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2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
- caesarxuchao
- dchen1107
title: Nodes
2020-05-30 19:10:23 +00:00
content_type: concept
weight: 10
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
2020-05-30 19:10:23 +00:00
<!-- overview -->
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
Kubernetes runs your workload by placing containers into Pods to run on _Nodes_.
A node may be a virtual or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each node
contains the services necessary to run
{{< glossary_tooltip text="Pods" term_id="pod" >}}, managed by the
{{< glossary_tooltip text="control plane" term_id="control-plane" >}}.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
Typically you have several nodes in a cluster; in a learning or resource-limited
environment, you might have just one.
The [components](/docs/concepts/overview/components/#node-components) on a node include the
{{< glossary_tooltip text="kubelet" term_id="kubelet" >}}, a
{{< glossary_tooltip text="container runtime" term_id="container-runtime" >}}, and the
{{< glossary_tooltip text="kube-proxy" term_id="kube-proxy" >}}.
2020-05-30 19:10:23 +00:00
<!-- body -->
## Management
There are two main ways to have Nodes added to the {{< glossary_tooltip text="API server" term_id="kube-apiserver" >}}:
1. The kubelet on a node self-registers to the control plane
2. You, or another human user, manually add a Node object
After you create a Node object, or the kubelet on a node self-registers, the
control plane checks whether the new Node object is valid. For example, if you
try to create a Node from the following JSON manifest:
"kind": "Node",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "",
"labels": {
"name": "my-first-k8s-node"
Kubernetes creates a Node object internally (the representation). Kubernetes checks
that a kubelet has registered to the API server that matches the ``
field of the Node. If the node is healthy (if all necessary services are running),
it is eligible to run a Pod. Otherwise, that node is ignored for any cluster activity
until it becomes healthy.
{{< note >}}
Kubernetes keeps the object for the invalid Node and continues checking to see whether
it becomes healthy.
You, or a {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="controller" text="controller">}}, must explicitly
delete the Node object to stop that health checking.
{{< /note >}}
The name of a Node object must be a valid
[DNS subdomain name](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#dns-subdomain-names).
### Self-registration of Nodes
When the kubelet flag `--register-node` is true (the default), the kubelet will attempt to
register itself with the API server. This is the preferred pattern, used by most distros.
For self-registration, the kubelet is started with the following options:
- `--kubeconfig` - Path to credentials to authenticate itself to the API server.
- `--cloud-provider` - How to talk to a {{< glossary_tooltip text="cloud provider" term_id="cloud-provider" >}} to read metadata about itself.
- `--register-node` - Automatically register with the API server.
- `--register-with-taints` - Register the node with the given list of {{< glossary_tooltip text="taints" term_id="taint" >}} (comma separated `<key>=<value>:<effect>`).
No-op if `register-node` is false.
- `--node-ip` - IP address of the node.
- `--node-labels` - {{< glossary_tooltip text="Labels" term_id="label" >}} to add when registering the node in the cluster (see label restrictions enforced by the [NodeRestriction admission plugin](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#noderestriction)).
- `--node-status-update-frequency` - Specifies how often kubelet posts node status to master.
When the [Node authorization mode](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/node/) and
[NodeRestriction admission plugin](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#noderestriction) are enabled,
kubelets are only authorized to create/modify their own Node resource.
### Manual Node administration
You can create and modify Node objects using
{{< glossary_tooltip text="kubectl" term_id="kubectl" >}}.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
When you want to create Node objects manually, set the kubelet flag `--register-node=false`.
You can modify Node objects regardless of the setting of `--register-node`.
For example, you can set labels on an existing Node, or mark it unschedulable.
You can use labels on Nodes in conjunction with node selectors on Pods to control
scheduling. For example, you can to constrain a Pod to only be eligible to run on
a subset of the available nodes.
Marking a node as unschedulable prevents the scheduler from placing new pods onto
that Node, but does not affect existing Pods on the Node. This is useful as a
preparatory step before a node reboot or other maintenance.
To mark a Node unschedulable, run:
kubectl cordon $NODENAME
{{< note >}}
Pods that are part of a {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="daemonset" >}} tolerate
being run on an unschedulable Node. DaemonSets typically provide node-local services
that should run on the Node even if it is being drained of workload applications.
{{< /note >}}
## Node status
A Node's status contains the following information:
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
2017-11-06 01:05:39 +00:00
* [Addresses](#addresses)
* [Conditions](#condition)
* [Capacity and Allocatable](#capacity)
2017-11-06 01:05:39 +00:00
* [Info](#info)
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
You can use `kubectl` to view a Node's status and other details:
kubectl describe node <insert-node-name-here>
Each section of the output is described below.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
### Addresses
The usage of these fields varies depending on your cloud provider or bare metal configuration.
* HostName: The hostname as reported by the node's kernel. Can be overridden via the kubelet `--hostname-override` parameter.
* ExternalIP: Typically the IP address of the node that is externally routable (available from outside the cluster).
* InternalIP: Typically the IP address of the node that is routable only within the cluster.
### Conditions {#condition}
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
The `conditions` field describes the status of all `Running` nodes. Examples of conditions include:
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
{{< table caption = "Node conditions, and a description of when each condition applies." >}}
| Node Condition | Description |
| `Ready` | `True` if the node is healthy and ready to accept pods, `False` if the node is not healthy and is not accepting pods, and `Unknown` if the node controller has not heard from the node in the last `node-monitor-grace-period` (default is 40 seconds) |
| `DiskPressure` | `True` if pressure exists on the disk size--that is, if the disk capacity is low; otherwise `False` |
| `MemoryPressure` | `True` if pressure exists on the node memory--that is, if the node memory is low; otherwise `False` |
| `PIDPressure` | `True` if pressure exists on the processes—that is, if there are too many processes on the node; otherwise `False` |
| `NetworkUnavailable` | `True` if the network for the node is not correctly configured, otherwise `False` |
{{< /table >}}
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
{{< note >}}
If you use command-line tools to print details of a cordoned Node, the Condition includes
`SchedulingDisabled`. `SchedulingDisabled` is not a Condition in the Kubernetes API; instead,
cordoned nodes are marked Unschedulable in their spec.
{{< /note >}}
The node condition is represented as a JSON object. For example, the following structure describes a healthy node:
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
"conditions": [
2018-01-18 03:15:25 +00:00
"type": "Ready",
"status": "True",
"reason": "KubeletReady",
"message": "kubelet is posting ready status",
"lastHeartbeatTime": "2019-06-05T18:38:35Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-06-05T11:41:27Z"
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
If the Status of the Ready condition remains `Unknown` or `False` for longer than the `pod-eviction-timeout` (an argument passed to the {{< glossary_tooltip text="kube-controller-manager" term_id="kube-controller-manager" >}}), all the Pods on the node are scheduled for deletion by the node controller. The default eviction timeout duration is **five minutes**. In some cases when the node is unreachable, the API server is unable to communicate with the kubelet on the node. The decision to delete the pods cannot be communicated to the kubelet until communication with the API server is re-established. In the meantime, the pods that are scheduled for deletion may continue to run on the partitioned node.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
The node controller does not force delete pods until it is confirmed that they have stopped
running in the cluster. You can see the pods that might be running on an unreachable node as
being in the `Terminating` or `Unknown` state. In cases where Kubernetes cannot deduce from the
underlying infrastructure if a node has permanently left a cluster, the cluster administrator
may need to delete the node object by hand. Deleting the node object from Kubernetes causes
all the Pod objects running on the node to be deleted from the API server, and frees up their
Release 1.8 (#5659) * GC now supports non-core resources * Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264) * Deprecate system:nodes binding * [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored. * inits the kubeadm upgrade docs addresses kubernetes/ * adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC addresses kubernetes/ * add workload placement docs * ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8 * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254) * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions * convert notes into callouts * Add docs for CustomResource validation add info about supported fields * advanced audit beta features (#5300) * Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319) Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed. * Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. * Update * Update Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment. * Update Fix typo again. * Update page.version. (#5341) * Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171) * [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349) This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now. * Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255) * Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294) * Documentation for kubectl plugins * Update * Update * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332) * Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. - Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions. - Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag. - Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy. - Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section. * init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Fix deployments (#5421) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. * Updated extended resources doc per reviews. * reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit * HugePages documentation (#5419) * Update (#5407) Fixed the bad link. Modified "cpu" to "CPU". Added more 'yaml' as supplement. * Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption * Update * More updates * Update docs/admin/ for 1.8 (#5440) - Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related). - Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related). - Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours). - Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`. - Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples. - Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes. - Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`. - Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section. - Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8. - Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`. * Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398) * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments 2nd iteration review comments by @luxas * adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade * Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/ (#5458) I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow. This was introduced recently in * Clarify the API to check for device plugins * Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments CC: @luxas * fixes kubeadm upgrade index * Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495) * Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526) * Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420) * add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505) * Update docs/admin/ to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497) This is a new beta feature in 1.8. * Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422) * [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525) * Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8. * Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8. * Update stateless app task for 1.8. * Update kubectl patch task for 1.8. * fix the link of persistent storage (#5515) * update the link * fix the link of persistent storage * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493) * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage update the doc to this alpha feature * Update * Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491) * Updated Deployments concepts doc * Addressed comments * Addressed more comments * Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490) Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463) * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet * Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and immutability * Addressed doc review comments * Remove petset documentations (#5395) * Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475) * add federation job doc (#5485) * add federation job doc * Update Edits for clarity and consistency * Update Fixed a typo * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397) * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release * Update Fix typo. than -> then * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479) * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention: - Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha ( - The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 ( - Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion ( - Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information. * Update * Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548) * add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448) Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <> * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522) * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc. * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560) * authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549) * Document mount propagation (#5544) * Update /docs/setup/independent/ for 1.8. (#5524) This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in and some version bumps. * Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523) * Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593) * Add docs for implementing resize (#5528) * Add docs for implementing resize * Update * Added link to PVC section * minor typo fixes * Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529) * update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release * add doc for hostpath type (#5503) * Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487) * Federated Hpa feature doc * Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes * Update * Update * update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8 * Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs * Kubectl reference docs for 1.8 * Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links * remove * update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644) * Fix cron job deletion section (#5655) * update imported docs (#5656) * Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639) * Link to using kubeadm page * fix the command output fix the command output * fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads" * Add documentation for certificate rotation. * Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662) * Updates for new versions of API types * Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666) * Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668) * Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661) * Update config for 1.8 release. * Address reviewer comments. * Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671) The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8 * Deprecate openstack heat (#5670) * Fix typo in pod preset conflict example Move container port definition to the correct line. * Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. * Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672) * Fix broken links. (#5675) * Fix render of code block (#5674) * Fix broken links. (#5677) * Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660) * Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 * edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc * fix typo * Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678) - The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not just worker nodes. - We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and kubernetes-cni, if installed. - Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be ignored. - Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly. - Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading. - Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue). * Release 1.8 (#5680) * Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs * Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs * Kubeadm /docs/admin/ cleanup, editing. (#5681) * Update docs/admin/ (mostly 1.8 related). This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this). * A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
Official 1.17 Release Docs (#18011) * feat: graduate TaintNodesByCondition to GA (#17073) * Promote StartupProbe to beta (enabled by default). (#17164) * Watch bookmarks to GA (#17026) * feat: graduate ScheduleDaemonSetPods to GA (#17350) * Update Docker installation instructions (#17405) * Use exact version numbers for installing Docker in Ubuntu (#17428) * Move CSIMigration and CSIMigrationGCE to Beta in Kubernetes v1.17 (#17478) * Promote NodeLease feature to GA (#17189) * Update docs for csi topology ga (#17408) * Update RunAsUsername to beta (#17460) * doc:Update RunAsUsername to beta * doc: update samples - is no longer beta * Updating based on review feedback * Promote Node-specific volume limits to GA (#17432) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable (#17192) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable * Add for_k8s_version to feature-state label Co-Authored-By: Tim Bannister <> * Readd version-check to shareProcessNamespace task * Update service load balancer finalizer doc for GA (#17438) * Update Topology Manager docs (#17451) * Added information on how device plugins can take advantage of Topology Manager * Updated the Topology Manager documentation to include additionalinformation and update some out of date sections * Fix broken Topology Manager link (#17746) Part of What's Next Device Plugin section * Update CRD defaulting docs for GA (#17450) * Add documentation for VolumeSnapshot Beta (#17233) * Updating EndpointSlice documentation for beta release in 1.17 (#17411) * (docs/dualstack): v1.17 updates (#17457) * Add placehold doc updates for dualstack in 1.17 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Add Downward API and /etc/hosts Pod IP validation Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove addressed known issue via k/k pr 85246 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Remove known issue and add flag as part of k/k 79993 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove follow up placeholders Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update verbiage Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Make IP addressing consistent throughout the task Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update to status.podIPs Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update content/en/docs/tasks/network/ Use set instead of env Co-Authored-By: Khaled Henidak (Kal) <> * add, and labels to docs (#17498) Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <> * Service topology alpha documentation (#17459) * Update list of feature flags for in-tree plugins migrated to CSI (#17533) Signed-off-by: Deep Debroy <> * Update Node concept for TaintNodesByCondition going GA (#17577) * feat: graduate ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors to GA in 1.17 (#17554) * kubeadm: update the upgrade documentation for 1.17 (#17587) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass (#16697) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass * Updating on review feedback * doc: Adding windows-build label from enhancement 1301 * update doc for kubelet option --reserved-cpus (#17648) * feat: update TaintNodesByCondition in feature gates table (#17377) * Update docs for v1 resource quota configuration (#17547) * AdmissionConfiguration v1 (#17548) * Update WebhookAdmissionConfiguration examples (#17549) * Update AWS EBS Migration Feature state (#16126) * Add resource version section to api-concepts documentation (#16910) * Add Resource Version semantics section to api concepts * Clarify risks of going back in time, add details about compaction and watch cache sizes * Apply suggestions from liggitt Co-Authored-By: Jordan Liggitt <> * remove pesudocode, apply feedback * Fix typo * Clarify equality rules * Cleanup kubectl generators docs (#17609) * Write ReplicationController without a space * Drop mentioning unsupported cluster versions * Fix capitalization for “API group” * Tweak wording * Avoid using deprecated generator in example * add Antrea description in dev-1.17 (#17919) * Promote VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion to GA * Reference Documentation for the Kubernetes API for 1.17 (#18019) * Update (#18033) * Reference Documentation for kubectl Commands for 1.17 (#18017) * Update for v1.17 (#18034) * Update config.toml(release-1.17) for 1.17 (#18031)
2019-12-10 00:11:29 +00:00
The node lifecycle controller automatically creates
[taints](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/) that represent conditions.
2020-04-01 00:54:18 +00:00
The scheduler takes the Node's taints into consideration when assigning a Pod to a Node.
Pods can also have tolerations which let them tolerate a Node's taints.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
See [Taint Nodes by Condition](/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/#taint-nodes-by-condition)
for more details.
### Capacity and Allocatable {#capacity}
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
Describes the resources available on the node: CPU, memory and the maximum
number of pods that can be scheduled onto the node.
The fields in the capacity block indicate the total amount of resources that a
2019-10-11 22:40:40 +00:00
Node has. The allocatable block indicates the amount of resources on a
Node that is available to be consumed by normal Pods.
You may read more about capacity and allocatable resources while learning how
to [reserve compute resources](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/#node-allocatable)
on a Node.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
### Info
Describes general information about the node, such as kernel version, Kubernetes version (kubelet and kube-proxy version), Docker version (if used), and OS name.
This information is gathered by Kubelet from the node.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
### Node controller
The node {{< glossary_tooltip text="controller" term_id="controller" >}} is a
Kubernetes control plane component that manages various aspects of nodes.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
The node controller has multiple roles in a node's life. The first is assigning a
CIDR block to the node when it is registered (if CIDR assignment is turned on).
The second is keeping the node controller's internal list of nodes up to date with
the cloud provider's list of available machines. When running in a cloud
2017-08-07 02:22:38 +00:00
environment, whenever a node is unhealthy, the node controller asks the cloud
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
provider if the VM for that node is still available. If not, the node
controller deletes the node from its list of nodes.
The third is monitoring the nodes' health. The node controller is
responsible for updating the NodeReady condition of NodeStatus to
ConditionUnknown when a node becomes unreachable (i.e. the node controller stops
receiving heartbeats for some reason, for example due to the node being down), and then later evicting
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
all the pods from the node (using graceful termination) if the node continues
to be unreachable. (The default timeouts are 40s to start reporting
ConditionUnknown and 5m after that to start evicting pods.) The node controller
checks the state of each node every `--node-monitor-period` seconds.
Official 1.17 Release Docs (#18011) * feat: graduate TaintNodesByCondition to GA (#17073) * Promote StartupProbe to beta (enabled by default). (#17164) * Watch bookmarks to GA (#17026) * feat: graduate ScheduleDaemonSetPods to GA (#17350) * Update Docker installation instructions (#17405) * Use exact version numbers for installing Docker in Ubuntu (#17428) * Move CSIMigration and CSIMigrationGCE to Beta in Kubernetes v1.17 (#17478) * Promote NodeLease feature to GA (#17189) * Update docs for csi topology ga (#17408) * Update RunAsUsername to beta (#17460) * doc:Update RunAsUsername to beta * doc: update samples - is no longer beta * Updating based on review feedback * Promote Node-specific volume limits to GA (#17432) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable (#17192) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable * Add for_k8s_version to feature-state label Co-Authored-By: Tim Bannister <> * Readd version-check to shareProcessNamespace task * Update service load balancer finalizer doc for GA (#17438) * Update Topology Manager docs (#17451) * Added information on how device plugins can take advantage of Topology Manager * Updated the Topology Manager documentation to include additionalinformation and update some out of date sections * Fix broken Topology Manager link (#17746) Part of What's Next Device Plugin section * Update CRD defaulting docs for GA (#17450) * Add documentation for VolumeSnapshot Beta (#17233) * Updating EndpointSlice documentation for beta release in 1.17 (#17411) * (docs/dualstack): v1.17 updates (#17457) * Add placehold doc updates for dualstack in 1.17 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Add Downward API and /etc/hosts Pod IP validation Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove addressed known issue via k/k pr 85246 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Remove known issue and add flag as part of k/k 79993 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove follow up placeholders Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update verbiage Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Make IP addressing consistent throughout the task Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update to status.podIPs Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update content/en/docs/tasks/network/ Use set instead of env Co-Authored-By: Khaled Henidak (Kal) <> * add, and labels to docs (#17498) Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <> * Service topology alpha documentation (#17459) * Update list of feature flags for in-tree plugins migrated to CSI (#17533) Signed-off-by: Deep Debroy <> * Update Node concept for TaintNodesByCondition going GA (#17577) * feat: graduate ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors to GA in 1.17 (#17554) * kubeadm: update the upgrade documentation for 1.17 (#17587) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass (#16697) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass * Updating on review feedback * doc: Adding windows-build label from enhancement 1301 * update doc for kubelet option --reserved-cpus (#17648) * feat: update TaintNodesByCondition in feature gates table (#17377) * Update docs for v1 resource quota configuration (#17547) * AdmissionConfiguration v1 (#17548) * Update WebhookAdmissionConfiguration examples (#17549) * Update AWS EBS Migration Feature state (#16126) * Add resource version section to api-concepts documentation (#16910) * Add Resource Version semantics section to api concepts * Clarify risks of going back in time, add details about compaction and watch cache sizes * Apply suggestions from liggitt Co-Authored-By: Jordan Liggitt <> * remove pesudocode, apply feedback * Fix typo * Clarify equality rules * Cleanup kubectl generators docs (#17609) * Write ReplicationController without a space * Drop mentioning unsupported cluster versions * Fix capitalization for “API group” * Tweak wording * Avoid using deprecated generator in example * add Antrea description in dev-1.17 (#17919) * Promote VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion to GA * Reference Documentation for the Kubernetes API for 1.17 (#18019) * Update (#18033) * Reference Documentation for kubectl Commands for 1.17 (#18017) * Update for v1.17 (#18034) * Update config.toml(release-1.17) for 1.17 (#18031)
2019-12-10 00:11:29 +00:00
#### Heartbeats
Heartbeats, sent by Kubernetes nodes, help determine the availability of a node.
