[zh] Localize service-accounts.md into Chinese
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title: 服务账号
description: >
了解 Kubernetes 中的 ServiceAccount 对象。
content_type: concept
weight: 10
title: Service Accounts
description: >
Learn about ServiceAccount objects in Kubernetes.
content_type: concept
weight: 10
<!-- overview -->
This page introduces the ServiceAccount object in Kubernetes, providing
information about how service accounts work, use cases, limitations,
alternatives, and links to resources for additional guidance.
本页介绍 Kubernetes 中的 ServiceAccount 对象,
<!-- body -->
## What are service accounts? {#what-are-service-accounts}
## 什么是服务账号? {#what-are-service-accounts}
A service account is a type of non-human account that, in Kubernetes, provides
a distinct identity in a Kubernetes cluster. Application Pods, system
components, and entities inside and outside the cluster can use a specific
ServiceAccount's credentials to identify as that ServiceAccount. This identity
is useful in various situations, including authenticating to the API server or
implementing identity-based security policies.
服务账号是在 Kubernetes 中一种用于非人类用户的账号,在 Kubernetes 集群中提供不同的身份标识。
应用 Pod、系统组件以及集群内外的实体可以使用特定 ServiceAccount 的凭据来将自己标识为该 ServiceAccount。
这种身份可用于许多场景,包括向 API 服务器进行身份认证或实现基于身份的安全策略。
Service accounts exist as ServiceAccount objects in the API server. Service
accounts have the following properties:
服务账号以 ServiceAccount 对象的形式存在于 API 服务器中。服务账号具有以下属性:
* **Namespaced:** Each service account is bound to a Kubernetes
{{<glossary_tooltip text="namespace" term_id="namespace">}}. Every namespace
gets a [`default` ServiceAccount](#default-service-accounts) upon creation.
* **Lightweight:** Service accounts exist in the cluster and are
defined in the Kubernetes API. You can quickly create service accounts to
enable specific tasks.
* **名字空间限定:** 每个服务账号都与一个 Kubernetes 名字空间绑定。
每个名字空间在创建时,会获得一个[名为 `default` 的 ServiceAccount](#default-service-accounts)。
* **轻量级:** 服务账号存在于集群中,并在 Kubernetes API 中定义。你可以快速创建服务账号以支持特定任务。
* **Portable:** A configuration bundle for a complex containerized workload
might include service account definitions for the system's components. The
lightweight nature of service accounts and the namespaced identities make
the configurations portable.
* **可移植性:** 复杂的容器化工作负载的配置包中可能包括针对系统组件的服务账号定义。
Service accounts are different from user accounts, which are authenticated
human users in the cluster. By default, user accounts don't exist in the Kubernetes
API server; instead, the API server treats user identities as opaque
data. You can authenticate as a user account using multiple methods. Some
Kubernetes distributions might add custom extension APIs to represent user
accounts in the API server.
用户账号不存在于 Kubernetes API 服务器中;相反,API 服务器将用户身份视为不透明数据。
你可以使用多种方法认证为某个用户账号。某些 Kubernetes 发行版可能会添加自定义扩展 API
来在 API 服务器中表示用户账号。
<!-- Comparison between service accounts and users -->
{{< table caption="服务账号与用户之间的比较" >}}
| Description | ServiceAccount | User or group |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Location | Kubernetes API (ServiceAccount object) | External |
| Access control | Kubernetes RBAC or other [authorization mechanisms](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authorization/#authorization-modules) | Kubernetes RBAC or other identity and access management mechanisms |
| Intended use | Workloads, automation | People |
| 描述 | 服务账号 | 用户或组 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 位置 | Kubernetes API(ServiceAccount 对象)| 外部 |
| 访问控制 | Kubernetes RBAC 或其他[鉴权机制](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authorization/#authorization-modules) | Kubernetes RBAC 或其他身份和访问管理机制 |
| 目标用途 | 工作负载、自动化工具 | 人 |
{{< /table >}}
### Default service accounts {#default-service-accounts}
### 默认服务账号 {#default-service-accounts}
When you create a cluster, Kubernetes automatically creates a ServiceAccount
object named `default` for every namespace in your cluster. The `default`
service accounts in each namespace get no permissions by default other than the
[default API discovery permissions](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#default-roles-and-role-bindings)
that Kubernetes grants to all authenticated principals if role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled.
If you delete the `default` ServiceAccount object in a namespace, the
{{< glossary_tooltip text="control plane" term_id="control-plane" >}}
replaces it with a new one.
在你创建集群时,Kubernetes 会自动为集群中的每个名字空间创建一个名为 `default` 的 ServiceAccount 对象。
在启用了基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)时,Kubernetes 为所有通过了身份认证的主体赋予
[默认 API 发现权限](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#default-roles-and-role-bindings)。
每个名字空间中的 `default` 服务账号除了这些权限之外,默认没有其他访问权限。
如果基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)被启用,当你删除名字空间中的 `default` ServiceAccount 对象时,
{{< glossary_tooltip text="控制平面" term_id="control-plane" >}}会用新的 ServiceAccount 对象替换它。
If you deploy a Pod in a namespace, and you don't
[manually assign a ServiceAccount to the Pod](#assign-to-pod), Kubernetes
assigns the `default` ServiceAccount for that namespace to the Pod.
如果你在某个名字空间中部署 Pod,并且你没有[手动为 Pod 指派 ServiceAccount](#assign-to-pod),
Kubernetes 将该名字空间的 `default` 服务账号指派给这一 Pod。
## Use cases for Kubernetes service accounts {#use-cases}
As a general guideline, you can use service accounts to provide identities in
the following scenarios:
## Kubernetes 服务账号的使用场景 {#use-cases}
* Your Pods need to communicate with the Kubernetes API server, for example in
situations such as the following:
* Providing read-only access to sensitive information stored in Secrets.
* Granting [cross-namespace access](#cross-namespace), such as allowing a
Pod in namespace `example` to read, list, and watch for Lease objects in
the `kube-node-lease` namespace.
* 你的 Pod 需要与 Kubernetes API 服务器通信,例如在以下场景中:
* 提供对存储在 Secret 中的敏感信息的只读访问。
* 授予[跨名字空间访问](#cross-namespace)的权限,例如允许 `example` 名字空间中的 Pod 读取、列举和监视
`kube-node-lease` 名字空间中的 Lease 对象。
* Your Pods need to communicate with an external service. For example, a
workload Pod requires an identity for a commercially available cloud API,
and the commercial provider allows configuring a suitable trust relationship.
* [Authenticating to a private image registry using an `imagePullSecret`](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account).
* 你的 Pod 需要与外部服务进行通信。例如,工作负载 Pod 需要一个身份来访问某商业化的云 API,
并且商业化 API 的提供商允许配置适当的信任关系。
* [使用 `imagePullSecret` 完成在私有镜像仓库上的身份认证](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account)。
* An external service needs to communicate with the Kubernetes API server. For
example, authenticating to the cluster as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
* You use third-party security software in your cluster that relies on the
ServiceAccount identity of different Pods to group those Pods into different
* 外部服务需要与 Kubernetes API 服务器进行通信。例如,作为 CI/CD 流水线的一部分向集群作身份认证。
* 你在集群中使用了第三方安全软件,该软件依赖不同 Pod 的 ServiceAccount 身份,按不同上下文对这些 Pod 分组。
## How to use service accounts {#how-to-use}
To use a Kubernetes service account, you do the following:
## 如何使用服务账号 {#how-to-use}
要使用 Kubernetes 服务账号,你需要执行以下步骤:
1. Create a ServiceAccount object using a Kubernetes
client like `kubectl` or a manifest that defines the object.
1. Grant permissions to the ServiceAccount object using an authorization
mechanism such as
1. 使用像 `kubectl` 这样的 Kubernetes 客户端或定义对象的清单(manifest)创建 ServiceAccount 对象。
2. 使用鉴权机制(如 [RBAC](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/))为 ServiceAccount 对象授权。
1. Assign the ServiceAccount object to Pods during Pod creation.
If you're using the identity from an external service,
[retrieve the ServiceAccount token](#get-a-token) and use it from that
service instead.
