Update Resource Types table for 1.25 (#35763)
* Update Resource types table * Update table formatting * Update content/en/docs/reference/kubectl/_index.md Co-authored-by: Meha Bhalodiya <mehabhalodiya@gmail.com> * Fix typo Co-authored-by: Sean <me@sean.taipei> * Fix typo * Update for 1.25.0 Co-authored-by: Meha Bhalodiya <mehabhalodiya@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Sean <me@sean.taipei>pull/37090/head
@ -159,66 +159,66 @@ To learn more about command operations, see the [kubectl](/docs/reference/kubect
The following table includes a list of all the supported resource types and their abbreviated aliases.
(This output can be retrieved from `kubectl api-resources`, and was accurate as of Kubernetes 1.19.1.)
(This output can be retrieved from `kubectl api-resources`, and was accurate as of Kubernetes 1.25.0)
| `bindings` | | | true | Binding |
| `componentstatuses` | `cs` | | false | ComponentStatus |
| `configmaps` | `cm` | | true | ConfigMap |
| `endpoints` | `ep` | | true | Endpoints |
| `events` | `ev` | | true | Event |
| `limitranges` | `limits` | | true | LimitRange |
| `namespaces` | `ns` | | false | Namespace |
| `nodes` | `no` | | false | Node |
| `persistentvolumeclaims` | `pvc` | | true | PersistentVolumeClaim |
| `persistentvolumes` | `pv` | | false | PersistentVolume |
| `pods` | `po` | | true | Pod |
| `podtemplates` | | | true | PodTemplate |
| `replicationcontrollers` | `rc` | | true | ReplicationController |
| `resourcequotas` | `quota` | | true | ResourceQuota |
| `secrets` | | | true | Secret |
| `serviceaccounts` | `sa` | | true | ServiceAccount |
| `services` | `svc` | | true | Service |
| `mutatingwebhookconfigurations` | | admissionregistration.k8s.io | false | MutatingWebhookConfiguration |
| `validatingwebhookconfigurations` | | admissionregistration.k8s.io | false | ValidatingWebhookConfiguration |
| `customresourcedefinitions` | `crd,crds` | apiextensions.k8s.io | false | CustomResourceDefinition |
| `apiservices` | | apiregistration.k8s.io | false | APIService |
| `controllerrevisions` | | apps | true | ControllerRevision |
| `daemonsets` | `ds` | apps | true | DaemonSet |
| `deployments` | `deploy` | apps | true | Deployment |
| `replicasets` | `rs` | apps | true | ReplicaSet |
| `statefulsets` | `sts` | apps | true | StatefulSet |
| `tokenreviews` | | authentication.k8s.io | false | TokenReview |
| `localsubjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io | true | LocalSubjectAccessReview |
| `selfsubjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io | false | SelfSubjectAccessReview |
| `selfsubjectrulesreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io | false | SelfSubjectRulesReview |
| `subjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io | false | SubjectAccessReview |
| `horizontalpodautoscalers` | `hpa` | autoscaling | true | HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
| `cronjobs` | `cj` | batch | true | CronJob |
| `jobs` | | batch | true | Job |
| `certificatesigningrequests` | `csr` | certificates.k8s.io | false | CertificateSigningRequest |
| `leases` | | coordination.k8s.io | true | Lease |
| `endpointslices` | | discovery.k8s.io | true | EndpointSlice |
| `events` | `ev` | events.k8s.io | true | Event |
| `ingresses` | `ing` | extensions | true | Ingress |
| `flowschemas` | | flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io | false | FlowSchema |
| `prioritylevelconfigurations` | | flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io | false | PriorityLevelConfiguration |
| `ingressclasses` | | networking.k8s.io | false | IngressClass |
| `ingresses` | `ing` | networking.k8s.io | true | Ingress |
| `networkpolicies` | `netpol` | networking.k8s.io | true | NetworkPolicy |
| `runtimeclasses` | | node.k8s.io | false | RuntimeClass |
| `poddisruptionbudgets` | `pdb` | policy | true | PodDisruptionBudget |
| `podsecuritypolicies` | `psp` | policy | false | PodSecurityPolicy |
| `clusterrolebindings` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io | false | ClusterRoleBinding |
| `clusterroles` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io | false | ClusterRole |
| `rolebindings` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io | true | RoleBinding |
| `roles` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io | true | Role |
| `priorityclasses` | `pc` | scheduling.k8s.io | false | PriorityClass |
