[zh-cn] Remove the duplicate line in change-runtime-containerd.md

Mengjiao Liu 2023-04-12 17:22:01 +08:00
parent 31fe67229e
commit 4a1f225b7e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ Users using kubeadm should be aware that the `kubeadm` tool stores the CRI socke
an annotation in the Node object for that host. To change it you can execute the following command
on a machine that has the kubeadm `/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` file.
`kubeadm` 工具将每个主机的 CRI 套接字保存在该主机对应的 Node 对象的注解中。
使用 `kubeadm` 的用户应该知道,`kubeadm` 工具将每个主机的 CRI 套接字保存在该主机对应的
Node 对象的注解中。
要更改这一注解信息,你可以在一台包含 kubeadm `/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` 文件的机器上执行以下命令: