Update l10n guide to use both native and English names

Seokho Son 2022-04-04 23:25:00 +09:00
parent 503e0cf1c9
commit 258b71ae01
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -125,11 +125,14 @@ Add a configuration block for the new language to `config.toml`, under the exist
title = "Kubernetes"
description = "Produktionsreife Container-Verwaltung"
languageName = "Deutsch"
languageName = "Deutsch (German)"
languageNameLatinScript = "German"
contentDir = "content/de"
weight = 3
weight = 8
Assign "language name in native alphabets (language name in English alphabets)" to `languageName`, for example, `languageName = "한국어 (Korean)"`. Also, assign "language name in Latin script" to `languageNameLatinScript`, for example, `languageNameLatinScript ="Korean"`.
When assigning a `weight` parameter for your block, find the language block with the highest weight and add 1 to that value.
For more information about Hugo's multilingual support, see "[Multilingual Mode](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/)".