These guides are maintained by CoreOS and deploy Kubernetes the "CoreOS Way" with full TLS, the DNS add-on, and more. These guides pass Kubernetes conformance testing and we encourage you to [test this yourself](
[**Bare Metal Multi-Node**](
Guide and HTTP/API service for PXE booting and provisioning a multi-node cluster on bare metal. [Ignition]( is used to provision a master and multiple workers on the first boot from disk.
Guide to setting up a multi-node cluster on Vagrant. The deployer can independently configure the number of etcd nodes, master nodes, and worker nodes to bring up a fully HA control plane.
A generic guide to setting up an HA cluster on any cloud or bare metal, with full TLS. Repeat the master or worker steps to configure more machines of that role.
### Community Guides
These guides are maintained by community members, cover specific platforms and use cases, and experiment with different ways of configuring Kubernetes on CoreOS.
[**Easy Multi-node Cluster on Google Compute Engine**](
Scripted installation of a single master, multi-worker cluster on GCE. Kubernetes components are managed by [fleet](
[**Multi-node cluster using cloud-config and Weave on Vagrant**](
Configure a Vagrant-based cluster of 3 machines with networking provided by Weave.
[**Multi-node cluster using cloud-config and Vagrant**](
Configure a single master, multi-worker cluster locally, running on your choice of hypervisor: VirtualBox, Parallels, or VMware
[**Multi-node cluster with Vagrant and fleet units using a small macOS App**](