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title: "Kubernetes Documentation:"
* The [User's guide](user-guide/README) is for anyone who wants to run programs and
services on an existing Kubernetes cluster.
* The [Cluster Admin's guide](admin/README) is for anyone setting up
a Kubernetes cluster or administering it.
* The [Developer guide](devel/README) is for anyone wanting to write
programs that access the Kubernetes API, write plugins or extensions, or
modify the core code of Kubernetes.
* The [Kubectl Command Line Interface](user-guide/kubectl/kubectl) is a detailed reference on
the `kubectl` CLI.
* The [API object documentation](
is a detailed description of all fields found in core API objects.
* An overview of the [Design of Kubernetes](design/)
* There are example files and walkthroughs in the [examples](
* If something went wrong, see the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting) document for how to debug.
You should also check the [known issues](user-guide/known-issues) for the release you're using.
* To report a security issue, see [Reporting a Security Issue](reporting-security-issues).
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: "Kubernetes Cluster Admin Guide"
The cluster admin guide is for anyone creating or administering a Kubernetes cluster.
It assumes some familiarity with concepts in the [User Guide](../user-guide/README).
## Admin Guide Table of Contents
1. [Components of a cluster](cluster-components)
1. [Cluster Management](cluster-management)
1. Administrating Master Components
1. [The kube-apiserver binary](kube-apiserver)
1. [Authorization](authorization)
1. [Authentication](authentication)
1. [Accessing the api](accessing-the-api)
1. [Admission Controllers](admission-controllers)
1. [Administrating Service Accounts](service-accounts-admin)
1. [Resource Quotas](resource-quota)
1. [The kube-scheduler binary](kube-scheduler)
1. [The kube-controller-manager binary](kube-controller-manager)
1. [Administrating Kubernetes Nodes](node)
1. [The kubelet binary](kubelet)
1. [Garbage Collection](garbage-collection)
1. [The kube-proxy binary](kube-proxy)
1. Administrating Addons
1. [DNS](dns)
1. [Networking](networking)
1. [OVS Networking](ovs-networking)
1. Example Configurations
1. [Multiple Clusters](multi-cluster)
1. [High Availability Clusters](high-availability)
1. [Large Clusters](cluster-large)
1. [Getting started from scratch](../getting-started-guides/scratch)
1. [Kubernetes's use of salt](salt)
1. [Troubleshooting](cluster-troubleshooting)
@ -34,7 +34,4 @@ It assumes some familiarity with concepts in the [User Guide](../user-guide/READ
1. [Large Clusters](cluster-large)
1. [Getting started from scratch](../getting-started-guides/scratch)
1. [Kubernetes's use of salt](salt)
1. [Troubleshooting](cluster-troubleshooting)
1. [Troubleshooting](cluster-troubleshooting)
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
title: "Limit Range"
By default, pods run with unbounded CPU and memory limits. This means that any pod in the
system will be able to consume as much CPU and memory on the node that executes the pod.
Users may want to impose restrictions on the amount of resource a single pod in the system may consume
for a variety of reasons.
For example:
1. Each node in the cluster has 2GB of memory. The cluster operator does not want to accept pods
that require more than 2GB of memory since no node in the cluster can support the requirement. To prevent a
pod from being permanently unscheduled to a node, the operator instead chooses to reject pods that exceed 2GB
of memory as part of admission control.
2. A cluster is shared by two communities in an organization that runs production and development workloads
respectively. Production workloads may consume up to 8GB of memory, but development workloads may consume up
to 512MB of memory. The cluster operator creates a separate namespace for each workload, and applies limits to
each namespace.
3. Users may create a pod which consumes resources just below the capacity of a machine. The left over space
may be too small to be useful, but big enough for the waste to be costly over the entire cluster. As a result,
the cluster operator may want to set limits that a pod must consume at least 20% of the memory and cpu of their
average node size in order to provide for more uniform scheduling and to limit waste.
This example demonstrates how limits can be applied to a Kubernetes namespace to control
min/max resource limits per pod. In addition, this example demonstrates how you can
apply default resource limits to pods in the absence of an end-user specified value.
See [LimitRange design doc](../../design/admission_control_limit_range) for more information. For a detailed description of the Kubernetes resource model, see [Resources](/{{page.version}}/docs/user-guide/compute-resources)
## Step 0: Prerequisites
This example requires a running Kubernetes cluster. See the [Getting Started guides](/{{page.version}}/docs/getting-started-guides/) for how to get started.
