[zh]Sync service-accounts-admin.md,ingress-minikube.md,configure-service-account.md

yuehuan 2023-10-27 12:16:21 +08:00
parent 990e120b6a
commit 54a769467f
4 changed files with 40 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -568,33 +568,6 @@ Then, delete the Secret you now know the name of:
kubectl -n examplens delete secret/example-automated-thing-token-zyxwv
The control plane spots that the ServiceAccount is missing its Secret,
and creates a replacement:
控制平面发现 ServiceAccount 缺少其 Secret并创建一个替代项
kubectl -n examplens get serviceaccount/example-automated-thing -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
creationTimestamp: "2019-07-21T07:07:07Z"
name: example-automated-thing
namespace: examplens
resourceVersion: "1026"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/examplens/serviceaccounts/example-automated-thing
uid: f23fd170-66f2-4697-b049-e1e266b7f835
- name: example-automated-thing-token-4rdrh
## Clean up

View File

@ -174,6 +174,10 @@ If you haven't already set up a cluster locally, run `minikube start` to create
The output is similar to:

View File

@ -420,6 +420,24 @@ control plane automatically cleans up the long-lived token from that Secret.
当你删除一个与某 Secret 相关联的 ServiceAccount 时Kubernetes 的控制面会自动清理该
Secret 中长期有效的令牌。
{{< note >}}
If you view the ServiceAccount using:
` kubectl get serviceaccount build-robot -o yaml`
You can't see the `build-robot-secret` Secret in the ServiceAccount API objects
[`.secrets`](/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/service-account-v1/) field
because that field is only populated with auto-generated Secrets.
如果你使用以下命令查看 ServiceAccount:
` kubectl get serviceaccount build-robot -o yaml`
在 ServiceAccount API 对象中看不到 `build-robot-secret` Secret
[`.secrets`](/zh-cn/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/service-account-v1/) 字段,
因为该字段只会填充自动生成的 Secret。
{{< /note >}}
## Add ImagePullSecrets to a service account

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@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ docker login
When prompted, enter your Docker ID, and then the credential you want to use (access token,
or the password for your Docker ID).
The login process creates or updates a `config.json` file that holds an authorization token. Review [how Kubernetes interprets this file](/docs/concepts/containers/images#config-json).
The login process creates or updates a `config.json` file that holds an authorization token.
Review [how Kubernetes interprets this file](/docs/concepts/containers/images#config-json).
View the `config.json` file:
@ -99,7 +100,9 @@ The output contains a section similar to this:
{{< note >}}
If you use a Docker credentials store, you won't see that `auth` entry but a `credsStore` entry with the name of the store as value.
In that case, you can create a secret directly. See [Create a Secret by providing credentials on the command line](#create-a-secret-by-providing-credentials-on-the-command-line).
In that case, you can create a secret directly.
See [Create a Secret by providing credentials on the command line](#create-a-secret-by-providing-credentials-on-the-command-line).
如果使用 Docker 凭据仓库,则不会看到 `auth` 条目,看到的将是以仓库名称作为值的 `credsStore` 条目。
在这种情况下,你可以直接创建一个 Secret。
@ -353,9 +356,20 @@ kubectl get pod private-reg
{{< note >}}
In case the Pod fails to start with the status `ImagePullBackOff`, view the Pod events:
To use image pull secrets for a Pod (or a Deployment, or other object that
has a pod template that you are using), you need to make sure that the appropriate
Secret does exist in the right namespace. The namespace to use is the same
namespace where you defined the Pod.
如果 Pod 以状态 `ImagePullBackOff` 启动失败,查看 Pod 事件:
要为 Pod或 Deployment或其他有 Pod 模板的对象)使用镜像拉取 Secret
你需要确保合适的 Secret 确实存在于正确的名字空间中。
要使用的是你定义 Pod 时所用的名字空间。
{{< /note >}}
Also, in case the Pod fails to start with the status `ImagePullBackOff`, view the Pod events:
此外,如果 Pod 启动失败,状态为 `ImagePullBackOff`,查看 Pod 事件:
kubectl describe pod private-reg
@ -383,8 +397,6 @@ Events:
... FailedToRetrieveImagePullSecret ... Unable to retrieve some image pull secrets (<regcred>); attempting to pull the image may not succeed.
{{< /note >}}
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