Add reference to default-not-ready-toleration-seconds and default-unreachable-toleration-seconds k8s-apiserver input parameters in the subsection describing the DefaultTolerationSeconds admission controller

Ramkumar Gowrishankar 2020-09-18 11:38:18 -04:00
parent 89126c425e
commit 147668a7d2
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -163,10 +163,11 @@ storage classes and how to mark a storage class as default.
### DefaultTolerationSeconds {#defaulttolerationseconds}
This admission controller sets the default forgiveness toleration for pods to tolerate
the taints `notready:NoExecute` and `unreachable:NoExecute` for 5 minutes,
if the pods don't already have toleration for taints
`` or
the taints `notready:NoExecute` and `unreachable:NoExecute` based on the k8s-apiserver input parameters
`default-not-ready-toleration-seconds` and `default-unreachable-toleration-seconds` if the pods don't already
have toleration for taints `` or
The default value for `default-not-ready-toleration-seconds` and `default-unreachable-toleration-seconds` is 5 minutes.
### DenyExecOnPrivileged {#denyexeconprivileged}