nginx-3137573019
Namespace: quota-example
Image(s): nginx
Selector: pod-template-hash=3137573019,run=nginx
Labels: pod-template-hash=3137573019
Replicas: 0 current / 1 desired
Pods Status: 0 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
No volumes.
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
4m 7s 11 {replicaset-controller } Warning FailedCreate Error creating: pods "nginx-3137573019-" is forbidden: Failed quota: compute-resources: must specify limits.cpu,limits.memory,requests.cpu,requests.memory
The Kubernetes API server is rejecting the replica set's request to create a pod because our pods
do not specify `requests` or `limits` for `cpu` and `memory`.
So let's set some default values for the amount of `cpu` and `memory` a pod can consume:
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/limits.yaml --namespace=quota-example
limitrange "limits" created
$ kubectl describe limits limits --namespace=quota-example
Name: limits
Namespace: quota-example
Type Resource Min Max Default Request Default Limit Max Limit/Request Ratio
---- -------- --- --- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
Container cpu - - 100m 200m -
Container memory - - 256Mi 512Mi -
Name: limits
Namespace: quota-example
Type Resource Min Max Default Request Default Limit Max Limit/Request Ratio
---- -------- --- --- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
Container memory - - 256Mi 512Mi -
Container cpu - - 100m 200m -
Now any time a pod is created in this namespace, if it has not specified any resource request/limit, the default
amount of cpu and memory per container will be applied, and the request will be used as part of admission control.
If the Kubernetes API server observes a request to create a pod in this namespace, and the containers
in that pod do not make any compute resource requests, a default request and default limit will be applied
as part of admission control.
Now that we have applied default resource *request* for our namespace, our Deployment should be able to
create its pods.
In this example, each pod created will have compute resources equivalent to the following:
$ kubectl run nginx \
--image=nginx \
--replicas=1 \
--requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi \
--limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi \
Now that we have applied default compute resources for our namespace, our replica set should be able to create
its pods.
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=quota-example
nginx-2040093540-miohp 1/1 Running 0 5s
nginx-3137573019-fvrig 1/1 Running 0 6m
And if we print out our quota usage in the namespace:
$ kubectl describe quota quota --namespace=quota-example
Name: quota
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
cpu 100m 20
memory 256Mi 1Gi
persistentvolumeclaims 0 10
pods 1 10
replicationcontrollers 1 20
resourcequotas 1 1
secrets 1 10
services 0 5
$ kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-example
Name: compute-resources
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 200m 2
limits.memory 512Mi 2Gi
pods 1 4
requests.cpu 100m 1
requests.memory 256Mi 1Gi
Name: object-counts
Namespace: quota-example
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
persistentvolumeclaims 0 2
You can now see the pod that was created is consuming explicit amounts of resources (specified by resource *request*), and the usage is being tracked by the Kubernetes system properly.
As you can see, the pod that was created is consuming explict amounts of compute resources, and the usage is being
tracked by Kubernetes properly.
## Step 5: Advanced quota scopes
Let's imagine you did not want to specify default compute resource consumption in your namespace.
Instead, you want to let users run a specific number of `BestEffort` pods in their namespace to take
advantage of slack compute resources, and then require that users make an explicit resource request for
pods that require a higher quality of service.
Let's create a new namespace with two quotas to demonstrate this behavior:
$ kubectl create namespace quota-scopes
namespace "quota-scopes" created
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/best-effort.yaml --namespace=quota-scopes
resourcequota "best-effort" created
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/resourcequota/not-best-effort.yaml --namespace=quota-scopes
resourcequota "not-best-effort" created
$ kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-scopes
Name: best-effort
Namespace: quota-scopes
Scopes: BestEffort
* Matches all pods that have best effort quality of service.
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
pods 0 10
Name: not-best-effort
Namespace: quota-scopes
Scopes: NotBestEffort
* Matches all pods that do not have best effort quality of service.
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 0 2
limits.memory 0 2Gi
pods 0 4
requests.cpu 0 1
requests.memory 0 1Gi
In this scenario, a pod that makes no compute resource requests will be tracked by the `best-effort` quota.
A pod that does make compute resource requests will be tracked by the `not-best-effort` quota.
Let's demonstrate this by creating two deployments:
$ kubectl run best-effort-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=8 --namespace=quota-scopes
deployment "best-effort-nginx" created
$ kubectl run not-best-effort-nginx \
--image=nginx \
--replicas=2 \
--requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi \
--limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi \
deployment "not-best-effort-nginx" created
Even though no default limits were specified, the `best-effort-nginx` deployment will create
all 8 pods. This is because it is tracked by the `best-effort` quota, and the `not-best-effort`
quota will just ignore it. The `not-best-effort` quota will track the `not-best-effort-nginx`
deployment since it creates pods with `Burstable` quality of service.
Let's list the pods in the namespace:
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=quota-scopes
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-2qb41 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-3go7n 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-9o2xg 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-eyg40 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-gcs3v 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-rq8p1 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-udhhd 1/1 Running 0 51s
best-effort-nginx-3488455095-zmk12 1/1 Running 0 51s
not-best-effort-nginx-2204666826-7sl61 1/1 Running 0 23s
not-best-effort-nginx-2204666826-ke746 1/1 Running 0 23s
As you can see, all 10 pods have been allowed to be created.
Let's describe current quota usage in the namespace:
$ kubectl describe quota --namespace=quota-scopes
Name: best-effort
Namespace: quota-scopes
Scopes: BestEffort
* Matches all pods that have best effort quality of service.
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
pods 8 10
Name: not-best-effort
Namespace: quota-scopes
Scopes: NotBestEffort
* Matches all pods that do not have best effort quality of service.
Resource Used Hard
-------- ---- ----
limits.cpu 400m 2
limits.memory 1Gi 2Gi
pods 2 4
requests.cpu 200m 1
requests.memory 512Mi 1Gi
As you can see, the `best-effort` quota has tracked the usage for the 8 pods we created in
the `best-effort-nginx` deployment, and the `not-best-effort` quota has tracked the usage for
the 2 pods we created in the `not-best-effort-nginx` quota.
Scopes provide a mechanism to subdivide the set of resources that are tracked by
any quota document to allow greater flexibility in how operators deploy and track resource
In addition to `BestEffort` and `NotBestEffort` scopes, there are scopes to restrict
long-running versus time-bound pods. The `Terminating` scope will match any pod
where `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds is not nil`. The `NotTerminating` scope will match any pod
where `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds is nil`. These scopes allow you to quota pods based on their
anticipated permanence on a node in your cluster.
## Summary
Actions that consume node resources for cpu and memory can be subject to hard quota limits defined by the namespace quota. The resource consumption is measured by resource *request* in pod specification.
Actions that consume node resources for cpu and memory can be subject to hard quota limits defined by the namespace quota.
Any action that consumes those resources can be tweaked, or can pick up namespace level defaults to meet your end goal.
Quota can be apportioned based on quality of service and anticipated permanence on a node in your cluster.