+We are working with a broad group of partners to help grow the kubernetes ecosystem supporting + a sprectrum of compelmenting platforms, from open source solutions to market-leading technologies.
+ +diff --git a/ b/ index d51609edf9..a1eb9c58d4 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ change the name of the fork to be: Then, visit: []( -You should see a special-to-you version of the site. +You should see a special-to-you version of the site. ## Editing/staging the site locally @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ Then install Ruby 2.2 or higher rvm install ruby-2.2.4 rvm use ruby-2.2.4 --default - + Verify that this new version is running (optional) which ruby ruby -v - + Install the GitHub Pages package, which includes Jekyll gem install github-pages @@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ If you're a bit rusty with git/GitHub, you might wanna read The above instructions work on Mac and Linux. [These instructions ]( -might help for Windows users. +might help for Windows users. ## Common Tasks ### Edit Page Titles or Change the Left Navigation -Edit the yaml files in `/_data/` for the Guides, Reference, Samples, or Support areas. +Edit the yaml files in `/_data/` for the Guides, Reference, Samples, or Support areas. You may have to exit and `jekyll clean` before restarting the `jekyll serve` to get changes to files in `/_data/` to show up. @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Example file: [Pods: Multi-Container](/docs/user-guide/pods/multi-container/). ## Use a global variable -The `/_config.yml` file defines some useful variables you can use when editing docs. +The `/_config.yml` file defines some useful variables you can use when editing docs. * `page.githubbranch`: The name of the GitHub branch on the Kubernetes repo that is associated with this branch of the docs. e.g. `release-1.2` * `page.version` The version of Kubernetes associated with this branch of the docs. e.g. `v1.2` @@ -131,17 +131,27 @@ The current version of the website is served out of the `master` branch. All versions of the site that relate to past and future versions will be named after their Kubernetes release number. For example, [the old branch for the 1.1 docs is called `release-1.1`]( -Changes in the "docsv2" branch (where we are testing a revamp of the docs) are automatically staged here: +Changes in the "docsv2" branch (where we are testing a revamp of the docs) are automatically staged here: Changes in the "release-1.1" branch (for k8s v1.1 docs) are automatically staged here: -Changes in the "release-1.3" branch (for k8s v1.3 docs) are automatically staged here: +Changes in the "release-1.3" branch (for k8s v1.3 docs) are automatically staged here: Editing of these branches will kick off a build using Travis CI that auto-updates these URLs; you can monitor the build progress at []( +## Partners +Partners can get their logos added to the partner section of the [community page]( by following the below steps and meeting the below logo specifications. Partners will also need to have a URL that is specific to integrating with Kubernetes ready; this URL will be the destination when the logo is clicked. + +* The partner product logo should be a transparent png image centered in a 215x125 px frame. (look at the existing logos for reference) +* The logo must link to a URL that is specific to integrating with Kubernetes, hosted on the partner's site. +* The logo should be named *product-name*_logo.png and placed in the `/images/community_logos` folder. +* The image reference (including the link to the partner URL) should be added in `community.html` under `