Official 1.17 Release Docs (#18011) * feat: graduate TaintNodesByCondition to GA (#17073) * Promote StartupProbe to beta (enabled by default). (#17164) * Watch bookmarks to GA (#17026) * feat: graduate ScheduleDaemonSetPods to GA (#17350) * Update Docker installation instructions (#17405) * Use exact version numbers for installing Docker in Ubuntu (#17428) * Move CSIMigration and CSIMigrationGCE to Beta in Kubernetes v1.17 (#17478) * Promote NodeLease feature to GA (#17189) * Update docs for csi topology ga (#17408) * Update RunAsUsername to beta (#17460) * doc:Update RunAsUsername to beta * doc: update samples - is no longer beta * Updating based on review feedback * Promote Node-specific volume limits to GA (#17432) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable (#17192) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable * Add for_k8s_version to feature-state label Co-Authored-By: Tim Bannister <> * Readd version-check to shareProcessNamespace task * Update service load balancer finalizer doc for GA (#17438) * Update Topology Manager docs (#17451) * Added information on how device plugins can take advantage of Topology Manager * Updated the Topology Manager documentation to include additionalinformation and update some out of date sections * Fix broken Topology Manager link (#17746) Part of What's Next Device Plugin section * Update CRD defaulting docs for GA (#17450) * Add documentation for VolumeSnapshot Beta (#17233) * Updating EndpointSlice documentation for beta release in 1.17 (#17411) * (docs/dualstack): v1.17 updates (#17457) * Add placehold doc updates for dualstack in 1.17 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Add Downward API and /etc/hosts Pod IP validation Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove addressed known issue via k/k pr 85246 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Remove known issue and add flag as part of k/k 79993 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove follow up placeholders Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update verbiage Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Make IP addressing consistent throughout the task Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update to status.podIPs Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update content/en/docs/tasks/network/ Use set instead of env Co-Authored-By: Khaled Henidak (Kal) <> * add, and labels to docs (#17498) Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <> * Service topology alpha documentation (#17459) * Update list of feature flags for in-tree plugins migrated to CSI (#17533) Signed-off-by: Deep Debroy <> * Update Node concept for TaintNodesByCondition going GA (#17577) * feat: graduate ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors to GA in 1.17 (#17554) * kubeadm: update the upgrade documentation for 1.17 (#17587) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass (#16697) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass * Updating on review feedback * doc: Adding windows-build label from enhancement 1301 * update doc for kubelet option --reserved-cpus (#17648) * feat: update TaintNodesByCondition in feature gates table (#17377) * Update docs for v1 resource quota configuration (#17547) * AdmissionConfiguration v1 (#17548) * Update WebhookAdmissionConfiguration examples (#17549) * Update AWS EBS Migration Feature state (#16126) * Add resource version section to api-concepts documentation (#16910) * Add Resource Version semantics section to api concepts * Clarify risks of going back in time, add details about compaction and watch cache sizes * Apply suggestions from liggitt Co-Authored-By: Jordan Liggitt <> * remove pesudocode, apply feedback * Fix typo * Clarify equality rules * Cleanup kubectl generators docs (#17609) * Write ReplicationController without a space * Drop mentioning unsupported cluster versions * Fix capitalization for “API group” * Tweak wording * Avoid using deprecated generator in example * add Antrea description in dev-1.17 (#17919) * Promote VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion to GA * Reference Documentation for the Kubernetes API for 1.17 (#18019) * Update (#18033) * Reference Documentation for kubectl Commands for 1.17 (#18017) * Update for v1.17 (#18034) * Update config.toml(release-1.17) for 1.17 (#18031)
2019-12-10 00:11:29 +00:00
There are two forms of heartbeats: updates of `NodeStatus` and the
[Lease object](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< latest-version >}}/#lease-v1-coordination-k8s-io).
Each Node has an associated Lease object in the `kube-node-lease`
{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="namespace" text="namespace">}}.
Lease is a lightweight resource, which improves the performance
of the node heartbeats as the cluster scales.
The kubelet is responsible for creating and updating the `NodeStatus` and
a Lease object.
- The kubelet updates the `NodeStatus` either when there is change in status,
or if there has been no update for a configured interval. The default interval
for `NodeStatus` updates is 5 minutes (much longer than the 40 second default
timeout for unreachable nodes).
- The kubelet creates and then updates its Lease object every 10 seconds
(the default update interval). Lease updates occur independently from the
`NodeStatus` updates. If the Lease update fails, the kubelet retries with exponential backoff starting at 200 milliseconds and capped at 7 seconds.
Official 1.17 Release Docs (#18011) * feat: graduate TaintNodesByCondition to GA (#17073) * Promote StartupProbe to beta (enabled by default). (#17164) * Watch bookmarks to GA (#17026) * feat: graduate ScheduleDaemonSetPods to GA (#17350) * Update Docker installation instructions (#17405) * Use exact version numbers for installing Docker in Ubuntu (#17428) * Move CSIMigration and CSIMigrationGCE to Beta in Kubernetes v1.17 (#17478) * Promote NodeLease feature to GA (#17189) * Update docs for csi topology ga (#17408) * Update RunAsUsername to beta (#17460) * doc:Update RunAsUsername to beta * doc: update samples - is no longer beta * Updating based on review feedback * Promote Node-specific volume limits to GA (#17432) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable (#17192) * Promote PodShareProcessNamespace to stable * Add for_k8s_version to feature-state label Co-Authored-By: Tim Bannister <> * Readd version-check to shareProcessNamespace task * Update service load balancer finalizer doc for GA (#17438) * Update Topology Manager docs (#17451) * Added information on how device plugins can take advantage of Topology Manager * Updated the Topology Manager documentation to include additionalinformation and update some out of date sections * Fix broken Topology Manager link (#17746) Part of What's Next Device Plugin section * Update CRD defaulting docs for GA (#17450) * Add documentation for VolumeSnapshot Beta (#17233) * Updating EndpointSlice documentation for beta release in 1.17 (#17411) * (docs/dualstack): v1.17 