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2016-09-30 17:21:03 +00:00
title: Partners
bigheader: Kubernetes Partners
abstract: Growing the Kubernetes ecosystem.
class: gridPage
cid: partners
2016-09-30 17:21:03 +00:00
<section id="users">
<main class="main-section">
<h5>Kubernetes works with partners to create a strong, vibrant codebase that supports a spectrum of complementary platforms.</h5>
<div class="col-container">
<div class="col-nav">
<b>Kubernetes Certified Service Providers</b>
<br>Vetted service providers with deep experience helping enterprises successfully adopt Kubernetes.
<button class="button" id="kcsp" onclick="updateSrc(">See KCSP Partners</button>
<br><br>Interested in becoming a
<a href="">KCSP</a>?
<div class="col-nav">
<b>Certified Kubernetes Distributions, Hosted Platforms, and Installers</b>
</h5>Software conformance ensures that every vendors version of Kubernetes supports the required APIs.
<button class="button" id="conformance" onclick="updateSrc(">See Conformance Partners</button>
<br><br>Interested in becoming
<a href="">Kubernetes Certified</a>?
<div class="col-nav">
<b>Kubernetes Training Partners</b>
<br>Vetted training providers who have deep experience in cloud native technology training.
<button class="button" id="ktp" onclick="updateSrc(">See KTP Partners</button>
<br><br>Interested in becoming a
<a href="">KTP</a>?
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2016-09-30 17:21:03 +00:00
2016-10-20 23:19:21 +00:00
{{< include "partner-style.css" >}}
2020-07-03 16:54:20 +00:00