Remove note stating that we need AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions to be enabled explicitely

Amine 2023-08-08 20:02:35 +02:00
parent 9bac8cfc1a
commit 2218f3d573
1 changed files with 0 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -723,11 +723,6 @@ The `matchPolicy` for an admission webhooks defaults to `Equivalent`.
{{< feature-state state="beta" for_k8s_version="v1.28" >}}
{{< note >}}
Use of `matchConditions` requires the [featuregate](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/)
`AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions` to be explicitly enabled on the kube-apiserver before this feature can be used.
{{< /note >}}
You can define _match conditions_for webhooks if you need fine-grained request filtering. These
conditions are useful if you find that match rules, `objectSelectors` and `namespaceSelectors` still
doesn't provide the filtering you want over when to call out over HTTP. Match conditions are