| `csidrivers` | | storage.k8s.io | false | CSIDriver |
| `csinodes` | | storage.k8s.io | false | CSINode |
| `storageclasses` | `sc` | storage.k8s.io | false | StorageClass |
| `volumeattachments` | | storage.k8s.io | false | VolumeAttachment |
| `bindings` | | v1 | true | Binding |
| `componentstatuses` | `cs` | v1 | false | ComponentStatus |
| `configmaps` | `cm` | v1 | true | ConfigMap |
| `endpoints` | `ep` | v1 | true | Endpoints |
| `events` | `ev` | v1 | true | Event |
| `limitranges` | `limits` | v1 | true | LimitRange |
| `namespaces` | `ns` | v1 | false | Namespace |
| `nodes` | `no` | v1 | false | Node |
| `persistentvolumeclaims` | `pvc` | v1 | true | PersistentVolumeClaim |
| `persistentvolumes` | `pv` | v1 | false | PersistentVolume |
| `pods` | `po` | v1 | true | Pod |
| `podtemplates` | | v1 | true | PodTemplate |
| `replicationcontrollers` | `rc` | v1 | true | ReplicationController |
| `resourcequotas` | `quota` | v1 | true | ResourceQuota |
| `secrets` | | v1 | true | Secret |
| `serviceaccounts` | `sa` | v1 | true | ServiceAccount |
| `services` | `svc` | v1 | true | Service |
| `mutatingwebhookconfigurations` | | admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 | false | MutatingWebhookConfiguration |
| `validatingwebhookconfigurations` | | admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 | false | ValidatingWebhookConfiguration |
| `customresourcedefinitions` | `crd,crds` | apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 | false | CustomResourceDefinition |
| `apiservices` | | apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 | false | APIService |
| `controllerrevisions` | | apps/v1 | true | ControllerRevision |
| `daemonsets` | `ds` | apps/v1 | true | DaemonSet |
| `deployments` | `deploy` | apps/v1 | true | Deployment |
| `replicasets` | `rs` | apps/v1 | true | ReplicaSet |
| `statefulsets` | `sts` | apps/v1 | true | StatefulSet |
| `tokenreviews` | | authentication.k8s.io/v1 | false | TokenReview |
| `localsubjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io/v1 | true | LocalSubjectAccessReview |
| `selfsubjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io/v1 | false | SelfSubjectAccessReview |
| `selfsubjectrulesreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io/v1 | false | SelfSubjectRulesReview |
| `subjectaccessreviews` | | authorization.k8s.io/v1 | false | SubjectAccessReview |
| `horizontalpodautoscalers` | `hpa` | autoscaling/v2 | true | HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
| `cronjobs` | `cj` | batch/v1 | true | CronJob |
| `jobs` | | batch/v1 | true | Job |
| `certificatesigningrequests` | `csr` | certificates.k8s.io/v1 | false | CertificateSigningRequest |
| `leases` | | coordination.k8s.io/v1 | true | Lease |
| `endpointslices` | | discovery.k8s.io/v1 | true | EndpointSlice |
| `events` | `ev` | events.k8s.io/v1 | true | Event |
| `flowschemas` | | flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 | false | FlowSchema |
| `prioritylevelconfigurations` | | flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 | false | PriorityLevelConfiguration |
| `ingressclasses` | | networking.k8s.io/v1 | false | IngressClass |
| `ingresses` | `ing` | networking.k8s.io/v1 | true | Ingress |
| `networkpolicies` | `netpol` | networking.k8s.io/v1 | true | NetworkPolicy |
| `runtimeclasses` | | node.k8s.io/v1 | false | RuntimeClass |
| `poddisruptionbudgets` | `pdb` | policy/v1 | true | PodDisruptionBudget |
| `podsecuritypolicies` | `psp` | policy/v1beta1 | false | PodSecurityPolicy |
| `clusterrolebindings` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 | false | ClusterRoleBinding |
| `clusterroles` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 | false | ClusterRole |
| `rolebindings` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 | true | RoleBinding |
| `roles` | | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 | true | Role |
| `priorityclasses` | `pc` | scheduling.k8s.io/v1 | false | PriorityClass |
| `csidrivers` | | storage.k8s.io/v1 | false | CSIDriver |
| `csinodes` | | storage.k8s.io/v1 | false | CSINode |
| `csistoragecapacities` | | storage.k8s.io/v1 | true | CSIStorageCapacity |
| `storageclasses` | `sc` | storage.k8s.io/v1 | false | StorageClass |
| `volumeattachments` | | storage.k8s.io/v1 | false | VolumeAttachment |
## Output options
Reference in New Issue