Describe CPU and Memory resources.

Eric Tune 2016-07-08 10:24:10 -07:00
parent 0934c1f71c
commit 389c77b6ac
1 changed files with 26 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,32 @@ about pod resource requests/limits. A *pod resource request/limit* for a partic
type is the sum of the resource requests/limits of that type for each container in the pod, with
unset values treated as zero (or equal to default values in some cluster configurations).
### Meaning of CPU
Limits and requests for `cpu` are measured in cpus.
One cpu, in Kubernetes, is equivalent to:
- 1 AWS vCPU
- 1 GCP Core
- 1 Azure vCore
- 1 *Hyperthread* on a bare-metal Intel processor with Hyperthreading
Fractional requests are allowed. A container with `spec.container[].resources.requests.cpu` of `0.5` will
be guaranteed half as much CPU as one that asks for `1`. The expression `0.1` is equivalent to the expression
`100m`, which can be read as "one hundred millicpu" (some may say "one hundred millicores", and this is understood
to mean the same thing when talking about Kubernetes). A request with a decimal point, like `0.1` is converted to
`100m` by the API, and precision finer than `1m` is not allowed. For this reason, the form `100m` may be preferred.
CPU is always requested as an absolute quantity, never as a relative quantity; 0.1 is the same amount of cpu on a single
core, dual core, or 48 core machine.
# Meaning of Memory
Limits and requests for `memory` are measured in bytes.
Memory can be expressed a plain integer or as fixed-point integers with one of these SI suffixes (E, P, T, G, M, K)
or their power-of-two equivalents (Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki). For example, the following represent roughly the same value:
`128974848`, `129e6`, `129M` , `123Mi`.
### Example
The following pod has two containers. Each has a request of 0.25 core of cpu and 64MiB
(2<sup>20</sup> bytes) of memory and a limit of 0.5 core of cpu and 128MiB of memory. The pod can
be said to have a request of 0.5 core and 128 MiB of memory and a limit of 1 core and 256MiB of