updates (#17457) * Add placehold doc updates for dualstack in 1.17 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Add Downward API and /etc/hosts Pod IP validation Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove addressed known issue via k/k pr 85246 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Remove known issue and add flag as part of k/k 79993 Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * remove follow up placeholders Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update verbiage Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Make IP addressing consistent throughout the task Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update to status.podIPs Signed-off-by: Lachlan Evenson <> * Update content/en/docs/tasks/network/ Use set instead of env Co-Authored-By: Khaled Henidak (Kal) <> * add, and labels to docs (#17498) Signed-off-by: Andrew Sy Kim <> * Service topology alpha documentation (#17459) * Update list of feature flags for in-tree plugins migrated to CSI (#17533) Signed-off-by: Deep Debroy <> * Update Node concept for TaintNodesByCondition going GA (#17577) * feat: graduate ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors to GA in 1.17 (#17554) * kubeadm: update the upgrade documentation for 1.17 (#17587) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass (#16697) * doc: Simplify Windows deployments with RuntimeClass * Updating on review feedback * doc: Adding windows-build label from enhancement 1301 * update doc for kubelet option --reserved-cpus (#17648) * feat: update TaintNodesByCondition in feature gates table (#17377) * Update docs for v1 resource quota configuration (#17547) * AdmissionConfiguration v1 (#17548) * Update WebhookAdmissionConfiguration examples (#17549) * Update AWS EBS Migration Feature state (#16126) * Add resource version section to api-concepts documentation (#16910) * Add Resource Version semantics section to api concepts * Clarify risks of going back in time, add details about compaction and watch cache sizes * Apply suggestions from liggitt Co-Authored-By: Jordan Liggitt <> * remove pesudocode, apply feedback * Fix typo * Clarify equality rules * Cleanup kubectl generators docs (#17609) * Write ReplicationController without a space * Drop mentioning unsupported cluster versions * Fix capitalization for “API group” * Tweak wording * Avoid using deprecated generator in example * add Antrea description in dev-1.17 (#17919) * Promote VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion to GA * Reference Documentation for the Kubernetes API for 1.17 (#18019) * Update (#18033) * Reference Documentation for kubectl Commands for 1.17 (#18017) * Update for v1.17 (#18034) * Update config.toml(release-1.17) for 1.17 (#18031)
2019-12-10 00:11:29 +00:00
#### Reliability
Official 1.13 Release Docs (#11401) * Update metadata.generation behaviour for custom resources (#10705) * update docs promoting plugins to beta (#10796) * docs update to promote TaintBasedEvictions to beta (#10765) * First Korean l10n work for dev-1.13 (#10719) * Update outdated l10n(ko) contents (#10689) fixes #10686 * Translate concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes in Korean (#10690) * Translate concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes in Korean * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean (#10882) * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean #10717 * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean * Apply Korean glossary: 서비스 어카운트 * Translate concepts/overview/kubernetes-api in Korean (#10773) * Translate concepts/overview/kubernetes-api in Korean * Applied feedback from ianychoi * kubeadm: update the configuration docs to v1beta1 (#10959) * kubeadm: add small v1beta1 related updates (#10988) * ADD content/zh/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/ (#11031) * ADD content/zh/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/ * ADD content/zh/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/generated/ * Update content/zh/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/ Accepted Co-Authored-By: YouthLab <> * do not change 'master' or 'worker' nodes to '主从' * Doc updates for volume scheduling GA (#10743) * Doc updates for volume scheduling GA * Make trivial change to kick build * Document nodelease feature (#10699) * advanced audit doc for ModeBlockingStrict (#10203) * Rename EncryptionConfig to EncryptionConfiguration (#11080) EncryptionConfig was renamed to EncryptedConfiguration and added to the `` API group in Kubernetes 1.13. The feature was previously in alpha and was not handling versions properly, which lead to an originally unnoticed `v1` in the docs. * content/zh/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/ * trsanlate to chinese (#11041) * trsanlate to chinese * Update * update the feature stage in v1.13 (#11307) * update new feature gates to document (#11295) * refresh controller role list on rbac description page (#11290) * node labeling restriction docs (#10944) * Update 1.13 docs for CSI GA (#10893) * dynamic audit documentation (#9947) * adds dynamic audit documentation * Copyedit for clarity See also inline question/s * Fix feature state shortcode * Update feature state * changes wording for dynamic audit flag behavior * Minor copyedit * fix dynamic audit yaml * adds api enablement command to dynamic audit docs * change ordering dynamic audit appears in * add references to dynamic audit in webhook backend * reword dynamic audit reference * updates stages field for audit sink object * changes audit sink api definition; rewords policy * kubeadm: remove kube-proxy workaround (#11162) * zh-trans content/en/docs/setup/independent/ (#11338) * zh-trans content/en/docs/setup/independent/ * Update * Update dry run feature to beta (#11140) * vSphere volume raw block support doc update (#10932) * Add docs for Windows DNS configurations (#10036) * Update docs for fields allowed at root of CRD schema (#9973) * Add docs for Windows DNS configurations * add device monitoring documentation (#9945) * kubeadm: adds upgrade instructions for 1.13 (#11138) * kubeadm: adds upgrade instructions for 1.13 Signed-off-by: Chuck Ha <> * add minor copyedits Addressed a couple of copyedit comments a bit more cleanly. * kubeadm: add improvements to HA docs (#11094) * kubeadm: add information and diagrams for HA topologies * kubeadm: update HA doc with simplified steps * kubeadm: update HA doc with simplified steps * edit ha, add new topology topic, reorder by weight * troubleshoot markdown * fix more markdown, fix links * more markdown * more markdown * more markdown * changes after reviewer comments * add steps about Weave * update note about stacked topology * kubeadm external etcd HA upgrade 1.13 (#11364) * kubeadm external etcd HA upgrade 1.13 Signed-off-by: Ruben Orduz <> * Update stacked controlplane steps * kubeadm cert documentation (#11093) * kubeadm certificate API and CSR documentation * copyedits * fix typo * PR for diff docs (#10789) * Empty