Translate contribute/ into Japanese.

TAKAHASHI Shuuji 2020-05-12 14:09:27 +09:00
parent b826372e67
commit 294aa2d616
1 changed files with 104 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
title: Localizing Kubernetes Documentation
title: Kubernetesのドキュメントをローカライズする
content_template: templates/concept
- remyleone
- rlenferink
- zacharysarah
name: contribute
weight: 30
@ -13,76 +9,76 @@ card:
{{% capture overview %}}
This page shows you how to [localize]( the docs for a different language.
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{{% capture body %}}
## Getting started
## はじめる
Because contributors can't approve their own pull requests, you need at least two contributors to begin a localization.
All localization teams must be self-sustaining with their own resources. We're happy to host your work, but we can't translate it for you.
### Find your two-letter language code
### 2文字の言語コードを探す
First, consult the [ISO 639-1 standard]( to find your localization's two-letter country code. For example, the two-letter code for Korean is `ko`.
まず最初に、[ISO 639-1標準](のドキュメントから、ローカライゼーションの2文字の国コードを探してください。たとえば、韓国語のための国コードは`ko`です。
### Fork and clone the repo
### リポジトリをフォーク・クローンする {#fork-and-clone-the-repo}
First, [create your own fork](/docs/contribute/start/#improve-existing-content) of the [kubernetes/website]( repository.
Then, clone your fork and `cd` into it:
git clone<username>/website
cd website
### Open a pull request
### プルリクエストを開く
Next, [open a pull request](/docs/contribute/start/#submit-a-pull-request) (PR) to add a localization to the `kubernetes/website` repository.
The PR must include all of the [minimum required content](#minimum-required-content) before it can be approved.
For an example of adding a new localization, see the PR to enable [docs in French](
### Join the Kubernetes GitHub organization
Once you've opened a localization PR, you can become members of the Kubernetes GitHub organization. Each person on the team needs to create their own [Organization Membership Request]( in the `kubernetes/org` repository.
### Kubernetes GitHub organizationに参加する
### Add your localization team in GitHub
ローカライゼーションのPRを作ると、Kubernetes GitHub organizationのメンバーになることができます。チームの各個人は、それぞれ`kubernetes/org`リポジトリに[Organization Membership Request](を作成する必要があります。
Next, add your Kubernetes localization team to [`sig-docs/teams.yaml`]( For an example of adding a localization team, see the PR to add the [Spanish localization team](
### ローカライゼーションチームをGitHubに追加する {#add-your-localization-team-in-github}
Members of `@kubernetes/sig-docs-**-owners` can approve PRs that change content within (and only within) your localization directory: `/content/**/`.
For each localization, The `@kubernetes/sig-docs-**-reviews` team automates review assignment for new PRs.
Members of `@kubernetes/website-maintainers` can create new development branches to coordinate translation efforts.
Members of `@kubernetes/website-milestone-maintainers` can use the `/milestone` [Prow command]( to assign a milestone to issues or PRs.
### Configure the workflow
Next, add a GitHub label for your localization in the `kubernetes/test-infra` repository. A label lets you filter issues and pull requests for your specific language.
### ワークフローを設定する {#configure-the-workflow}
For an example of adding a label, see the PR for adding the [Italian language label](
### Find community
Let Kubernetes SIG Docs know you're interested in creating a localization! Join the [SIG Docs Slack channel]( Other localization teams are happy to help you get started and answer any questions you have.
### コミュニティを見つける
You can also create a Slack channel for your localization in the `kubernetes/community` repository. For an example of adding a Slack channel, see the PR for [adding channels for Indonesian and Portuguese](
Kubernetes SIG Docsに、ローカライゼーションを作りたいと思っていることを知らせてください[SIG Docs Slackチャンネル](に参加してください。他のローカライゼーションメンバーが、あなたがローカライゼーションを始めるのを喜んで助けてくれ、どんな疑問にも答えてくれます。
## Minimum required content
### Modify the site configuration
## 最低限必要なコンテンツ {#minimum-required-content}
The Kubernetes website uses Hugo as its web framework. The website's Hugo configuration resides in the [`config.toml`]( file. To support a new localization, you'll need to modify `config.toml`.
### サイトの設定を修正する
Add a configuration block for the new language to `config.toml`, under the existing `[languages]` block. The German block, for example, looks like:
@ -93,44 +89,44 @@ contentDir = "content/de"
weight = 3
When assigning a `weight` parameter for your block, find the language block with the highest weight and add 1 to that value.
For more information about Hugo's multilingual support, see "[Multilingual Mode](".
### Add a new localization directory
### 新しいローカライゼーションのディレクトリを追加する
Add a language-specific subdirectory to the [`content`]( folder in the repository. For example, the two-letter code for German is `de`:
mkdir content/de
### Localize the Community Code of Conduct
### Community Code of Conductをローカライズする
Open a PR against the [`cncf/foundation`]( repository to add the code of conduct in your language.
あなたの言語のcode of conductを追加するために、PRを[`cncf/foundation`](リポジトリに対して開いてください。
### Add a localized README
### ローカライズしたREADMEを追加する
To guide other localization contributors, add a new [`README-**.md`]( to the top level of k/website, where `**` is the two-letter language code. For example, a German README file would be ``.
