See the guides in [Setup](/docs/setup/) for examples of how to plan, set up, and configure Kubernetes clusters. The solutions listed in this article are called *distros*.
- Do you just want to try out Kubernetes on your computer, or do you want to build a high-availability, multi-node cluster? Choose distros best suited for your needs.
- Will you be using **a hosted Kubernetes cluster**, such as [Google Kubernetes Engine](, or **hosting your own cluster**?
- Will your cluster be **on-premises**, or **in the cloud (IaaS)**? Kubernetes does not directly support hybrid clusters. Instead, you can set up multiple clusters.
* [Managing a cluster](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cluster-management/) describes several topics related to the lifecycle of a cluster: creating a new cluster, upgrading your cluster’s master and worker nodes, performing node maintenance (e.g. kernel upgrades), and upgrading the Kubernetes API version of a running cluster.
* [Kubernetes Container Environment](/docs/concepts/containers/container-environment/) describes the environment for Kubelet managed containers on a Kubernetes node.
* [Controlling Access to the Kubernetes API](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/controlling-access/) describes how to set up permissions for users and service accounts.
* [Authenticating](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/) explains authentication in Kubernetes, including the various authentication options.
* [Using Admission Controllers](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/) explains plug-ins which intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server after authentication and authorization.
* [Using Sysctls in a Kubernetes Cluster](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/sysctl-cluster/) describes to an administrator how to use the `sysctl` command-line tool to set kernel parameters .
* [Logging and Monitoring Cluster Activity](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/logging/) explains how logging in Kubernetes works and how to implement it.