This page explains [*custom resources*](/docs/concepts/api-extension/custom-resources/), which are extensions of the Kubernetes API. This page explains when to add a custom resource to your Kubernetes cluster and when to use a standalone service. It describes the two methods for adding custom resources and how to choose between them.
A *resource* is an endpoint in the [Kubernetes API](/docs/reference/using-api/api-overview/) that stores a collection of [API objects](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects/) of a certain kind. For example, the built-in *pods* resource contains a collection of Pod objects.
A *custom controller* is a controller that users can deploy and update on a running cluster, independently of the cluster's own lifecycle. Custom controllers can work with any kind of resource, but they are especially effective when combined with custom resources. The [Operator]( pattern is one example of such a combination. It allows developers to encode domain knowledge for specific applications into an extension of the Kubernetes API.
### Should I add a custom resource to my Kubernetes Cluster?
When creating a new API, consider whether to [aggregate your API with the Kubernetes cluster APIs](/docs/concepts/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/) or let your API stand alone.
| Consider API aggregation if: | Prefer a stand-alone API if: |
| You are willing to accept the format restriction that Kubernetes puts on REST resource paths, such as API Groups and Namespaces. (See the [API Overview](/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api/).) | You need to have specific REST paths to be compatible with an already defined REST API. |
| Your resources are naturally scoped to a cluster or to namespaces of a cluster. | Cluster or namespace scoped resources are a poor fit; you need control over the specifics of resource paths. |
| You want to reuse [Kubernetes API support features](#common-features). | You don't need those features. |
Use a custom resource (CRD or Aggregated API) if most of the following apply:
* You want to use Kubernetes client libraries and CLIs to create and update the new resource.
* You want top-level support from kubectl (for example: `kubectl get my-object object-name`).
* You want to build new automation that watches for updates on the new object, and then CRUD other objects, or vice versa.
* You want to write automation that handles updates to the object.
* You want to use Kubernetes API conventions like `.spec`, `.status`, and `.metadata`.
* You want the object to be an abstraction over a collection of controlled resources, or a summarization of other resources.
## Adding custom resources
Kubernetes provides two ways to add custom resources to your cluster:
- [Custom Resource Definitions](/docs/concepts/api-extension/custom-resources/) (CRDs) are easier to use: they do not require any programming in some cases.
- [API Aggregation](/docs/concepts/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/) requires programming, but allows more control over API behaviors like how data is stored and conversion between API versions.
Kubernetes provides these two options to meet the needs of different users, so that neither ease of use nor flexibility are compromised.
Aggregated APIs are subordinate APIServers that sit behind the primary API server, which acts as a proxy. This arrangement is called [API Aggregation](/docs/concepts/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/) (AA). To users, it simply appears that the Kubernetes API is extended.
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDS) allow users to create new types of resources without adding another APIserver. You do not need to understand API Aggregation to use CRDs.
Regardless of whether they are installed via CRDs or AA, the new resources are called Custom Resources to distinguish them from built-in Kubernetes resources (like pods).
The [CustomResourceDefinition](/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/extend-api-custom-resource-definitions/) (CRD) API resource allows you to define custom resources. Defining a CRD object creates a new custom resource with a name and schema that you specify. The Kubernetes API serves and handles the storage of your custom resource.
Usually, each resource in the Kubernetes API requires code that handles REST requests and manages persistent storage of objects. The main Kubernetes API server handles built-in resources like *pods* and *services*, and can also handle custom resources in a generic way through [CustomResourceDefinitions](#customresourcedefinitions).
| Do not require programming. Users can choose any language for a CRD controller. | Requires programming in Go and building binary and image. Users can choose any language for a CRD controller. |
| No additional service to run; CRs are handled by API Server. | An additional service to create and that could fail. |
| No ongoing support once the CRD is created. Any bug fixes are picked up as part of normal Kubernetes Master upgrades. | May need to periodically pickup bug fixes from upstream and rebuild and update the Aggregated APIserver. |
| No need to handle multiple versions of your API. For example: when you control the client for this resource, you can upgrade it in sync with the API. | You need to handle multiple versions of your API, for example: when developing an extension to share with the world. |
### Advanced features and flexibility
Aggregated APIs offer more advanced API features and customization of other features, for example: the storage layer.
