The example below creates a Kubernetes cluster with 4 worker node Virtual Machines and a master Virtual Machine (i.e. 5 VMs in your cluster). This cluster is set up and controlled from your workstation (or wherever you find convenient).
If you want a simplified getting started experience and GUI for managing clusters, please consider trying [Google Kubernetes Engine]( for hosted cluster installation and management.
1. You need a Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled. Visit the [Google Developers Console]( for more details.
1. Enable the [Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API]( in the [Google Cloud developers console](
1. Make sure that gcloud is set to use the Google Cloud Platform project you want. You can check the current project using `gcloud config list project` and change it via `gcloud config set project <project-id>`.
1. Make sure you can start up a GCE VM from the command line. At least make sure you can do the [Create an instance]( part of the GCE Quickstart.
1. Make sure you can SSH into the VM without interactive prompts. See the [Log in to the instance]( part of the GCE Quickstart.
By default, some containers will already be running on your cluster. Containers like `fluentd` provide [logging](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/logging/), while `heapster` provides [monitoring]( services.
The script run by the commands above creates a cluster with the name/prefix "kubernetes". It defines one specific cluster config, so you can't run it more than once.
Alternately, you can download and install the latest Kubernetes release from [this page](, then run the `<kubernetes>/cluster/` script to start the cluster:
If you want more than one cluster running in your project, want to use a different name, or want a different number of worker nodes, see the `<kubernetes>/cluster/gce/` file for more fine-grained configuration before you start up your cluster.
Some of the pods may take a few seconds to start up (during this time they'll show `Pending`), but check that they all show as `Running` after a short period.
For more complete applications, please look in the [examples directory]({{< param "githubbranch" >}}/). The [guestbook example]({{< param "githubbranch" >}}/guestbook/) is a good "getting started" walkthrough.
Likewise, the `` in the same directory will bring it back up. You do not need to rerun the `curl` or `wget` command: everything needed to setup the Kubernetes cluster is now on your workstation.
Also ensure that-- as listed in the [Prerequisites section](#prerequisites)-- you've enabled the `Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API`, and can start up a GCE VM from the command line as in the [GCE Quickstart]( instructions.
If the Kubernetes startup script hangs waiting for the API to be reachable, you can troubleshoot by SSHing into the master and node VMs and looking at logs such as `/var/log/startupscript.log`.
**Once you fix the issue, you should run `` to cleanup** after the partial cluster creation, before running `` to try again.