Translate tasks/job/indexed-parallel-processing-static into Japanese

TAKAHASHI Shuuji 2021-04-24 13:46:00 +00:00
parent 17f688f533
commit 1e3a357f47
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: Indexed Job for Parallel Processing with Static Work Assignment
title: 静的な処理の割り当てを使用した並列処理のためのインデックス付きJob
content_type: task
min-kubernetes-server-version: v1.21
weight: 30
@ -9,116 +9,75 @@ weight: 30
<!-- overview -->
In this example, you will run a Kubernetes Job that uses multiple parallel
worker processes.
Each worker is a different container running in its own Pod. The Pods have an
_index number_ that the control plane sets automatically, which allows each Pod
to identify which part of the overall task to work on.
Podのインデックスは、{{< glossary_tooltip text="アノテーション" term_id="annotation" >}}内の``を整数値の文字列表現としてで利用できます。コンテナ化されたタスクプロセスがこのインデックスを取得できるようにするために、このアノテーションの値は[downward API](/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#the-downward-api)の仕組みを利用することで公開できます。利便性のために、コントロールプレーンは自動的にdownward APIを設定して、`JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX`環境変数内のインデックスを公開してくれます。
The pod index is available in the {{< glossary_tooltip text="annotation" term_id="annotation" >}}
`` as a string representing its
decimal value. In order for the containerized task process to obtain this index,
you can publish the value of the annotation using the [downward API](/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#the-downward-api)
For convenience, the control plane automatically sets the downward API to
expose the index in the `JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX` environment variable.
Here is an overview of the steps in this example:
1. **Define a Job manifest using indexed completion**.
The downward API allows you to pass the pod index annotation as an
environment variable or file to the container.
2. **Start an `Indexed` Job based on that manifest**.
1. **completionのインデックスを使用してJobのマニフェストを定義する**。downward APIはPodのインデックスのアテーションを環境変数またはファイルとしてコンテナに渡してくれます。
2. **そのマニフェストに基づいてインデックス付き(Indexed)のJobを開始する**。
## {{% heading "prerequisites" %}}
You should already be familiar with the basic,
non-parallel, use of [Job](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/).
{{< include "" >}} {{< version-check >}}
To be able to create Indexed Jobs, make sure to enable the `IndexedJob`
[feature gate](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/)
on the [API server](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-apiserver/)
and the [controller manager](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-controller-manager/).
<!-- steps -->
## Choose an approach
## アプローチを選択する
To access the work item from the worker program, you have a few options:
1. Read the `JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX` environment variable. The Job
{{< glossary_tooltip text="controller" term_id="controller" >}}
automatically links this variable to the annotation containing the completion
1. Read a file that contains the completion index.
1. Assuming that you can't modify the program, you can wrap it with a script
that reads the index using any of the methods above and converts it into
something that the program can use as input.
1. `JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX`環境変数を読み込む。Job{{< glossary_tooltip text="コントローラー" term_id="controller" >}}は、この変数をcompletion indexを含むアテーションに自動的にリンクします。
1. completion indexを含むファイルを読み込む。
1. プログラムを修正できない場合、プログラムをスクリプトでラップし、上のいずれかの方法でインデックスを読み取り、プログラムが入力として使用できるものに変換する。
For this example, imagine that you chose option 3 and you want to run the
[rev]( utility. This
program accepts a file as an argument and prints its content reversed.
rev data.txt
You'll use the `rev` tool from the
[`busybox`]( container image.
As this is only an example, each Pod only does a tiny piece of work (reversing a short
string). In a real workload you might, for example, create a Job that represents
task of producing 60 seconds of video based on scene data.
Each work item in the video rendering Job would be to render a particular
frame of that video clip. Indexed completion would mean that each Pod in
the Job knows which frame to render and publish, by counting frames from
the start of the clip.
## Define an Indexed Job
## インデックス付きJobを定義する
Here is a sample Job manifest that uses `Indexed` completion mode:
以下は、completion modeとして`Indexed`を使用するJobのマニフェストの例です。
{{< codenew language="yaml" file="application/job/indexed-job.yaml" >}}
In the example above, you use the builtin `JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX` environment
variable set by the Job controller for all containers. An [init container](/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/)
maps the index to a static value and writes it to a file that is shared with the
container running the worker through an [emptyDir volume](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir).
Optionally, you can [define your own environment variable through the downward
to publish the index to containers. You can also choose to load a list of values
from a [ConfigMap as an environment variable or file](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/).
上記の例では、Jobコントローラーがすべてのコンテナに設定する組み込みの`JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX`環境変数を使っています。[initコンテナ](/ja/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/)がインデックスを静的な値にマッピングし、その値をファイルに書き込み、ファイルを[emptyDir volume](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir)を介してワーカーを実行しているコンテナと共有します。オプションとして、インデックスとコンテナに公開するために[downward APIを使用して独自の環境変数を定義する](/ja/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/environment-variable-expose-pod-information/)こともできます。[環境変数やファイルとして設定したConfigMap](/ja/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/)から値のリストを読み込むという選択肢もあります。
Alternatively, you can directly [use the downward API to pass the annotation
value as a volume file](/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#store-pod-fields),
like shown in the following example:
他には、以下の例のように、直接[downward APIを使用してアテーションの値をボリュームファイルとして渡す](/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#store-pod-fields)こともできます。
{{< codenew language="yaml" file="application/job/indexed-job-vol.yaml" >}}
## Running the Job
## Jobを実行する
Now run the Job:
# This uses the first approach (relying on $JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX)
# このコマンドでは1番目のアプローチを使っています ($JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX に依存しています)
kubectl apply -f
When you create this Job, the control plane creates a series of Pods, one for each index you specified. The value of `.spec.parallelism` determines how many can run at once whereas `.spec.completions` determines how many Pods the Job creates in total.
Because `.spec.parallelism` is less than `.spec.completions`, the control plane waits for some of the first Pods to complete before starting more of them.
Once you have created the Job, wait a moment then check on progress:
kubectl describe jobs/indexed-job
The output is similar to:
Name: indexed-job
@ -175,15 +134,13 @@ Events:
Normal SuccessfulCreate 1s job-controller Created pod: indexed-job-ncslj
In this example, you run the Job with custom values for each index. You can
inspect the output of one of the pods:
kubectl logs indexed-job-fdhq5 # Change this to match the name of a Pod from that Job
kubectl logs indexed-job-fdhq5 # これを対象のJobのPodの名前に一致するように変更してください。
The output is similar to: