103 lines
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103 lines
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title: Install Service Catalog using Helm
- chenopis
content_template: templates/task
{{% capture overview %}}
{{< glossary_definition term_id="service-catalog" length="all" prepend="Service Catalog is" >}}
Use [Helm](https://helm.sh/) to install Service Catalog on your Kubernetes cluster. Up to date information on this process can be found at the [kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/blob/master/docs/install.md) repo.
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture prerequisites %}}
* Understand the key concepts of [Service Catalog](/docs/concepts/service-catalog/).
* Service Catalog requires a Kubernetes cluster running version 1.7 or higher.
* You must have a Kubernetes cluster with cluster DNS enabled.
* If you are using a cloud-based Kubernetes cluster or {{< glossary_tooltip text="Minikube" term_id="minikube" >}}, you may already have cluster DNS enabled.
* If you are using `hack/local-up-cluster.sh`, ensure that the `KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS` environment variable is set, then run the install script.
* [Install and setup kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/) v1.7 or higher. Make sure it is configured to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.
* Install [Helm](http://helm.sh/) v2.7.0 or newer.
* Follow the [Helm install instructions](https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/install.md).
* If you already have an appropriate version of Helm installed, execute `helm init` to install Tiller, the server-side component of Helm.
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture steps %}}
## Add the service-catalog Helm repository
Once Helm is installed, add the *service-catalog* Helm repository to your local machine by executing the following command:
helm repo add svc-cat https://svc-catalog-charts.storage.googleapis.com
Check to make sure that it installed successfully by executing the following command:
helm search service-catalog
If the installation was successful, the command should output the following:
svc-cat/catalog 0.0.1 service-catalog API server and controller-manag...
## Enable RBAC
Your Kubernetes cluster must have RBAC enabled, which requires your Tiller Pod(s) to have `cluster-admin` access.
If you are using Minikube, run the `minikube start` command with the following flag:
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC
If you are using `hack/local-up-cluster.sh`, set the `AUTHORIZATION_MODE` environment variable with the following values:
AUTHORIZATION_MODE=Node,RBAC hack/local-up-cluster.sh -O
By default, `helm init` installs the Tiller Pod into the `kube-system` namespace, with Tiller configured to use the `default` service account.
{{< note >}}
**NOTE:** If you used the `--tiller-namespace` or `--service-account` flags when running `helm init`, the `--serviceaccount` flag in the following command needs to be adjusted to reference the appropriate namespace and ServiceAccount name.
{{< /note >}}
Configure Tiller to have `cluster-admin` access:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-admin \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
## Install Service Catalog in your Kubernetes cluster
Install Service Catalog from the root of the Helm repository using the following command:
helm install svc-cat/catalog \
--name catalog --namespace catalog
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture whatsnext %}}
* View [sample service brokers](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker/blob/master/gettingStarted.md#sample-service-brokers).
* Explore the [kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog) project.
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