commit against dev-1.13 for diff documentation * Complete Declarative maangement with diff commands * Second Korean l10n work for dev-1.13. (#11030) * Update outdated l10n(ko) contents (#10915) * Translate main menu for l10n(ko) docs (#10916) * Translate tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough (#10980) * Translate content/ko/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-object in Korean #11104 (#11332) * Pick-right-solution page translates into Korean. (#11340) * ko-trans: add jd/..., sap/..., ebay/..., homeoffice/... (#11336) * Translate concept/workloads/pods/ (#11092) Co-authored-by: June Yi <> Co-authored-by: Jesang Myung <> Co-authored-by: zerobig <> Co-authored-by: Claudia J.Kang <> Co-authored-by: lIuDuI <> Co-authored-by: Woojin Na(Eddie) <> * Rename encryption-at-rest related objects (#11059) EncryptionConfig was renamed to EncryptedConfiguration and added to the `` API group in Kubernetes 1.13. The feature was previously in alpha and was not handling versions properly, which lead to an originally unnoticed `v1` in the docs. Also, the `--experimental-encryption-provider-config` flag is now called just `--encryption-provider-config`. * Documenting FlexVolume Resize alpha feature. (#10097) * CR webhook conversion documentation (#10986) * CR Conversion * Addressing comments * Addressing more comments * Addressing even more comments * Addressing even^2 more comments * Remove references to etcd2 in v1.13 since support has been removed (#11414) * Remove etcd2 references as etcd2 is deprecated Link back to the v1.12 version of the etcd3 doc for the etcd2->etcd3 migration instructions. I updated the kube-apiserver reference manually, unsure if that is auto-generated somehow. The federation-apiserver can still potentially support etcd2 so I didn't touch that. * Remove outdated {master,node}.yaml files There are master/node yaml files that reference etcd2.service that are likely highly out of date. I couldn't find any docs that actually reference these templates so I removed them * Address review comments * Final Korean l10n work for dev-1.13 (#11440) * Update outdated l10n(ko) contents (#11425) fixes #11424 * Remove references to etcd2 in content/ko (#11416) * Resolve conflicts against master for /ko contents (#11438) * Fix unopened caution shortcode * kubeadm: update the reference docs for 1.13 (#10960) * docs update to promote TaintBasedEvictions to beta (#10765) * First Korean l10n work for dev-1.13 (#10719) * Update outdated l10n(ko) contents (#10689) fixes #10686 * Translate concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes in Korean (#10690) * Translate concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes in Korean * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean (#10882) * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean #10717 * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean * Translate concepts/overview/components in Korean * Apply Korean glossary: 서비스 어카운트 * Translate concepts/overview/kubernetes-api in Korean (#10773) * Translate concepts/overview/kubernetes-api in Korean * Applied feedback from ianychoi * kubeadm: update the configuration docs to v1beta1 (#10959) * kubeadm: add small v1beta1 related updates (#10988) * update new feature gates to document (#11295) * Update dry run feature to beta (#11140) * kubeadm: add improvements to HA docs (#11094) * kubeadm: add information and diagrams for HA topologies * kubeadm: update HA doc with simplified steps * kubeadm: update HA doc with simplified steps * edit ha, add new topology topic, reorder by weight * troubleshoot markdown * fix more markdown, fix links * more markdown * more markdown * more markdown * changes after reviewer comments * add steps about Weave * update note about stacked topology * kubeadm: update reference docs - add section about working with phases under - update GA / beta status of features - kubeadm alpha phase was moved to kubeadm init phase - new commands were added under kubeadm alpha - included new CoreDNS usage examples * Generate components and tools reference * Add generated federation API Reference (#11491) * Add generated federation API Reference * Add front matter to federation reference * Remove whitespace from federation front matter * Remove more whitespace from federation front matter * Remove superfluous kubefed reference * Add frontmatter to generated kubefed reference * Fix kubefed reference page frontmatter * Generate kubectl reference docs 1.13 (#11487) * Generate kubectl reference docs 1.13 * Fix links in kubectl reference * Add 1.13 API reference (#11489) * Update config.toml (#11486) * Update config.toml Preparing for 1.13 release, updating the config.toml and dropping the 1.8 docs reference. * update dot releases and docsbranch typo * adding .Site. to Params.currentUrl (#11503) see for context * Add 1.13 Release notes (#11499)
2018-12-04 01:21:11 +00:00
In most cases, node controller limits the eviction rate to
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
`--node-eviction-rate` (default 0.1) per second, meaning it won't evict pods
from more than 1 node per 10 seconds.
The node eviction behavior changes when a node in a given availability zone
becomes unhealthy. The node controller checks what percentage of nodes in the zone
are unhealthy (NodeReady condition is ConditionUnknown or ConditionFalse) at
the same time. If the fraction of unhealthy nodes is at least
`--unhealthy-zone-threshold` (default 0.55) then the eviction rate is reduced:
if the cluster is small (i.e. has less than or equal to
`--large-cluster-size-threshold` nodes - default 50) then evictions are
stopped, otherwise the eviction rate is reduced to
`--secondary-node-eviction-rate` (default 0.01) per second. The reason these
policies are implemented per availability zone is because one availability zone
might become partitioned from the master while the others remain connected. If
your cluster does not span multiple cloud provider availability zones, then
there is only one availability zone (the whole cluster).
A key reason for spreading your nodes across availability zones is so that the
workload can be shifted to healthy zones when one entire zone goes down.
Therefore, if all nodes in a zone are unhealthy then the node controller evicts at
the normal rate of `--node-eviction-rate`. The corner case is when all zones are
completely unhealthy (i.e. there are no healthy nodes in the cluster). In such a
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
case, the node controller assumes that there's some problem with master
connectivity and stops all evictions until some connectivity is restored.
The node controller is also responsible for evicting pods running on nodes with
`NoExecute` taints, unless those pods tolerate that taint.
The node controller also adds {{< glossary_tooltip text="taints" term_id="taint" >}}
corresponding to node problems like node unreachable or not ready. This means
that the scheduler won't place Pods onto unhealthy nodes.