Change to the `<kubernetes>` directory if you're not already there.
## Step 1: Create a namespace
This example will work in a custom namespace to demonstrate the concepts involved.
Let's create a new namespace called limit-example:
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/limitrange/namespace.yaml
namespace "limit-example" created
$ kubectl get namespaces
default <none> Active 5m
limit-example <none> Active 53s
## Step 2: Apply a limit to the namespace
Let's create a simple limit in our namespace.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/limitrange/limits.yaml --namespace=limit-example
limitrange "mylimits" created
Let's describe the limits that we have imposed in our namespace.
$ kubectl describe limits mylimits --namespace=limit-example
Name: mylimits
Namespace: limit-example
Type Resource Min Max Request Limit Limit/Request
---- -------- --- --- ------- ----- -------------
Pod cpu 200m 2 - - -
Pod memory 6Mi 1Gi - - -
Container cpu 100m 2 200m 300m -
Container memory 3Mi 1Gi 100Mi 200Mi -
In this scenario, we have said the following:
1. If a max constraint is specified for a resource (2 CPU and 1Gi memory in this case), then a limit
must be specified for that resource across all containers. Failure to specify a limit will result in
a validation error when attempting to create the pod. Note that a default value of limit is set by
*default* in file `limits.yaml` (300m CPU and 200Mi memory).
2. If a min constraint is specified for a resource (100m CPU and 3Mi memory in this case), then a
request must be specified for that resource across all containers. Failure to specify a request will
result in a validation error when attempting to create the pod. Note that a default value of request is
set by *defaultRequest* in file `limits.yaml` (200m CPU and 100Mi memory).
3. For any pod, the sum of all containers memory requests must be >= 6Mi and the sum of all containers
memory limits must be <= 1Gi; the sum of all containers CPU requests must be >= 200m and the sum of all
containers CPU limits must be <= 2.
## Step 3: Enforcing limits at point of creation
The limits enumerated in a namespace are only enforced when a pod is created or updated in
the cluster. If you change the limits to a different value range, it does not affect pods that
were previously created in a namespace.
If a resource (cpu or memory) is being restricted by a limit, the user will get an error at time
of creation explaining why.
Let's first spin up a replication controller that creates a single container pod to demonstrate
how default values are applied to each pod.
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 --namespace=limit-example
replicationcontroller "nginx" created
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=limit-example
nginx-aq0mf 1/1 Running 0 35s
$ kubectl get pods nginx-aq0mf --namespace=limit-example -o yaml | grep resources -C 8
resourceVersion: "127"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/limit-example/pods/nginx-aq0mf
uid: 51be42a7-7156-11e5-9921-286ed488f785
- image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: nginx
cpu: 300m
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 100Mi
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
Note that our nginx container has picked up the namespace default cpu and memory resource *limits* and *requests*.
Let's create a pod that exceeds our allowed limits by having it have a container that requests 3 cpu cores.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/limitrange/invalid-pod.yaml --namespace=limit-example
Error from server: error when creating "docs/admin/limitrange/invalid-pod.yaml": Pod "invalid-pod" is forbidden: [Maximum cpu usage per Pod is 2, but limit is 3., Maximum cpu usage per Container is 2, but limit is 3.]
Let's create a pod that falls within the allowed limit boundaries.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/limitrange/valid-pod.yaml --namespace=limit-example
pod "valid-pod" created
$ kubectl get pods valid-pod --namespace=limit-example -o yaml | grep -C 6 resources
uid: 162a12aa-7157-11e5-9921-286ed488f785
- image:
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: kubernetes-serve-hostname
cpu: "1"
memory: 512Mi
cpu: "1"
memory: 512Mi
Note that this pod specifies explicit resource *limits* and *requests* so it did not pick up the namespace
default values.
Note: The *limits* for CPU resource are not enforced in the default Kubernetes setup on the physical node
that runs the container unless the administrator deploys the kubelet with the folllowing flag:
$ kubelet --help
Usage of kubelet
--cpu-cfs-quota[=false]: Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits
$ kubelet --cpu-cfs-quota=true ...
## Step 4: Cleanup
To remove the resources used by this example, you can just delete the limit-example namespace.
