This page shows how to use a [`projected`](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#projected) volume to mount several existing volume sources into the same directory. Currently, `secret`, `configMap`, and `downwardAPI` volumes can be projected.
{% endcapture %}
{% capture prerequisites %}
{% include %}
{% endcapture %}
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## Configure a projected volume for a pod
In this exercise, you create username and password Secrets from local files. You then create a Pod that runs one Container, using a [`projected`](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#projected) Volume to mount the Secrets into the same shared directory.
Here is the configuration file for the Pod:
{% include code.html language="yaml" file="projected-volume.yaml" ghlink="/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/projected-volume.yaml" %}
* Read the the [all-in-one volume]({{page.githubbranch}}/contributors/design-proposals/node/ design document.