**Editor’s note: this post is part of a [series of in-depth articles](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/06/27/kubernetes-1.11-release-announcement/) on what’s new in Kubernetes 1.11**
In Kubernetes 1.11, [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io) has reached General Availability (GA) for DNS-based service discovery, as an alternative to the kube-dns addon. This means that CoreDNS will be offered as an option in upcoming versions of the various installation tools. In fact, the kubeadm team chose to make it the default option starting with Kubernetes 1.11.
## 介绍
在 Kubernetes 1.11 中,[CoreDNS](https://coredns.io) 已经达到基于 DNS 服务发现的 General Availability (GA),可以替代 kube-dns 插件。这意味着 CoreDNS 会作为即将发布的安装工具的选项之一上线。实际上,从 Kubernetes 1.11 开始,kubeadm 团队选择将它设为默认选项。
DNS-based service discovery has been part of Kubernetes for a long time with the kube-dns cluster addon. This has generally worked pretty well, but there have been some concerns around the reliability, flexibility and security of the implementation.
CoreDNS is a general-purpose, authoritative DNS server that provides a backwards-compatible, but extensible, integration with Kubernetes. It resolves the issues seen with kube-dns, and offers a number of unique features that solve a wider variety of use cases.
In this article, you will learn about the differences in the implementations of kube-dns and CoreDNS, and some of the helpful extensions offered by CoreDNS.
In kube-dns, several containers are used within a single pod: `kubedns`, `dnsmasq`, and `sidecar`. The `kubedns`
container watches the Kubernetes API and serves DNS records based on the [Kubernetes DNS specification](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/blob/master/docs/specification.md), `dnsmasq` provides caching and stub domain support, and `sidecar` provides metrics and health checks.
在 kube-dns 中,一个 Pod 中使用多个 容器:`kubedns`、`dnsmasq`、和 `sidecar`。`kubedns` 容器监视 Kubernetes API 并根据 [Kubernetes DNS 规范](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/blob/master/docs/specification.md) 提供 DNS 记录,`dnsmasq` 提供缓存和存根域支持,`sidecar` 提供指标和健康检查。
In kube-dns, you can [modify a ConfigMap](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2017/04/configuring-private-dns-zones-upstream-nameservers-kubernetes/) to change the behavior of your service discovery. This allows the addition of
features such as serving stub domains, modifying upstream nameservers, and enabling federation.
In CoreDNS, you similarly can modify the ConfigMap for the CoreDNS [Corefile](https://coredns.io/2017/07/23/corefile-explained/) to change how service discovery
works. This Corefile configuration offers many more options than you will find in kube-dns, since it is the
primary configuration file that CoreDNS uses for configuration of all of its features, even those that are not
Kubernetes related.
When upgrading from kube-dns to CoreDNS using `kubeadm`, your existing ConfigMap will be used to generate the
customized Corefile for you, including all of the configuration for stub domains, federation, and upstream nameservers. See [Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/coredns/) for more details.
There are several open issues with kube-dns that are resolved in CoreDNS, either in default configuration or with some customized configurations.
## 错误修复和增强
在 CoreDNS 中解决了 kube-dn 的多个未解决问题,无论是默认配置还是某些自定义配置。
* [dns#55 - Custom DNS entries for kube-dns](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/55) may be handled using the "fallthrough" mechanism in the [kubernetes plugin](https://coredns.io/plugins/kubernetes), using the [rewrite plugin](https://coredns.io/plugins/rewrite), or simply serving a subzone with a different plugin such as the [file plugin](https://coredns.io/plugins/file).
* [dns#116 - Only one A record set for headless service with pods having single hostname](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/116). This issue is fixed without any additional configuration.
* [dns#131 - externalName not using stubDomains settings](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/131). This issue is fixed without any additional configuration.
* [dns#167 - enable skyDNS round robin A/AAAA records](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/167). The equivalent functionality can be configured using the [load balance plugin](https://coredns.io/plugins/loadbalance).