$ kubectl delete namespace limit-example
namespace "limit-example" deleted
$ kubectl get namespaces
default <none> Active 20m
## Summary
Cluster operators that want to restrict the amount of resources a single container or pod may consume
are able to define allowable ranges per Kubernetes namespace. In the absence of any explicit assignments,
the Kubernetes system is able to apply default resource *limits* and *requests* if desired in order to
constrain the amount of resource a pod consumes on a node.
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
title: "Kubernetes Namespaces"
Kubernetes _[namespaces](/{{page.version}}/docs/admin/namespaces)_ help different projects, teams, or customers to share a Kubernetes cluster.
It does this by providing the following:
1. A scope for [Names](../../user-guide/identifiers).
2. A mechanism to attach authorization and policy to a subsection of the cluster.
Use of multiple namespaces is optional.
This example demonstrates how to use Kubernetes namespaces to subdivide your cluster.
### Step Zero: Prerequisites
This example assumes the following:
1. You have an [existing Kubernetes cluster](../../getting-started-guides/).
2. You have a basic understanding of Kubernetes _[pods](../../user-guide/pods)_, _[services](../../user-guide/services)_, and _[replication controllers](../../user-guide/replication-controller)_.
### Step One: Understand the default namespace
By default, a Kubernetes cluster will instantiate a default namespace when provisioning the cluster to hold the default set of pods,
services, and replication controllers used by the cluster.
Assuming you have a fresh cluster, you can introspect the available namespace's by doing the following:
$ kubectl get namespaces
default <none>
### Step Two: Create new namespaces
For this exercise, we will create two additional Kubernetes namespaces to hold our content.
Let's imagine a scenario where an organization is using a shared Kubernetes cluster for development and production use cases.
The development team would like to maintain a space in the cluster where they can get a view on the list of pods, services, and replication controllers
they use to build and run their application. In this space, Kubernetes resources come and go, and the restrictions on who can or cannot modify resources
are relaxed to enable agile development.
The operations team would like to maintain a space in the cluster where they can enforce strict procedures on who can or cannot manipulate the set of
pods, services, and replication controllers that run the production site.
One pattern this organization could follow is to partition the Kubernetes cluster into two namespaces: development and production.
Let's create two new namespaces to hold our work.
Use the file [`namespace-dev.json`](namespace-dev.json) which describes a development namespace:
<!-- BEGIN MUNGE: EXAMPLE namespace-dev.json -->
"kind": "Namespace",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "development",
"labels": {
"name": "development"
[Download example](namespace-dev.json)
<!-- END MUNGE: EXAMPLE namespace-dev.json -->
Create the development namespace using kubectl.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/namespaces/namespace-dev.json
And then lets create the production namespace using kubectl.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/namespaces/namespace-prod.json
To be sure things are right, let's list all of the namespaces in our cluster.
$ kubectl get namespaces
default <none> Active
development name=development Active
production name=production Active
### Step Three: Create pods in each namespace
A Kubernetes namespace provides the scope for pods, services, and replication controllers in the cluster.
Users interacting with one namespace do not see the content in another namespace.
To demonstrate this, let's spin up a simple replication controller and pod in the development namespace.
We first check what is the current context:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
- context:
cluster: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
user: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
current-context: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
token: 65rZW78y8HbwXXtSXuUw9DbP4FLjHi4b
- name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes-basic-auth
password: h5M0FtUUIflBSdI7
username: admin
The next step is to define a context for the kubectl client to work in each namespace. The value of "cluster" and "user" fields are copied from the current context.
$ kubectl config set-context dev --namespace=development --cluster=lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes --user=lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
$ kubectl config set-context prod --namespace=production --cluster=lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes --user=lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
The above commands provided two request contexts you can alternate against depending on what namespace you
wish to work against.
Let's switch to operate in the development namespace.
$ kubectl config use-context dev
You can verify your current context by doing the following:
$ kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
- context:
cluster: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
namespace: development
user: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
name: dev
- context:
cluster: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
user: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
- context:
cluster: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
namespace: production
user: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
name: prod
current-context: dev
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
token: 65rZW78y8HbwXXtSXuUw9DbP4FLjHi4b
- name: lithe-cocoa-92103_kubernetes-basic-auth
password: h5M0FtUUIflBSdI7
username: admin
At this point, all requests we make to the Kubernetes cluster from the command line are scoped to the development namespace.
