[zh] Add glossary_tooltip for StatefulSet

Mengjiao Liu 2022-02-17 17:56:09 +08:00
parent e60da5b72e
commit 10adfaca70
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -81,11 +81,12 @@ on every resource object.
| `app.kubernetes.io/managed-by` | 用于管理应用程序的工具 | `helm` | 字符串 |
| `app.kubernetes.io/created-by` | 创建该资源的控制器或者用户 | `controller-manager` | 字符串 |
To illustrate these labels in action, consider the following StatefulSet object:
To illustrate these labels in action, consider the following {{< glossary_tooltip text="StatefulSet" term_id="statefulset" >}} object:
为说明这些标签的实际使用情况,请看下面的 StatefulSet 对象:
为说明这些标签的实际使用情况,请看下面的 {{< glossary_tooltip text="StatefulSet" term_id="statefulset" >}} 对象:
# 这是一段节选
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet