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[zh] sync blog: 2023-01-05-retroactive-default-storage-class
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layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.26:可追溯的默认 StorageClass"
date: 2023-01-05
slug: retroactive-default-storage-class
layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.26: Retroactive Default StorageClass"
date: 2023-01-05
slug: retroactive-default-storage-class
**Author:** Roman Bednář (Red Hat)
**作者:** Roman Bednář (Red Hat)
**译者:** Michael Yao (DaoCloud)
The v1.25 release of Kubernetes introduced an alpha feature to change how a default StorageClass was assigned to a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC).
With the feature enabled, you no longer need to create a default StorageClass first and PVC second to assign the class. Additionally, any PVCs without a StorageClass assigned can be updated later.
This feature was graduated to beta in Kubernetes 1.26.
Kubernetes v1.25 引入了一个 Alpha 特性来更改默认 StorageClass 被分配到 PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) 的方式。
启用此特性后,你不再需要先创建默认 StorageClass再创建 PVC 来分配类。
此外,任何未分配 StorageClass 的 PVC 都可以在后续被更新。此特性在 Kubernetes 1.26 中已进阶至 Beta。
You can read [retroactive default StorageClass assignment](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#retroactive-default-storageclass-assignment) in the Kubernetes documentation for more details about how to use that,
or you can read on to learn about why the Kubernetes project is making this change.
有关如何使用的更多细节,请参阅 Kubernetes
文档[可追溯的默认 StorageClass 赋值](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#retroactive-default-storageclass-assignment)
你还可以阅读了解为什么 Kubernetes 项目做了此项变更。
## Why did StorageClass assignment need improvements
Users might already be familiar with a similar feature that assigns default StorageClasses to **new** PVCs at the time of creation. This is currently handled by the [admission controller](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#defaultstorageclass).
## 为什么 StorageClass 赋值需要改进 {#why-did-sc-assignment-need-improvements}
用户可能已经熟悉在创建时将默认 StorageClasses 分配给**新** PVC 的这一类似特性。
But what if there wasn't a default StorageClass defined at the time of PVC creation?
Users would end up with a PVC that would never be assigned a class.
As a result, no storage would be provisioned, and the PVC would be somewhat "stuck" at this point.
Generally, two main scenarios could result in "stuck" PVCs and cause problems later down the road.
Let's take a closer look at each of them.
但是,如果在创建 PVC 时没有定义默认 StorageClass 会怎样?
那用户最终将得到一个永远不会被赋予存储类的 PVC。结果是没有存储会被制备而 PVC 有时也会“卡在”这里。
一般而言,两个主要场景可能导致 PVC “卡住”,并在后续造成更多问题。让我们仔细看看这两个场景。
### Changing default StorageClass
With the alpha feature enabled, there were two options admins had when they wanted to change the default StorageClass:
### 更改默认 StorageClass {#changing-default-storageclass}
启用这个 Alpha 特性后,管理员想要更改默认 StorageClass 时会有两个选项:
1. Creating a new StorageClass as default before removing the old one associated with the PVC.
This would result in having two defaults for a short period.
At this point, if a user were to create a PersistentVolumeClaim with storageClassName set to <code>null</code> (implying default StorageClass), the newest default StorageClass would be chosen and assigned to this PVC.
1. 在移除与 PVC 关联的旧 StorageClass 之前,创建一个新的 StorageClass 作为默认值。
这将导致在短时间内出现两个默认值。此时,如果用户要创建一个 PersistentVolumeClaim
并将 storageClassName 设置为 <code>null</code>(指代默认 StorageClass
则最新的默认 StorageClass 将被选中并指定给这个 PVC。
2. Removing the old default first and creating a new default StorageClass.
This would result in having no default for a short time.
Subsequently, if a user were to create a PersistentVolumeClaim with storageClassName set to <code>null</code> (implying default StorageClass), the PVC would be in <code>Pending</code> state forever.
The user would have to fix this by deleting the PVC and recreating it once the default StorageClass was available.
2. 先移除旧的默认值再创建一个新的默认 StorageClass。这将导致短时间内没有默认值。
接下来如果用户创建一个 PersistentVolumeClaim并将 storageClassName 设置为 <code>null</code>
(指代默认 StorageClass则 PVC 将永远处于 <code>Pending</code> 状态。
一旦默认 StorageClass 可用,用户就不得不通过删除并重新创建 PVC 来修复这个问题。
### Resource ordering during cluster installation
If a cluster installation tool needed to create resources that required storage, for example, an image registry, it was difficult to get the ordering right.
This is because any Pods that required storage would rely on the presence of a default StorageClass and would fail to be created if it wasn't defined.
### 集群安装期间的资源顺序 {#resource-ordering-during-cluster-installation}
这是因为任何有存储要求的 Pod 都将依赖于默认 StorageClass 的存在与否。
如果默认 StorageClass 未被定义Pod 创建将失败。
## What changed
We've changed the PersistentVolume (PV) controller to assign a default StorageClass to any unbound PersistentVolumeClaim that has the storageClassName set to <code>null</code>.
We've also modified the PersistentVolumeClaim admission within the API server to allow the change of values from an unset value to an actual StorageClass name.
## 发生了什么变化 {#what-changed}
我们更改了 PersistentVolume (PV) 控制器,以便将默认 StorageClass 指定给
storageClassName 设置为 `null` 且未被绑定的所有 PersistentVolumeClaim。
我们还修改了 API 服务器中的 PersistentVolumeClaim 准入机制,允许将取值从未设置值更改为实际的 StorageClass 名称。
### Null `storageClassName` versus `storageClassName: ""` - does it matter? { #null-vs-empty-string }
Before this feature was introduced, those values were equal in terms of behavior. Any PersistentVolumeClaim with the storageClassName set to <code>null</code> or <code>""</code> would bind to an existing PersistentVolume resource with storageClassName also set to <code>null</code> or <code>""</code>.