Let's create some content.
$ kubectl run snowflake --image=kubernetes/serve_hostname --replicas=2
We have just created a replication controller whose replica size is 2 that is running the pod called snowflake with a basic container that just serves the hostname.
$ kubectl get rc
snowflake snowflake kubernetes/serve_hostname run=snowflake 2
$ kubectl get pods
snowflake-8w0qn 1/1 Running 0 22s
snowflake-jrpzb 1/1 Running 0 22s
And this is great, developers are able to do what they want, and they do not have to worry about affecting content in the production namespace.
Let's switch to the production namespace and show how resources in one namespace are hidden from the other.
$ kubectl config use-context prod
The production namespace should be empty.
$ kubectl get rc
$ kubectl get pods
Production likes to run cattle, so let's create some cattle pods.
$ kubectl run cattle --image=kubernetes/serve_hostname --replicas=5
$ kubectl get rc
cattle cattle kubernetes/serve_hostname run=cattle 5
$ kubectl get pods
cattle-97rva 1/1 Running 0 12s
cattle-i9ojn 1/1 Running 0 12s
cattle-qj3yv 1/1 Running 0 12s
cattle-yc7vn 1/1 Running 0 12s
cattle-zz7ea 1/1 Running 0 12s
At this point, it should be clear that the resources users create in one namespace are hidden from the other namespace.
As the policy support in Kubernetes evolves, we will extend this scenario to show how you can provide different
authorization rules for each namespace.
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ Create the development namespace using kubectl.
$ kubectl create -f docs/admin/namespaces/namespace-dev.json
And then lets create the production namespace using kubectl.
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
title: "Kubernetes Developer Guide"
The developer guide is for anyone wanting to either write code which directly accesses the
Kubernetes API, or to contribute directly to the Kubernetes project.
It assumes some familiarity with concepts in the [User Guide](../user-guide/README) and the [Cluster Admin
## The process of developing and contributing code to the Kubernetes project
* **On Collaborative Development** ([](collab)): Info on pull requests and code reviews.
* **GitHub Issues** ([](issues)): How incoming issues are reviewed and prioritized.
* **Pull Request Process** ([](pull-requests)): When and why pull requests are closed.
* **Faster PR reviews** ([](faster_reviews)): How to get faster PR reviews.
* **Getting Recent Builds** ([](getting-builds)): How to get recent builds including the latest builds that pass CI.
* **Automated Tools** ([](automation)): Descriptions of the automation that is running on our github repository.
## Setting up your dev environment, coding, and debugging
* **Development Guide** ([](development)): Setting up your development environment.
* **Hunting flaky tests** ([](flaky-tests)): We have a goal of 99.9% flake free tests.
Here's how to run your tests many times.
* **Logging Conventions** ([](logging)]: Glog levels.
* **Profiling Kubernetes** ([](profiling)): How to plug in go pprof profiler to Kubernetes.
* **Instrumenting Kubernetes with a new metric**
([](instrumentation)): How to add a new metrics to the
Kubernetes code base.
* **Coding Conventions** ([](coding-conventions)):
Coding style advice for contributors.
## Developing against the Kubernetes API
* API objects are explained at [](
* **Annotations** ([docs/user-guide/](../user-guide/annotations)): are for attaching arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects.
Programs that automate Kubernetes objects may use annotations to store small amounts of their state.
* **API Conventions** ([](api-conventions)):
Defining the verbs and resources used in the Kubernetes API.
* **API Client Libraries** ([](client-libraries)):
A list of existing client libraries, both supported and user-contributed.
## Writing plugins
* **Authentication Plugins** ([docs/admin/](../admin/authentication)):
The current and planned states of authentication tokens.
* **Authorization Plugins** ([docs/admin/](../admin/authorization)):
Authorization applies to all HTTP requests on the main apiserver port.
This doc explains the available authorization implementations.
* **Admission Control Plugins** ([admission_control](../design/admission_control))
## Building releases
* **Making release notes** ([](making-release-notes)): Generating release nodes for a new release.
* **Releasing Kubernetes** ([](releasing)): How to create a Kubernetes release (as in version)
and how the version information gets embedded into the built binaries.
Reference in New Issue