Release 1.8 (#5659) * GC now supports non-core resources * Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264) * Deprecate system:nodes binding * [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored. * inits the kubeadm upgrade docs addresses kubernetes/ * adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC addresses kubernetes/ * add workload placement docs * ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8 * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254) * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions * convert notes into callouts * Add docs for CustomResource validation add info about supported fields * advanced audit beta features (#5300) * Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319) Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed. * Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. * Update * Update Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment. * Update Fix typo again. * Update page.version. (#5341) * Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171) * [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349) This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now. * Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255) * Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294) * Documentation for kubectl plugins * Update * Update * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332) * Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. - Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions. - Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag. - Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy. - Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section. * init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Fix deployments (#5421) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. * Updated extended resources doc per reviews. * reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit * HugePages documentation (#5419) * Update (#5407) Fixed the bad link. Modified "cpu" to "CPU". Added more 'yaml' as supplement. * Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption * Update * More updates * Update docs/admin/ for 1.8 (#5440) - Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related). - Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related). - Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours). - Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`. - Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples. - Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes. - Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`. - Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section. - Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8. - Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`. * Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398) * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments 2nd iteration review comments by @luxas * adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade * Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/ (#5458) I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow. This was introduced recently in * Clarify the API to check for device plugins * Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments CC: @luxas * fixes kubeadm upgrade index * Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495) * Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526) * Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420) * add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505) * Update docs/admin/ to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497) This is a new beta feature in 1.8. * Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422) * [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525) * Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8. * Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8. * Update stateless app task for 1.8. * Update kubectl patch task for 1.8. * fix the link of persistent storage (#5515) * update the link * fix the link of persistent storage * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493) * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage update the doc to this alpha feature * Update * Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491) * Updated Deployments concepts doc * Addressed comments * Addressed more comments * Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490) Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463) * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet * Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and immutability * Addressed doc review comments * Remove petset documentations (#5395) * Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475) * add federation job doc (#5485) * add federation job doc * Update Edits for clarity and consistency * Update Fixed a typo * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397) * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release * Update Fix typo. than -> then * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479) * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention: - Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha ( - The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 ( - Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion ( - Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information. * Update * Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548) * add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448) Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <> * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522) * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc. * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560) * authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549) * Document mount propagation (#5544) * Update /docs/setup/independent/ for 1.8. (#5524) This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in and some version bumps. * Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523) * Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593) * Add docs for implementing resize (#5528) * Add docs for implementing resize * Update * Added link to PVC section * minor typo fixes * Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529) * update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release * add doc for hostpath type (#5503) * Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487) * Federated Hpa feature doc * Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes * Update * Update * update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8 * Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs * Kubectl reference docs for 1.8 * Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links * remove * update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644) * Fix cron job deletion section (#5655) * update imported docs (#5656) * Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639) * Link to using kubeadm page * fix the command output fix the command output * fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads" * Add documentation for certificate rotation. * Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662) * Updates for new versions of API types * Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666) * Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668) * Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661) * Update config for 1.8 release. * Address reviewer comments. * Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671) The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8 * Deprecate openstack heat (#5670) * Fix typo in pod preset conflict example Move container port definition to the correct line. * Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. * Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672) * Fix broken links. (#5675) * Fix render of code block (#5674) * Fix broken links. (#5677) * Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660) * Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 * edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc * fix typo * Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678) - The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not just worker nodes. - We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and kubernetes-cni, if installed. - Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be ignored. - Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly. - Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading. - Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue). * Release 1.8 (#5680) * Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs * Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs * Kubeadm /docs/admin/ cleanup, editing. (#5681) * Update docs/admin/ (mostly 1.8 related). This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this). * A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
{{< caution >}}
`kubectl cordon` marks a node as 'unschedulable', which has the side effect of the service
controller removing the node from any LoadBalancer node target lists it was previously
eligible for, effectively removing incoming load balancer traffic from the cordoned node(s).
{{< /caution >}}
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
### Node capacity
Node objects track information about the Node's resource capacity (for example: the amount
of memory available, and the number of CPUs).
Nodes that [self register](#self-registration-of-nodes) report their capacity during
registration. If you [manually](#manual-node-administration) add a Node, then
you need to set the node's capacity information when you add it.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
The Kubernetes {{< glossary_tooltip text="scheduler" term_id="kube-scheduler" >}} ensures that
there are enough resources for all the Pods on a Node. The scheduler checks that the sum
of the requests of containers on the node is no greater than the node's capacity.
That sum of requests includes all containers managed by the kubelet, but excludes any
containers started directly by the container runtime, and also excludes any
processes running outside of the kubelet's control.
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
{{< note >}}
If you want to explicitly reserve resources for non-Pod processes, see
[reserve resources for system daemons](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/#system-reserved).
{{< /note >}}
2017-03-31 22:28:57 +00:00
## Node topology
{{< feature-state state="alpha" for_k8s_version="v1.16" >}}
If you have enabled the `TopologyManager`
[feature gate](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/), then
the kubelet can use topology hints when making resource assignment decisions.
See [Control Topology Management Policies on a Node](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/topology-manager/)
for more information.
2020-05-30 19:10:23 +00:00
## {{% heading "whatsnext" %}}
* Learn about the [components](/docs/concepts/overview/components/#node-components) that make up a node.
* Read the [API definition for Node](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/{{< param "version" >}}/#node-v1-core).
* Read the [Node](
section of the architecture design document.
* Read about [taints and tolerations](/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/).
* Read about [cluster autoscaling](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cluster-management/#cluster-autoscaling).
2020-05-30 19:10:23 +00:00