Provide guidance to localization contributors in the localized `README-**.md` file. Include the same information contained in `` as well as:
- A point of contact for the localization project
- Any information specific to the localization
- ローカライゼーションプロジェクトのための連絡先
- ローカライゼーション固有の情報
After you create the localized README, add a link to the file from the main English ``, and include contact information in English. You can provide a GitHub ID, email address, [Slack channel](, or other method of contact. You must also provide a link to your localized Community Code of Conduct.
ローカライズされたREADMEを作成したら、メインの英語の``からそのファイルへのリンクを追加し、英語で連絡先情報も書いてください。GitHub ID、メールアドレス、[Slackチャンネル](、その他の連絡手段を提供できます。ローカライズされたCommunity Code of Conductへのリンクも必ず提供してください。
### Setting up the OWNERS files
### OWNERSファイルを設定する
To set the roles of each user contributing to the localization, create an `OWNERS` file inside the language-specific subdirectory with:
- **reviewers**: A list of kubernetes teams with reviewer roles, in this case, the `sig-docs-**-reviews` team created in [Add your localization team in GitHub](#add-your-localization-team-in-github).
- **approvers**: A list of kubernetes teams with approvers roles, in this case, the `sig-docs-**-owners` team created in [Add your localization team in GitHub](#add-your-localization-team-in-github).
- **labels**: A list of GitHub labels to automatically apply to a PR, in this case, the language label created in [Configure the workflow](#configure-the-workflow).
- **レビュア**: レビュアのロールを持つkubernetesチームのリストです。この場合は、[GitHubでローカライゼーションチームを追加](#add-your-localization-team-in-github)で作成した`sig-docs-**-reviews`チームです。
- **承認者**: 承認者のロールを持つkubernetesチームのリストです。この場合は、[GitHubでローカライゼーションチームを追加](#add-your-localization-team-in-github)で追加した`sig-docs-**-owners`チームです。
- **ラベル**: PRに自動的に適用されるGitHub上のラベルのリストです。この場合は、[ワークフローを設定する](#configure-the-workflow)で作成した言語ラベルです。
More information about the `OWNERS` file can be found at [](
The [Spanish OWNERS file](, with language code `es`, looks like:
# See the OWNERS docs at
@ -148,9 +144,9 @@ labels:
- language/es
After adding the language-specific `OWNERS` file, update the [root `OWNERS_ALIASES`]( file with the new Kubernetes teams for the localization, `sig-docs-**-owners` and `sig-docs-**-reviews`.
For each team, add the list of GitHub users requested in [Add your localization team in GitHub](#add-your-localization-team-in-github), in alphabetical order.
@ -172,119 +168,119 @@ For each team, add the list of GitHub users requested in [Add your localization
- remyleone
## Translating content
## コンテンツを翻訳する
Localizing *all* of the Kubernetes documentation is an enormous task. It's okay to start small and expand over time.
Kubernetesのドキュメントの *すべて* をローカライズするのは、非常に大きな作業です。小さく始めて、時間をかけて拡大していけば大丈夫です。
At a minimum, all localizations must include:
Description | URLs
説明 | URL
Home | [All heading and subheading URLs](/docs/home/)
Setup | [All heading and subheading URLs](/docs/setup/)
Tutorials | [Kubernetes Basics](/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/), [Hello Minikube](/docs/tutorials/stateless-application/hello-minikube/)
Site strings | [All site strings in a new localized TOML file](
ホーム | [すべての見出しと小見出しのURL](/docs/home/)
セットアップ | [すべての見出しと小見出しのURL](/docs/setup/)
チュートリアル | [Kubernetes Basics](/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/)、[Hello Minikube](/docs/tutorials/hello-minikube/)
サイト文字列 | [ローカライズされた新しいTOMLファイル内のすべてのサイト文字列](
Translated documents must reside in their own `content/**/` subdirectory, but otherwise follow the same URL path as the English source. For example, to prepare the [Kubernetes Basics](/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/) tutorial for translation into German, create a subfolder under the `content/de/` folder and copy the English source:
翻訳されたドキュメントは、言語ごとに`content/**/`サブディレクトリに置き、英語のソースと同じURLパスに従うようにしなければいけません。たとえば、[Kubernetes Basics](/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/)のチュートリアルをドイツ語に翻訳する準備をするには、次のように、`content/de/`フォルダ以下にサブディレクトリを作り、英語のソースをコピーします。
mkdir -p content/de/docs/tutorials
cp content/en/docs/tutorials/ content/de/docs/tutorials/
Translation tools can speed up the translation process. For example, some editors offers plugins to quickly translate text.
{{< caution >}}
Machine-generated translation alone does not meet the minimum standard of quality and requires extensive human review to meet that standard.
{{< /caution >}}
To ensure accuracy in grammar and meaning, members of your localization team should carefully review all machine-generated translations before publishing.
### Source files
### ソースファイル
Localizations must be based on the English files from the most recent release, {{< latest-version >}}.