3. 在创建 Pod 期间将 ServiceAccount 对象指派给 Pod。
如果你所使用的是来自外部服务的身份,可以[获取 ServiceAccount 令牌](#get-a-token),并在该服务中使用这一令牌。
For instructions, refer to
[Configure Service Accounts for Pods](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/).
有关具体操作说明,参阅[为 Pod 配置服务账号](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/)。
### Grant permissions to a ServiceAccount {#grant-permissions}
### 为 ServiceAccount 授权 {#grant-permissions}
You can use the built-in Kubernetes
[role-based access control (RBAC)](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/)
mechanism to grant the minimum permissions required by each service account.
You create a *role*, which grants access, and then *bind* the role to your
ServiceAccount. RBAC lets you define a minimum set of permissions so that the
service account permissions follow the principle of least privilege. Pods that
use that service account don't get more permissions than are required to
function correctly.
你可以使用 Kubernetes 内置的
[基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC)](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/)机制来为每个服务账号授予所需的最低权限。
你可以创建一个用来授权的**角色**,然后将此角色**绑定**到你的 ServiceAccount 上。
RBAC 可以让你定义一组最低权限,使得服务账号权限遵循最小特权原则。
这样使用服务账号的 Pod 不会获得超出其正常运行所需的权限。
For instructions, refer to
[ServiceAccount permissions](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#service-account-permissions).
有关具体操作说明,参阅 [ServiceAccount 权限](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#service-account-permissions)。
#### Cross-namespace access using a ServiceAccount {#cross-namespace}
#### 使用 ServiceAccount 进行跨名字空间访问 {#cross-namespace}
You can use RBAC to allow service accounts in one namespace to perform actions
on resources in a different namespace in the cluster. For example, consider a
scenario where you have a service account and Pod in the `dev` namespace and
you want your Pod to see Jobs running in the `maintenance` namespace. You could
create a Role object that grants permissions to list Job objects. Then,
you'd create a RoleBinding object in the `maintenance` namespace to bind the
Role to the ServiceAccount object. Now, Pods in the `dev` namespace can list
Job objects in the `maintenance` namespace using that service account.
你可以使用 RBAC 允许一个名字空间中的服务账号对集群中另一个名字空间的资源执行操作。
例如,假设你在 `dev` 名字空间中有一个服务账号和一个 Pod,并且希望该 Pod 可以查看 `maintenance`
名字空间中正在运行的 Job。你可以创建一个 Role 对象来授予列举 Job 对象的权限。
随后在 `maintenance` 名字空间中创建 RoleBinding 对象将 Role 绑定到此 ServiceAccount 对象上。
现在,`dev` 名字空间中的 Pod 可以使用该服务账号列出 `maintenance` 名字空间中的 Job 对象集合。
### Assign a ServiceAccount to a Pod {#assign-to-pod}
To assign a ServiceAccount to a Pod, you set the `spec.serviceAccountName`
field in the Pod specification. Kubernetes then automatically provides the
credentials for that ServiceAccount to the Pod. In v1.22 and later, Kubernetes
gets a short-lived, **automatically rotating** token using the `TokenRequest`
API and mounts the token as a
[projected volume](/docs/concepts/storage/projected-volumes/#serviceaccounttoken).
### 将 ServiceAccount 指派给 Pod {#assign-to-pod}
要将某 ServiceAccount 指派给某 Pod,你需要在该 Pod 的规约中设置 `spec.serviceAccountName` 字段。
Kubernetes 将自动为 Pod 提供该 ServiceAccount 的凭据。在 Kubernetes v1.22 及更高版本中,
Kubernetes 使用 `TokenRequest` API 获取一个短期的、**自动轮换**的令牌,
By default, Kubernetes provides the Pod
with the credentials for an assigned ServiceAccount, whether that is the
`default` ServiceAccount or a custom ServiceAccount that you specify.