| Validation | Help users prevent errors and allow you to evolve your API independently of your clients. These features are most useful when there are many clients who can't all update at the same time. | Yes. Most validation can be specified in the CRD using [OpenAPI v3.0 validation](/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/extend-api-custom-resource-definitions/#validation). Any other validations supported by addition of a Validating Webhook. | Yes, arbitrary validation checks |
| Defaulting | See above | Yes, via a Mutating Webhook; Planned, via CRD OpenAPI schema. | Yes |
| Multi-versioning | Allows serving the same object through two API versions. Can help ease API changes like renaming fields. Less important if you control your client versions. | No, but planned | Yes |
| Custom Storage | If you need storage with a different performance mode (for example, time-series database instead of key-value store) or isolation for security (for example, encryption secrets or different | No | Yes |
| Custom Business Logic | Perform arbitrary checks or actions when creating, reading, updating or deleting an object | Yes, using Webhooks. | Yes |
| Scale Subresource | Allows systems like HorizontalPodAutoscaler and PodDisruptionBudget interact with your new resource | [Yes]( | Yes |
| Status Subresource | <ul><li>Finer-grained access control: user writes spec section, controller writes status section.</li><li>Allows incrementing object Generation on custom resource data mutation (requires separate spec and status sections in the resource)</li></ul> | [Yes]( | Yes |
| Other Subresources | Add operations other than CRUD, such as "logs" or "exec". | No | Yes |
| strategic-merge-patch | The new endpoints support PATCH with `Content-Type: application/strategic-merge-patch+json`. Useful for updating objects that may be modified both locally, and by the server. For more information, see ["Update API Objects in Place Using kubectl patch"](/docs/tasks/run-application/update-api-object-kubectl-patch/) | No, but similar functionality planned | Yes |
| OpenAPI Schema | Is there an OpenAPI (swagger) schema for the types that can be dynamically fetched from the server? Is the user protected from misspelling field names by ensuring only allowed fields are set? Are types enforced (in other words, don't put an `int` in a `string` field?) | No, but planned | Yes |
When you create a custom resource, either via a CRDs or an AA, you get many features for your API, compared to implementing it outside the Kubernetes platform:
| Labels and annotations | Common metadata across objects that tools know how to edit for core and custom resources. |
## Preparing to install a custom resource
There are several points to be aware of before adding a custom resource to your cluster.
### Third party code and new points of failure
While creating a CRD does not automatically add any new points of failure (for example, by causing third party code to run on your API server), packages (for example, Charts) or other installation bundles often include CRDs as well as a Deployment of third-party code that implements the business logic for a new custom resource.
Installing an Aggregated APIserver always involves running a new Deployment.
### Storage
Custom resources consume storage space in the same way that ConfigMaps do. Creating too many custom resources may overload your API server's storage space.
Aggregated API servers may use the same storage as the main API server, in which case the same warning applies.
### Authentication, authorization, and auditing
CRDs always use the same authentication, authorization, and audit logging as the built-in resources of your API Server.
If you use RBAC for authorization, most RBAC roles will not grant access to the new resources (except the cluster-admin role or any role created with wildcard rules). You'll need to explicitly grant access to the new resources. CRDs and Aggregated APIs often come bundled with new role definitions for the types they add.
Aggregated API servers may or may not use the same authentication, authorization, and auditing as the primary API server.
Kubernetes [client libraries](/docs/reference/using-api/client-libraries/) can be used to access custom resources. Not all client libraries support custom resources. The go and python client libraries do.
- A client generated using [Kubernetes client generation tools]( (generating one is an advanced undertaking, but some projects may provide a client along with the CRD or AA).