As Kubernetes is entirely API driven, controlling and limiting who can access the cluster and what actions
they are allowed to perform is the first line of defense.
## 控制对 Kubernetes API 的访问
因为 Kubernetes 是完全通过 API 驱动的,所以,控制和限制谁可以通过 API 访问集群,以及允许这些访问者执行什么样的 API 动作,就成为了安全控制的第一道防线。
### Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) for all API traffic
Kubernetes expects that all API communication in the cluster is encrypted by default with TLS, and the
majority of installation methods will allow the necessary certificates to be created and distributed to
the cluster components. Note that some components and installation methods may enable local ports over
HTTP and administrators should familiarize themselves with the settings of each component to identify
potentially unsecured traffic.
### 为 API 交互提供传输层安全 (TLS)
Kubernetes 期望集群中所有的 API 通信在默认情况下都使用 TLS 加密,大多数安装方法也允许创建所需的证书并且分发到集群组件中。请注意,某些组件和安装方法可能使用 HTTP 来访问本地端口, 管理员应该熟悉每个组件的设置,以识别潜在的不安全的流量。
### API Authentication
Choose an authentication mechanism for the API servers to use that matches the common access patterns
when you install a cluster. For instance, small single user clusters may wish to use a simple certificate
or static Bearer token approach. Larger clusters may wish to integrate an existing OIDC or LDAP server that
allow users to be subdivided into groups.
All API clients must be authenticated, even those that are part of the infrastructure like nodes,
proxies, the scheduler, and volume plugins. These clients are typically [service accounts](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/) or use x509 client certificates, and they are created automatically at cluster startup or are setup as part of the cluster installation.
Consult the [authentication reference document](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/) for more information.
### API 认证
安装集群时,选择一个 API 服务器的身份验证机制,去使用与之匹配的公共访问模式。例如,小型的单用户集群可能希望使用简单的证书或静态承载令牌方法。更大的集群则可能希望整合现有的、OIDC、LDAP 等允许用户分组的服务器。
所有 API 客户端都必须经过身份验证,即使它是基础设施的一部分,比如节点、代理、调度程序和卷插件。这些客户端通常使用 [服务帐户](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/) 或 X509 客户端证书,并在集群启动时自动创建或是作为集群安装的一部分进行设置。
Once authenticated, every API call is also expected to pass an authorization check. Kubernetes ships
an integrated [Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/) component that matches an incoming user or group to a
set of permissions bundled into roles. These permissions combine verbs (get, create, delete) with
resources (pods, services, nodes) and can be namespace or cluster scoped. A set of out of the box
roles are provided that offer reasonable default separation of responsibility depending on what
actions a client might want to perform. It is recommended that you use the [Node](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/node/) and [RBAC](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/) authorizers together, in combination with the
使用授权时,理解怎么样更新一个对象可能导致在其它地方的发生什么样的行为是非常重要的。例如,用户可能不能直接创建 pod,但允许他们通过创建一个 deployment 来创建这些 pod,这将让他们间接创建这些 pod。同样地,从 API 删除一个节点将导致调度到这些节点上的 pod 被中止,并在其他节点上重新创建。外包角色代表了灵活性和常见用例之间的平衡,但有限制的角色应该仔细审查,以防止意外升级。如果外包角色不满足您的需求,则可以为用例指定特定的角色。
Kubelets expose HTTPS endpoints which grant powerful control over the node and containers. By default Kubelets allow unauthenticated access to this API.
Production clusters should enable Kubelet authentication and authorization.
Consult the [Kubelet authentication/authorization reference](/docs/admin/kubelet-authentication-authorization) for more information.
## 控制对 Kubelet 的访问
Kubelet 公开 HTTPS 端点,这些端点授予节点和容器强大的控制权。默认情况下,Kubelet 允许对此 API 进行未经身份验证的访问。
### Controlling what privileges containers run with
A pod definition contains a [security context](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/)
that allows it to request access to running as a specific Linux user on a node (like root),
access to run privileged or access the host network, and other controls that would otherwise
allow it to run unfettered on a hosting node. [Pod security policies](/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/)
can limit which users or service accounts can provide dangerous security context settings. For example, pod security policies can limit volume mounts, especially `hostPath`, which are aspects of a pod that should be controlled.
Generally, most application workloads need limited access to host resources so they can
successfully run as a root process (uid 0) without access to host information. However,
considering the privileges associated with the root user, you should write application
containers to run as a non-root user. Similarly, administrators who wish to prevent
client applications from escaping their containers should use a restrictive pod security
### 控制容器运行的特权
pod 定义包含了一个[安全上下文](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/),用于描述允许它请求访问某个节点上的特定 Linux 用户(如 root)、获得特权或访问主机网络、以及允许它在主机节点上不受约束地运行的其它控件。[Pod 安全策略](/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/)可以限制哪些用户或服务帐户可以提供危险的安全上下文设置。例如,pod 的安全策略可以限制卷挂载,尤其是 `hostpath`,这些都是 pod 应该控制的一些方面。
一般来说,大多数应用程序需要限制对主机资源的访问,他们可以在不能访问主机信息的情况下成功以根进程(UID 0)运行。但是,考虑到与 root 用户相关的特权,在编写应用程序容器时,您应该使用非 root 用户运行。类似地,希望阻止客户端应用程序逃避其容器的管理员,应该使用限制性的 pod 安全策略。
### Restricting network access
The [network policies](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy/) for a namespace
allows application authors to restrict which pods in other namespaces may access pods and ports
within their namespaces. Many of the supported [Kubernetes networking providers](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/networking/)
now respect network policy.