To prevent Kubernetes from automatically injecting
credentials for a specified ServiceAccount or the `default` ServiceAccount, set the
`automountServiceAccountToken` field in your Pod specification to `false`.
默认情况下,Kubernetes 会将所指派的 ServiceAccount
(无论是 `default` 服务账号还是你指定的定制 ServiceAccount)的凭据提供给 Pod。
要防止 Kubernetes 自动注入指定的 ServiceAccount 或 `default` ServiceAccount 的凭据,
可以将 Pod 规约中的 `automountServiceAccountToken` 字段设置为 `false`。
<!-- OK to remove this historical detail after Kubernetes 1.31 is released -->
In versions earlier than 1.22, Kubernetes provides a long-lived, static token
to the Pod as a Secret.
在 Kubernetes 1.22 之前的版本中,Kubernetes 会将一个长期有效的静态令牌以 Secret 形式提供给 Pod。
#### Manually retrieve ServiceAccount credentials {#get-a-token}
If you need the credentials for a ServiceAccount to mount in a non-standard
location, or for an audience that isn't the API server, use one of the
following methods:
#### 手动获取 ServiceAccount 凭据 {#get-a-token}
如果你需要 ServiceAccount 的凭据并将其挂载到非标准位置,或者用于 API 服务器之外的受众,可以使用以下方法之一:
* [TokenRequest API](/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/token-request-v1/)
(recommended): Request a short-lived service account token from within
your own *application code*. The token expires automatically and can rotate
upon expiration.
If you have a legacy application that is not aware of Kubernetes, you
could use a sidecar container within the same pod to fetch these tokens
and make them available to the application workload.
* [TokenRequest API](/zh-cn/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/token-request-v1/)(推荐):
如果你有一个旧的、对 Kubernetes 无感知能力的应用,你可以在同一个 Pod
* [Token Volume Projection](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#serviceaccount-token-volume-projection)
(also recommended): In Kubernetes v1.20 and later, use the Pod specification to
tell the kubelet to add the service account token to the Pod as a
*projected volume*. Projected tokens expire automatically, and the kubelet
rotates the token before it expires.
* [令牌卷投射](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#serviceaccount-token-volume-projection)(同样推荐):
在 Kubernetes v1.20 及更高版本中,使用 Pod 规约告知 kubelet 将服务账号令牌作为**投射卷**添加到 Pod 中。
所投射的令牌会自动过期,在过期之前 kubelet 会自动轮换此令牌。
* [Service Account Token Secrets](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#manually-create-an-api-token-for-a-serviceaccount)
(not recommended): You can mount service account tokens as Kubernetes
Secrets in Pods. These tokens don't expire and don't rotate.
This method is not recommended, especially at scale, because of the risks associated
with static, long-lived credentials. In Kubernetes v1.24 and later, the
[LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration feature gate](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/#feature-gates-for-graduated-or-deprecated-features)
prevents Kubernetes from automatically creating these tokens for
ServiceAccounts. `LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration` is enabled
by default; in other words, Kubernetes does not create these tokens.
* [服务账号令牌 Secret](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#manually-create-an-api-token-for-a-serviceaccount)(不推荐):
你可以将服务账号令牌以 Kubernetes Secret 的形式挂载到 Pod 中。这些令牌不会过期且不会轮换。
不推荐使用此方法,特别是在大规模场景下,这是因为静态、长期有效的凭据存在一定的风险。在 Kubernetes v1.24 及更高版本中,
[LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration 特性门控](/zh-cn/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/#feature-gates-for-graduated-or-deprecated-features)阻止
Kubernetes 自动为 ServiceAccount 创建这些令牌。`LegacyServiceAccountTokenNoAutoGeneration` 默认被启用,
也就是说,Kubernetes 不会创建这些令牌。
{{< note >}}
For applications running outside your Kubernetes cluster, you might be considering
creating a long-lived ServiceAccount token that is stored in a Secret. This allows authentication, but the Kubernetes project recommends you avoid this approach.
Long-lived bearer tokens represent a security risk as, once disclosed, the token
can be misused. Instead, consider using an alternative. For example, your external
application can authenticate using a well-protected private key `and` a certificate,
or using a custom mechanism such as an [authentication webhook](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication) that you implement yourself.
对于运行在 Kubernetes 集群外的应用,你可能考虑创建一个长期有效的 ServiceAccount 令牌,
并将其存储在 Secret 中。尽管这种方式可以实现身份认证,但 Kubernetes 项目建议你避免使用此方法。
长期有效的持有者令牌(Bearer Token)会带来安全风险,一旦泄露,此令牌就可能被滥用。
或者使用你自己实现的[身份认证 Webhook](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication)
You can also use TokenRequest to obtain short-lived tokens for your external application.
你还可以使用 TokenRequest 为外部应用获取短期的令牌。
{{< /note >}}
## Authenticating service account credentials {#authenticating-credentials}
## 对服务账号凭据进行鉴别 {#authenticating-credentials}
ServiceAccounts use signed
{{<glossary_tooltip term_id="jwt" text="JSON Web Tokens">}} (JWTs)
to authenticate to the Kubernetes API server, and to any other system where a
trust relationship exists. Depending on how the token was issued
(either time-limited using a `TokenRequest` or using a legacy mechanism with
a Secret), a ServiceAccount token might also have an expiry time, an audience,
and a time after which the token *starts* being valid. When a client that is
acting as a ServiceAccount tries to communicate with the Kubernetes API server,
the client includes an `Authorization: Bearer <token>` header with the HTTP
request. The API server checks the validity of that bearer token as follows:
ServiceAccount 使用签名的 JSON Web Token (JWT) 来向 Kubernetes API
(使用 `TokenRequest` 限制时间或使用传统的 Secret 机制),ServiceAccount
当客户端以 ServiceAccount 的身份尝试与 Kubernetes API 服务器通信时,
客户端会在 HTTP 请求中包含 `Authorization: Bearer <token>` 标头。
API 服务器按照以下方式检查该持有者令牌的有效性:
1. Checks the token signature.
1. Checks whether the token has expired.
1. Checks whether object references in the token claims are currently valid.
1. Checks whether the token is currently valid.
1. Checks the audience claims.
1. 检查令牌签名。
1. 检查令牌是否已过期。
1. 检查令牌申明中的对象引用是否当前有效。
1. 检查令牌是否当前有效。
1. 检查受众申明。
The TokenRequest API produces _bound tokens_ for a ServiceAccount. This
binding is linked to the lifetime of the client, such as a Pod, that is acting
as that ServiceAccount.
For tokens issued using the `TokenRequest` API, the API server also checks that
the specific object reference that is using the ServiceAccount still exists,
matching by the {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="uid" text="unique ID" >}} of that
object. For legacy tokens that are mounted as Secrets in Pods, the API server
checks the token against the Secret.
TokenRequest API 为 ServiceAccount 生成**绑定令牌**。这种绑定与以该 ServiceAccount 身份运行的
的客户端(如 Pod)的生命期相关联。
对于使用 `TokenRequest` API 签发的令牌,API 服务器还会检查正在使用 ServiceAccount 的特定对象引用是否仍然存在,
方式是通过该对象的{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="uid" text="唯一 ID" >}} 进行匹配。
对于以 Secret 形式挂载到 Pod 中的旧有令牌,API 服务器会基于 Secret 来检查令牌。
For more information about the authentication process, refer to
### Authenticating service account credentials in your own code {#authenticating-in-code}
If you have services of your own that need to validate Kubernetes service
account credentials, you can use the following methods:
### 在自己的代码中检查服务账号凭据 {#authenticating-in-code}
如果你的服务需要检查 Kubernetes 服务账号凭据,可以使用以下方法:
* [TokenReview API](/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/token-review-v1/)
* OIDC discovery
* [TokenReview API](/zh-cn/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/token-review-v1/)(推荐)
* OIDC 发现
The Kubernetes project recommends that you use the TokenReview API, because
this method invalidates tokens that are bound to API objects such as Secrets,
ServiceAccounts, and Pods when those objects are deleted. For example, if you
delete the Pod that contains a projected ServiceAccount token, the cluster
invalidates that token immediately and a TokenReview immediately fails.
