2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-02-18 19:29:37 +00:00
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
- bprashanth
- enisoc
- erictune
- foxish
- janetkuo
- kow3ns
- smarterclayton
2017-06-08 20:41:57 +00:00
title: Debug Init Containers
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
content_template: templates/task
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% capture overview %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
This page shows how to investigate problems related to the execution of
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
Init Containers. The example command lines below refer to the Pod as
`<pod-name>` and the Init Containers as `<init-container-1>` and
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% /capture %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% capture prerequisites %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}}
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
* You should be familiar with the basics of
2017-04-19 17:56:47 +00:00
[Init Containers](/docs/concepts/abstractions/init-containers/).
2017-07-28 15:23:11 +00:00
* You should have [Configured an Init Container](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-initialization/#creating-a-pod-that-has-an-init-container/).
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% /capture %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% capture steps %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-01-18 18:18:37 +00:00
## Checking the status of Init Containers
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
Display the status of your pod:
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
kubectl get pod <pod-name>
For example, a status of `Init:1/2` indicates that one of two Init Containers
has completed successfully:
<pod-name> 0/1 Init:1/2 0 7s
See [Understanding Pod status](#understanding-pod-status) for more examples of
status values and their meanings.
2017-01-18 18:18:37 +00:00
## Getting details about Init Containers
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
View more detailed information about Init Container execution:
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
For example, a Pod with two Init Containers might show the following:
Init Containers:
Container ID: ...
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: ...
Finished: ...
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Container ID: ...
State: Waiting
Reason: CrashLoopBackOff
Last State: Terminated
Reason: Error
Exit Code: 1
Started: ...
Finished: ...
Ready: False
Restart Count: 3
You can also access the Init Container statuses programmatically by reading the
Move init containers to stable in v1.6 (#1939)
* Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
* Fix apimachinery vendored dependencies in examples_test.
* package apt-transport-https should be installed
Ubuntu default install not include apt-transport-https. so if you want to download package from https repo, you need install apt-transport-https package first
* doc-walkthrough-content
* limitrange-update
I think it's redundant that the second to ,in order to do sth and do
* fix command kubectl get svc,pod output
fix command kubectl get svc,pod output
* Fix typo: federation-controller-mananger => federation-controller-manager
* Fix typo: federation-controller-mananger => federation-controller-manager
* Clarify minimum version of kubernetes supporting PSP authz
* Provide correct location for KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS
Provide correct location for KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS configuration key. It was
previously listed as being in /etc/kubernetes/config but is actually in
Related: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/1600
* Move Compute Resources topic to Concepts. (#2410)
* Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
“# kube-scheduler -help”can not find --google-json-key option
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* Add diagnose tips when you face problem.
* Update grammar for kubeadm.md, thanks @chenopis
* Merge two pieces to one words
* add http proxy infomation in kubeadm
* Update landing pages for Tasks and Tutorials. (#2634)
* Update static-pods.md
It works. Please review it again.
* Move Guide Topic: Multi-container pods. (#2642)
* fix link to go to pod-lifecycle page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* mirantis_logo.png
,/images/community_logos/mirantis_logo.png updated per Mirantis request
* kubeadm reference -- /
set up/manage mean set up or manage ? it's better use or?
* Prototype for deprecating User Guide topic.
* missing word
The return of the OCD.
* Move Guide topic: Using Environment Variables. (#2645)
* fix typo (#2656)
fix typo
* Move Guide topic: Using Port Forwarding. (#2661)
* Move Guide topic: Bootstrapping Pet Sets. (#2662)
* Move Guide topic: Bootstrapping Pet Sets.
* Add TOC entry.
* Move Guide topic: Connect with Proxies. (#2663)
* Move Guide topic: Connect with Proxies.
* Fix link.
* add DefaultTolerationSeconds admission controller
* getting-started-guides: add CoreOS Tectonic
* Correct the certificate name
* Update index.md
* Update installation.md
* Update validation.md
* Update backups.md
* Update backups.md
* Spell fixes
* Using it vs Juju Kubernetes
* Q1 update to k8s tech and service partner list
New partners registered to K8s Partner Ecosystem sign-up form. Logo updates companion to this edit still WIP
* Logo file updates for new registrants
Logos for new registrants
* The attribute [allowfullscree] must have a value
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Remove newline before passing to base64
* Use single quote to avoid string interpolation, update output
* Update command as files contain no newline
* Remove all dead links, use just filename
As user can guess that it is file copied from the shown content
* Fix link to dev guide.
