2017-02-04 19:25:31 +00:00
# This script generates a redirects file that Netlify's CDN
# can use to forward visitor to the right content.
# You can read more details about this file in Netlify documentation:
# https://www.netlify.com/docs/redirects/
# Run this script with Ruby to generate the _redirects file in this repository.
# It works with any Ruby version higher than 1.8.
# ruby redirects.rb
# If you want to test a change without modifying the content of the current file,
# you can print the output of the script setting the DEBUG environment variable
# when you run the script:
# DEBUG=1 ruby redirects.rb
# You can test if the content generated is correct in this playground:
# https://play.netlify.com/redirects
# This script is divided in two sections.
# The first section handles static redirects,
# those that you know the old path and the new path and never change.
# If you want to add one of these redirects, add the rule to the `fixed_redirects` variable,
# in a new line before the closing """. The format for basic 301 redirects is the following one,
# check Netlify's documentation linked above for other rules:
# The second section handles redirects that change depending on the branch that's deployed
# in the site. For instance, when you want to redirect a path to content in
# the kubernetes main repository but the content is specific to a branch that
# matches the deployed branch.
# If you want to add one of there redirects, add the old path to the `branch_redirects` list. For instance,
# when you deploy the branch release-1.5 on Netlify, this script will generate the following redirects:
# /examples/* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/release-1.5/examples/:splat
# /cluster/* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/release-1.5/cluster/:splat
# /docs/devel/* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/release-1.5/docs/devel/:splat
# /docs/design/* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/release-1.5/docs/design/:splat
2017-01-17 16:41:49 +00:00
REPO_TMPL = "https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/%s/%s/:splat"
fixed_redirects = """# 301 redirects (301 is the default status when no other one is provided for each line)
/resource-quota /docs/admin/resourcequota/
/horizontal-pod-autoscaler /docs/user-guide/horizontal-pod-autoscaling/
/docs/user-guide/overview /docs/whatisk8s/
/docs/roadmap https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/milestones/
/api-ref https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/milestones/
2017-04-04 20:43:47 +00:00
#Apps API
/docs/api-reference/apps/v1beta1/definitions/ /docs/api-reference/v1.6/#deployment-v1beta1-apps
#Autoscaling API
/docs/api-reference/autoscaling/v1/operations/ /docs/api-reference/v1.6/#horizontalpodautoscaler-v1-autoscaling
#Batch API
/docs/api-reference/batch/v1/operations/ /docs/api-reference/v1.6/#job-v1-batch
#Extensions API
/docs/api-reference/extensions/v1beta1/operations/ /docs/api-reference/extensions/v1beta1/definitions/
2017-01-17 16:41:49 +00:00
branch_redirects = ["examples" , "cluster", "docs/devel", "docs/design"]
branch_redirects.each do |name|
dest = REPO_TMPL % [ENV.fetch("HEAD", "master"), name]
rule = "\n/#{name}/* #{dest}"
fixed_redirects << rule
output = ENV["DEBUG"] ? STDOUT : File.open(ENV.fetch("REDIRECTS_PATH", "_redirects"), "w+")
output.puts fixed_redirects