ローカライゼーションは、最新のリリース{{< latest-version >}}の英語のファイルをベースにしなければなりません。
To find source files for the most recent release:
1. Navigate to the Kubernetes website repository at
2. Select the `release-1.X` branch for the most recent version.
1. Kubernetesのウェブサイトのリポジトリ に移動する。
2. 最新バージョンの`release-1.X`ブランチを選択する。
The latest version is {{< latest-version >}}, so the most recent release branch is [`{{< release-branch >}}`]({{< release-branch >}}).
最新バージョンは{{< latest-version >}}であるため、最新のリリースブランチは[`{{< release-branch >}}`]({{< release-branch >}})です。
### Site strings in i18n/
### i18n/内のサイト文字列
Localizations must include the contents of [`i18n/en.toml`]( in a new language-specific file. Using German as an example: `i18n/de.toml`.
Add a new localization file to `i18n/`. For example, with German (`de`):
cp i18n/en.toml i18n/de.toml
Then translate the value of each string:
other = "ICH BIN..."
Localizing site strings lets you customize site-wide text and features: for example, the legal copyright text in the footer on each page.
### Language specific style guide and glossary
### 言語固有のスタイルガイドと用語集
Some language teams have their own language-specific style guide and glossary. For example, see the [Korean Localization Guide](/ko/docs/contribute/localization_ko/).
## Branching strategy
## ブランチの戦略
Because localization projects are highly collaborative efforts, we encourage teams to work in shared development branches.
To collaborate on a development branch:
1. A team member of [@kubernetes/website-maintainers]( opens a development branch from a source branch on
1. [@kubernetes/website-maintainers](のチームメンバーが のソースブランチから開発ブランチを作る。
Your team approvers joined the `@kubernetes/website-maintainers` team when you [added your localization team](#add-your-localization-team-in-github) to the [`kubernetes/org`]( repository.
We recommend the following branch naming scheme:
`dev-<source version>-<language code>.<team milestone>`
For example, an approver on a German localization team opens the development branch `dev-1.12-de.1` directly against the k/website repository, based on the source branch for Kubernetes v1.12.
たとえば、ドイツ語のローカライゼーションチームの承認者は、Kubernetes v1.12のソースブランチをベースに、k/websiteリポジトリから直接開発ブランチ`dev-1.12-de.1`を作ります。
2. Individual contributors open feature branches based on the development branch.
2. 各コントリビューターが、開発ブランチをベースにフィーチャーブランチを作る。
For example, a German contributor opens a pull request with changes to `kubernetes:dev-1.12-de.1` from `username:local-branch-name`.
3. Approvers review and merge feature branches into the development branch.
3. 承認者がフィーチャーブランチをレビューして、開発ブランチにマージする。
4. Periodically, an approver merges the development branch to its source branch by opening and approving a new pull request. Be sure to squash the commits before approving the pull request.
4. 定期的に新しいプルリクエストを開いて承認することで、承認者が開発ブランチをソースブランチにマージする。プルリクエストを承認する前にコミットをsquashするようにしてください。
Repeat steps 1-4 as needed until the localization is complete. For example, subsequent German development branches would be: `dev-1.12-de.2`, `dev-1.12-de.3`, etc.
Teams must merge localized content into the same release branch from which the content was sourced. For example, a development branch sourced from {{< release-branch >}} must be based on {{< release-branch >}}.
チームは、ローカライズしたコンテンツを元となったリリースブランチにマージする必要があります。たとえば、{{< release-branch >}}から作られた開発ブランチは、必ず{{< release-branch >}}にマージしなければなりません。
An approver must maintain a development branch by keeping it current with its source branch and resolving merge conflicts. The longer a development branch stays open, the more maintenance it typically requires. Consider periodically merging development branches and opening new ones, rather than maintaining one extremely long-running development branch.
At the beginning of every team milestone, it's helpful to open an issue comparing upstream changes between the previous development branch and the current development branch.
While only approvers can open a new development branch and merge pull requests, anyone can open a pull request for a new development branch. No special permissions are required.
For more information about working from forks or directly from the repository, see ["fork and clone the repo"](#fork-and-clone-the-repo).
## Upstream contributions
## アップストリームのコントリビューター
SIG Docs welcomes [upstream contributions and corrections](/docs/contribute/intermediate#localize-content) to the English source.
SIG Docsでは、英語のソースに対する[アップストリームのコントリビューションや誤りの訂正](/docs/contribute/intermediate#localize-content)を歓迎しています。
## Help an existing localization
## 既存のローカライゼーションを助ける
You can also help add or improve content to an existing localization. Join the [Slack channel]( for the localization, and start opening PRs to help.
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Once a localization meets requirements for workflow and minimum output, SIG docs will:
ローカライゼーションがワークフローと最小限のコンテンツの要件を満たしたら、SIG docsは次の作業を行います。
- Enable language selection on the website
- Publicize the localization's availability through [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]( (CNCF) channels, including the [Kubernetes blog](
- ウェブサイト上で言語の選択を有効にする。
- [Kubernetesブログ](を含む[Cloud Native Computing Foundation](のチャンネルで、ローカライゼーションが利用できるようになったことを公表する。
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