* Add --leader-elect=false
Second scheduler could not start without disabling leader-elect.
* cluster-components-could be running
could be doing sth
* update cluster-components.md
In theory,Master components can be run....
* update cluster-components--add a space
add a space after the comma: "In theory, Master components..."
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* Revert "Highlighted command --kubectl describe"
This reverts commit a70d0a3e3537c3f91b197b23f949e1e506c951d1.
* Add example show how to configure proxy for kube
* Revision as the suggestion describe
* move ha-master-gce.png to images/docs
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* use relative path for ha-master-gce image
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* The attribute [calendarWrapper] must be unique
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* add required images in kubeadm init step
* Add links to Docker/rtk in cluster-intro.html
* s/acomplish/accomplish/
* Modify the link URL of [kubelet eviction design doc]
[kubelet eviction design doc] should be linked to kubernetes.github.io
instead of community/design-proposal.
* fix CronJob object name
fix CronJob object name
* remove redundant a
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* kubeadm reference--change any to some (#2683)
* modify one word
examples to example
* doc-walkthrough-content
* limitrange-update
I think it's redundant that the second to ,in order to do sth and do
* cluster-components-could be running
could be doing sth
* update cluster-components.md
In theory,Master components can be run....
* update cluster-components--add a space
add a space after the comma: "In theory, Master components..."
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* Revert "Highlighted command --kubectl describe"
This reverts commit a70d0a3e3537c3f91b197b23f949e1e506c951d1.
* kubeadm reference--change any to some
kubeadm can install any add-on ?
* Move Guide topics: Logging (#2687)
* Disallow indexing for liveness/index (#2689)
* Deprecate Guide topics. (#2691)
* Wrong label and kubectl get completed pods
The label `app=jobexample` should be `jobgroup=jobexample`.
Also, for get completed pods the flag `--show-all` is necessary.
* Update garbage-collection.md
change “any” to "every"
* Deprecate Guide topic: Persistent Volume Walkthrough. (#2692)
* Reimplement PR #2525
Fixes typo by removing the word "controller"
* remove extra space
* Update multiple-schedulers doc (#2063)
* Update tutorial
* Fix md formatting.
* Remove extraneous space
* Deprecate Guide topic: Secrets Walkthrough. (#2695)
* Deprecate Guide topics: quick-start ... (#2696)
* Update Tasks landing page. (#2697)
* Remove redundant section in deployments
The status of the deployment is already covered in a later section in
this doc.
* Repair Spotinst logo
Corrected size
* fixed ASM blurb
* Correct ASM logo filename
* Highlighted command for `kubectl proxy`.
* Update ubuntu install instructions.
* Update local instructions to new method.
* update init-containers.md
add one word.
* Minor spelling correction -- "rtk" to "rkt"
* fixing typo
* Doc formatting update
Corrected indentation for the `nonResourcePath` and got a bit zealous with restructuring that section...
* Repair Spotinst logo
Corrected size
* fixed ASM blurb
* Correct ASM logo filename
* Update garbage-collection.md
change "any" to "every"
* Update Weave Net's title.
* fix unsupported parameter of wget command
* update to be retained
change "retain" to "to be retained".
* Update pod.md
* update init-containers.md
change "a different filesystem view" to "different filesystem views".
different init container should have different filesystem.
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* cluster-management--3
change 3 to three is better or not ?thanks!
* fix typo
1、Parameters “--allow-verification-with-non-compliant-keys” is missed.
2、Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string";
see the "# kube-controller-manager -help"
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* fix typo
1、Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string";
2、Parameters "--ir-data-source string"、"--ir-dbname string"、"--ir-hawkular string"、"--ir-influxdb-host string"、"--ir-namespace-only"、"--ir-password string"、"--ir-percentile int"、"--ir-user string" is missed.
see the "# kube-prxoy -help"
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* Update garbage-collection.md
modify the url and link
* update garbage-collection.md
change the url to relative path.
* update out-of-resource.md
change "in cases when" to "in case that"
* update out-of-resource.md
use a shorter and simpler expression.
* update out-of-resource.md
change "support" to "supports"
* Create a top-level CN directory to hold future md files for the Chinese kubernetes site
* Removed `=` at the end of the flags.
* Remove autogenerate todo
- This should be captured via a GitHub issue
and not a TODO in the README documentation
which leads to confusion.
* Move Guide topics: Federation Tasks. (#2799)
* Move Guide topics: Federation tutorial and concept. (#2802)
* Move Guide topics: Federation tutorial and concept.
* Add title.
* Fix link.
* Move kubectl Concept topics to Tutorials. (#2804)
* Move kubectl Concept topics to Tutorials.
* Add redirects and update links.
* The calendarWrapper attribute should be unique
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Fix links. (#2808)
* Fix link. (#2806)
* Move topic from clusters to cluster-administration. (#2812)
* Move a batch of cluster admin topics. (#2813)
* Move Guide topic: Limit storage consumption. (#2814)
* Move Guide topic: Limit storage consumption.
* Add title.
* Move Guide topic: Networking. (#2816)
* Move Guide topic: Network Plugins. (#2819)
* Move Guide topic: Network Plugins.
* Fix link.
* Move Guide topic: Static Pods. (#2820)
* User Guide content migration: post notice (#2818)
* Add User Guide content migration notice.
* Fix formatting
* Tweek formatting to block highlight text in light gray.
* Try table instead of code block
* remove extra lines
* try table format
* fix links
* incorporate @ddonnelly feedback
* Move Guide topic: Out of Resource. (#2821)
* Move Guide topic: Monitoring Node Health. (#2822)
* Move Guide topic: Monitoring Node Health.
* Move to Tasks.
* Move Guide topic: AppArmor. (#2823)
* Apparmor (#2825)
* Move Guide topic: AppArmor.
* Add included files.
* Move Guide topic: Audit. (#2824)
* Added 1.6 Upgrade notes to outline changes for etcd 3.
* Move Guide topic: Disruption Budget. (#2834)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range. (#2835)
* Quota (#2836)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Quota and Limits.
* Quota2 (#2838)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Quota concept.
* Dns (#2839)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: DNS.
* Delete CNAME
* Create CNAME
* Delete CNAME
* Create CNAME
* Move docs/user-guide/managing-deployments.md to /docs/concepts/cluster-administration/manage-deployment.md
* add nginx-app.yaml file
* add back missing /
* fix link
* Move Guide topic: Replication Controller Operations
* Move Guide topic: Resizing a replication controller
* Concepts toc (#2840)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Adjust Concepts Overview TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Updates
* Move Kubernetes API page. (#2849)
* Move What is Kubernetes topic. (#2851)
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Update Demo (#2850)
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Update Demo
* rename file
* Move Guide topic: Configuration Best Practices
* Move Guide topic: Jobs (#2853)
* Move Guide topic: Jobs
* add job.yaml file
* change title
* Move Pod overview. (#2865)
* Move Pod overview.
* Fix redirection.
* Move Guide topic: Parallel Processing using Expansions (#2867)
* Move Guide topic: Parallel Processing using Expansions
* fix links to /docs/user-guide/jobs/
* Move Init Containers topic. (#2866)
* Move Guide topic: Coarse Parallel Processing Using a Work Queue
* Move Guide topic: Fine Parallel Processing using a Work Queue (#2870)
* Move Guide topic: Fine Parallel Processing using a Work Queue
* add migration notice
* fixed capitalization
* Rename /docs/tasks/job/work-queue-1/
* Move StatefulSets topic. (#2869)
* Move StatefulSets topic.
* Fix TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Pod Templates (#2872)
* Move Guide topic: Pod Templates
* tweak header level and capitalization
* Move PetSets topic. (#2873)
* Move Garbage Collection topic. (#2874)
* Move Garbage Collection topic.
* Fix included file.
* Move Guide topic: Prereqs
* Move Guide topic: Sharing Clusters
* Move Accessing Clusters topic to Concepts. (#2875)
* Move Accessing Clusters topic to Concepts.
* Update concepts.yml
* Move Guide topic: Kubeconfig File
* Move Guide topic: Config Provider Firewalls. (#2883)
* Move Guide topic: Federation Service Discovery. (#2884)
* Move Guide topic: Connecting Apps with Services. (#2885)
* Added example and docu for hostPort ranges
* Move Guide topic: Service. (#2891)
* Move Guide topic: Service.
* Move Guide topic: External Load Balancer.
* Fix TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Monitoring. (#2895)
* docs/admin: document OpenID Connect plugin's claim prefixing
* Move Guide topic: Admin Guide
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
Change "he" to "The"
* update out-of-resource.md
change "thresholds" to "threshold"
* update init-containers.md
change "apply" to "application"
* amend monitor-node-health.md
Amend the url link.
* Fix monitor-node-health.md
The url link does not exist.
* fix a typo in /docs/user-guide/configmap/index.md
change "value" to "values"
* View $PAGE on Github without forking the repo
Adding a "View docs/bla-bla.md on GitHub" button next to the
"Edit docs/bla-bla.md" button so that people can view the file
first without clicking the Edit button (which does not work without
forking the repository).
I did not need this because I was trying to do something without
forking. I just found it to be bit difficult to view source of a page
on GitHub.
I'm open to ideas, perhaps we can instead add an article footer button
named "View on GitHub" next to the "Edit this Page".
Signed-off-by: Ahmet Alp Balkan <ahmetb@google.com>
* Move Guide topics: Container Lifestyle Hooks, Images, Volumes
* fix to taint the master node
* Add files via upload
* fix the link of ogging-elasticsearch-kibana.md
fix the link of url
* Remove from TOC/Search: pods/init-containers ... (#2694)
* Fix typo
* Add files via upload
* Create hyperlink
Create hyperlink for kubernetes repo link.
* updated PSP documentation with RBAC (#2552)
Added info about controller manager setup and current implementation when using PSP with RBAC support.
* Use kubectl config current-context to simplify the instructions
* fix typeo (#2856)
* fix typeo
* Update kargo.md
* Fix typo in kubectl_completion.md
evaluation --> evaluated
* Apply typo fixes from #2791 (#2949)
* Apply typo fixes from #2791
* remove style typos
* Fix the typos
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Fix typo
* Fix typo (#2842)
2017-03-22 01:13:33 +00:00
`status.initContainerStatuses` field on the Pod Spec:
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
Move init containers to stable in v1.6 (#1939)
* Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
* Fix apimachinery vendored dependencies in examples_test.
* package apt-transport-https should be installed
Ubuntu default install not include apt-transport-https. so if you want to download package from https repo, you need install apt-transport-https package first
* doc-walkthrough-content
* limitrange-update
I think it's redundant that the second to ,in order to do sth and do
* fix command kubectl get svc,pod output
fix command kubectl get svc,pod output
* Fix typo: federation-controller-mananger => federation-controller-manager
* Fix typo: federation-controller-mananger => federation-controller-manager
* Clarify minimum version of kubernetes supporting PSP authz
* Provide correct location for KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS
Provide correct location for KUBE_ETCD_SERVERS configuration key. It was
previously listed as being in /etc/kubernetes/config but is actually in
Related: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/1600
* Move Compute Resources topic to Concepts. (#2410)
* Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string"
“# kube-scheduler -help”can not find --google-json-key option
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* Add diagnose tips when you face problem.
* Update grammar for kubeadm.md, thanks @chenopis
* Merge two pieces to one words
* add http proxy infomation in kubeadm
* Update landing pages for Tasks and Tutorials. (#2634)
* Update static-pods.md
It works. Please review it again.
* Move Guide Topic: Multi-container pods. (#2642)
* fix link to go to pod-lifecycle page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* mirantis_logo.png
,/images/community_logos/mirantis_logo.png updated per Mirantis request
* kubeadm reference -- /
set up/manage mean set up or manage ? it's better use or?
* Prototype for deprecating User Guide topic.
* missing word
The return of the OCD.
* Move Guide topic: Using Environment Variables. (#2645)
* fix typo (#2656)
fix typo
* Move Guide topic: Using Port Forwarding. (#2661)
* Move Guide topic: Bootstrapping Pet Sets. (#2662)
* Move Guide topic: Bootstrapping Pet Sets.
* Add TOC entry.
* Move Guide topic: Connect with Proxies. (#2663)
* Move Guide topic: Connect with Proxies.
* Fix link.
* add DefaultTolerationSeconds admission controller
* getting-started-guides: add CoreOS Tectonic
* Correct the certificate name
* Update index.md
* Update installation.md
* Update validation.md
* Update backups.md
* Update backups.md
* Spell fixes
* Using it vs Juju Kubernetes
* Q1 update to k8s tech and service partner list
New partners registered to K8s Partner Ecosystem sign-up form. Logo updates companion to this edit still WIP
* Logo file updates for new registrants
Logos for new registrants
* The attribute [allowfullscree] must have a value
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Remove newline before passing to base64
* Use single quote to avoid string interpolation, update output
* Update command as files contain no newline
* Remove all dead links, use just filename
As user can guess that it is file copied from the shown content
* Fix link to dev guide.
* Add --leader-elect=false
Second scheduler could not start without disabling leader-elect.
* cluster-components-could be running
could be doing sth
* update cluster-components.md
In theory,Master components can be run....
* update cluster-components--add a space
add a space after the comma: "In theory, Master components..."
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* Revert "Highlighted command --kubectl describe"
This reverts commit a70d0a3e3537c3f91b197b23f949e1e506c951d1.
* Add example show how to configure proxy for kube
* Revision as the suggestion describe
* move ha-master-gce.png to images/docs
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* use relative path for ha-master-gce image
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* The attribute [calendarWrapper] must be unique
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* add required images in kubeadm init step
* Add links to Docker/rtk in cluster-intro.html
* s/acomplish/accomplish/
* Modify the link URL of [kubelet eviction design doc]
[kubelet eviction design doc] should be linked to kubernetes.github.io
instead of community/design-proposal.
* fix CronJob object name
fix CronJob object name
* remove redundant a
Signed-off-by: Xiuyu Li <nickleefly@gmail.com>
* kubeadm reference--change any to some (#2683)
* modify one word
examples to example
* doc-walkthrough-content
* limitrange-update
I think it's redundant that the second to ,in order to do sth and do
* cluster-components-could be running
could be doing sth
* update cluster-components.md
In theory,Master components can be run....
* update cluster-components--add a space
add a space after the comma: "In theory, Master components..."
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* Revert "Highlighted command --kubectl describe"
This reverts commit a70d0a3e3537c3f91b197b23f949e1e506c951d1.
* kubeadm reference--change any to some
kubeadm can install any add-on ?
* Move Guide topics: Logging (#2687)
* Disallow indexing for liveness/index (#2689)
* Deprecate Guide topics. (#2691)
* Wrong label and kubectl get completed pods
The label `app=jobexample` should be `jobgroup=jobexample`.
Also, for get completed pods the flag `--show-all` is necessary.
* Update garbage-collection.md
change “any” to "every"
* Deprecate Guide topic: Persistent Volume Walkthrough. (#2692)
* Reimplement PR #2525
Fixes typo by removing the word "controller"
* remove extra space
* Update multiple-schedulers doc (#2063)
* Update tutorial
* Fix md formatting.
* Remove extraneous space
* Deprecate Guide topic: Secrets Walkthrough. (#2695)
* Deprecate Guide topics: quick-start ... (#2696)
* Update Tasks landing page. (#2697)
* Remove redundant section in deployments
The status of the deployment is already covered in a later section in
this doc.
* Repair Spotinst logo
Corrected size
* fixed ASM blurb
* Correct ASM logo filename
* Highlighted command for `kubectl proxy`.
* Update ubuntu install instructions.
* Update local instructions to new method.
* update init-containers.md
add one word.
* Minor spelling correction -- "rtk" to "rkt"
* fixing typo
* Doc formatting update
Corrected indentation for the `nonResourcePath` and got a bit zealous with restructuring that section...
* Repair Spotinst logo
Corrected size
* fixed ASM blurb
* Correct ASM logo filename
* Update garbage-collection.md
change "any" to "every"
* Update Weave Net's title.
* fix unsupported parameter of wget command
* update to be retained
change "retain" to "to be retained".
* Update pod.md
* update init-containers.md
change "a different filesystem view" to "different filesystem views".
different init container should have different filesystem.
* Highlighted command --kubectl describe
In web page ,there is no space ,need some empty space,thanks!
* cluster-management--3
change 3 to three is better or not ?thanks!
* fix typo
1、Parameters “--allow-verification-with-non-compliant-keys” is missed.
2、Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string";
see the "# kube-controller-manager -help"
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* fix typo
1、Delete the parameter "--google-json-key string";
2、Parameters "--ir-data-source string"、"--ir-dbname string"、"--ir-hawkular string"、"--ir-influxdb-host string"、"--ir-namespace-only"、"--ir-password string"、"--ir-percentile int"、"--ir-user string" is missed.
see the "# kube-prxoy -help"
# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-23T00:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.1+82450d0", GitCommit:"f5ef9802914a47c848fd84c287333f8b4d28bbc1", GitTreeState:"dirty", BuildDate:"2017-01-22T23:56:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", USEEVersion:"V1.02.01_alpha", USEEPublishDate:"2017-1-10 00:00:00"}
* Update garbage-collection.md
modify the url and link
* update garbage-collection.md
change the url to relative path.
* update out-of-resource.md
change "in cases when" to "in case that"
* update out-of-resource.md
use a shorter and simpler expression.
* update out-of-resource.md
change "support" to "supports"
* Create a top-level CN directory to hold future md files for the Chinese kubernetes site
* Removed `=` at the end of the flags.
* Remove autogenerate todo
- This should be captured via a GitHub issue
and not a TODO in the README documentation
which leads to confusion.
* Move Guide topics: Federation Tasks. (#2799)
* Move Guide topics: Federation tutorial and concept. (#2802)
* Move Guide topics: Federation tutorial and concept.
* Add title.
* Fix link.
* Move kubectl Concept topics to Tutorials. (#2804)
* Move kubectl Concept topics to Tutorials.
* Add redirects and update links.
* The calendarWrapper attribute should be unique
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Fix links. (#2808)
* Fix link. (#2806)
* Move topic from clusters to cluster-administration. (#2812)
* Move a batch of cluster admin topics. (#2813)
* Move Guide topic: Limit storage consumption. (#2814)
* Move Guide topic: Limit storage consumption.
* Add title.
* Move Guide topic: Networking. (#2816)
* Move Guide topic: Network Plugins. (#2819)
* Move Guide topic: Network Plugins.
* Fix link.
* Move Guide topic: Static Pods. (#2820)
* User Guide content migration: post notice (#2818)
* Add User Guide content migration notice.
* Fix formatting
* Tweek formatting to block highlight text in light gray.
* Try table instead of code block
* remove extra lines
* try table format
* fix links
* incorporate @ddonnelly feedback
* Move Guide topic: Out of Resource. (#2821)
* Move Guide topic: Monitoring Node Health. (#2822)
* Move Guide topic: Monitoring Node Health.
* Move to Tasks.
* Move Guide topic: AppArmor. (#2823)
* Apparmor (#2825)
* Move Guide topic: AppArmor.
* Add included files.
* Move Guide topic: Audit. (#2824)
* Added 1.6 Upgrade notes to outline changes for etcd 3.
* Move Guide topic: Disruption Budget. (#2834)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range. (#2835)
* Quota (#2836)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Quota and Limits.
* Quota2 (#2838)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Quota concept.
* Dns (#2839)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Move Guide topic: DNS.
* Delete CNAME
* Create CNAME
* Delete CNAME
* Create CNAME
* Move docs/user-guide/managing-deployments.md to /docs/concepts/cluster-administration/manage-deployment.md
* add nginx-app.yaml file
* add back missing /
* fix link
* Move Guide topic: Replication Controller Operations
* Move Guide topic: Resizing a replication controller
* Concepts toc (#2840)
* Move Guide topic: Limit range.
* Adjust Concepts Overview TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Updates
* Move Kubernetes API page. (#2849)
* Move What is Kubernetes topic. (#2851)
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Update Demo (#2850)
* Move Guide topic: Rolling Update Demo
* rename file
* Move Guide topic: Configuration Best Practices
* Move Guide topic: Jobs (#2853)
* Move Guide topic: Jobs
* add job.yaml file
* change title
* Move Pod overview. (#2865)
* Move Pod overview.
* Fix redirection.
* Move Guide topic: Parallel Processing using Expansions (#2867)
* Move Guide topic: Parallel Processing using Expansions
* fix links to /docs/user-guide/jobs/
* Move Init Containers topic. (#2866)
* Move Guide topic: Coarse Parallel Processing Using a Work Queue
* Move Guide topic: Fine Parallel Processing using a Work Queue (#2870)
* Move Guide topic: Fine Parallel Processing using a Work Queue
* add migration notice
* fixed capitalization
* Rename /docs/tasks/job/work-queue-1/
* Move StatefulSets topic. (#2869)
* Move StatefulSets topic.
* Fix TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Pod Templates (#2872)
* Move Guide topic: Pod Templates
* tweak header level and capitalization
* Move PetSets topic. (#2873)
* Move Garbage Collection topic. (#2874)
* Move Garbage Collection topic.
* Fix included file.
* Move Guide topic: Prereqs
* Move Guide topic: Sharing Clusters
* Move Accessing Clusters topic to Concepts. (#2875)
* Move Accessing Clusters topic to Concepts.
* Update concepts.yml
* Move Guide topic: Kubeconfig File
* Move Guide topic: Config Provider Firewalls. (#2883)
* Move Guide topic: Federation Service Discovery. (#2884)
* Move Guide topic: Connecting Apps with Services. (#2885)
* Added example and docu for hostPort ranges
* Move Guide topic: Service. (#2891)
* Move Guide topic: Service.
* Move Guide topic: External Load Balancer.
* Fix TOC.
* Move Guide topic: Resource Monitoring. (#2895)
* docs/admin: document OpenID Connect plugin's claim prefixing
* Move Guide topic: Admin Guide
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
Change "he" to "The"
* update out-of-resource.md
change "thresholds" to "threshold"
* update init-containers.md
change "apply" to "application"
* amend monitor-node-health.md
Amend the url link.
* Fix monitor-node-health.md
The url link does not exist.
* fix a typo in /docs/user-guide/configmap/index.md
change "value" to "values"
* View $PAGE on Github without forking the repo
Adding a "View docs/bla-bla.md on GitHub" button next to the
"Edit docs/bla-bla.md" button so that people can view the file
first without clicking the Edit button (which does not work without
forking the repository).
I did not need this because I was trying to do something without
forking. I just found it to be bit difficult to view source of a page
on GitHub.
I'm open to ideas, perhaps we can instead add an article footer button
named "View on GitHub" next to the "Edit this Page".
Signed-off-by: Ahmet Alp Balkan <ahmetb@google.com>
* Move Guide topics: Container Lifestyle Hooks, Images, Volumes
* fix to taint the master node
* Add files via upload
* fix the link of ogging-elasticsearch-kibana.md
fix the link of url
* Remove from TOC/Search: pods/init-containers ... (#2694)
* Fix typo
* Add files via upload
* Create hyperlink
Create hyperlink for kubernetes repo link.
* updated PSP documentation with RBAC (#2552)
Added info about controller manager setup and current implementation when using PSP with RBAC support.
* Use kubectl config current-context to simplify the instructions
* fix typeo (#2856)
* fix typeo
* Update kargo.md
* Fix typo in kubectl_completion.md
evaluation --> evaluated
* Apply typo fixes from #2791 (#2949)
* Apply typo fixes from #2791
* remove style typos
* Fix the typos
Signed-off-by: yupengzte <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
* Fix typo
* Fix typo (#2842)
2017-03-22 01:13:33 +00:00
kubectl get pod nginx --template '{{.status.initContainerStatuses}}'
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
This command will return the same information as above in raw JSON.
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-01-18 18:18:37 +00:00
## Accessing logs from Init Containers
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
Pass the Init Container name along with the Pod name
to access its logs.
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-2>
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
Init Containers that run a shell script print
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
commands as they're executed. For example, you can do this in Bash by running
`set -x` at the beginning of the script.
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% /capture %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% capture discussion %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2017-01-18 18:18:37 +00:00
## Understanding Pod status
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
A Pod status beginning with `Init:` summarizes the status of Init Container
execution. The table below describes some example status values that you might
see while debugging Init Containers.
Status | Meaning
------ | -------
`Init:N/M` | The Pod has `M` Init Containers, and `N` have completed so far.
`Init:Error` | An Init Container has failed to execute.
`Init:CrashLoopBackOff` | An Init Container has failed repeatedly.
2017-06-22 22:23:27 +00:00
`Pending` | The Pod has not yet begun executing Init Containers.
`PodInitializing` or `Running` | The Pod has already finished executing Init Containers.
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{% /capture %}}
2016-11-29 23:44:48 +00:00