--admission-control string Ordered list of plug-ins to do admission control of resources into cluster. Comma-delimited list of: AlwaysAdmit, AlwaysDeny, NamespaceLifecycle, OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement. (default "AlwaysAdmit")
--advertise-address ip The IP address on which to advertise the apiserver to members of the cluster. This address must be reachable by the rest of the cluster. If blank, the --bind-address will be used. If --bind-address is unspecified, the host's default interface will be used.
--anonymous-auth Enables anonymous requests to the secure port of the API server. Requests that are not rejected by another authentication method are treated as anonymous requests. Anonymous requests have a username of system:anonymous, and a group name of system:unauthenticated. (default true)
--authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl duration The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator. Default is 2m. (default 2m0s)
--authentication-token-webhook-config-file string File with webhook configuration for token authentication in kubeconfig format. The API server will query the remote service to determine authentication for bearer tokens.
--authorization-mode string Ordered list of plug-ins to do authorization on secure port. Comma-delimited list of: AlwaysAllow,AlwaysDeny,ABAC,Webhook,RBAC. (default "AlwaysAllow")
--authorization-policy-file string File with authorization policy in csv format, used with --authorization-mode=ABAC, on the secure port.
--authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl duration The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. Default is 5m. (default 5m0s)
--authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl duration The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. Default is 30s. (default 30s)
--authorization-webhook-config-file string File with webhook configuration in kubeconfig format, used with --authorization-mode=Webhook. The API server will query the remote service to determine access on the API server's secure port.
--basic-auth-file string If set, the file that will be used to admit requests to the secure port of the API server via http basic authentication.
--bind-address ip The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port. The associated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest of the cluster, and by CLI/web clients. If blank, all interfaces will be used ( (default
--cert-dir string The directory where the TLS certs are located (by default /var/run/kubernetes). If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored. (default "/var/run/kubernetes")
--client-ca-file string If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the client-ca-file is authenticated with an identity corresponding to the CommonName of the client certificate.
--cloud-config string The path to the cloud provider configuration file. Empty string for no configuration file.
--cloud-provider string The provider for cloud services. Empty string for no provider.
--cors-allowed-origins stringSlice List of allowed origins for CORS, comma separated. An allowed origin can be a regular expression to support subdomain matching. If this list is empty CORS will not be enabled.
--enable-garbage-collector Enables the generic garbage collector. MUST be synced with the corresponding flag of the kube-controller-manager. (default true)
--experimental-bootstrap-token-auth Enable to allow secrets of type 'bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token' in the 'kube-system' namespace to be used for TLS bootstrapping authentication.
--experimental-keystone-ca-file string If set, the Keystone server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities in the experimental-keystone-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used.
--insecure-allow-any-token username/group1,group2 If set, your server will be INSECURE. Any token will be allowed and user information will be parsed from the token as username/group1,group2
--insecure-bind-address ip The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to for all interfaces). Defaults to localhost. (default
--insecure-port int The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. Default 8080. It is assumed that firewall rules are set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of the cluster and that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup. (default 8080)
--master-service-namespace string DEPRECATED: the namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods. (default "default")
--max-mutating-requests-inflight int The maximum number of mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 200)
--max-requests-inflight int The maximum number of non-mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 400)
--min-request-timeout int An optional field indicating the minimum number of seconds a handler must keep a request open before timing it out. Currently only honored by the watch request handler, which picks a randomized value above this number as the connection timeout, to spread out load. (default 1800)
--oidc-ca-file string If set, the OpenID server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities in the oidc-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used.
--oidc-client-id string The client ID for the OpenID Connect client, must be set if oidc-issuer-url is set.
--oidc-groups-claim string If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. The claim value is expected to be a string or array of strings. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details.
--oidc-issuer-url string The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT).
--oidc-username-claim string The OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default ('sub') is not guaranteed to be unique and immutable. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details. (default "sub")
--profiling Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ (default true)
--requestheader-allowed-names stringSlice List of client certificate common names to allow to provide usernames in headers specified by --requestheader-username-headers. If empty, any client certificate validated by the authorities in --requestheader-client-ca-file is allowed.
--requestheader-client-ca-file string Root certificate bundle to use to verify client certificates on incoming requests before trusting usernames in headers specified by --requestheader-username-headers
--requestheader-username-headers stringSlice List of request headers to inspect for usernames. X-Remote-User is common.
--runtime-config mapStringString A set of key=value pairs that describe runtime configuration that may be passed to apiserver. apis/<groupVersion> key can be used to turn on/off specific api versions. apis/<groupVersion>/<resource> can be used to turn on/off specific resources. api/all and api/legacy are special keys to control all and legacy api versions respectively.
--service-account-key-file stringArray File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA or ECDSA private or public keys, used to verify ServiceAccount tokens. If unspecified, --tls-private-key-file is used. The specified file can contain multiple keys, and the flag can be specified multiple times with different files.
--service-account-lookup If true, validate ServiceAccount tokens exist in etcd as part of authentication.
--storage-backend string The storage backend for persistence. Options: 'etcd3' (default), 'etcd2'.
--storage-media-type string The media type to use to store objects in storage. Some resources or storage backends may only support a specific media type and will ignore this setting. (default "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf")
--storage-versions string The per-group version to store resources in. Specified in the format "group1/version1,group2/version2,...". In the case where objects are moved from one group to the other, you may specify the format "group1=group2/v1beta1,group3/v1beta1,...". You only need to pass the groups you wish to change from the defaults. It defaults to a list of preferred versions of all registered groups, which is derived from the KUBE_API_VERSIONS environment variable. (default "apps/v1beta1,authentication.k8s.io/v1,authorization.k8s.io/v1,autoscaling/v1,batch/v1,certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1,componentconfig/v1alpha1,extensions/v1beta1,federation/v1beta1,policy/v1beta1,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1,settings.k8s.io/v1alpha1,storage.k8s.io/v1beta1,v1")
--tls-ca-file string If set, this certificate authority will used for secure access from Admission Controllers. This must be a valid PEM-encoded CA bundle. Altneratively, the certificate authority can be appended to the certificate provided by --tls-cert-file.
--tls-cert-file string File containing the default x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to /var/run/kubernetes.
--tls-sni-cert-key namedCertKey A pair of x509 certificate and private key file paths, optionally suffixed with a list of domain patterns which are fully qualified domain names, possibly with prefixed wildcard segments. If no domain patterns are provided, the names of the certificate are extracted. Non-wildcard matches trump over wildcard matches, explicit domain patterns trump over extracted names. For multiple key/certificate pairs, use the --tls-sni-cert-key multiple times. Examples: "example.key,example.crt" or "*.foo.com,foo.com:foo.key,foo.crt". (default [])
--watch-cache-sizes stringSlice List of watch cache sizes for every resource (pods, nodes, etc.), comma separated. The individual override format: resource#size, where size is a number. It takes effect when watch-cache is enabled.