Quota and limit ranges can also be used to control whether users may request node ports or
load balanced services, which on many clusters can control whether those users applications
are visible outside of the cluster.
Additional protections may be available that control network rules on a per plugin or per
environment basis, such as per-node firewalls, physically separating cluster nodes to
prevent cross talk, or advanced networking policy.
### 限制网络访问
基于命名空间的[网络策略](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy/)允许应用程序作者限制其它命名空间中的哪些 pod 可以访问它们命名空间内的 pod 和端口。现在已经有许多支持网络策略的 [Kubernetes 网络供应商](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/networking/)。
Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCE, etc.) often expose metadata services locally to instances.
By default these APIs are accessible by pods running on an instance and can contain cloud
credentials for that node, or provisioning data such as kubelet credentials. These credentials
can be used to escalate within the cluster or to other cloud services under the same account.
When running Kubernetes on a cloud platform limit permissions given to instance credentials, use
[network policies](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy/) to restrict pod access
to the metadata API, and avoid using provisioning data to deliver secrets.
### 限制云 metadata API 访问
云平台(AWS, Azure, GCE 等)经常讲 metadate 本地服务暴露给实例。默认情况下,这些 API 可由运行在实例上的 pod 访问,并且可以包含该云节点的凭据或配置数据(如 kubelet 凭据)。这些凭据可以用于在集群内升级或在同一账户下升级到其他云服务。
在云平台上运行 Kubernetes 时,限制对实例凭据的权限,使用[网络策略](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy/)限制对 metadate API 的 pod 访问,并避免使用配置数据来传递机密。
### Controlling which nodes pods may access
By default, there are no restrictions on which nodes may run a pod. Kubernetes offers a
[rich set of policies for controlling placement of pods onto nodes](/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/)
and the [taint based pod placement and eviction](/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/)
that are available to end users. For many clusters use of these policies to separate workloads
can be a convention that authors adopt or enforce via tooling.
As an administrator, a beta admission plugin `PodNodeSelector` can be used to force pods
within a namespace to default or require a specific node selector, and if end users cannot
alter namespaces, this can strongly limit the placement of all of the pods in a specific workload.
### 控制 pod 可以访问那些节点
默认情况下,对哪些节点可以运行 pod 没有任何限制。Kubernetes 给最终用户提供了[一组丰富的策略用于控制 pod 放在节点上的位置](/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/),以及[基于 pod 位置和驱逐的污点](/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/)。对于许多集群,可以约定由作者采用或者强制通过工具使用这些策略来分离工作负载。
作为管理员,β 特性的准入插件 `PodNodeSelector` 可用于强制命名空间中的 pod 使用默认或需要使用特定的节点选择器。如果最终用户无法改变命名空间,这可以强烈地限制所有的 pod 在特定工作负载的位置。
## Protecting cluster components from compromise
This section describes some common patterns for protecting clusters from compromise.
## 保护集群组件免受破坏
### Restrict access to etcd
Write access to the etcd backend for the API is equivalent to gaining root on the entire cluster,
and read access can be used to escalate fairly quickly. Administrators should always use strong
credentials from the API servers to their etcd server, such as mutual auth via TLS client certificates,
and it is often recommended to isolate the etcd servers behind a firewall that only the API servers
may access.
Allowing other components within the cluster to access the master etcd instance with
read or write access to the full keyspace is equivalent to granting cluster-admin access. Using
separate etcd instances for non-master components or using etcd ACLs to restrict read and write
access to a subset of the keyspace is strongly recommended.
### 限制访问 etcd
对于 API 来说,拥有 etcd 后端的写访问权限,相当于获得了整个集群的 root 权限,并且可以使用写访问权限来相当快速地升级。从 API 服务器访问它们的 etcd 服务器,管理员应该使用广受信任的凭证,如通过 TLS 客户端证书的相互认证。往往,我们建议将 etcd 服务器隔离到只有API服务器可以访问的防火墙后面。
The shorter the lifetime of a secret or credential the harder it is for an attacker to make
use of that credential. Set short lifetimes on certificates and automate their rotation. Use
an authentication provider that can control how long issued tokens are available and use short
lifetimes where possible. If you use service account tokens in external integrations, plan to
rotate those tokens frequently. For example, once the bootstrap phase is complete, a bootstrap token used for setting up nodes should be revoked or its authorization removed.
如果组件创建的 pod 能够在命名空间中做一些类似 `kube-system` 命名空间中的事情,那么它也可能是出乎意料的强大。因为这些 pod 可以访问服务账户的 secret,或者,如果这些服务帐户被授予访问许可的 [pod 安全策略](/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/)的权限,它们能以高权限运行。
### Encrypt secrets at rest
In general, the etcd database will contain any information accessible via the Kubernetes API
and may grant an attacker significant visibility into the state of your cluster. Always encrypt
your backups using a well reviewed backup and encryption solution, and consider using full disk
encryption where possible.
Kubernetes 1.7 contains [encryption at rest](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/encrypt-data/), an alpha feature that will encrypt `Secret` resources in etcd, preventing
parties that gain access to your etcd backups from viewing the content of those secrets. While
this feature is currently experimental, it may offer an additional level of defense when backups
are not encrypted or an attacker gains read access to etcd.
### 使用加密的 rest
一般情况下,etcd 数据库包含了通过 Kubernetes API 可以访问到的所有信息,并且可以授予攻击者对集群状态的可见性。始终使用经过良好审查的备份和加密解决方案来加密备份,并考虑在可能的情况下使用全磁盘加密。