diff --git a/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/cloud-provider.md b/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/cloud-provider.md
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+title: 云供应商(Cloud Provider)
+id: cloud-provider
+date: 2018-04-12
+short_description: >
+  一个提供云计算平台的组织。
+- 云服务供应商(Cloud Service Provider)
+- community
+ 一个提供云计算平台的商业机构或其他组织。
+Cloud Provider)
+id: cloud-provider
+date: 2018-04-12
+short_description: >
+  An organization that offers a cloud computing platform.
+- Cloud Service Provider
+- community
+ A business or other organization that offers a cloud computing platform.
+Cloud providers, sometimes called Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), offer
+cloud computing platforms or services.
+Many cloud providers offer managed infrastructure (also called
+Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS).
+With managed infrastructure the cloud provider is responsible for
+servers, storage, and networking while you manage layers on top of that
+such as running a Kubernetes cluster.
+You can also find Kubernetes as a managed service; sometimes called
+Platform as a Service, or PaaS. With managed Kubernetes, your
+cloud provider is responsible for the Kubernetes control plane as well
+as the glossary_tooltip term_id="node" text="nodes" and the
+infrastructure they rely on: networking, storage, and possibly other
+elements such as load balancers.
+很多云供应商提供托管的基础设施(也称作基础设施即服务或 IaaS)。
+负责管理其上运行的各层软件,例如运行一个 Kubernetes 集群。
+你也会看到 Kubernetes 被作为托管服务提供;有时也称作平台即服务或 PaaS。
+针对托管的 Kubernetes,你的云供应商负责 Kubernetes 的控制面以及
+{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="node" text="节点" >}}及他们所依赖的基础设施:
diff --git a/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/endpoint.md b/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/endpoint.md
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index 0000000000..ee9342cd6a
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+++ b/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/endpoint.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+title: 端点(Endpoints)
+id: endpoints
+date: 2020-04-23
+short_description: >
+  端点负责记录与服务(Service)的选择器相匹配的 Pods 的 IP 地址。
+- networking
+ 端点负责记录与服务的{{< glossary_tooltip text="选择器" term_id="selector" >}}相匹配的 Pods 的 IP 地址。
+title: Endpoints
+id: endpoints
+date: 2020-04-23
+short_description: >
+  Endpoints track the IP addresses of Pods with matching Service selectors.
+- networking
+ Endpoints track the IP addresses of Pods with matching  {{< glossary_tooltip text="selectors" term_id="selector" >}}.
+Endpoints can be configured manually for Services without selectors specified.
+The EndpointSlice resource provides a scalable and extensible alternative to Endpoints.
+端点可以手动配置到{{< glossary_tooltip text="服务(Service)" term_id="service" >}}上,而不必设置选择算符。
+{{< glossary_tooltip text="EndpointSlice" term_id="endpoint-slice" >}} 资源为 Endpoints
diff --git a/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/shuffle-sharding.md b/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/shuffle-sharding.md
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index 0000000000..1f8d8a0990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/zh/docs/reference/glossary/shuffle-sharding.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+title: 混排切片(Shuffle Sharding)
+id: shuffle-sharding
+date: 2020-03-04
+short_description: >
+  一种将请求指派给队列的技术,其隔离性好过对队列个数哈希取模的方式。
+- fundamental
+title: shuffle sharding
+id: shuffle-sharding
+date: 2020-03-04
+short_description: >
+  A technique for assigning requests to queues that provides better isolation than hashing modulo the number of queues.
+- fundamental
+A technique for assigning requests to queues that provides better isolation than hashing modulo the number of queues.
+We are often concerned with insulating different flows of requests
+from each other, so that a high-intensity flow does not crowd out low-intensity flows.
+A simple way to put requests into queues is to hash some
+characteristics of the request, modulo the number of queues, to get
+the index of the queue to use.  The hash function uses as input
+characteristics of the request that align with flows.  For example, in
+the Internet this is often the 5-tuple of source and destination
+address, protocol, and source and destination port.
+That simple hash-based scheme has the property that any high-intensity flow
+will crowd out all the low-intensity flows that hash to the same queue.
+Providing good insulation for a large number of flows requires a large
+number of queues, which is problematic.  Shuffle sharding is a more
+nimble technique that can do a better job of insulating the low-intensity
+flows from the high-intensity flows.  The terminology of shuffle sharding uses
+the metaphor of dealing a hand from a deck of cards; each queue is a
+metaphorical card.  The shuffle sharding technique starts with hashing
+the flow-identifying characteristics of the request, to produce a hash
+value with dozens or more of bits.  Then the hash value is used as a
+source of entropy to shuffle the deck and deal a hand of cards
+(queues).  All the dealt queues are examined, and the request is put
+into one of the examined queues with the shortest length.  With a
+modest hand size, it does not cost much to examine all the dealt cards
+and a given low-intensity flow has a good chance to dodge the effects of a
+given high-intensity flow.  With a large hand size it is expensive to examine
+the dealt queues and more difficult for the low-intensity flows to dodge the
+collective effects of a set of high-intensity flows.  Thus, the hand size
+should be chosen judiciously.