If you use OIDC validation instead, your clients continue to treat the token
as valid until the token reaches its expiration timestamp.
Kubernetes 项目建议你使用 TokenReview API,因为当你删除某些 API 对象
(如 Secret、ServiceAccount 和 Pod)的时候,此方法将使绑定到这些 API 对象上的令牌失效。
例如,如果删除包含投射 ServiceAccount 令牌的 Pod,则集群立即使该令牌失效,
并且 TokenReview 操作也会立即失败。
如果你使用的是 OIDC 验证,则客户端将继续将令牌视为有效,直到令牌达到其到期时间戳。
Your application should always define the audience that it accepts, and should
check that the token's audiences match the audiences that the application
expects. This helps to minimize the scope of the token so that it can only be
used in your application and nowhere else.
## Alternatives
* Issue your own tokens using another mechanism, and then use
[Webhook Token Authentication](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication)
to validate bearer tokens using your own validation service.
## 替代方案 {#alternatives}
* 使用其他机制签发你自己的令牌,然后使用
[Webhook 令牌身份认证](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication)通过你自己的验证服务来验证持有者令牌。
* Provide your own identities to Pods.
* [Use the SPIFFE CSI driver plugin to provide SPIFFE SVIDs as X.509 certificate pairs to Pods](https://cert-manager.io/docs/projects/csi-driver-spiffe/).
{{% thirdparty-content single="true" %}}
* [Use a service mesh such as Istio to provide certificates to Pods](https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/security/cert-management/plugin-ca-cert/).
* 为 Pod 提供你自己的身份:
* [使用 SPIFFE CSI 驱动插件将 SPIFFE SVID 作为 X.509 证书对提供给 Pod](https://cert-manager.io/docs/projects/csi-driver-spiffe/)。
{{% thirdparty-content single="true" %}}
* [使用 Istio 这类服务网格为 Pod 提供证书](https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/tasks/security/cert-management/plugin-ca-cert/)。
* Authenticate from outside the cluster to the API server without using service account tokens:
* [Configure the API server to accept OpenID Connect (OIDC) tokens from your identity provider](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#openid-connect-tokens).
* Use service accounts or user accounts created using an external Identity
and Access Management (IAM) service, such as from a cloud provider, to
authenticate to your cluster.
* [Use the CertificateSigningRequest API with client certificates](/docs/tasks/tls/managing-tls-in-a-cluster/).
* 从集群外部向 API 服务器进行身份认证,而不使用服务账号令牌:
* [配置 API 服务器接受来自你自己的身份驱动的 OpenID Connect (OIDC) 令牌](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#openid-connect-tokens)。
* 使用来自云提供商等外部身份和访问管理 (IAM) 服务创建的服务账号或用户账号向集群进行身份认证。
* [使用 CertificateSigningRequest API 和客户端证书](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/tls/managing-tls-in-a-cluster/)。
* [Configure the kubelet to retrieve credentials from an image registry](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-credential-provider/).
* Use a Device Plugin to access a virtual Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which
then allows authentication using a private key.
* [配置 kubelet 从镜像仓库中获取凭据](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-credential-provider/)。
* 使用设备插件访问虚拟的可信平台模块 (TPM),进而可以使用私钥进行身份认证。
## {{% heading "whatsnext" %}}
* Learn how to [manage your ServiceAccounts as a cluster administrator](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/).
* Learn how to [assign a ServiceAccount to a Pod](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/).
* Read the [ServiceAccount API reference](/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/service-account-v1/).
* 学习如何[作为集群管理员管理你的 ServiceAccount](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/)。
* 学习如何[将 ServiceAccount 指派给 Pod](/zh-cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/)。
* 阅读 [ServiceAccount API 参考文档](/zh-cn/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/service-account-v1/)。
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