### Null `storageClassName``storageClassName: ""` - 有什么影响? {#null-vs-empty-string}
此特性被引入之前这两种赋值就其行为而言是相同的。storageClassName 设置为 `null``""`
的所有 PersistentVolumeClaim 都会被绑定到 storageClassName 也设置为 `null`
`""` 的、已有的 PersistentVolume 资源。
With this new feature enabled we wanted to maintain this behavior but also be able to update the StorageClass name.
With these constraints in mind, the feature changes the semantics of <code>null</code>. If a default StorageClass is present, <code>null</code> would translate to "Give me a default" and <code>""</code> would mean "Give me PersistentVolume that also has <code>""</code> StorageClass name." In the absence of a StorageClass, the behavior would remain unchanged.
启用此新特性时,我们希望保持此行为,但也希望能够更新 StorageClass 名称。
考虑到这些限制,此特性更改了 `null` 的语义。
具体而言,如果有一个默认 StorageClass`null` 将可被理解为 “给我一个默认值”,
`""` 表示 “给我 StorageClass 名称也是 `""` 的 PersistentVolume”
Summarizing the above, we've changed the semantics of <code>null</code> so that its behavior depends on the presence or absence of a definition of default StorageClass.
The tables below show all these cases to better describe when PVC binds and when its StorageClass gets updated.
综上所述,我们更改了 `null` 的语义,使其行为取决于默认 StorageClass 定义的存在或缺失。
下表显示了所有这些情况,更好地描述了 PVC 何时绑定及其 StorageClass 何时被更新。
<!-- PVC binding behavior with Retroactive default StorageClass -->
<caption>使用默认 StorageClass 时的 PVC 绑定行为</caption>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th>PVC <tt>storageClassName</tt> = <code>""</code></th>
<th>PVC <tt>storageClassName</tt> = <code>null</code></th>
<td rowspan="2">未设置默认存储类</td>
<td>PV <tt>storageClassName</tt> = <code>""</code></td>
<td>PV without <tt>storageClassName</tt></td>
<td rowspan="2">设置了默认存储类</td>
<td>PV <tt>storageClassName</tt> = <code>""</code></td>
<td>PV without <tt>storageClassName</tt></td>
## How to use it
If you want to test the feature whilst it's alpha, you need to enable the relevant feature gate in the kube-controller-manager and the kube-apiserver. Use the `--feature-gates` command line argument:
## 如何使用 {#how-to-use-it}
如果你想测试这个 Alpha 特性,你需要在 kube-controller-manager 和 kube-apiserver 中启用相关特性门控。
你可以使用 `--feature-gates` 命令行参数:
### Test drive
If you would like to see the feature in action and verify it works fine in your cluster here's what you can try:
### 测试演练 {#test-drive}
1. Define a basic PersistentVolumeClaim:
1. 定义一个基本的 PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc-1
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
2. Create the PersistentVolumeClaim when there is no default StorageClass. The PVC won't provision or bind (unless there is an existing, suitable PV already present) and will remain in <code>Pending</code> state.
2. 在没有默认 StorageClass 时创建 PersistentVolumeClaim。
PVC 不会制备或绑定(除非当前已存在一个合适的 PVPVC 将保持在 `Pending` 状态。
$ kc get pvc
pvc-1 Pending
3. Configure one StorageClass as default.
3. 将某个 StorageClass 配置为默认值。
$ kc patch sc -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}' patched
4. Verify that PersistentVolumeClaims is now provisioned correctly and was updated retroactively with new default StorageClass.
4. 确认 PersistentVolumeClaims 现在已被正确制备,并且已使用新的默认 StorageClass 进行了可追溯的更新。
$ kc get pvc
pvc-1 Bound pvc-06a964ca-f997-4780-8627-b5c3bf5a87d8 1Gi RWO my-storageclass 87m
### New metrics
To help you see that the feature is working as expected we also introduced a new <code>retroactive_storageclass_total</code> metric to show how many times that the PV controller attempted to update PersistentVolumeClaim, and <code>retroactive_storageclass_errors_total</code> to show how many of those attempts failed.
### 新指标 {#new-metrics}
为了帮助你了解该特性是否按预期工作,我们还引入了一个新的 `retroactive_storageclass_total`
指标来显示 PV 控制器尝试更新 PersistentVolumeClaim 的次数,以及
`retroactive_storageclass_errors_total` 来显示这些尝试失败了多少次。
## Getting involved
We always welcome new contributors so if you would like to get involved you can join our [Kubernetes Storage Special-Interest-Group]( (SIG).
If you would like to share feedback, you can do so on our [public Slack channel](
Special thanks to all the contributors that provided great reviews, shared valuable insight and helped implement this feature (alphabetical order):
## 欢迎参与 {#getting-involved}
[Kubernetes Storage Special Interest Group存储特别兴趣小组]( (SIG)。
如果你想分享反馈,可以在我们的[公开 Slack 频道](上反馈。
- Deep Debroy ([ddebroy](
- Divya Mohan ([divya-mohan0209](
- Jan Šafránek ([jsafrane](
- Joe Betz ([jpbetz](
- Jordan Liggitt ([liggitt](
- Michelle Au ([msau42](
- Seokho Son ([seokho-son](
- Shannon Kularathna ([shannonxtreme](
- Tim Bannister ([sftim](
- Tim Hockin ([thockin](
- Wojciech Tyczynski ([wojtek-t](
- Xing Yang ([xing-yang](