* [dns#190 - kube-dns cannot run as non-root user](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/190). This issue is solved today by using a non-default image, but it will be made the default CoreDNS behavior in a future release.
* [dns#232 - fix pod hostname to be podname for dns srv records](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/232) is an enhancement that is supported through the "endpoint_pod_names" feature described below.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 172-17-0-14.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 172-17-0-18.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 172-17-0-4.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 172-17-0-9.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
For some applications, it is desirable to have the pod name for this, rather than the pod IP
address (see for example [kubernetes#47992](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/47992) and [coredns#1190](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/1190)). To enable this in CoreDNS, you specify the "endpoint_pod_names" option in your Corefile, which results in this:
对于某些应用程序,你会希望在这里使用 Pod 名称,而不是 Pod IP 地址(例如,参见 [kubernetes#47992](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/47992) 和 [coredns#1190](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/1190))。要在 CoreDNS 中启用此功能,请在 Corefile 中指定 "endpoint_pod_names" 选项,结果如下:
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 headless-65bb4c479f-qv84p.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 headless-65bb4c479f-zc8lx.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 headless-65bb4c479f-q7lf2.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
headless.default.svc.cluster.local has SRV record 0 25 443 headless-65bb4c479f-566rt.headless.default.svc.cluster.local.
### Autopath
CoreDNS also has a special feature to improve latency in DNS requests for external names. In Kubernetes, the
DNS search path for pods specifies a long list of suffixes. This enables the use of short names when requesting
services in the cluster - for example, "headless" above, rather than "headless.default.svc.cluster.local". However,
when requesting an external name - "infoblox.com", for example - several invalid DNS queries are made by the client,
requiring a roundtrip from the client to kube-dns each time (actually to `dnsmasq` and then to `kubedns`, since [negative caching is disabled](https://github.com/kubernetes/dns/issues/121)):
In CoreDNS, you can use standard DNS zone transfer to export the entire DNS record set. This is useful for
debugging your services as well as importing the cluster zone into other DNS servers.
You can also filter by namespaces or a label selector. This can allow you to run specific CoreDNS instances that will only server records that match the filters, exposing only a limited set of your services via DNS.
在 CoreDNS 中,您可以使用标准 DNS 区域传输来导出整个 DNS 记录集。这对于调试服务以及将集群区导入其他 DNS 服务器很有用。
您还可以按名称空间或标签选择器进行过滤。这样,您可以运行特定的 CoreDNS 实例,该实例仅服务与过滤器匹配的记录,从而通过 DNS 公开受限的服务集。
## Extensibility
In addition to the features described above, CoreDNS is easily extended. It is possible to build custom versions
of CoreDNS that include your own features. For example, this ability has been used to extend CoreDNS to do recursive resolution
with the [unbound plugin](https://coredns.io/explugins/unbound), to server records directly from a database with the [pdsql plugin](https://coredns.io/explugins/pdsql), and to allow multiple CoreDNS instances to share a common level 2 cache with the [redisc plugin](https://coredns.io/explugins/redisc).
Many other interesting extensions have been added, which you will find on the [External Plugins](https://coredns.io/explugins/) page of the CoreDNS site. One that is really interesting for Kubernetes and Istio users is the [kubernetai plugin](https://coredns.io/explugins/kubernetai), which allows a single CoreDNS instance to connect to multiple Kubernetes clusters and provide service discovery across all of them.
CoreDNS is an independent project, and as such is developing many features that are not directly
related to Kubernetes. However, a number of these will have applications within Kubernetes. For example,
the upcoming integration with policy engines will allow CoreDNS to make intelligent choices about which endpoint
to return when a headless service is requested. This could be used to route traffic to a local pod, or
to a more responsive pod. Many other features are in development, and of course as an open source project, we welcome you to suggest and contribute your own features!
The features and differences described above are a few examples. There is much more you can do with CoreDNS.
You can find out more on the [CoreDNS Blog](https://coredns.io/blog).